Click on figures for larger images |
Figure 24. Photograph of the sea floor at station 999-13 with rippled sand. |
Figure 26. Photograph of the sea floor at station 999-6 showing an outcrop of gray cohesive mud on the wall of a scour depression. |
Figure 27. Map showing location of bottom photographs taken during U.S. Geological Survey research vessel Rafael cruise 2010-010 and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ocean survey vessel Bold cruise 2010-015 north of Duck Pond Point, New York. |
Sea-floor photography includes 2 to 9 still photographs and 2 to 5 minutes of video collected at each of the 23 stations in the study area (fig. 27). A total of 86 photographs of the sea floor were taken and are provided in the photo gallery below. The field of view of each image is approximately 50 cm (SEABOSS 50 cm above the bottom).
Most stations in the study area had rippled or megarippled sea floors, typically with shells and shell debris, small burrows, and hermit and spider crabs present (fig. 24). Some stations had fine-grained organic material or mud collecting in the ripple troughs. Snails, clams, fish, anemones, and hydrozoans are also visible in photography from the study area. The three stations located in scour depressions, 999-6, 999-7, and 999-10, all have mud clasts on the sea floor, and photography from 999-6 shows that the gray, cohesive mud crops out on the walls of the scour depression (fig. 26).
Low-resolution images (150 pixels wide) of the photographs may be viewed by browsing the thumbnails in the photo gallery below. These thumbnails are linked to medium-resolution images (600 pixels wide) for more detailed viewing. A WinZip file with all the medium-resolution images may be accessed by clicking here. The WinZip file contains metadata about the photographs and their acquisition. Alternatively, the directory containing the full-resolution images (2560 pixels wide) may be accessed by clicking here. The images can be identified by using the JPEG image names in the galleries below. Individuals interested in obtaining video photography collected in this area may do so at the Data Library of the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, Mass.
Photo Gallery
Station / Lithologic Description
999-1 / Undulating to faintly rippled sand with a current-swept appearance and scour around larger shells. Tracks and burrows present. |

999-1a |

999-2 / Rippled sand with fine organics or mud in the troughs. Crabs and a trace of razor-clam and crab-shell debris present. Jellyfish in the water column. |

999-2a |

999-2b |

999-2d |
999-3 / Current-rippled sand waves and megaripples with scattered shell debris. Whelk shells and dead, drifting seaweed present. |

999-3a |

999-4 / Rippled sand with light brown mud or fine-grained organic material in ripple troughs. A trace of shell debris and shells. |

999-4a |

999-4b |

999-4c |

999-5 / Megarippled sand waves with steep slip faces, some shell debris and skates present. |

999-5a |

999-5b |

999-5c | 
999-6 / Megarippled sand waves and scour depressions with walls and clasts of gray mud, probably distal deltaic sediment. Shells, spider crabs, and skates present. |

999-6a |

999-6b |

999-6c |

999-7 / Rippled sand with gray, distal deltaic mud clasts and burrows. Shells, cancer and hermit crabs, moon snails, fish, burrowing anemones, and hydrozoans present. |



999-8 / Rippled sand waves with fine, organic debris or mud in the troughs. Burrowing anemones and spider crabs present. |

999-8a |

999-8b |

999-8c | 
999-9 / Rippled sand with shell debris and hydrozoans. |

999-9a |


| |
999-10 / Rippled sand and gravelly sediment in a thin veneer over deltaic sediments, with gray mud clasts. Abundant shells with cancer and hermit crabs, moon snails, hydrozoans, and a searobin. |

999-10a |

999-10b |

| |
999-11 / Rippled sand with abundant organic debris in ripple troughs. Hermit crabs and a trace of shell debris are present. |

999-11a |

999-11b |

999-13 / Rippled and megarippled sand with fine organics or mud collecting in the troughs. Burrows, burrowing anemones, snail shells, and shell hash present. |

999-13a |

999-13b | 

999-13d |

999-14 / Rippled sand waves and fine-grained organic material or mud filling troughs. Clasts of gray mud are locally common. Traces of shell debris present. |

999-14a |

999-14b |


999-14d |
999-15 / Flat, sandy sea floor with gray mud clasts and abundant shell debris. Spider and hermit crabs, hydrozoans, starfish, sponge, and burrows present. |

999-15a |

999-15b | 

999-15d |

999-15e |

999-15f | 

999-15h |

999-17 / Rippled sand waves with shell hash collecting in the ripple troughs. Hydrozoans and burrows present. Transect starts on the slip face of a steep sand wave. |

999-17a |

999-18 / Rippled and megarippled sand waves with some shell debris, burrowing anemones, and hermit crabs. |

999-18a |


999-18d |
999-19 / Rippled, fine-grained sand with spider crabs and scattered shells. |

999-19a |

999-20 / Undulating to faintly rippled, fine-grained sand with burrows and spider crabs. |

999-20a |

999-21 / Rippled, fine-grained sand with numerous burrows and skates present. |

999-21a |

999-22 / Faintly rippled, fine-grained sand with burrows and tracks. Moon snail, hermit crab, flounder, and scattered razor clam shells and debris present. |

999-22a |

999-23A / Megarippled sand with shell debris and an organic or mud veneer in troughs and scattered burrows. Moon snail and casings, hermit and spider crabs, sparse hydrozoans, and scattered razor and clam shells are present. |

999-23Aa |


999-23Ad |
999-23 / Rippled sand with burrows, shells, moon-snail casing, and spider crab present. |

999-23a |


999-23d |
999-24 / Megarippled sand waves with fine-grained brown organic debris in the lee of ripple crests. Burrows and some shell hash present. |

999-24a |


999-24d |