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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2014-1227

Core Data From Offshore Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

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Data Catalog

Data Access

Data in this report are provided in a variety of formats. This section describes how to access the various data formats, including portable document format (PDF; *.pdf), Joint Photographic Experts Group format (JPEG; *.jpg), tagged image file format (TIFF; *.tif), Microsoft Word document (*.docx), ASCII text (*.txt), Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (XLS; *.xls), comma separated values (CSV; *.csv), and Esri shapefile format (*.shp and *.shx). These data types are stored and compressed within zip files in order to facilitate internet downloads. Zip files of data layers are linked within the “Data Preview” section with specific download instructions. A variety of freely available decompression software can be used to access the contents of ZIP files, for example WinZip utility at

PDF Files

Field logs and notes converted to electronic format (PDF) can be accessed with any PDF viewing software (free version available at

JPEG Files

Photograph and other image data in JPEG format can be viewed by using any image viewing software, such as Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer (included with the Windows 7 operating system) or ImageMagick (free version available at

TIFF Files

Radiographs in TIFF format can be viewed using any image viewing software, such as Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer (included with the Windows 7 operating system) or ImageMagick (free version available at

Microsoft Word Documents and Text Files

The bag samples description can be viewed by using Microsoft WordPad or Microsoft Word (free version Microsoft Word Viewer available at

XLS and CSV Files

Tabular data in XLS and CSV formats can be viewed by using Microsoft Excel. CSV data can also be viewed using any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad (included with the Windows 7 operating system) or Vim (free version available at

Geospatial Data

The geospatial data in this report are delivered as Esri shapefiles (vector graphic format) within a zip file. To view geospatial data, the user may access the unzipped data by using ArcGIS 9.0 or higher, ArcView 3.x, or ArcGIS Explorer 9.x (free version for vector data available at

Data Download

To download data, right click on the link in the “Download zip file” column in the table below. Select “Save Target As…” to save a compressed zip file to the local hard drive. Each dataset is listed in the table below with a thumbnail image, format identifier, and a relative path to the file directory.

Data Description

The data in this report are separated into ten subdirectories within the data catalog. This section describes the folder structure of the data catalog and lists file formats and data descriptions of each subdirectory. The data files are zipped and paired with associated metadata.

For detailed descriptions for the contents of each folder, click on the Filename links in the "Data Preview" table.

Data Preview

To download the entire data set (211.302 MB), use this link:

Filename Description View Metadata Download
PRcore_locations General core information (such as name, depth, location, and length) and analyses performed on each core from cruise SJ8 and those archived at the LDEO. Shapefile, XLS, and CSV
Thumbnail JPEG image of the locations of the core locations shapefile
2008CoreFieldDescriptions Field core logs and descriptive notes for gravity cores from cruise SJ8. PDF Thumbnail JPEG image of an example of a Core Field Description.
2008CoreSummaryDescriptions Finalized core descriptions created with LogPlot 7. JPEG Thumbnail JPEG image of an example of a Core Summary Description
2008PR_radiographs Radiographs for each of the cores from cruise SJ8. TIFF Thumbnail JPEG image of an example of a radiograph.
2008PRcores_mscl Wet bulk density and magnetic susceptibility data from the SJ8 cores. XLS and CSV  
2008PRcores_xrf X-Ray Fluorescence data for the SJ8 cores. XLS and CSV  
2008PR_grainsize Grain-size analyses for the SJ8 cores. XLS and CSV  
PRcores_radiocarbon Radiocarbon age data for the SJ8 and archive cores. XLS and CSV  
2008PR_smearslides Smear slide samples for SJ8 cores. XLS and CSV  
2008PR_bagged General analyses of bagged samples during the SJ8 cruise. DOC and TXT Thumbnail JPEG image of bag sample locations.

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2016 19:40:51 EST