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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1091

High-Resolution Geophysical Data Collected Within Red Brook Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, in 2009

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Figure 7:  Map showing a color-shaded relief image of the bathymetry of Red Brook Harbor, MA. Bathymetric soundings were collected with a Systems Engineering Assessment (SEA, 2010) SWATHplus interferometric sonar system. Depths are reported in meters and range from 0 to 10.3 meters.

Figure 7. Map showing a color-shaded relief image of the bathymetry of Red Brook Harbor, Massachusetts. Bathymetric soundings were collected with an SEA (undated) SWATHplus interferometric sonar system. Depths are reported in meters and range from 0 to 10.4 meters. (Aerial photography of land areas from Environmental Systems Research Institute (2010) World Imagery ArcGIS Map Service, aerial photography of water areas from [Massachussets] Office of Geographic Information (2010).)

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