Water resources of Beaver Valley, Utah
Willis Thomas Lee
1908, Water Supply Paper 217
Location and extent of area examined. Beaver Valley is located in Beaver County, in southwestern Utah, about 175 miles south of Salt Lake. It lies between the Tushar Mountains on the east and the Beaver Mountains on the west. The principal town of the valley is Beaver, which is most...
The geology and ore deposits of the Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho
F. L. Ransome, Frank Cathcart Calkins
1908, Professional Paper 62
The area commonly known as the Coeur d'Alene district (although for purposes of record and administration it has been divided into a number of local mining districts) is situated, so far as its productive...
The purchase of coal under Government and commercial specifications on the basis of its heating value, with analyses of coal delivered under Government contracts
Dwight T. Randall
1908, Bulletin 339
Economic geology of the Georgetown quadrangle (together with the Empire district), Colorado
Josiah E. Spurr, George H. Garrey, Sydney H. Ball
1908, Professional Paper 63
No abstract available....
Organization, equipment and operation of the structural-materials testing laboratories at St. Louis, Missouri
Richard Lewis Humphrey, J.A. Holmes
1908, Bulletin 329
Ann Arbor folio, Michigan
Israel Cook Russell, Frank Leverett
1908, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 155
Elk Point folio, South Dakota-Nebraska-Iowa
James Edward Todd
1908, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 156
Accident-Grantsville folio, Maryland-Pennsylvania-West Virginia
George Curtis Martin
1908, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 160
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Investigations of the mineral deposits of Seward Peninsula
P. S. Smith, Adolph Knopf, F.F. Henshaw
1908, Bulletin 345-E
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Lode mining in southeastern Alaska
C. W. Wright, Sidney Paige
1908, Bulletin 345-B
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Administrative report
A. H. Brooks, J.P. Hutchins
1908, Bulletin 345-A
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--The mineral resources of the Kotsina and Chitina vallets, Copper River region
F. H. Moffit, A. G. Maddren
1908, Bulletin 345-C
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Occurrence of gold in the Yukon-Tanana region
L. M. Prindle, C. C. Covert
1908, Bulletin 345-D
Geology and water resources of a portion of south-central Oregon
Gerald A. Waring
1908, Water Supply Paper 220
Surface water supply of Colorado River drainage above Yuma, 1906
Ralph Inman Meeker, Howard Sawyer Reed
1908, Water Supply Paper 211
Report of the United States fuel-testing plant, at St. Louis, Missouri, January 1, 1906 to June 30, 1907
Joseph A. Holmes
1908, Bulletin 332
The data of geochemistry
Frank Wigglesworth Clarke
1908, Bulletin 330
The clays of Arkansas
John Casper Branner
1908, Bulletin 351
Water-supply investigations in Alaska, 1906-1907: Nome and Kougarok regions, Seward Peninsula; Fairbanks district, Yukon-Tanana region
Fred Forbes Henshaw, Clermont Calvert Covert
1908, Water Supply Paper 218
No abstract available....
Structure of the Berea oil sand in the Flushing quadrangle, Harrison, Belmont, and Guernsey counties, Ohio
William Tudor Griswold
1908, Bulletin 346
The prevention of mine explosions, report and recommendations
Victor Watteyne, Carl Meissner, Arthur Desborough
1908, Bulletin 369
A biological investigation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie region
Edward A. Preble
1908, North American Fauna 27
Geology of the Taylorsville region, California
J. S. Diller
1908, Bulletin 353
Coal resources of the Russell Fork basin in Kentucky and Virginia
Ralph Walter Stone
1908, Bulletin 348
Contributions to economic geology 1907: Part I - metals and nonmetals except fuels
C. W. Hayes, Waldemar Lindgren
1908, Bulletin 340