Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Nitrogen deposition weakens soil carbon control of nitrogen dynamics across the contiguous United States, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 12
- Body size and early marine conditions drive changes in Chinook salmon productivity across northern latitude ecosystems, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 10
- Insufficient and biased representation of species geographic responses to climate change, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 7
- Climate change vulnerability of Arctic char across Scandinavia, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 7
- A circumpolar study unveils a positive non-linear effect of temperature on arctic arthropod availability that may reduce the risk of warming-induced trophic mismatch for breeding shorebirds, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 6
- Bringing traits back in the equation: A roadmap to understand species redistribution, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 4
- Trajectories and tipping points of piñon–juniper woodlands after fire and thinning, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 2
- A global assessment of environmental and climate influences on wetland macroinvertebrate community structure and function, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 2
- Recent increases in annual, seasonal, and extreme methane fluxes driven by changes in climate and vegetation in boreal and temperate wetland ecosystems, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 1
- The Coastal Carbon Library and Atlas: Open source soil data and tools supporting blue carbon research and policy, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 1
- Spatial asynchrony and cross-scale climate interactions in populations of a coldwater stream fish, 2024, Global Change Biology (30) - 1
- Wherever I may roam—Human activity alters movements of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and elk (Cervus canadensis) across two continents, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 20
- Salinization and sedimentation drive contrasting assembly mechanisms of planktonic and sediment-bound bacterial communities in agricultural streams, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 19
- Long-term assessment of relationships between changing environmental conditions and the physiology of southern Beaufort Sea polar bears (Ursus maritimus), 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 19
- Ecosystem resilience to invasion and drought: Insights after 24 years in a rare never-grazed grassland, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 20
- Closing the gap between science and management of cold-water refuges in rivers and streams, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 19
- Evidence for density-dependent effects on body composition of a large omnivore in a changing Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 16
- Where can managers effectively resist climate-driven ecological transformation in pinyon-juniper woodlands of the US Southwest?, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 15
- The energy–water limitation threshold explains divergent drought responses in tree growth, needle length, and stable isotope ratios, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 15
- Observed and projected functional reorganization of riverine fish assemblages from global change, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 13
- Land cover differentially affects abundance of common and rare birds, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 11
- Droughting a megadrought: Ecological consequences of a decade of experimental drought atop aridification on the Colorado Plateau, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 12
- Shrinking body size and climate warming: Many freshwater salmonids do not follow the rule, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 9
- Adult spawners: A critical period for subarctic Chinook salmon in a changing climate, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 7
- The detection and attribution of extreme reductions in vegetation growth across the global land surface, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 8
- Modeled production, oxidation, and transport processes of wetland methane emissions in temperate, boreal, and Arctic regions, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 8
- Borealization of nearshore fishes on an interior Arctic shelf over multiple decades, 2023, Global Change Biology (29) - 7
- Insects in high-elevation streams: Life in extreme environments imperiled by climate change, 2023, Global Change Biology (26) - 12
- Microbiome assembly in thawing permafrost and its feedbacks to climate, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 17
- Local groundwater decline exacerbates response of dryland riparian woodlands to climatic drought, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 22
- The past, present, and future of coral reef growth in the Florida Keys, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 17
- Processes and mechanisms of coastal woody-plant mortality, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 20
- Decadal-scale phenology and seasonal climate drivers of migratory baleen whales in a rapidly warming marine ecosystem, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 16
- Impoundment increases methane emissions in Phragmites-invaded coastal wetlands , 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 15
- Influence of offshore oil and gas structures on seascape ecological connectivity, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 11
- Temperature optimum for marsh resilience and carbon accumulation revealed in a whole ecosystem warming experiment, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 10
- MASTREE+: Time-series of plant reproductive effort from six continents, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 9
- The impacts of mangrove range expansion on wetland ecosystem services in the southeastern United States: Current understanding, knowledge gaps, and emerging research needs, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 10
- Representing plant diversity in land models: An evolutionary approach to make ‘Functional Types’ more functional, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 8
- Beyond bulk: Density fractions explain heterogeneity in global soil carbon abundance and persistence, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 3
- Mismatch-induced growth reductions in a clade of Arctic-breeding shorebirds are rarely mitigated by increasing temperatures, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) - 3
- Joint effects of climate, tree size, and year on annual tree growth derived using tree-ring records of ten globally distributed forests, 2022, Global Change Biology (28) -
- Experimental warming and its legacy effects on root dynamics following two hurricane disturbances in a wet tropical forest, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 24
- Phytoplankton and cyanobacteria abundances in mid-21st century lakes depend strongly on future land use and climate projections, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 24
- Response to “Connectivity and pore accessibility in models of soil carbon cycling”, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 21
- Earlier winter/spring runoff and snowmelt during warmer winters lead to lower summer chlorophyll-a in north temperate lakes, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 19
- Factors influencing distributional shifts and abundance at the range core of a climate-sensitive mammal, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 19
- Divergent climate change effects on widespread dryland plant communities driven by climatic and ecohydrological gradients, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 20
- Spring phenology drives range shifts in a migratory Arctic ungulate with key implications for the future, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 19
- Predicted climate-induced reductions in scavenging in eastern North America, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 14
- Linking climate niches across seasons to assess population vulnerability in a migratory bird, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 15
- Warming induces divergent stomatal dynamics in co-occurring boreal trees, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 13
- Identifying dominant environmental predictors of freshwater wetland methane fluxes across diurnal to seasonal time scales, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 15
- Temperature‐associated decreases in demographic rates of Afrotropical bird species over 30 years, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 10
- Response to ‘Stochastic and deterministic interpretation of pool models’, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 11
- Seal body condition and atmospheric circulation patterns influence polar bear body condition, recruitment, and feeding ecology in the Chukchi Sea, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 12
- Tropicalization of temperate ecosystems in North America: The northward range expansion of tropical organisms in response to warming winter temperatures, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 13
- Heatwave-induced synchrony within forage fish portfolio disrupts energy flow to top pelagic predators, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 9
- Divergent species‐specific impacts of whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO2 on vegetation water relations in an ombrotrophic peatland, 2021, Global Change Biology (27) - 9
- From pools to flow: The PROMISE framework for new insights on soil carbon cycling in a changing world, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 12
- Climate- versus geographic-dependent patterns in the spatial distribution ofmacroinvertebrate assemblages in New World depressional wetlands, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 12
- Wildfire and the ecological niche: Diminishing habitat suitability for an indicator species within semi‐arid ecosystems, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 11
- The pervasive and multifaceted influence of biocrusts on water in the world’s drylands, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 10
- Mountain stoneflies may tolerate warming streams: Evidence from organismal physiology and gene expression, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 10
- Drought reshuffles plant phenology and reduces the foraging benefit of green-wave surfing for a migratory ungulate, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 8
- Robust ecological drought projections for drylands in the 21st century, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 7
- Altered climate leads to positive density‐dependent feedbacks in a tropical wet forest, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 6
- Critical land change information enhances the understanding of carbon balance in the United States, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 27
- Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in lakes, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 5
- Food and temperature stressors have opposing effects in determining flexible migration decisions in brown trout (Salmo trutta ), 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 5
- Climate and human water use diminish wetland networks supporting continental waterbird migration, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 4
- Disentangling the potential effects of land-use and climate change on stream conditions, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 4
- Potential changes to the biology and challenges to the management of invasive sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in the Laurentian Great Lakes due to climate change, 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 3
- Winter climate change and the poleward range expansion of a tropical invasive tree (Brazilian pepper ‐ Shinus terebinthifolius), 2020, Global Change Biology (26) - 2
- Integrating anthropogenic factors into regional-scale species distribution models — A novel application in the imperiled sagebrush biome, 2019, Global Change Biology (25) - 11
- Microbial assemblages reflect environmental heterogeneity in alpine streams, 2019, Global Change Biology (25) - 8
- Effects of 21st century climate, land use, and disturbances on ecosystem carbon balance in California, 2019, Global Change Biology (25) - 10
- Shrub persistence and increased grass mortality in response to drought in dryland systems, 2019, Global Change Biology (25) - 9
- Plasticity in elk migration timing is a response to changing environmental conditions, 2019, Global Change Biology (25) - 7
- Spatiotemporal remote sensing of ecosystem change and causation across Alaska, 2019, Global Change Biology (25) - 3
- Delayed herbivory by migratory geese increases summer‐long CO2 uptake in coastal western Alaska, 2019, Global Change Biology (25) - 1
- A 3,000‐year lag between the geological and ecological shutdown of Florida's coral reefs, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 11
- Adapting management to a changing world: Warm temperatures, dry soil, and interannual variability limit restoration success of a dominant woody shrub in temperate drylands, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 10
- Multidirectional abundance shifts among North American birds and the relative influence of multifaceted climate factors, 2018, Global Change Biology (23) - 9
- Climatically driven changes in primary production propagate through trophic levels, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 10
- Spring temperature, migration chronology, and nutrient allocation to eggs in three species of arctic‐nesting geese: Implications for resilience to climate warming, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 11
- Climate and plant controls on soil organic matter in coastal wetlands, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 11
- Tundra be dammed: Beaver colonization of the Arctic, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 10
- Probabilistic measures of climate change vulnerability, adaptation action benefits, and related uncertainty from maximum temperature metric selection, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 6
- Rising synchrony controls western North American ecosystems, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 6
- Range position and climate sensitivity: The structure of among-population demographic responses to climatic variation, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 1
- Will fluctuations in salt marsh–mangrove dominance alter vulnerability of a subtropical wetland to sea‐level rise?, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 3
- Spring fasting behavior in a marine apex predator provides an index of ecosystem productivity, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 1
- Multi-model comparison highlights consistency in predicted effect of warming on a semi-arid shrub, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 1
- Tracing biogeochemical subsidies from glacier runoff into Alaska's coastal marine food webs, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 1
- Networking our science to characterize the state, vulnerabilities, and management opportunities of soil organic matter, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 2
- Improving predictions of tropical forest response to climate change through integration of field studies and ecosystem modeling, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 1
- Seed origin and warming constrain lodgepole pine recruitment, slowing the pace of population range shifts, 2018, Global Change Biology (24) - 1
- Unexpected stasis in a changing world: Lake nutrient and chlorophyll trends since 1990, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 12
- Thermal adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in a warming world: Insights from common garden experiments on Alaskan sockeye salmon, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 12
- Interannual variation in methane emissions from tropical wetlands triggered by repeated El Niño Southern Oscillation, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 11
- No evidence for ecological segregation protecting native trout from invasive hybridization, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 12
- Structural overshoot of tree growth with climate variability and the global spectrum of drought-induced forest dieback, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 9
- Abundant carbon substrates drive extremely high sulfate reduction rates and methane fluxes in Prairie Pothole Wetlands, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 8
- Increased Arctic sea ice drift alters adult female polar bear movements and energetics, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 9
- Climate change-induced vegetation shifts lead to more ecological droughts despite projected rainfall increases in many global temperate drylands, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 7
- A decade of boreal rich fen greenhouse gas fluxes in response to natural and experimental water table variability, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 6
- A mosaic-based approach is needed to conserve biodiversity in disturbed freshwater ecosystems, 2017, Global Change Biology (24) - 1
- Additive impacts of experimental climate change increase risk to an ectotherm at the Arctic's edge, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 6
- Designing ecological climate change impact assessments to reflect key climatic drivers, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 7
- Ecological regime shift drives declining growth rates of sea turtles throughout the West Atlantic, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 11
- Legacy introductions and climatic variation explain spatiotemporal patterns of invasive hybridization in a native trout, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 11
- Pushing precipitation to the extremes in distributed experiments: Recommendations for simulating wet and dry years, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 5
- Rapid carbon loss and slow recovery following permafrost thaw in boreal peatlands, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 3
- Modeled ecohydrological responses to climate change at seven small watersheds in the northeastern United States, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 2
- Warming and provenance limit tree recruitment across and beyond the elevation range of subalpine forest, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 6
- Estuary-ocean connectivity: Fast physics, slow biology, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 6
- Climate-induced glacier and snow loss imperils alpine stream insects, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 7
- A synthesis of radial growth patterns preceding tree mortality, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 4
- Mechanistic variables can enhance predictive models of endotherm distributions: The American pika under current, past, and future climates, 2017, Global Change Biology (23) - 3
- A dynamic leaf gas-exchange strategy is conserved in woody plants under changing ambient CO2: evidence from carbon isotope discrimination in paleo and CO2 enrichment studies, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 2
- Projected shifts in fish species dominance in Wisconsin lakes under climate change, 2016, Global Change Biology (23) - 4
- Estimating indices of range shifts in birds using dynamic models when detection is imperfect, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 10
- Experimental whole-lake increase of dissolved organic carbon concentration produces unexpected increase in crustacean zooplankton density, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 8
- Nitrogen enrichment regulates calcium sources in forests, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 12
- Predicting tree biomass growth in the temperate-boreal ecotone: is tree size, age, competition or climate response most important?, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 6
- A review of the relationships between drought and forest fire in the United States, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 7
- Not all droughts are created equal: The impacts of interannual drought pattern and magnitude on grassland carbon cycling, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 5
- Resource subsidies between stream and terrestrial ecosystems under global change, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 7
- Will changes in phenology track climate change? A study of growth initiation timing in coast Douglas-fir, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 11
- The pace of past climate change vs. potential bird distributions and land use in the United States, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 3
- Thermokarst rates intensify due to climate change and forest fragmentation in an Alaskan boreal forest lowland, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 2
- Human activities and climate variability drive fast-paced change across the world's estuarine-coastal ecosystems, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 2
- Changes in seasonal climate outpace compensatory density-dependence in eastern brook trout, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 2
- Human activities cause distinct dissolved organic matter composition across freshwater ecosystems, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 2
- Beyond just sea-level rise: Considering macroclimatic drivers within coastal wetland vulnerability assessments to climate change, 2016, Global Change Biology (22) - 1
- Estuarine fish communities respond to climate variability over both river and ocean basins, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 10
- Will a warmer and wetter future cause extinction of native Hawaiian forest birds?, 2015, Global Change Biology
- Desert grassland responses to climate and soil moisture suggest divergent vulnerabilities across the southwestern United States, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 11
- Genetic diversity is related to climatic variation and vulnerability in threatened bull trout, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 7
- Temporal patterns in adult salmon migration timing across southeast Alaska, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 5
- Polygonal tundra geomorphological change in response to warming alters future CO2 and CH4 flux on the Barrow Peninsula, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 4
- A pan-Arctic synthesis of CH4 and CO2 production from anoxic soil incubations, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 7
- Urgent need for warming experiments in tropical forests, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 6
- Projected carbon stocks in the conterminous USA with land use and variable fire regimes, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 12
- Long-term growth-increment chronologies reveal diverse influences of climate forcing on freshwater and forest biota in the Pacific Northwest, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 2
- Pronounced chemical response of Subarctic lakes to climate-driven losses in surface area, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 3
- Forest Ecosystem respiration estimated from eddy covariance and chamber measurements under high turbulence and substantial tree mortality from bark beetles, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 1
- Please don't misuse the museum: 'declines' may be statistical, 2015, Global Change Biology (21) - 3
- Basin-scale phenology and effects of climate variability on global timing of initial seaward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), 2014, Global Change Biology (20) -
- Climate remains an important driver of post-European vegetation change in the eastern United States, 2014, Global Change Biology (21) - 6
- Seasonal weather patterns drive population vital rates and persistence in a stream fish, 2014, Global Change Biology (21) - 5
- Do cities simulate climate change? A comparison of herbivore response to urban and global warming, 2014, Global Change Biology (21) - 1
- Scale criticality in estimating ecosystem carbon dynamics, 2014, Global Change Biology (20) - 7
- Mountain landscapes offer few opportunities for high-elevation tree species migration, 2014, Global Change Biology (20) - 5
- A synthesis of methane emissions from 71 northern, temperate, and subtropical wetlands, 2014, Global Change Biology (20) - 7
- Changing climate and the altitudinal range of avian malaria in the Hawaiian Islands: an ongoing conservation crisis on the island of Kaua'i, 2014, Global Change Biology (20) - 8
- Backcasting the decline of a vulnerable Great Plains reproductive ecotype: identifying threats and conservation priorities, 2014, Global Change Biology (20) - 1
- Ebullitive methane emissions from oxygenated wetland streams, 2014, Global Change Biology (20) - 11
- Variation in the response of an Arctic top predator experiencing habitat loss: Feeding and reproductive ecology of two polar bear populations, 2014, Global Change Biology (20) - 1
- Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: Is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 12
- Thermal controls of Yellowstone cutthroat trout and invasive fishes under climate change, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 10
- Changes in the structure and function of northern Alaskan ecosystems when considering variable leaf-out times across groupings of species in a dynamic vegetation model, 2013, Global Change Biology (20) - 3
- Probabilistic accounting of uncertainty in forecasts of species distributions under climate change, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 11
- Wetlands serve as natural sources for improvement of stream ecosystem health in regions affected by acid deposition, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 9
- Convergent responses of nitrogen and phosphorus resorption to nitrogen inputs in a semiarid grassland, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 9
- Projecting demographic responses to climate change: adult and juvenile survival respond differently to direct and indirect effects of weather in a passerine population, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 9
- Environmental and physical controls on northern terrestrial methane emissions across permafrost zones, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 2
- Landscape influences on climate-related lake shrinkage at high latitudes, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 7
- Fragmentation and thermal risks from climate change interact to affect persistence of native trout in the Colorado River basin, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 5
- Winter climate change and coastal wetland foundation species: Salt marshes vs. mangrove forests in the southeastern United States, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 5
- The response of soil organic carbon of a rich fen peatland in interior Alaska to projected climate change, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 2
- Uncertainty in assessing the impacts of global change with coupled dynamic species distribution and population models, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 3
- Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine scale do climate projections need to be?, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 2
- Climate-associated population declines reverse recovery and threaten future of an iconic high-elevation plant, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 3
- Climate change has indirect effects on resource use and overlap among coexisting bird species with negative consequences for their reproductive success, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 2
- Global change effects on Bromus tectorum L. (Poaceae) at its high-elevation range margin, 2013, Global Change Biology (19) - 1
- Increased temperature and altered summer precipitation have differential effects on biological soil crusts in a dryland ecosystem, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 8
- Consequences of declining snow accumulation for water balance of mid-latitude dry regions, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 6
- Tracking climate impacts on the migratory monarch butterfly, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 10
- Forecasting climate change impacts to plant community composition in the Sonoran Desert region, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 3
- Vulnerability of riparian ecosystems to elevated CO2 and climate change in arid and semiarid western North America, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 3
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among terrestrial biosphere models, atmospheric inversions, and a new approach for estimating net ecosystem exchange from inventory-based data, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 4
- Effects of biotic disturbances on forest carbon cycling in the United States and Canada, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 1
- Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid-Atlantic forests, 2012, Global Change Biology (18) - 2
- Quantifying the hydrological responses to climate change in an intact forested small watershed in southern China, 2011, Global Change Biology (17) - 12
- Predicting phenology by integrating ecology, evolution and climate science, 2011, Global Change Biology (17) - 12
- Mechanisms influencing changes in lake area in Alaskan boreal forest, 2011, Global Change Biology (17) - 8
- Quantifying the hydrological responses to climate change in an intact forested small watershed in Southern China, 2011, Global Change Biology (17) - 12
- The effect of fire and permafrost interactions on soil carbon accumulation in an upland black spruce ecosystem of interior Alaska: Implications for post-thaw carbon loss, 2011, Global Change Biology (17) - 3
- Birth seasonality and offspring production in threatened neotropical primates related to climate, 2011, Global Change Biology (17) - 10
- Patterns of NPP, GPP, respiration, and NEP during boreal forest succession, 2011, Global Change Biology (17) - 2
- Carbon exchange in biological soil crust communities under differential temperatures and soil water contents: Implications for global change, 2010, Global Change Biology (16) - 10
- Growth, carbon-isotope discrimination, and drought-associated mortality across a Pinus ponderosa elevational transect, 2010, Global Change Biology (16) - 1
- Moisture and vegetation controls on decadal-scale accrual of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in restored grasslands, 2010, Global Change Biology (16) - 9
- Molecular investigations into a globally important carbon pool: Permafrost-protected carbon in Alaskan soils, 2010, Global Change Biology (16) - 9
- Latitudinal trends in Spartina alterniflora productivity and the response of coastal marshes to global change, 2009, Global Change Biology (15) - 8
- The role of climate in the dynamics of a hybrid zone in Appalachian salamanders, 2009, Global Change Biology (15) - 8
- Vulnerability of carbon storage in North American boreal forests to wildfires during the 21st century, 2009, Global Change Biology (15) - 6
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982-2006, 2009, Global Change Biology (15) - 10
- On carbon sequestration in desert ecosystems, 2009, Global Change Biology (15) - 6
- Climate-induced changes in high elevation stream nitrate dynamics, 2009, Global Change Biology (15) - 7
- Assessing the response of area burned to changing climate in western boreal North America using a Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) approach, 2009, Global Change Biology (15) - 3
- Changes in dissolved organic material determine exposure of stream benthic communities to UV-B radiation and heavy metals: Implications for climate change, 2008, Global Change Biology (14) - 9
- Where temperate meets tropical: Multi-factorial effects of elevated CO2, nitrogen enrichment, and competition on a mangrove-salt marsh community, 2008, Global Change Biology (14) - 5
- Global change and biological soil crusts: Effects of ultraviolet augmentation under altered precipitation regimes and nitrogen additions, 2008, Global Change Biology (14) - 3
- Climate controls on C3 vs. C4 productivity in North American grasslands from carbon isotope composition of soil organic matter, 2008, Global Change Biology (14) - 5
- Effect of hydrological conditions on nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide dynamics in a bottomland hardwood forest and its implication for soil carbon sequestration, 2008, Global Change Biology (14) - 4
- Interactive effects of wildfire and permafrost on microbial communities and soil processes in an Alaskan black spruce forest, 2008, Global Change Biology (14) - 11
- Effects of nutrient loading and extreme rainfall events on coastal tallgrass prairies: Invasion intensity, vegetation responses, and carbon and nitrogen distribution, 2007, Global Change Biology (13) - 10
- Energy feedbacks of northern high-latitude ecosystems to the climate system due to reduced snow cover during 20th century warming, 2007, Global Change Biology (13) - 11
- Effects of wildfire and permafrost on soil organic matter and soil climate in interior Alaska, 2006, Global Change Biology (12) - 12
- Importance of recent shifts in soil thermal dynamics on growing season length, productivity, and carbon sequestration in terrestrial high-latitude ecosystems, 2006, Global Change Biology (12) - 4
- Soil-atmospheric exchange of CO2, CH4, and N2O in three subtropical forest ecosystems in southern China, 2006, Global Change Biology (12) - 3
- Effects of elevated CO2 on fine root dynamics in a Mojave Desert community: A FACE study, 2006, Global Change Biology (12) - 1
- Impact of land use and land cover change on groundwater recharge and quality in the southwestern US, 2005, Global Change Biology (11) - 10
- North American Brant: Effects of changes in habitat and climate on population dynamics, 2005, Global Change Biology (11) - 6
- Vegetation and climate controls on potential CO2, DOC and DON production in northern latitude soils, 2002, Global Change Biology (8) - 9
- Carbon dynamics within agricultural and native sites in the loess region of Western lowa, 2001, Global Change Biology (7) - 5
- The role of fire in the boreal carbon budget, 2000, Global Change Biology (6) - SUPPLEMENT 1
- Arctic and boreal ecosystems of western North America as components of the climate system, 2000, Global Change Biology (6) - SUPPLEMENT 1
- A new global 1-km dataset of percentage tree cover derived from remote sensing, 2000, Global Change Biology (6) - 2
- Geographic patterns and dynamics of Alaskan climate interpolated from a sparse station record, 2000, Global Change Biology (6) - S1
- Modelling carbon responses of tundra ecosystems to historical and projected climate: A comparison of a plot- and a global-scale ecosystem model to identify process-based uncertainties, 2000, Global Change Biology (6) - SUPPLEMENT 1
- Modelling carbon responses of tundra ecosystems to historical and projected climate: Sensitivity of pan-Arctic carbon storage to temporal and spatial variation in climate, 2000, Global Change Biology (6) - SUPPLEMENT 1
- Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP): Global pattern and differentiation by major biomes, 1999, Global Change Biology (5) - SUPPL. 1
- Evidence that local land use practices influence regional climate, vegetation, and stream flow patterns in adjacent natural areas, 1998, Global Change Biology (4) - 5
- Experimental manipulations of snow-depth: Effects on nutrient content of caribou forage, 1997, Global Change Biology (3) - SUPPL. 1