Except for the survey in 2000, the primary sound source for the multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profiling was a
double-chamber GI gun totaling approximately 550 cubic centimeters in volume. The GI gun was
fired every 12 seconds at a pressure of about 3000 psi. The backup 650 cubic centimeter Bolt airgun was fired every
6 seconds at about 2000 psi. A Sureshot airgun-timing system was used to fire
the gun in the “harmonic mode” wherein the second chamber is delayed relative to the initial
trigger pulse in order to minimize the bubble pulse.
The primary streamer for MCS operations was a 24-channel solid-core ITI streamer with 10 meters between
groups and 3 hydrophones per group.
All seismic-reflection lines were collected using a Strataview digital recording system and a
Geometrics marine controller in SEG-D format. Both GI and Bolt airgun signals were acquired at a 0.5 millisecond
sample rate and 3 second record length. Minisparker data were acquired at a 0.25 millisecond
sample rate and 1.5 second record length. SEG-D to SEG-Y conversion was performed at sea on
a Sun workstation running ProMax seismic processing software. Multiple copies of the data
were also archived on DLT tape and DVD.