Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Building Stones
Sidney Paige
1909, Bulletin 380-I
Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Sulphur and Pyrite
E. G. Woodruff
1909, Bulletin 380-M
Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Rare Metals
F. L. Hess
1909, Bulletin 380-D
Surface water supply of Nebraska
John Cyprian Stevens
1909, Water Supply Paper 230
The purification of some textile and other factory wastes
Herman Stabler, Gilbert H. Pratt
1909, Water Supply Paper 235
Copper mining and prospecting on Prince William Sound. Gold on Prince William Sound. Notes on the geology and mineral prospects in the vicinity of Seward, Kenai Peninsula. Mineral resources of southwestern Alaska
U. S. Grant, D. F. Higgins Jr.
1909, Bulletin 379-C
No abstract available....
Thirtieth annual report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey
George Otis Smith
1909, Annual Report 30
The appropriations for the work of the United States Geological Survey for the fiscal year 1908-9 comprised items amounting to $1,590,680. The plan of operations was approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and a detailed statement of the work of the various branches and divisions of the Survey is...
Mineral resources of the United States, 1908: Part I - Metallic products
U.S. Geological Survey
1909, Report
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of the United States, 1908: Part II - Nonmetallic products
U.S. Geological Survey
1909, Report
No abstract available....
The topographic and geologic atlas of the United States
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1909, Report
The Geological Survey is making a topographic and geologic map of the United States. The topographic map is being published in separate sheets and the geologic map in parts called folios. Each folio includes a topographic map and geologic maps of a small area, together with explanatory and descriptive text....
Suggestions to authors of papers submitted for publication by the United States Geological Survey with directions to typewriters
George McLane Wood
1909, Report
The first pamphlet containing suggestions to authors for the preparation of manuscript intended for publication by the Geological Survey was published in January, 1888. This pamphlet was revised and reprinted in 1892. In 1904 the Survey published suggestions for the preparation of geologic folios, and in 1906 suggestions for the...
Ground waters of the Indio region, California, with a sketch of the Colorado Desert
Walter Curran Mendenhall
1909, Water Supply Paper 225
No abstract available....
Cenozoic mammal horizons of western North America, with faunal lists of the Tertiary Mammalia of the West
Henry Fairfield Osborn, William Diller Matthew
1909, Bulletin 361
No abstract available....
The Fortymile quadrangle, Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska
Louis Marcus Prindle
1909, Bulletin 375
No abstract available....
The chemical work of the U. S. Geological Survey
F. W. Clarke
1909, Science (30) 161-171
No abstract available....
The electrical conductivity of ferric sulphate solutions
R.C. Wells
1909, Journal of the American Chemical Society (31) 1027-1035
[No abstract available]...
Determination of ferrous oxide in magnetite
R. B. Gage
1909, Journal of the American Chemical Society (31) 381-385
No abstract available....
The gold placers of parts of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, including the Nome, Council, Kougarok, Port Clarence, and Goodhope precincts
Arthur James Collier, Frank Lee Hess, Philip Sidney Smith, A. H. Brooks
1908, Bulletin 328
No abstract available....
Clays. Lime and magnesite. Gypsum and plasters. Glass sand etc.
C. A. Fisher
1908, Bulletin 340-I
No abstract available....
Water resources of Beaver Valley, Utah
Willis Thomas Lee
1908, Water Supply Paper 217
Location and extent of area examined. Beaver Valley is located in Beaver County, in southwestern Utah, about 175 miles south of Salt Lake. It lies between the Tushar Mountains on the east and the Beaver Mountains on the west. The principal town of the valley is Beaver, which is most...
Tests of coal and briquets as fuel for house-heating boilers
Dwight T. Randall
1908, Bulletin 366
A biological investigation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie region
Edward A. Preble
1908, North American Fauna 27
Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Products
W. C. Phalen, D.B. Sterrett
1908, Bulletin 340-M
Mine sampling and chemical analyses of coals tested at the United States fuel-testing plant, Norfolk, Virginia, in 1907
John Shober Burrows
1908, Bulletin 362
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Occurrence of gold in the Yukon-Tanana region
L. M. Prindle, C. C. Covert
1908, Bulletin 345-D