Temperature measurements to 1600° C
Arthur L. Day, E. T. Allen
1904, Physical Review (Series I) (19) 177-186
[No abstract available]...
The tourmaline localities of southern California
W. T. Schaller
1904, Science (19) 266-268
No abstract available....
Forest conditions in the Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Arizona
F. G. Plummer, T. F. Rixon, Arthur Dodwell
1904, Professional Paper 23
The Black Mesa Forest Reserve, in Arizona, was created by proclamation of President McKinley dated August 17, 1898. The following are its boundaries; "Beginning at a point on the boundary line between Arizona and New Mexico where it is intersected by the north line of township seven (7) north, range...
Regulations of the United States Geological Survey
U.S. Geological Survey
1903, Report
The following regulation have been prepared for the guidance of officers and employees of the United States Geological Survey. They are derived in large part from statute law, from decisions of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department, and from official circulars of the Department of the Interior. It is believed...
The clays of the United States east of the Mississippi River
Henrich Ries
1903, Professional Paper 11
NATURE OF CLAY. The term clay is applied to a natural substance or rock which, whenfinely ground and mixed with water, forms a pasty, moldable mass that preserves its shape when air dried, and when burned changes to a hard, rock-like substance by the coalescence of its particles, through softening under...
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1902, Part I, Northern Atlantic coast and St. Lawrence River drainage
Frederick Haynes Newell
1903, Water Supply Paper 82
Preliminary report on artesian basins in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon
Israel C. Russell
1903, Water Supply Paper 78
The Carboniferous ammonoids of America
James Perrin Smith
1903, Monograph 42
The geology of Ascutney Mountain, Vermont
Reginald Aldworth Daly
1903, Bulletin 209
The correlation of geological faunas, a contribution to Devonian paleontology
Henry Shaler Williams
1903, Bulletin 210
Ellensburg folio, Washington
George Otis Smith
1903, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 86
Hartville folio, Wyoming
William Sidney Tangier Smith
1903, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 91
The Geological Survey is making a geologic map of the United States, which necessitates the preparation of a topographic bas map. The two are being issue together in the form of an atlas, the parts of which are called folios. Each folio consists of a topographic base map and geologic...
California hydrography
Joseph Barlow Lippincott
1903, Water Supply Paper 81
No abstract available....
Storage reservoirs on Stony Creek, California
Burt Cole
1903, Water Supply Paper 86
Observations on the flow of rivers in the vicinity of New York City
Henry Albert Pressey
1903, Water Supply Paper 76
The Passaic Flood of 1902
George Buell Hollister, Marshall O. Leighton
1903, Water Supply Paper 88
The water resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands
Waldemar Lindgren
1903, Water Supply Paper 77
Chemical composition of igneous rocks expressed by means of diagrams, with reference to rock classification on a quantitative chemico-mineralogical basis
J. P. Iddings
1903, Professional Paper 18
The value of graphical methods for expressing relative quantities has been well established in all kinds of statistical exposition and discussion. Their use in conveying definite conceptions of relative quantities of chemical and mineral components of rocks is becoming more and more frequent, and the value of the results in...
Irrigation in India
Herbert M. Wilson
1903, Water Supply Paper 87
The relation of rainfall to run-off
George W. Rafter
1903, Water Supply Paper 80
Columbia folio, Tennessee
Charles Willard Hayes, Edward Oscar Ulrich
1903, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 95
Twenty-Fourth Annual report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey, 1902-1903
Charles D. Walcott
1903, Annual Report 24
Geology of the Globe copper district, Arizona
Frederick Leslie Ransome
1903, Professional Paper 12
The investigation of the Globe district was begun early in the summer of 1901, a month being devoted to preliminary reconnaissances and areal mapping of the geology. Work was subsequently resumed in October of the same year, with the efficient assistance of Dr. John D. lrving, and continued to the...
Forest conditions in the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, Oregon
H.D. Langille, F. G. Plummer, Arthur Dodwell, T. F. Rixon, J. B. Leiberg
1903, Professional Paper 9
Brownsville-Connellsville folio, Pennsylvania
Marius Robinson Campbell
1903, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 94
No abstract available....