Some general considerations of plankton and plankton problems with reference to water supplies
Hilary J. Deason
1935, Conference Paper, Papers presented at Ninth Annual Michigan Conference on Water Purification
No abstract available....
Logically justified deductions concerning the Great Lakes fisheries exploded by scientific research
John Van Oosten
1935, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (65) 71-75
No abstract available....
Questionnaires prove valuable to fisheries
John Van Oosten
1935, The Fisherman (4) 1-2; 1-2
Abstract has not been submitted...
First record of the alewife, Pomolobus pseudo-harengus, for the State of Michigan
John Van Oosten
1935, Copeia (1935) 194-195
Abstract has not been submitted...
Lake states change fishery regulations
John Van Oosten
1935, The Fisherman (4) 1-2
Following methods described by Louis Bureau (1911, 1913) in France,tabulations were made (1) of the ages at which captivity-reared bob-white quail (Colinus virginianus) dropped their juvenal remiges, and (2) the rates at which post-juvenal replxcement primaries grew. These were arranged so as to permit the determination of age in healthv...
Daily reports reveal new facts and figures
Ralph Hile
1935, The Fisherman (4) 1-2
Abstract has not been submitted...
Stream measurement work: Appendix 4 in Nineteenth biennial report of the State Engineer to the governor of Utah: 1933-1934
A.B. Purton
1934, Utah State Engineer Biennial Report 19-Appendix 4
Stream measurement work under the usual co-operative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey and the State Engineer continued during the biennium for the purpose of determining the water resources of the State. This work in Utah is part of the general plan for a systematic determination of the water resources...
Ulcer disease of trout
F. F. Fish
1934, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (64) 252-258
During the summer of 1933, lesions of a disease were noted among some fingerling brook, rainbow, blackspotted, and lake trout at the Cortland (New York) trout hatchery. Although these lesions bore a marked superficial resemblance to those of furunculosis, they were sufficiently atypical to warrant further investigation. A more detailed...
A fungus disease in fishes of the Gulf of Maine
F. F. Fish
1934, Parasitology (26) 1-16
1. A fungus disease of epidemic proportions was found in the common sea herring (Clupea harengus) throughout the Gulf of Maine. 2. The fungus was also found to infect the common winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and the alewife (Pomobolus pseudoharengus). 3. The causative agent was found to be a species of fungus...
The Book Cliffs coal field in Garfield and Mesa counties, Colorado
Charles Edgar Erdmann
1934, Bulletin 851
Mineral resources of Alaska : report on progress of investigation in 1931
Philip Sidney Smith, and others
1934, Bulletin 844
Gold-quartz veins south of Libby, Montana
Russell Gibson
1934, Circular 7
The area described in this paper is one of rugged mountains, composed chiefly of folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of the Belt series. In the nearby region the beds are intruded by diorite sills and granitic stocks. Glacial drift, including silt deposited in a lake, covers much of the lower...
Somerset-Windber folio, Pennsylvania
George Burr Richardson
1934, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 224
Geology and ore deposits of the Elk City, Orogrande, Buffalo Hump, and Tenmile Districts, Idaho County, Idaho
P. J. Shenon, J. C. Reed
1934, Circular 9
This report presents the preliminary results of the authors' field work in 1931 and 1932 in the drainage basin of the South Fork of Clearwater River and just south of the divide between that stream and Salmon River....
Review of the petroleum industry in the United States, April 1934
Hale Bryan Soyster, G. B. Richardson, R. W. Richards, Forester Morrell, H.C. Fowler, G.R. Hopkins, A.J. Kraemer, A.C. Fieldner, H.J. Struth
1934, Circular 11
No abstract available....
Artesian water in Somervell County, Texas
Albert George Fiedler
1934, Water Supply Paper 660
Somervell County is part of the Grand Prairie region of north-central Texas. An excellent supply of artesian water is available from the Trinity reservoir at no great depth. The first flowing well in Somervell County was drilled in 1880, and the first flowing well in Glen Rose, the county seat,...
Mineral-water supply of the Mineral Wells area, Texas
Samuel Foster Turner
1934, Circular 6
No abstract available....
Mineral and fuel resources, report on progress of investigations in 1933. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1933
Philip Sidney Smith
1934, Bulletin 864-A
Ground-water supplies and irrigation in San Pedro Valley, Arizona
Kirk Bryan, G. E. P. Smith, Gerald A. Waring
1934, Open-File Report 67-31
The San Pedro Valley in southeastern Arizona extends from the International Boundary northward about 120 miles to the junction of the San Pedro River with the Gila River. The river basin also extends about 75 miles into Mexico. The valley varies in width from 5 to 20 miles, being widest...
Preliminary geological report on the Salt Plains reservoir site, Oklahoma
C.V. Theis
1934, Open-File Report 34-2
Following a request from the U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey, the writer was assigned by the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey to make a preliminary geological investigation of the Salt Plains area in Oklahoma. He spent the period from January 13 to January 22, 1934, in the field making...
A flora of Pottsville age from the Mosquito Range, Colorado
C.B. Read
1934, Professional Paper 185-D
Surface water supply of the United States, 1932 : Part 12. North Pacific slope basins : A. Pacific slope basins in Washington and upper Columbia River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1934, Water Supply Paper 737
The industrial utility of public water supplies in the United States, 1932
W. D. Collins, W.L. Lamar, E. W. Lohr
1934, Water Supply Paper 658
Core drilling for coal in the Moose Creek area, Alaska
Gerald Ashley Waring
1934, Bulletin 857-E
No abstract available....
Geology of the North and South McCallum anticlines, Jackson County, Colorado, with special reference to petroleum and carbon dioxide
John Charles Miller
1934, Circular 5
The McCallum anticlines, embracing an area about 2 miles wide and 12 miles long, are about 6 miles east of the town of Walden, Jackson County, Colo., on the east side of the Continental Divide. A cover of flat-lying Quaternary gravel obscures the outcrop of Pierre shale at many points...