Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1932
Philip S. Smith
1934, Bulletin 857
No abstract available....
Structural history of the fracture systems at Grass Valley, California
W. D. Johnston Jr., E. Cloos
1934, Economic Geology (29) 39-54
In the foregoing outline of the structural history of the Grass Valley intrusive the vein fractures are regarded as elements of the internal tectonics of the intrusive body itself. They originated in an early stage of the structural development of the region, and are equivalent to the marginal thrusts observed in the Yose-mite and along the Mother Lode system....
Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1933
Gerald F. Loughlin
1934, Bulletin 846
No abstract available....
Some erroneous age records of Paleozoic plant genera
D. White
1934, Science (79) 77-78
No abstract available....
Part 1, The coal field from Gallup eastward toward Mount Taylor, with a measured section of pre-Dakota(?) rocks near Navajo Church
Julian D. Sears
1934, Bulletin 860-A
The report describes the geology and coal deposits of the southwestern part of the San Juan Basin, N.Mex. The field lies northeast of the town of Gallup, on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, and is an irregular tract of about 630 square miles in central and west-central McKinley...
The value of questionnaires in commercial fisheries regulations and surveys
John Van Oosten
1934, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (64) 107-117
No abstract available....
Causes of variation in the growth rates of fishes
Ralph Hile
1934, The Fisherman (3) 3-4, 10
Abstract has not been submitted...
A microprojection machine designed for the study of fish scales
John Van Oosten, Hilary J. Deason, Frank W. Jobes
1934, Journal du conseil - Conseil international pour l'exploration de la mer (9) 241-248
Abstract has not been submitted...
The development of fishes: tracing the natural developments from egg to fry
Hilary J. Deason
1934, The Fisherman (3) 1, 3
Abstract has not been submitted...
On the deep trapnet in Michigan waters of the Great Lakes
John Van Oosten
1934, Michigan Tradesman (52) 25-26
Abstract has not been submitted...
Determination of the common and rare alkalies in mineral analysis
R.C. Wells, R.E. Stevens
1934, Industrial And Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition (6) 439-442
Methods are described which afford a determination of each member of the alkali group and are successful in dealing with the quantities of the rare alkalies found in rocks and minerals. The procedures are relatively rapid and based chiefly on the use of chloroplatinic acid, absolute alcohol and ether, and...
Growth of the whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis(Mitchill), in Trout Lake, northeastern highlands, Wisconsin
Ralph Hile, Hilary J. Deason
1934, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (64) 231-237
No abstract available....
Rock formations of Death Valley, California
L. F. Noble
1934, Science (80) 173-178
No abstract available....
The chemical disinfection of trout ponds
F. F. Fish
1933, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (63) 158-163
The need for knowledge concerning the prevention and control of fish diseases has never been greater than it is in this present era of economy when two fish must be raised in the same water which once supported but one. Fish pathologists have contributed a great deal to our knowledge...
The Willow Creek gold-lode district, Alaska
J. C. Ray
1933, Bulletin 849-C
No abstract available....
Mineral deposits near the West Fork of the Chulitna River, Alaska
C. P. Ross
1933, Bulletin 849-E
No abstract available....
Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1931-32 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels
Gerald Francis Loughlin
1933, Bulletin 830
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1931. Mineral investigations in the Alaska Railroad belt, 1931
S. R. Capps
1933, Bulletin 844-B
Some lode deposits in the northwestern part of the Boise Basin, Idaho
Clyde Polhemus Ross
1933, Bulletin 846-D
No abstract available....
Some mining districts of eastern Oregon
James Gilluly, J. C. Reed, C. F. Park Jr.
1933, Bulletin 846-A
This report presents the results of a reconnaissance of most of the mining districts of Oregon east of the Cascade Range, with the exception of the districts in the Sumpter quadrangle. The districts described are distributed through an area roughly coincident with the Blue Mountains, which extend over much of...
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1930. Surface water supply of southeastern Alaska, 1909-1930
F.F. Henshaw
1933, Bulletin 836-C
Surface water supply of the United States, 1931, Part I, North Atlantic slope basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1933, Water Supply Paper 711
Surface water supply of the United States, 1931, Part V, Hudson Bay and upper Mississippi River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1933, Water Supply Paper 715
Surface water supply of Hawaii : July 1, 1930 to June 30, 1931
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1933, Water Supply Paper 725
Surface water supply of Hawaii : July 1, 1929 to June 30, 1930
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1933, Water Supply Paper 710