Wildlife of the Atlantic coast salt marshes
W.L. McAtee
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 17
No abstract available....
Welded rhyolitic tuffs in southeastern Idaho
G. R. Mansfield, C.S. Ross
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 308-321
Rocks of rhyolitic type in eastern Idaho and adjacent parts of Wyoming were observed by the Teton Division of the Hayden Surveys under Orestes St. John (Report of the geological field work of the Teton Division, U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., 11th Ann. Rep., pp. 498–504, 1879), who described...
Pre‐Cambrian and Paleozoic vulcanism of interior Alaska
J. B. Mertie Jr.
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 292-302
The history of vulcanism in Alaska is a topic of great universal interest, but one which has had no adequate treatment. For some years the writer has been accumulating comparative data on this subject, and it is hoped that this information may some time be sufficiently amplified and coordinated to...
The igneous rocks of the Highwood Mountains of central Montana
Esper S. Larsen Jr., C.S. Hurlbut Jr., C.H. Burgess, D.T. Griggs, Bennett Frank Buie
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 288-292
The study of the Highwood Mountains was undertaken by a group of men from Harvard University under a grant from the Shaler Memorial Fund of the Department of Geology. The work was under the general direction of Larsen, who, with the assistance of Norman A. Haskell, mapped most of the...
The pre-Cambrian igneous rocks of eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland
Florence Bascom
1935, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 328-350
The Blue Ridge and Piedmont geomorphic provinces, topographically distinct but geologically a unit, extend southwestward across eastern Pennsylvania and central Maryland, in a belt with an average width in these States of some 50 miles. In these provinces are exposed the crystalline formations of the Atlantic belt. Gneisses (with sporadic...
Shore benches on the island of Oahu, Hawaii
Harold T. Stearns
1935, Geological Society of America Bulletin (46) 1467-1482
The Island of Oahu is third in size in the Hawaiian group and lies in the mid-Pacific about 2,100 miles southwest of San Francisco. Honolulu, the capital and principal port of this group, is on Oahu. Two dissected volcanic domes, the Waianae Range (4,035 feet high) and the Koolau Range...
Further tests of permeability with low hydraulic gradients
V.C. Fishel
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 499-503
Many of the water‐bearing formations in the United States have hydraulic gradients of much less than 20 feet to the mile, and some may have gradients of less than one foot to the mile, whereas most laboratory‐tests of permeability are made with much higher gradients. An investigation was therefore undertaken by the writer, under the direction of 0. E....
The Piezometric surface of artesian water in the Florida peninsula
V. T. Stringfield
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 524-529
The ground‐water of the Florida Peninsula constitutes one of its most valuable natural resources and is of importance as a source of water‐supplies throughout the area. The problems relating to the development of ground‐water supplies are both quantitative and qualitative. They include such problems as the decline in yield of wells in areas of large withdrawals of water and salt‐water contamination of ground‐water supplies. In order...
Pre‐Triassic volcanic rocks of the southern Appalachians
A. I. Jonas
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 284-284
Volcanic rocks occur from Pennsylvania to Alabama in the Piedmont Plateau, Blue Ridge Area, and the Great Valley. They include volcanics of pre‐Cambrian, Cambrian, and Middle Ordovician age. The most abundant types are basalt, andesite, rhyollte flows, tuffs, ash‐beds, and bentonite. The paper will discuss the types of volcanics In the different areas,...
Bank storage‐loss and recovery of Missouri River discharge during drought of 1934
H.C. Beckman
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 513-515
Whenever measurements show that the discharge of a stream becomes smaller as it passes downstream to a considerably larger drainage-area and no diversions of water are known to exist between the places of measurement, curiosity is always aroused as to the cause, and a question may be raised as to...
Report of the Committee on Underground Waters, 1934–35
David G. Thompson
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 433-437
The annual report this year consists almost wholly of a brief summary of investigations in progress in different parts of the country. It is by no means complete, and the Chairman of the Committee will be glad to receive information in regard to investigations that have not been mentioned.The outstanding...
The need for a nation‐wide program of observation‐wells
O. E. Meinzer
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 498-499
During the severe droughts of recent years almost the only water‐supplies available throughout large areas of the United States have been those obtained from underground sources. Consequently, a great interest has developed in the ground‐water resources of the country and there has been much concern lest the declining water‐levels in wells and the diminished...
Report of the Committee on Glaciers, 1934–35
Francois E. Matthes
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 387-392
The members of the Committee on Glaciers for 1935 are as given in the report of the Committee for 1933–34 in the Transactions of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting with the addition of Kenneth N. Phillips (The Mazamas, Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon).The year 1934 witnessed a further expansion of the program...
The New Hampshire garnet deposits
L. C. Conant
1935, Economic Geology (30 ) 387-399
No abstract available. ...
Appendix B—Active ground‐water projects in California, Oregon, and Washington
Arthur M. Piper
1935, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (16) 441-443
General Pumping from wells for irrigation—The Division of Irrigation, Bureau of Agricultural Engineering, United States Department of Agriculture, is investigating the economics and practice of pumping from wells for irrigation in the western United States. The study is under the...
Instructions for controlling bats
U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 7
No abstract available....
Tularemia, an animal-borne disease
W.B. Bell, J.E. Shillinger
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 5
No abstract available....
Publications on attracting birds
U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 8
No abstract available....
The present situation regarding eelgrass (Zostera marina)
Clarence Cottam
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 3
No abstract available....
Geologic map of Colorado
W. S. Burbank, T. S. Lovering, E. N. Goddard, E.B. Eckel
George W. Stose, editor(s)
1935, Report
No abstract available....
Occurrence of enargite and wulfenite in ore deposits of northern Arkansas
E.T. McKnight
1935, Economic Geology (30) 61-66
One of the several contrasting features between zinc and lead deposits of the Mississippi Valley type and those of the Cordilleran type is the mineralogic simplicity of the Mississippi Valley ores. Because the usual ore and gangue minerals are few in kind and are those that can conceivably be carried...
Suggestions to authors of papers submitted for publication by the United States Geological Survey with directions to typists
George McLane Wood, Bernard H. Lane
1935, Report
The present edition, like the others, is intended primarily for Geological Survey authors or prospective authors: it is not the manual of wider scope that Mr. Wood had planned, and it contains none of his new material. If authors outside the Survey shall continue to find the suggestions useful, that...
Feeding schedule for rabbits
U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 28
Presents maintenance feeding rations for mature rabbits, and special rations for does that fail to kindle and for those suckling young. A sample feeding schedule for does and litters is given....
Publications on cage birds
Division Of Wildlife Research
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 6
No abstract available....
What shall we feed our pelters?
Charles F. Bassett
1935, Wildlife Leaflet 20
No abstract available....