The correlation of geological faunas, a contribution to Devonian paleontology
Henry Shaler Williams
1903, Bulletin 210
The geology of Ascutney Mountain, Vermont
Reginald Aldworth Daly
1903, Bulletin 209
Port Orford folio, Oregon
Joseph Silas Diller
1903, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 89
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1902, Part III, Western Mississippi River and western Gulf drainage
Frederick Haynes Newell
1903, Water Supply Paper 84
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1902, Part II, Southern Atlantic, eastern Gulf, Eastern Mississippi, and Great Lakes drainage
Frederick Haynes Newell
1903, Water Supply Paper 83
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1901
Frederick Haynes Newell
1903, Water Supply Paper 75
Chemical composition of igneous rocks expressed by means of diagrams, with reference to rock classification on a quantitative chemico-mineralogical basis
J. P. Iddings
1903, Professional Paper 18
The value of graphical methods for expressing relative quantities has been well established in all kinds of statistical exposition and discussion. Their use in conveying definite conceptions of relative quantities of chemical and mineral components of rocks is becoming more and more frequent, and the value of the results in...
Alexandria folio, South Dakota
James Edward Todd, Charles Monroe Hall
1903, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 100
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1902, Part IV, Interior Basin, Pacific coast, and Hudson Bay drainage
Frederick Haynes Newell
1903, Water Supply Paper 85
Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey, 1901 to 1903
Philip Creveling Warman
1903, Bulletin 215
This catalogue and index are supplemental to those published in 1901 as Bulletin No. 177. These begin where those end; but there will be found in this index some entries—additional and corrective— which refer to papers covered by Bulletin No. 177. The two bulletins constitute a general catalogue and index...
The Mesabi iron-bearing district of Minnesota
Charles Kenneth Leith
1903, Monograph 43
Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1902-03
Samuel Stinson Gannett
1903, Bulletin 216
Contributions to economic geology, 1902
Samuel Franklin Emmons, C. W. Hayes
1903, Bulletin 213
This bulletin has been prepared primarily with a view to securing prompt publication of the economic results of investigations by the United States Geological Survey. It is designed to meet the wants of the busy man, and is so condensed that he will be able to obtain results and conclusions...
Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the year 1902
Fred Boughton Weeks
1903, Bulletin 221
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1902, Part I, Northern Atlantic coast and St. Lawrence River drainage
Frederick Haynes Newell
1903, Water Supply Paper 82
Preliminary report on artesian basins in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon
Israel C. Russell
1903, Water Supply Paper 78
The Carboniferous formations and faunas of Colorado
G. H. Girty
1903, Professional Paper 16
In the following pages the geology and paleontology of the Carboniferous rocks of Colorado are discussed from the viewpoint of the stratigraphic paleontologist. This viewpoint is also that of one not personally acquainted with the field in question, except in very small measure. I made or assisted in making a...
The clays of the United States east of the Mississippi River
Henrich Ries
1903, Professional Paper 11
NATURE OF CLAY. The term clay is applied to a natural substance or rock which, whenfinely ground and mixed with water, forms a pasty, moldable mass that preserves its shape when air dried, and when burned changes to a hard, rock-like substance by the coalescence of its particles, through softening under...
Normal and polluted waters in northeastern United States
Marshall O. Leighton
1903, Water Supply Paper 79
In order to properly determine the water resources of a country, and to define the limitations of use which apply to various rivers, it becomes necessary to know the character of the water in' each case. Water is a source of wealth by reason of the uses to which it...
The mollusca of the Budah limestone with an appendix on the corals of the Budah limestone
George Burbank Shattuck, Thomas Wayland Vaughan
1903, Bulletin 205
No abstract available....
Irrigation in India
Herbert M. Wilson
1903, Water Supply Paper 87
Observations on the flow of rivers in the vicinity of New York City
Henry Albert Pressey
1903, Water Supply Paper 76
The relation of rainfall to run-off
George W. Rafter
1903, Water Supply Paper 80
Storage reservoirs on Stony Creek, California
Burt Cole
1903, Water Supply Paper 86
The Passaic Flood of 1902
George Buell Hollister, Marshall O. Leighton
1903, Water Supply Paper 88