USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2015–1055

Effects of Proposed Sediment Borrow Pits on Nearshore Wave Climate and Longshore Sediment Transport Rate Along Breton Island, Louisiana

Citation | List of Figures | List of Tables | Conversion Factors | Abbreviations | Abstract | Introduction | Methods | Results | Conclusions | Acknowledgments | References Cited | Appendix 1. Scenarios | Appendix 2. Example Model Input Files | Appendix 3. File Naming Conventions | Digital Data Files

Figure A4-4. Gradient of average longshore transport rate (B, LSTR) constructed from the longshore transport calculated using wave conditions at 135 locations (A, black line) along Breton Island (0 m contour shown in green) for each of the 116 individual scenario results (e.g., fig. 15 for the no pit case) by weighting each scenario by its frequency of occurrence in the wave climatology (fig. 2). The change in magnitude of the gradient of the LSTR (C) with the addition of the pits is an order of magnitude less than the baseline values, and the overall pattern in transport is the same (B). Positive values in (C) indicate more accretion or less erosion, negative values indicate less accretion or more erosion.
Figure A4-4. Gradient of average longshore transport rate (B, LSTR) constructed from the longshore transport calculated using wave conditions at 135 locations (A, black line) along Breton Island (0 m contour shown in green) for each of the 116 individual scenario results (e.g., fig. 15 for the no pit case) by weighting each scenario by its frequency of occurrence in the wave climatology (fig. 2). The change in magnitude of the gradient of the LSTR (C) with the addition of the pits is an order of magnitude less than the baseline values, and the overall pattern in transport is the same (B). Positive values in (C) indicate more accretion or less erosion, negative values indicate less accretion or more erosion.

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