Surface water supply of the United States, 1930, Part II, South Atlantic slope and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1932, Water Supply Paper 697
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1929. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1929 and administrative report
P. S. Smith
1932, Bulletin 824-A
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1929. The occurrence of gypsum at Iyoukeen Cove, Chichagof Island, Alaska
Benjamin Duane Stewart
1932, Bulletin 824-E
Coatesville-West Chester folio, Pennsylvania-Delaware
Florence Bascom, George W. Stose
1932, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 223
Physiography and glacial geology of eastern Montana and adjacent areas
W. C. Alden
1932, Professional Paper 174
Quality of water of the Colorado River in 1928-1930
C. S. Howard
1932, Water Supply Paper 638-D
This report gives the results obtained in the continuation of a study of the Colorado River begun in 1925.1 The analyses represent composites of daily samples collected by the observers at the gaging stations on the Colorado River at Cisco, Utah, and Lees Ferry and Grand Canyon, Ariz.; on the...
Tertiary and Quaternary geology of the lower Rio Grande region, Texas
Arthur C. Trowbridge
1932, Bulletin 837
Geology and ore deposits of the Pioche district, Nevada
L.G. Westgate, Adolph Knopf
1932, Professional Paper 171
LOCATION AND SURFACE FEATURES The Bristol Range, Highland, and Ely Range quadrangles make up the larger part of a. rectangular area 35 miles north and south by 24 miles east and west, which lies 19 miles west of the Nevada-Utah line and about 250 miles southwest of Salt Lake...
A method of estimating ground-water supplies based on discharge by plants and evaporation from soil: Results of investigations in Escalante Valley, Utah
Walter N. White
1932, Water Supply Paper 659-A
Fluctuations of water levels in wells, if critically studied, may give much information as to the occurrence, movement, and quantity of available ground water. In some localities the ground-water level has been observed to decline during the day and to rise at night, the decline beginning at about the same...
Surface water supply of the United States, 1930. Part I, North Atlantic slope basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1932, Water Supply Paper 696
Surface water supply of the United States, 1928, Part II, South Atlantic slope and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1932, Water Supply Paper 662
Geology and oil resources of the Elk Hills, California, including Naval Petroleum Reserve No.1
W. P. Woodring, Paul Vere Roundy, Howard R. Farnsworth
1932, Bulletin 835
No abstract available....
Geology and coal, oil, and gas resources of the New Kensington quadrangle, Pennsylvania
George Burr Richardson
1932, Bulletin 829
A Miocene flora from Grand Coulee, Washington
E. W. Berry
1932, Professional Paper 170-C
Lower Triassic ammonoids of North America
J.P. Smith
1932, Professional Paper 167
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1929. The Slana district, upper Copper River region
F. H. Moffit
1932, Bulletin 824-B
Pliocene fossils from limestone in southern Florida
W. C. Mansfield
1932, Professional Paper 170-D
Nitrate deposits of the United States
George Rogers Mansfield, Leona Boardman
1932, Bulletin 838
Quaternary geology of Minnesota and parts of adjacent States
Frank Leverett, F.W. Sardeson
1932, Professional Paper 161
Water-power resources of the Rogue River drainage basin, Oregon
B. E. Jones, Warren Oakey, H.T. Stearns
1932, Water Supply Paper 638-B
No abstract available....
Geology and ground-water resources of the Dalles region, Oregon
A. M. Piper
1932, Water Supply Paper 659-B
No abstract available....
Index of analyses of natural waters in the United States, 1926 to 1931
W. D. Collins, C. S. Howard
1932, Water Supply Paper 659-C
Outline of methods for estimating ground-water supplies
O. E. Meinzer
1932, Water Supply Paper 638-C
No abstract available....
Physiography and Quaternary geology of the San Juan Mountains, Colorado
Wallace W. Atwood, Kirtley F. Mather
1932, Professional Paper 166
The scenic beauty, rugged contour, and great variety of geologic phenomena displayed by the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado have lured to that region many geologists, both professional and amateur, as well as countless laymen. Serious geologic studies in these mountains seem to fall historically into three periods. The first...
Surface water supply of the United States, 1929 : Part 12, North Pacific drainage basins ; A. Pacific drainage basins in Washington and upper Columbia River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1932, Water Supply Paper 692