Studies on the alkalinity of some silicate minerals
R.E. Stevens
1934, Professional Paper 185-A
The recognizable species of the Green River flora
R.W. Brown
1934, Professional Paper 185-C
Miocene plants from Idaho
E. W. Berry
1934, Professional Paper 185-E
Mineral resources of Alaska : report on progress of investigation in 1931
Philip Sidney Smith, and others
1934, Bulletin 844
Bibliography of North American geology, 1931 and 1932
John M. Nickles
1934, Bulletin 858
Mineral deposits of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts. Placer concentrates of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts
John Beaver Mertie Jr., Arnold Elzey Waters Jr.
1934, Bulletin 844-D
No abstract available....
Geology and ore deposits of the Casto quadrangle, Idaho
Clyde P. Ross
1934, Bulletin 854
The study of the Casto quadrangle was undertaken as the first item in a project to obtain more thorough knowledge of the general geology of southcentral Idaho on which to base study of the ore deposits of t he region. The quadrangle conta ins fragmentary exposures of Algonkian and Paleozoic...
The Book Cliffs coal field in Garfield and Mesa counties, Colorado
Charles Edgar Erdmann
1934, Bulletin 851
Geology of the North and South McCallum anticlines, Jackson County, Colorado, with special reference to petroleum and carbon dioxide
John Charles Miller
1934, Circular 5
The McCallum anticlines, embracing an area about 2 miles wide and 12 miles long, are about 6 miles east of the town of Walden, Jackson County, Colo., on the east side of the Continental Divide. A cover of flat-lying Quaternary gravel obscures the outcrop of Pierre shale at many points...
A flora of Pottsville age from the Mosquito Range, Colorado
C.B. Read
1934, Professional Paper 185-D
Gold-quartz veins south of Libby, Montana
Russell Gibson
1934, Circular 7
The area described in this paper is one of rugged mountains, composed chiefly of folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of the Belt series. In the nearby region the beds are intruded by diorite sills and granitic stocks. Glacial drift, including silt deposited in a lake, covers much of the lower...
Somerset-Windber folio, Pennsylvania
George Burr Richardson
1934, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 224
Artesian water in Somervell County, Texas
Albert George Fiedler
1934, Water Supply Paper 660
Somervell County is part of the Grand Prairie region of north-central Texas. An excellent supply of artesian water is available from the Trinity reservoir at no great depth. The first flowing well in Somervell County was drilled in 1880, and the first flowing well in Glen Rose, the county seat,...
Mineral and fuel resources, report on progress of investigations in 1933. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1933
Philip Sidney Smith
1934, Bulletin 864-A
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1932. Notes on the geology of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands
S. R. Capps
1934, Bulletin 857-D
Review of the petroleum industry in the United States, April 1934
Hale Bryan Soyster, G. B. Richardson, R. W. Richards, Forester Morrell, H.C. Fowler, G.R. Hopkins, A.J. Kraemer, A.C. Fieldner, H.J. Struth
1934, Circular 11
No abstract available....
Geology and ore deposits of the Elk City, Orogrande, Buffalo Hump, and Tenmile Districts, Idaho County, Idaho
P. J. Shenon, J. C. Reed
1934, Circular 9
This report presents the preliminary results of the authors' field work in 1931 and 1932 in the drainage basin of the South Fork of Clearwater River and just south of the divide between that stream and Salmon River....
Mineral-water supply of the Mineral Wells area, Texas
Samuel Foster Turner
1934, Circular 6
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1932. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1932
Philip Sidney Smith
1934, Bulletin 857-A
Core drilling for coal in the Moose Creek area, Alaska
Gerald Ashley Waring
1934, Bulletin 857-E
No abstract available....
The McCoy mining district and gold veins in Horse Canyon, Lander County, Nevada
Frank Charles Schrader
1934, Circular 10
The following geologic sketch is based on a two-day visit made to the McCoy district in September 1930. For valuable information and aid generously extended, the writer would express his thanks to the miners and prospectors of the district and especially to Mr. Joseph H. McCoy, a well-known mining man...
The Curry district, Alaska
Ralph Tuck
1934, Bulletin 857-C
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of the United States, 1932, Part I, North Atlantic slope basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1934, Water Supply Paper 726
Halloysite and allophane
C. S. Ross, P. F. Kerr
1934, Professional Paper 185-G
Paleozoic formations of the Mosquito Range, Colorado
J. H. Johnson
1934, Professional Paper 185-B