USGS Open-File Report 2004-1443, Operation Manual: Time-Series, Storm-Activated Suspended Sediment Sampler Deployed in the Coastal Ocean
Appendix 1. Example of the setup dialog for laboratory tests and field deployment for the McLane WTS-Tr suspended sediment sampler.
Appendix 2. Laboratory test results from analysis of the WTS-Tr filter holders.
Appendix 3. Results of field-test deployments off the WHOI dock facility comparing the concentrations of suspended matter collected by the WTS-Tr instrument and the Niskin bottle.
Appendix 4. Deployment schedule for “time series events only schedule” used in laboratory tests to evaluate some of the software and mechanical aspects of the McLane WTS-P instrument. The summaries of the test results may be viewed from menu item number six (offload data) or from item number nine (Eprom data backup data cache).
Appendix 5. The deployment schedule typically used at the WHOI dock facility to test many of the functional aspects of the WTS-P instrument.
Appendix 6. Suspended matter concentrations collected from field trials by the WTS-P and the Niskin bottle. Additional laboratory tests of the WTS-P instrument using diverse sediment types and flow rates suggest coarser-grained material may be under-sampled by the WTS-P.
Appendix 7. Field deployment schedule of the WTS-P instrument used for the long-term Massachusetts Bay oceanographic study.
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