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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2014-1227

Core Data From Offshore Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

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List of Figures

Thumbnail of Figure 1: map depicting locations of cores and bag samples. Figure 1. Locations of all cores from United States Geological Survey cruise 2008–008–FA (SJ8), archive samples, and names of significant bathymetric features. The SJ8 cores are labeled by number (such as 11, rather than the full core name of SJ8–11GGC) and either a green circle (representing a sampled core) or a blue circle (representing bagged samples from core catcher only), whereas the archive cores are labeled by full core name and a red circle.
Thumbnail of Figure 2: photo of deployment of the gravity corer. Figure 2. Deployment of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution giant gravity corer during United States Geological Survey cruise 2008–008–FA aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Seward Johnson.
Thumbnail of Figure 3: photo of science crew cutting a collected core into sections. Figure 3. Science crew of United States Geological Survey cruise 2008–008-FA aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Seward Johnson cutting a collected core into sections. Inset photograph shows the end section of a core.
Thumbnail of Figure 4: example of core field description Figure 4. Example of field lithologic log, which contains core location and visual sediment description data collected during United States Geological Survey cruise 2008–008–FA aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Seward Johnson.
Thumbnail of Figure 5: example of radiograph Figure 5. Example of a radiograph of a 30-centimeter interval from a core collected during United States Geological Survey cruise 2008–008–FA aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Seward Johnson. The notation #31 refers to core 5GGC.
Thumbnail of Figure 6: example of core summary sheet. Figure 6. Example of a gravity core summary sheet from core SJ8–20GGC, obtained on United States Geological Survey cruise 2008–08–FA aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Seward Johnson. Summary sheets include core location, lithology, color, grain-size, wet-bulk density, and magnetic susceptibility data.

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