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USGS Open-File Report 2004-1443, Operation Manual: Time-Series, Storm-Activated Suspended Sediment Sampler Deployed in the Coastal Ocean

skip index. Title Page  /  Abstract  /  Introduction  /  Software Summary  /  Getting Started  /  WTS-Tr Maintenance  /   WTS-P Maintenance  /  Conclusions   /  Bibliography   /  Tables   /  Figures   /  Appendices

Click here for Table 4 in Excel format.

Table 4. Results of laboratory tests using different sediment concentrations and types with the WTS-P instrument and a siphon tube.

Sediment Trap Sample S60-13

Sample raw wt.
mg/l Mean Standard
tube %
WTS-P, a 10 mg/l< solution
@ 100 ml/min flow rate with
0.93 101.38 9.17      
WTS-P, a 10 mg/l< solution
@ 100 ml/min flow rate with
1.02 103.47 9.86 9.43 0.37  
WTS-P, a 10 mg/l< solution
@ 100 ml/min flow rate with
0.88 97.19 9.27      
WTS-P results divided
by Siphon results
Siphon tube at same
parameters as above
0.75 80.24 9.35      
Siphon tube at same
parameters as above
0.65 67.01 9.70 9.44 0.23  
Siphon tube at same
parameters as above
0.88 94.89 9.27      
WTS-P, a 10 mg/l solution
@ about 50 ml/min flow rate
1.15 131.80 8.73      
WTS-P, a 10 mg/l solution
@ about 50 ml/min flow rate
1.05 115.23 9.11 8.69 0.44  
WTS-P, a 10 mg/l solution
@ about 50 ml/min flow rate
0.86 104.39 8.24      
WTS-P results divided
by Siphon results
Siphon tube at same
parameters as above
1.04 109.44 9.50      
Siphon tube at same
parameters as above
0.90 103.62 8.69 8.73 0.74  
Siphon tube at same
parameters as above
0.74 92.25 8.02      

Muddy bottom sediment from the continental shelf

Sample raw wt.
mg/l Mean Standard
tube %
WTS-P ~4 mg/l
@ 125 ml/min flow rate
1.63 497.98 3.40      
@WTS-P ~4 mg/l
@ 125 ml/min flow rate
1.74 508.50 3.43 3.40 0.04  
WTS-P ~4 mg/l
@ 125 ml/min flow rate
1.68 499.78 3.36      
WTS-P results divided
by Siphon results
Siphon tube ~4 mg/l
@ 125 ml/min
1.66 486.40 3.42      
Siphon tube ~4 mg/l
@ 125 ml/min
2.11 503.00 4.20 3.86 0.40  
Siphon tube ~4 mg/l
@ 125 ml/min
1.83 460.50 3.97      
WTS-P ~4 mg/l
@ 50 ml/min
1.24 447.98 2.76 2.8 0.06  
WTS-P ~4 mg/l
@ 50 ml/min
1.45 511.48 2.84      
WTS-P results divided
by Siphon results
Siphon tube ~4 mg/l
@ 50 ml/min
1.83 450.60 4.06 3.92 0.20  
Siphon tube ~4 mg/l
@ 50 ml/min
1.76 465.90 3.78      

Sand (0.125-0.0625 mm) FROM QUISSETT HARBOR

Sample raw wt.
mg/l Mean Standard
tube %
WTS-P ~15 mg/l ml/min
flow rate @ 125
1.13 515.58 2.19 3.22 0.45  
WTS-P ~15 mg/l ml/min
flow rate
2.08 488.98 4.25     28.5%
WTS-P results divided
by Siphon results
Siphon tube ~15 mg/l 125 ml/min
flow rate
4.79 494.30 9.68 11.31 2.31  
Siphon tube ~15 mg/l 125 ml/min
flow rate
6.10 471.70 12.94      
WTS-P results divided
by Siphon results
sampled using a beaker from
middle of bucket
4.80 497.30 9.65 11.88 3.15  
sampled using a beaker from
middle of bucket
7.46 514.20 14.51        
Siphon results divided
by beaker results

*Siphon/beaker as %. This confirms the results of the siphon.

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