Results of primary triangulation
Henry Gannett
1894, Bulletin 122
Livingston folio, Montana
Joseph Paxson Iddings, Walter Harvey Weed
1894, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 1
II.-Note on Some Appendages of the Trilobites
Charles D. Walcott
1894, Geological Magazine (1) 246-251
The results of Mr. W. S. Valiant's long search for the appendages of Trilobites have recently been made known by Mr. W. B. Matthew, who described the material sold to the Columbia College of New York by Mr. Valiant. Mr. Valiant informs me that he discovered traces of what he...
Mineral resources of the United States, 1893
David T. Day
1894, Report
No abstract available....
Die konstitution der zeolithe
F. W. Clarke
1894, Zeitschrift fur Anorganische Chemie (7) 267-274
No abstract available....
Vapor pressure, dew-point, and relative humidity tables adapted to whirled (or sling) psychrometer
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1894, Division of Hydrography Circular 3
Contributions to North American Ethnology, Volume IX: Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography
Stephen Return Riggs, John Wesley Powell
James Owen Dorsey, editor(s)
1893, Report, Contributions to North American Ethnology
This volume contains the grammar, texts, and enthnography of Dakota tribes....
The trap dikes of the Lake Champlain region
James Furman Kemp, Vernon Freeman Marsters
1893, Bulletin 107
Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey (1879-1892), with the laws governing their printing and distribution
Philip Creveling Warman
1893, Bulletin 100
Earthquakes in California in 1892
Charles D. Perrine
1893, Bulletin 112
Flora of the outlying Carboniferous basins of southwestern Missouri
David White
1893, Bulletin 98
The Glaciation of the Yellowstone Valley North of the Park
Walter Harvey Weed
1893, Bulletin 104
The local glaciers of Quaternary times, of which evidences abound throughout the highest portions of the Rocky mountain cordillera, attained an unusually extensive development in that broad elevated region known as the Yellowstone Park. It was indeed the center of a considerable ice sheet whose glaciers spread out and down...
The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States
William Bullock Clark
1893, Bulletin 97
Tertiary rhynchophorous Coleoptera of the United States
Samuel Hubbard Scudder
1893, Monograph 21
A catalogue and bibliography of North American Mesozoic Invertebrata
Cornelius Breckinridge Boyle
1893, Bulletin 102
Report of work done in the division of chemistry during the fiscal years 1891-92 and 1892-93
Frank Wigglesworth Clarke
1893, Bulletin 113
Thirteenth Annual report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1891-1892: Part 2. Geology
J. W. Powell
1893, Annual Report 13
No abstract available....
High temperature work in igneous fusion and ebullition, chiefly in relation to pressure
Carl Barus
1893, Bulletin 103
The Paleozoic section in the vicinity of Three Forks, Montana
A.C. Peale, George P. Merrill
1893, Bulletin 110
A manual of topographic methods
Henry Gannett
1893, Monograph 22
Fourteenth Annual report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1892-1893: Part 1
J. W. Powell
1893, Annual Report 14
No abstract available....
Thirteenth Annual report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1891-1892: Part 3. Irrigation
J. W. Powell
1893, Annual Report 13
No abstract available....
A geological reconnoissance in central Washington
Israel C. Russell
1893, Bulletin 108
No abstract available....
Geology of the Big Stone Gap coal field of Virginia and Kentucky
Marius Robinson Campbell
1893, Bulletin 111
Insect fauna of the Rhode Island coal field
Samuel Hubbard Scudder
1893, Bulletin 101
Some years ago Rev. Edgar F. Clark, then of Providence, Rhode Island, discovered in the Coal-measures of the neighborhood of that city the wing of a cockroach. This stimulated further search by others as well as himself, with the result of finding a fair number and variety of insect types,...