Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Groundwater-Surface water interactions research: Past trends and future directions, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (644) -
- High resolution identification and quantification of diffuse deep groundwater discharge in mountain rivers using continuous boat-mounted helium measurements, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (640) -
- Indications of preferential groundwater seepage feeding northern peatland pools, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (638) -
- Diel temperature signals track seasonal shifts in localized groundwater contributions to headwater streamflow generation at network scale, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (639) -
- Taking heat (downstream): Simulating groundwater and thermal equilibrium controls on annual paired air–water temperature signal transport in headwater streams, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (638) -
- Remote sensing evapotranspiration in ensemble-based framework to enhance cascade routing and re-infiltration concept in integrated hydrological model applied to support decision making, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (637) -
- Simulation of groundwater-flow dynamics in the U.S. Northern High Plains driven by multi-model estimates of surficial aquifer recharge, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (630) -
- Hydrologic changes in the Brazos River Basin and implications for Great Plains fishes, 2024, Journal of Hydrology (629) -
- Modeling groundwater-level responses to multiple stresses using transfer-function models and wavelet analysis in a coastal aquifer system, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (627) - Part B
- Thirty years of regional groundwater-quality trend studies in the United States: Major findings and lessons learned, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (627) - Part A
- Estimating streamflow permanence with the watershed erosion prediction project model: Implications for surface water presence modeling and data collection, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (622) - B
- Dynamics of streamflow permanence in a headwater network: Insights from catchment-scale model simulations, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (620) - Part A
- Adjusting design floods for urbanization across groundwater-dominated watersheds of Long Island, NY, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (618) -
- Wildfire-induced shifts in groundwater discharge to streams identified with paired air and stream water temperature analyses, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (619) -
- Integrating urban water fluxes and moving beyond impervious surface cover: A review, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (618) -
- Incorporating temperature into seepage loss estimates for a large unlined irrigation canal, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (617) - C
- Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (616) -
- Learning from arid and urban aquatic ecosystems to inform more sustainable and resilient futures, 2023, Journal of Hydrology (616) -
- Assessing spatial transferability of a random forest metamodel for predicting drainage fraction, 2022, Journal of Hydrology (612) - Part B
- A statistical framework to track temporal dependence of chlorophyll–nutrient relationships with implications for lake eutrophication management, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (603) - Part D
- Hydrometeorology and hydrology of flooding in Cape Fear River basin during Hurricane Florence in 2018, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (603) - Part D
- A statistical framework to track temporal dependence of chlorophyll–nutrient relationships with implications for lake eutrophication management, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (603) - Part D
- Machine learning predictions of mean ages of shallow well samples in the Great Lakes Basin, USA, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (603) -
- Uncertainty in remote sensing of streams using noncontact radars, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (603) - A
- Post-wildfire hydrologic recovery in Mediterranean climates: A systematic review and case study to identify current knowledge and opportunities, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (602) -
- Evaluating low flow patterns, drivers and trends in the Delaware River Basin, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (598) -
- The influence of land cover and storm magnitude on hydrologic flowpath activation and runoff generation in steep tropical catchments of central Panama, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (596) -
- Editorial: Advances in hydrology and the water environment in the karst critical zone under the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (595) -
- The impact of ventilation patterns on calcite dissolution rates within karst conduits, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (593) -
- Temporal and spatial variations in river specific conductivity: Implications for understanding sources of river water and hydrograph separations, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (593) -
- Summer runoff generation in foothill catchments of the Colorado Front Range, 2021, Journal of Hydrology (595) -
- Rethinking a groundwater flow system using a multiple-tracer geochemical approach: A case study in Moab-Spanish Valley, Utah, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (590) -
- Projecting spatiotemporally explicit effects of climate change on stream temperature: A model comparison and implications for coldwater fishes, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (588) -
- Paired air-water annual temperature patterns reveal hydrogeological controls on stream thermal regimes at watershed to continental scales, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (587) -
- Pavement alters delivery of sediment and fallout radionuclides to urbanstreams, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (588) -
- Temporal evolution of measured and simulated infiltration following wildfire in the Colorado Front Range, USA: Shifting thresholds of runoff generation and hydrologic hazards, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (585) -
- Evaluation of soil zone processes and a novel radiocarbon correction approach for groundwater with mixed sources, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (588) -
- Relating hydroclimatic change to streamflow, baseflow, and hydrologic partitioning in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, 1980 to 2015, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (584) -
- The use of support vectors from support vector machines for hydrometeorologic monitoring network analyses, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (583) -
- Effects of montane watershed development on vulnerability of domestic groundwater supply during drought, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (583) -
- Environmental tracer evidence for connection between shallow and bedrock aquifers and high intrinsic susceptibility to contamination of the conterminous U.S. glacial aquifer, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (583) -
- Isotopic and geochemical assessment of the sensitivity of groundwater resources of Guam, Mariana Islands, to intra- and inter-annual variations in hydroclimate, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (568) -
- Change points in annual peak streamflows: Method comparisons and historical change points in the United States, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (583) -
- Low streamflow trends at human-impacted and reference basins in the United States, 2020, Journal of Hydrology (580) -
- Anthropogenic and geologic causes of anomalously high uranium concentrations in groundwater used for drinking water supply in the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, CA, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (577) -
- Historical changes in New York State streamflow: Attribution of temporal shifts and spatial patterns from 1961 to 2016, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (574) -
- Multi-scale preferential flow processes in an urban streambed under variable hydraulic conditions, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (573) -
- Estimating quick-flow runoff at the monthly timescale for the conterminous United States, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (573) -
- Effects of climate, regulation, and urbanization on historical flood trends in the United States, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (573) -
- Seasonality of nitrate sources and isotopic composition in the Upper Illinois River, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (568) -
- Linkages between hydrology and seasonal variations of nutrients and periphyton in a large oligotrophic subalpine lake, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (568) -
- A new indicator framework for quantifying the intensity of the terrestrialwater cycle, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (559) -
- Evidence for conservative transport of dissolved organic carbon in major river basins in the Gulf of Maine Watershed, 2019, Journal of Hydrology (573) -
- Satellite remote sensing estimation of river discharge: Application to the Yukon River Alaska, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (561) -
- Geochemical characterization and modeling of regional groundwater contributing to the Verde River, Arizona between Mormon Pocket and the USGS Clarkdale gage, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (564) -
- Suspended-sediment concentrations and loads in the lower Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers decreased by half between 1980 and 2015, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (564) -
- Groundwater flux estimation in streams: A thermal equilibrium approach, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (561) -
- Prediction uncertainty and data worth assessment for groundwater transport times in an agricultural catchment, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (561) -
- Computing under-ice discharge: A proof-of-concept using hydroacoustics and the Probability Concept, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (562) -
- Cyclic heliothermal behaviour of the shallow, hypersaline Lake Hayward, Western Australia, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (560) -
- Simulating selenium and nitrogen fate and transport in coupled stream-aquifer systems of irrigated regions, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (560) -
- Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the Late Pleistocene Lake Bonneville flood, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (561) -
- Metamodeling and mapping of nitrate flux in the unsaturated zone and groundwater, Wisconsin, USA, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (559) -
- The suitability of using dissolved gases to determine groundwater discharge to high gradient streams, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (557) -
- Managing the water-energy-food nexus: Opportunities in Central Asia, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (557) -
- Drought-induced recharge promotes long-term storage of porewater salinity beneath a prairie wetland, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (557) -
- Climate variability and vadose zone controls on damping of transient recharge, 2018, Journal of Hydrology (561) -
- Groundwater-level trends in the U.S. glacial aquifer system, 1964-2013, 2017, Journal of Hydrology (553) -
- Remote measurement of river discharge using thermal particle image velocimetry (PIV) and various sources of bathymetric information, 2017, Journal of Hydrology (554) -
- Climate-driven variability in the occurrence of major floods across North America and Europe, 2017, Journal of Hydrology (552) -
- Seawater-flooding events and impact on freshwater lenses of low-lying islands: Controlling factors, basic management and mitigation, 2017, Journal of Hydrology (551) -
- Trends in snowmelt-related streamflow timing in the conterminous United States, 2017, Journal of Hydrology (547) -
- Prediction and visualization of redox conditions in the groundwater of Central Valley, California, 2017, Journal of Hydrology (546) -
- New insights into nitrate dynamics in a karst groundwater system gained from in situ high-frequency optical sensor measurements, 2017, Journal of Hydrology (546) -
- Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in the western United States, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (534) -
- Hydrogeologic controls on groundwater discharge and nitrogen loads in a coastal watershed, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (538) -
- A partial exponential lumped parameter model to evaluate groundwater age distributions and nitrate trends in long-screened wells, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (543) - A
- Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates in groundwater from multi-model residence time distributions, San Joaquin Valley, USA, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (145) -
- An overview of current applications, challenges, and future trends in distributed process-based models in hydrology, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (537) -
- Uncertainty analysis of the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model at multiple flux tower sites, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (536) -
- Simulating future water temperatures in the North Santiam River, Oregon, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (535) -
- An evaluation of methods for estimating decadal stream loads, 2016, Journal of Hydrology (542) -
- Estimation of historic flows and sediment loads to San Francisco Bay,1849–2011, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (529) - 3
- Long-term changes in nitrate conditions over the 20th century in two Midwestern Corn Belt streams, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (525) -
- A statistical learning framework for groundwater nitrate models of the Central Valley, California, USA, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (531) - 3
- Evaluation of the U.S. Geological Survey standard elevation products in a two-dimensional hydraulic modeling application for a low relief coastal floodplain, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (531) - 3
- A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (530) -
- Groundwater recharge assessment at local and episodic scale in a soil mantled perched karst aquifer in southern Italy, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (529) - 3
- Riverbed clogging associated with a California riverbank filtration system: An assessment of mechanisms and monitoring approaches, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (529) - 3
- Regional scale estimates of baseflow and factors influencing baseflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (4) - B
- Modeled intermittency risk for small streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin under climate change, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (523) -
- Storage and mobilization of natural and septic nitrate in thick unsaturated zones, California, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (524) -
- A new approach for continuous estimation of baseflow using discrete water quality data: Method description and comparison with baseflow estimates from two existing approaches, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (522) -
- Inter-annual and spatial variability of Hamon potential evapotranspiration model coefficients, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (521) -
- Determining the importance of model calibration for forecasting absolute/relative changes in streamflow from LULC and climate changes, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (522) -
- Assessing the impacts of climate and land use and land cover change on the freshwater availability in the Brahmaputra River basin, 2015, Journal of Hydrology (3) -
- Collaborative modelling and integrated decision support system analysis of a developed terminal lake basin, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (517) -
- A regional neural network model for predicting mean daily river water temperature, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (517) -
- A data reconnaissance on the effect of suspended-sediment concentrations on dissolved-solids concentrations in rivers and tributaries in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part A
- Nitrogen speciation and trends, and prediction of denitrification extent, in shallow US groundwater, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (509) -
- Investigating organic matter in Fanno Creek, Oregon, Part 1 of 3: estimating annual foliar biomass for a deciduous-dominant urban riparian corridor, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part D
- Investigating organic matter in Fanno Creek, Oregon, Part 2 of 3: sources, sinks, and transport of organic matter with fine sediment, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part D
- Characterizing phosphorus dynamics in tile-drained agricultural fieldsof eastern Wisconsin, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519 A) -
- Investigating organic matter in Fanno Creek, Oregon, Part 3 of 3: identifying and quantifying sources of organic matter to an urban stream, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part D
- Exploring the long-term balance between net precipitation and net groundwater exchange in Florida seepage lakes, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part D
- Practical limitations on the use of diurnal temperature signals to quantify groundwater upwelling, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - B
- Effects of distributed and centralized stormwater best management practices and land cover on urban stream hydrology at the catchment scale, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part C
- Developing and testing temperature models for regulated systems: a case study on the Upper Delaware River, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part A
- Projections of the Ganges-Brahmaputra precipitation: downscaled from GCM predictors, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (517) -
- Identifying dominant controls on hydrologic parameter transfer from gauged to ungauged catchments: a comparative hydrology approach, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (517) -
- Surface-groundwater interactions in hard rocks in Sardon Catchment of western Spain: an integrated modeling approach, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (517) -
- Characterization of the porosity distribution in the upper part of the karst Biscayne aquifer using common offset ground penetrating radar, Everglades National Park, Florida, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (515) -
- Natural uranium and strontium isotope tracers of water sources and surface water-groundwater interactions in arid wetlands: Pahranagat Valley, Nevada, USA, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (517) -
- Placing prairie pothole wetlands along spatial and temporal continua to improve integration of wetland function in ecological investigations, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (513) -
- Linking aquifer spatial properties and non-Fickian transport in mobile-immobile like alluvial settings, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (512) -
- Quantity and quality of groundwater discharge in a hypersaline lake environment, 2014, Journal of Hydrology (512) -
- Modeling unsaturated zone flow and runoff processes by integrating MODFLOW-LGR and VSF, and creating the new CFL package, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (488) -
- Characterizing response of total suspended solids and total phosphorus loading to weather and watershed characteristics for rainfall and snowmelt events in agricultural watersheds, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (507) -
- The suitability of a simplified isotope-balance approach to quantify transient groundwater-lake interactions over a decade with climatic extremes, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (519) - Part D
- Dissolved oxygen fluctuations in karst spring flow and implications for endemic species: Barton Springs, Edwards aquifer, Texas, USA, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (505) -
- Improving regression-model-based streamwater constituent load estimates derived from serially correlated data, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (503) -
- Increases in flood magnitudes in California under warming climates, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (501) -
- Temporal and spatial variability of groundwater recharge on Jeju Island, Korea, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (501) -
- Quantifying wetland–aquifer interactions in a humid subtropical climate region: An integrated approach, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (498) -
- Geologic effects on groundwater salinity and discharge into an estuary, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (498) -
- A comparison of models for estimating potential evapotranspiration for Florida land cover types, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (373) - 3-4
- Appraising options to reduce shallow groundwater tables and enhance flow conditions over regional scales in an irrigated alluvial aquifer system, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (495) -
- The timing of scour and fill in a gravel-bedded river measured with buried accelerometers, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (495) -
- Trends in the suspended-sediment yields of coastal rivers of northern California, 1955–2010, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (489) -
- Estimating instream constituent loads using replicate synoptic sampling, Peru Creek, Colorado, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (489) -
- Spatial variability of the response to climate change in regional groundwater systems -- examples from simulations in the Deschutes Basin, Oregon, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (486) -
- Fens as whole-ecosystem gauges of groundwater recharge under climate change, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (481) -
- Export of dissolved organic carbon from the Penobscot River basin in north-central Maine, 2013, Journal of Hydrology (476) -
- Use of the continuous slope-area method to estimate runoff in a network of ephemeral channels, southeast Arizona, USA, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (472-473) -
- Changes in sources and storage in a karst aquifer during a transition from drought to wet conditions, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (468-469) -
- Multivariate statistical approach to estimate mixing proportions for unknown end members, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (460-461) -
- A zonal evaluation of intrinsic susceptibility in selected principal aquifers of the United States, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (440-441) -
- Spatially telescoping measurements for improved characterization of groundwater-surface water interactions, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (446-447) -
- A remote sensing approach for estimating the location and rate of urban irrigation in semi-arid climates, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (414-415) -
- Advancing representation of hydrologic processes in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) through integration of the TOPographic MODEL (TOPMODEL) features, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (420-421) -
- Experimental determination of soil heat storage for the simulation of heat transport in a coastal wetland, 2012, Journal of Hydrology (422-423) -
- Comment on “An unconfined groundwater model of the Death Valley Regional Flow System and a comparison to its confined predecessor” by R.W.H. Carroll, G.M. Pohll and R.L. Hershey [Journal of Hydrology 373/3–4, pp. 316–328], 2011, Journal of Hydrology (397) - 3-4
- Multivariate analyses with end-member mixing to characterize groundwater flow: Wind Cave and associated aquifers, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (409) - 1-2
- Subsurface transport of orthophosphate in five agricultural watersheds, USA, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (409) - 1-2
- Demonstration of a conceptual model for using LiDAR to improve the estimation of floodwater mitigation potential of Prairie Pothole Region wetlands, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (405) - 3-4
- Groundwater chemistry near an impoundment for produced water, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (403) - 1-2
- Comparison of bottom-track to global positioning system referenced discharges measured using an acoustic Doppler current profiler, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (401) - 3-4
- Multivariate analyses with end-member mixing to characterize groundwater flow: Wind Cave and associated aquifers, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (409) - 1-2
- The influence of irrigation water on the hydrology and lake water budgets of two small arid-climate lakes in Khorezm, Uzbekistan, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (410) - 1-2
- Field tracer investigation of unsaturated zone flow paths and mechanisms in agricultural soils of northwestern Mississippi, USA, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (396) - 1-2
- Rating curve estimation of nutrient loads in Iowa rivers, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (396) - 1-2
- Using Cl/Br ratios and other indicators to assess potential impacts on groundwater quality from septic systems: A review and examples from principal aquifers in the United States, 2011, Journal of Hydrology (397) - 3-4
- The importance of the riparian zone and in-stream processes in nitrate attenuation in undisturbed and agricultural watersheds – a review of the scientific literature, 2010, Journal of Hydrology (389) -
- Consumptive use and resulting leach-field water budget of a mountain residence, 2010, Journal of Hydrology (388) - 3-4
- Sediment discharges during storm flow from proximal urban and rural karst springs, central Kentucky, USA, 2010, Journal of Hydrology (383) - 3-4
- Seasonal groundwater contribution to crop-water use assessed with lysimeter observations and model simulations, 2010, Journal of Hydrology (389) - 3-4
- Comment on “Two statistics for evaluating parameter identifiability and error reduction” by John Doherty and Randall J. Hunt, 2010, Journal of Hydrology (380) - 3-4
- Spatial variability of steady-state infiltration into a two-layer soil system on burned hillslopes, 2010, Journal of Hydrology (381) - 3-4
- Snowmelt hydrograph interpretation: Revealing watershed scale hydrologic characteristics of the Yellowstone volcanic plateau, 2010, Journal of Hydrology (383) - 3-4
- Linking hydraulic properties of fire-affected soils to infiltration and water repellency, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (379) - 3-4
- Defining restoration targets for water depth and salinity in wind-dominated Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl. coastal marshes, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (376) - 3-4
- Temporal variations of Escherichia coli concentrations in a large Midwestern river, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (365) - 1-2
- Combining particle-tracking and geochemical data to assess public supply well vulnerability to arsenic and uranium, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (376) - 1-2
- Age-distribution estimation for karst groundwater: Issues of parameterization and complexity in inverse modeling by convolution, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (376) - 3-4
- Estimating 3D variation in active-layer thickness beneath arctic streams using ground-penetrating radar, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (373) - 3-4
- A simple approach to distinguish land-use and climate-change effects on watershed hydrology, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (376) - 1-2
- Effects of sediment transport and seepage direction on hydraulic properties at the sediment-water interface of hyporheic settings, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (373) - 3-4
- A one-dimensional heat-transport model for conduit flow in karst aquifers, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (378) - 3-4
- Trends in streamflow in the Yukon River Basin from 1944 to 2005 and the influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (371) - 1-4
- 'Natural background' soil water repellency in conifer forests of the north-western USA: Its prediction and relationship to wildfire occurrence, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (371) - 1-4
- Interbasin flow in the Great Basin with special reference to the southern Funeral Mountains and the source of Furnace Creek springs, Death Valley, California, U.S., 2009, Journal of Hydrology (369) - 1-2
- Ground and surface temperature variability for remote sensing of soil moisture in a heterogeneous landscape, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (368) - 1-4
- Linking hydraulic properties of fire-affected soils to infiltration and water repellency, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (379) - 3-4
- Assigning land use to supply wells for the statistical characterization of regional groundwater quality: Correlating urban land use and VOC occurrence, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (370) - 1-4
- Two statistics for evaluating parameter identifiability and error reduction, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (366) - 1-4
- Hydrograph separation for karst watersheds using a two-domain rainfall-discharge model, 2009, Journal of Hydrology (364) - 3-4
- A seepage meter designed for use in flowing water, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (359) - 1-2
- Landscape complexity and soil moisture variation in south Georgia, USA, for remote sensing applications, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (357) - 3-4
- Sources and fate of nitrate in the Illinois River Basin, Illinois, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (359) - 1-2
- Groundwater discharge along a channelized Coastal Plain stream, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (360) - 1-4
- Inverse modeling of surface-water discharge to achieve restoration salinity performance measures in Florida Bay, Florida, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (351) - 1-2
- Reply to comment by J. Szilagyi on "Comparison of 15 evaporation methods applied to a small mountain lake in the northeastern USA" [J. Hydrol. 340 (3-4) (2007) 149-166], 2008, Journal of Hydrology (348) - 3-4
- Measuring real-time streamflow using emerging technologies: Radar, hydroacoustics, and the probability concept, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (357) - 1-2
- Estimating groundwater recharge in Hebei Plain, China under varying land use practices using tritium and bromide tracers, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (356) - 1-2
- Inverse geochemical modeling of groundwater evolution with emphasis on arsenic in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, Arkansas (USA), 2008, Journal of Hydrology (350) - 1-2
- Assessment of crop growth and soil water modules in SWAT2000 using extensive field experiment data in an irrigation district of the Yellow River Basin, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (352) - 1-2
- Application of multiple isotopic and geochemical tracers for investigation of recharge, salinization, and residence time of water in the Souss-Massa aquifer, southwest of Morocco, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (352) - 3-4
- Effects of climate and land management change on streamflow in the driftless area of Wisconsin, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (355) - 1-4
- Temporal downscaling of decadal sediment load estimates to a daily interval for use in hindcast simulations, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (349) - 3-4
- Tile drainage as karst: Conduit flow and diffuse flow in a tile-drained watershed, 2008, Journal of Hydrology (349) - 3-4
- Estimation of evapotranspiration by reed canarygrass using field observations and model simulations, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (337) - 3-4
- Field-derived relationships for flow velocity and resistance in high-gradient streams, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (340) - 1-2
- Freshwater-saltwater transition zone movement during aquifer storage and recovery cycles in Brooklyn and Queens, New York City, USA, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (337) - 1-2
- Factors influencing ground-water recharge in the eastern United States, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (332) - 1-2
- Comparison of local- to regional-scale estimates of ground-water recharge in Minnesota, USA, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (334) - 1-2
- Rapid estimation of recharge potential in ephemeral-stream channels using electromagnetic methods, and measurements of channel and vegetation characteristics, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (344) - 1-2
- Comparison of 15 evaporation methods applied to a small mountain lake in the northeastern USA, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (340) - 3-4
- Estimating the bankfull velocity and discharge for rivers using remotely sensed river morphology information, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (341) - 3-4
- Quasi-horizontal circulation cells in 3D seawater intrusion, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (339) - 3-4
- Distributed energy-balance modeling of snow-cover evolution and melt in rugged terrain: Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, USA, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (336) - 1-2
- Evidence for terrigenic SF6 in groundwater from basaltic aquifers, Jeju Island, Korea: Implications for groundwater dating, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (339) - 1-2
- Isotopic characterization of three groundwater recharge sources and inferences for selected aquifers in the upper Klamath Basin of Oregon and California, USA, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (336) - 1-2
- Recent climate trends and implications for water resources in the Catskill Mountain region, New York, USA, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (336) - 1-2
- Aquifer-scale controls on the distribution of nitrate and ammonium in ground water near La Pine, Oregon, USA, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (333) - 2-4
- Evidence of CFC degradation in groundwater under pyrite-oxidizing conditions, 2007, Journal of Hydrology (347) - 1-2
- Cokriging estimation of daily suspended sediment loads, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (327) - 3-4
- A water-budget approach to restoring a sedge fen affected by diking and ditching, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (320) - 3-4
- Groundwater-surface water interaction in the riparian zone of an incised channel, Walnut Creek, Iowa, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (327) - 1-2
- Application of environmental tracers to mixing, evolution, and nitrate contamination of ground water in Jeju Island, Korea, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (327) - 1-2
- Increasing streamflow and baseflow in Mississippi River since the 1940 s: Effect of land use change, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (324) - 1-4
- Effects of long-term water table drawdown on evapotranspiration and vegetation in an arid region phreatophyte community, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (325) - 1-4
- Location and timing of river-aquifer exchanges in six tributaries to the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (329) - 3-4
- Translating CFC-based piston ages into probability density functions of ground-water age in karst, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (330) - 3-4
- Precipitation induced stream flow: An event based chemical and isotopic study of a small stream in the Great Plains region of the USA, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (330) - 3-4
- Modeling decadal timescale interactions between surface water and ground water in the central Everglades, Florida, USA, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (320) - 3-4
- Estimates of suspended sediment entering San Francisco Bay from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta, San Francisco Bay, California, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (323) - 1-4
- The importance of diverse data types to calibrate a watershed model of the Trout Lake Basin, Northern Wisconsin, USA, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (321) - 1-4
- Inverse approaches with lithologic information for a regional groundwater system in southwest Kansas, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (318) - 1-4
- Effects of land cover on water table, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge: A Field observation and analysis, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (319) - 1-4
- A rainfall loading response recorded at 300 meters depth: Implications for geological weighing lysimeters, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (319) - 1-4
- Negative correlation between porosity and hydraulic conductivity in sand-and-gravel aquifers at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (316) - 1-4
- Flow path oscillations in transient ground-water simulations of large peatland systems, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (316) - 1-4
- Estimating recharge using relations between precipitation and yield in a mountainous area with large variability in precipitation, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (316) - 1-4
- Evidence for intensification of the global water cycle: Review and synthesis, 2006, Journal of Hydrology (319) - 1-4
- Estimating discharge in rivers using remotely sensed hydraulic information, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (309) - 1-4
- Hydrologic properties of coal beds in the Powder River Basin, Montana I. Geophysical log analysis, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (308) - 1-4
- Coupled inverse modeling of vadose zone water, heat, and solute transport: Calibration constraints, parameter nonuniqueness, and predictive uncertainty, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (312) - 1-4
- Repeated surveys by acoustic Doppler current profiler for flow and sediment dynamics in a tidal river, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (314) - 1-4
- Simulation of integrated surface-water/ground-water flow and salinity for a coastal wetland and adjacent estuary, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (314) - 1-4
- Effects of suburban development on runoff generation in the Croton River basin, New York, USA, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (311) - 1-4
- Comparison of the lognormal and beta distribution functions to describe the uncertainty in permeability, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (313) - 3-4
- Investigating surface water-well interaction using stable isotope ratios of water, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (302) - 1-4
- Utility of Penman-Monteith, Priestley-Taylor, reference evapotranspiration, and pan evaporation methods to estimate pasture evapotranspiration, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (308) - 1-4
- Hydrologic properties of coal-beds in the Powder River Basin, Montana: II. Aquifer test analysis, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (308) - 1-4
- Temporal analysis of the frequency and duration of low and high streamflow: Years of record needed to characterize streamflow variability, 2005, Journal of Hydrology (310) - 1-4
- Comparison of ground-water flow model particle-tracking results and isotopic data in the Mojave River ground-water basin, southern California, USA, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (292) - 1-4
- A methodology to asess relations between climatic variability and variations in hydrologic time series in the southwestern United States, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (287) - 1-4
- Linear model describing three components of flow in karst aquifers using 18O data, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (296) - 1-4
- Aquifer vulnerability to pesticide pollution: Combining soil, land-use and aquifer properties with molecular descriptors, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (293) - 1-4
- Overland flow generation in two lithologically distinct rainforest catchments, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (295) - 1-4
- Water table fluctuations near an incised stream, Walnut Creek, Iowa, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (286) - 1-4
- The rotating movement of three immiscible fluids - A benchmark problem, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (287) - 1-4
- Baseflow contribution to nitrate-nitrogen export from a large, agricultural watershed, USA, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (295) - 1-4
- Nitrate and herbicide loading in two groundwater basins of Illinois' sinkhole plain, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (290) - 3-4
- Use of chemical and isotopic tracers to assess nitrate contamination and ground-water age, Woodville Karst Plain, USA, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (289) - 1-4
- Contamination of groundwater under cultivated fields in an arid environment, central Arava Valley, Israel, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (290) - 3-4
- Identifying areas of basin-floor recharge in the Trans-Pecos region and the link to vegetation, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (292) - 1-4
- Fast ground-water mixing and basal recharge in an unconfined, alluvial aquifer, Konza LTER Site, Northeastern Kansas, 2004, Journal of Hydrology (286) - 1-4
- Interseasonal covariability of Sierra Nevada streamflow and San Francisco Bay salinity, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (277) - 3-4
- Changes in the timing of high river flows in New England over the 20th Century, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (278) - 1-4
- Estimation of hectare-scale soil-moisture characteristics from aquifer-test data, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (281) - 1-2
- Data-based comparisons of moments estimators using historical and paleoflood data, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (278) - 1-4
- Analysis of aquifer mineralization by paleodrainage channels, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (277) - 3-4
- Entropy and generalized least square methods in assessment of the regional value of streamgages, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (283) - 1-4
- Application of two hydrologic models with different runoff mechanisms to a hillslope dominated watershed in the northeastern US: A comparison of HSPF and SMR, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (284) - 1-4
- Use of statistically and dynamically downscaled atmospheric model output for hydrologic simulations in three mountainous basins in the western United States, 2003, Journal of Hydrology (282) - 1-4
- Changes in concentrations of triazine and acetamide herbicides by bank filtration, ozonation, and chlorination in a public water supply, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (266) - 3-4
- The influence of microclimates and fog on stable isotope signatures used in interpretation of regional hydrology: East Maui, Hawaii, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (264) - 1-4
- Effect of flood-induced chemical load on filtrate quality at bank filtration sites, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (266) - 3-4
- Groundwater hydrochemistry in the active layer of the proglacial zone, Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (269) - 3-4
- Isotope variations in a Sierra Nevada snowpack and their relation to meltwater, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (260) - 1-4
- Improving the analysis of slug tests, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (269) - 3-4
- Lag times of bank filtration at a well field, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (266) - 3-4
- Bedform movement recorded by sequential single-beam surveys in tidal rivers, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (258) - 1-4
- Linking the pacific decadal oscillation to seasonal stream discharge patterns in Southeast Alaska, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (263) - 1-4
- Using flowmeter pulse tests to define hydraulic connections in the subsurface: A fractured shale example, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (265) - 1-4
- Transport of suspended solids from a karstic to an alluvial aquifer: The role of the karst/alluvium interface, 2002, Journal of Hydrology (260) - 1-4
- Evolution of the conceptual model of unsaturated zone hydrology at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 2001, Journal of Hydrology (247) - 1-2
- Processes controlling the episodic streamwater transport of atrazine and other agrichemicals in an agricultural watershed, 2001, Journal of Hydrology (254) - 1-4
- Linking hyporheic flow and nitrogen cycling near the Willamette River: A large river in Oregon, USA, 2001, Journal of Hydrology (244) - 3-4
- Seasonal and event-scale variations in solute chemistry for four Sierra Nevada catchments, 2001, Journal of Hydrology (250) - 1-4
- Effect of canopy removal on snowpack quantity and quality, fraser experimental forest, Colorado, 2001, Journal of Hydrology (245) - 1-4
- Processes regulating watershed chemical export during snowmelt, fraser experimental forest, Colorado, 2001, Journal of Hydrology (245) - 1-4
- Flowmetering of drainage wells in Kuwait City, Kuwait, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (234) - 3-4
- Development and application of a comprehensive simulation model to evaluate impacts of watershed structures and irrigation water use on streamflow and groundwater: The case of Wet Walnut Creek Watershed, Kansas, USA, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (236) - 3-4
- A new method for collection of nitrate from fresh water and the analysis of nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (228) - 1-2
- Precipitation areal-reduction factor estimation using an annual-maxima centered approach, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (230) - 1-2
- From safe yield to sustainable development of water resources - The Kansas experience, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (235) - 1-2
- Methodology and application of combined watershed and ground-water models in Kansas, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (236) - 3-4
- Concentrations and characteristics of organic carbon in surface water in Arizona: Influence of urbanization, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (236) - 3-4
- Estimating formation properties from early-time oscillatory water levels in a pumped well, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (236) - 1-2
- Aquifer response to stream-stage and recharge variations. II. Convolution method and applications, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (230) - 3-4
- Aquifer response to stream-stage and recharge variations. I. Analytical step-response functions, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (230) - 3-4
- Geochemical modeling of iron, sulfur, oxygen and carbon in a coastal plain aquifer, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (237) - 3-4
- Modeling regional salinization of the Ogallala aquifer, Southern High Plains, TX, USA, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (238) - 1-2
- Transport of free and particulate-associated bacteria in karst, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (238) - 3-4
- Water movement through a thick unsaturated zone underlying an intermittent stream in the western Mojave Desert, southern California, USA, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (238) - 3-4
- Characteristic length scale of input data in distributed models: implications for modeling grain size, 2000, Journal of Hydrology (227) - 1-4
- Riparian zone flowpath dynamics during snowmelt in a small headwater catchment, 1999, Journal of Hydrology (222) - 1-4
- Comparison of the stable-isotopic composition of soil water collected from suction lysimeters, wick samplers, and cores in a sandy unsaturated zone, 1999, Journal of Hydrology (224) - 1-2
- A topological system for delineation and codification of the Earth's river basins, 1999, Journal of Hydrology (218) - 1-2
- The role of event water, a rapid shallow flow component, and catchment size in summer stormflow, 1999, Journal of Hydrology (217) - 3-4
- Integrated numerical modeling for basin-wide water management: The case of the Rattlesnake Creek basin in south-central Kansas, 1999, Journal of Hydrology (214) - 1-4
- A hydrometric and geochemical approach to test the transmissivity feedback hypothesis during snowmelt, 1999, Journal of Hydrology (219) - 3-4
- Analysis and simulation of reactive transport of metal contaminants in ground water in Pinal Creek Basin, Arizona, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (209) - 1-4
- Multi-level slug tests in highly permeable formations: 1. Modification of the Springer-Gelhar (SG) model, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (204) - 1-4
- Noble gases, stable isotopes, and radiocarbon as tracers of flow in the Dakota aquifer, Colorado and Kansas, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (211) - 1-4
- Changes in the isotopic and chemical composition of ground water resulting from a recharge pulse from a sinking stream, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (211) - 1-4
- Estimating formation properties from early-time recovery in wells subject to turbulent head losses, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (208) - 3-4
- Effects of a beaver pond on runoff processes: comparison of two headwater catchments, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (205) - 3-4
- Infiltration and hydraulic connections from the Niagara River to a fractured-dolomite aquifer in Niagara Falls, New York, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (206) - 1-2
- Modeling CO2 degassing and pH in a stream-aquifer system, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (209) - 1-4
- Determining rates of chemical weathering in soils - Solute transport versus profile evolution, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (209) - 1-4
- Multi-level slug tests in highly permeable formations: 2. Hydraulic conductivity identification, method verification, and field applications, 1998, Journal of Hydrology (204) - 1-4
- Results of a prototype surface water network design for pesticides developed for the San Joaquin River Basin, California, 1997, Journal of Hydrology (192) - 1-4
- Dynamics of water-table fluctuations in an upland between two prairie-pothole wetlands in North Dakota, 1997, Journal of Hydrology (191) - 1-4
- Statistical modeling of agricultural chemical occurrence in midwestern rivers, 1997, Journal of Hydrology (196) - 1-4
- Modeling saltwater upconing in a freshwater aquifer in south-central Kansas, 1997, Journal of Hydrology (201) - 1-4
- 222Rn transport in a fractured crystalline rock aquifer: Results from numerical simulations, 1997, Journal of Hydrology (195) - 1-4
- Effect of nitrate, organic carbon, and temperature on potential denitrification rates in nitrate-rich riverbed sediments, 1997, Journal of Hydrology (187) - 3-4
- Evaluation of unconfined-aquifer parameters from pumping test data by nonlinear least squares, 1997, Journal of Hydrology (192) - 1-4
- Shallow ground-water quality beneath a major urban center: Denver, Colorado, USA, 1996, Journal of Hydrology (186) - 1-4
- Transverse dispersion of contaminants in fractured permeable formations, 1996, Journal of Hydrology (176) - 1-4
- Analytical solutions to non-Fickian subsurface dispersion in uniform groundwater flow, 1996, Journal of Hydrology (179) - 1-4
- Chloride mass-balance method for estimating ground water recharge in arid areas: Examples from western Saudi Arabia, 1996, Journal of Hydrology (186) - 1-4
- Denitrification and mixing in a stream-aquifer system: Effects on nitrate loading to surface water, 1996, Journal of Hydrology (186) - 1-4
- Seasonal cycles of dissolved constituents in streamwater in two forested catchments in the mid-Atlantic region of the eastern U.S.A., 1995, Journal of Hydrology (170) -
- Nitrate transport and transformation processes in unsaturated porous media, 1995, Journal of Hydrology (169) - 1-4
- How wet is wet? Precipitation constraints on late Quaternary climate in the southern Arabian Peninsula, 1995, Journal of Hydrology (164) - 1-4
- Fluxes of water and solute in a coastal wetland sediment. l. The contribution of regional groundwater discharge, 1995, Journal of Hydrology (164) - 1-4
- Fluxes of water and solute in a coastal wetland sediment. 2. Effect of macropores on solute exchange with surface water, 1995, Journal of Hydrology (164) - 1-4
- Use of isotopic data to estimate water residence times of the Finger Lakes, New York, 1995, Journal of Hydrology (164) - 1-4
- Effects of land disposal of municipal sewage sludge on fate of nitrates in soil, streambed sediment, and water quality, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (163) - 1-2
- Simulation of long-term thermal characteristics of three Estonian lakes, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (163) - 1
- The effect of a confining unit on the geochemical evolution of ground water in the Upper Floridan aquifer system, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (153) - 1-4
- The travel-time ellipse: An approximate zone of transport, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (161) - 1-4
- Peak flow rate and recession-curve characteristics of a karst spring in the Inner Bluegrass, central Kentucky, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (162) - 1-2
- Model for dolomite formation in northwest Florida, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (157) - 1-4
- Hydrogeologic analysis of the saturated-zone ground-water system, under Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (154) - 1-4
- The use of slug tests to describe vertical variations in hydraulic conductivity, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (156) - 1-4
- Comparison of energy-budget evaporation losses from two morphometrically different Florida seepage lakes, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (156) - 1-4
- Relationships between atmospheric circulation and snowpack in the Gunnison River basin, Colorado, 1994, Journal of Hydrology (157) - 1-4
- A pressure-packer system for conducting rising head tests in water table wells, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (148) - 1-2
- Hydrogeology of wetlands, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (141) - 1-4
- The role of permafrost and seasonal frost in the hydrology of northern wetlands in North America, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (141) - 1-4
- Aspects of numerical and representational methods related to the finite-difference simulation of advective and dispersive transport of freshwater in a thin brackish aquifer, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (148) - 1-4
- Use of principal-component, correlation, and stepwise multiple-regression analyses to investigate selected physical and hydraulic properties of carbonate-rock aquifers, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (147) - 1-4
- Hydrology and chemistry of groundwater and seasonal ponds in the Atlantic Coastal Plain in Delaware, USA, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (141) - 1-4
- Calibrated models as management tools for stream-aquifer systems: the case of central Kansas, USA, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (152) - 1-4
- Variations in aqueous sulfate concentrations at Panola Mountain, Georgia, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (146) - C
- Interactions between ground water and wetlands, southern shore of Lake Michigan, USA, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (141) - 1-4
- Statistical evaluation of hydrologic conditions in the vicinity of abandoned underground coal mines around Cannelburg, Indiana, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (146) - C
- Non-parametric trend analysis of water quality data of rivers in Kansas, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (150) - 1
- Temporal and spatial patterns of wetland sedimentation, West Tennessee, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (141) - 1-4
- Analysis of flow in an observation well intersecting a single fracture, 1993, Journal of Hydrology (151) - 2-4
- Gravel-bed deposition and erosion by bedform migration observed ultrasonically during storm flow, North Fork Toutle River, Washington, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (136) - 1-4
- Groundwater recharge estimation and regionalization: the Great Bend Prairie of central Kansas and its recharge statistics, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (137) - 1-4
- Simultaneous parameter estimation and contaminant source characterization for coupled groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (135) - 1-4
- Seasonal dynamics of groundwater-lake interactions at Doñana National Park, Spain, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (136) - 1-4
- Evaluation of the depth-integration method of measuring water discharge in large rivers, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (135) - 1-4
- Pesticide residues in ground water of the San Joaquin Valley, California, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (130) - 1-4
- Electromagnetic methods for mapping freshwater lenses on Micronesian atoll islands, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (137) - 1-4
- The dynamic relationship between ground water and the Columbia River: using deuterium and oxygen-18 as tracers, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (135) - 1-4
- Residence times in river basins as determined by analysis of long-term tritium records, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (130) - 1-4
- Groundwater flow, velocity, and age in a thick, fine-grained till unit in southeastern Wisconsin, 1992, Journal of Hydrology (132) - 1-4
- Geochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon in a Coastal Plain aquifer. 2. Modeling carbon sources, sinks, and δ13C evolution, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (127) - 1-4
- A comparison of short-term measurements of lake evaporation using eddy correlation and energy budget methods, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (122) - 1-4
- Fate of acetone in an outdoor model stream with a nitrate supplement, southern Mississippi, U.S.A., 1991, Journal of Hydrology (123) - 3-4
- Hydrogeologic inferences from drillers' logs and from gravity and resistivity surveys in the Amargosa Desert, southern Nevada, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (124) - 1-2
- Detectability of the effects of a hypothetical temperature increase on the Thornthwaite moisture index, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (125) - 1-2
- The temperature dependence of ponded infiltration under isothermal conditions, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (122) - 1-4
- Stream-floodwave propagation through the Great Bend alluvial aquifer, Kansas: Field measurements and numerical simulations, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (124) - 3-4
- Combining the soilwater balance and water-level fluctuation methods to estimate natural groundwater recharge: Practical aspects, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (124) - 3-4
- Channel evolution and hydrologic variations in the Colorado River basin: Factors influencing sediment and salt loads, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (124) - 3-4
- Geochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon in a Coastal Plain aquifer. 1. Sulfate from confining beds as an oxidant in microbial CO2 production, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (127) - 1-4
- Pumping tests in non-uniform aquifers - the linear strip case, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (128) - 1-4
- Geohydrologic, geochemical, and geologic controls on the occurrence of radon in ground water near Conifer, Colorado, USA, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (127) - 1-4
- Effects of wetlands creation on groundwater flow, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (126) - 3-4
- Geochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon in a Coastal Plain aquifer. 2. Modeling carbon sources, sinks, and δ13C evolution, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (127) - 1-4
- The effects of overburden stress on the specific storage and hydraulic conductivity of artesian aquifers, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (128) - 1-4
- Estimation of suspended-sediment rating curves and mean suspended-sediment loads, 1991, Journal of Hydrology (129) - 1-4
- Using 222Rn to examine groundwater/surface discharge interaction in the Rio Grande de Manati, Puerto Rico, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (115) - 1-4
- Modelling streamwater chemistry as a mixture of soilwater end-members - A step towards second-generation acidification models, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (116) - 1-4
- Monitoring moisture storage in trees using time domain reflectometry, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (119) - 1-4
- Movement and fate of atrazine and bromide in central Kansas croplands, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (115) - 1-4
- A method to extract soil water for stable isotope analysis, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (115) - 1-4
- Simulation of dispersion in layered coastal aquifer systems, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (114) - 3-4
- Modelling streamwater chemistry as a mixture of soilwater end-members - An application to the Panola Mountain catchment, Georgia, U.S.A., 1990, Journal of Hydrology (116) - 1-4
- Theory and application of an approximate model of saltwater upconing in aquifers, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (115) - 1-4
- Using 222Rn to examine groundwater/surface discharge interaction in the Rio Grande de Manati, Puerto Rico, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (115) - 1-4
- Topographic effects on flow path and surface water chemistry of the Llyn Brianne catchments in Wales, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (115) - 1-4
- Storm-runoff generation in the Permanente Creek drainage basin, west central California - An example of flood-wave effects on runoff composition, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (113) - 1-4
- Dolomite dissolution rates and possible Holocene dedolomitization of water-bearing units in the Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (112) - 3-4
- Effect of faults on fluid flow and chloride contamination in a carbonate aquifer system, 1990, Journal of Hydrology (115) - 1-4
- Relation of salinity and selenium in shallow groundwater to hydrologic and geochemical processes, Western San Joaquin Valley, California, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (109) - 1-2
- Regression models for estimating urban storm-runoff quality and quantity in the United States, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (109) - 3-4
- Diffusion and consumption of methane in an unsaturated zone in north-central Illinois, U.S.A., 1989, Journal of Hydrology (111) - 1-4
- Effects of variations in recharge on groundwater quality, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (106) - 1-2
- Analysis of the shallow groundwater flow system near Connetqout Brook, Long Island, New York, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (107) - 1-4
- Seepage through a hazardous-waste trench cover, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (108) - 1-4
- Sediment concentration versus water discharge during single hydrologic events in rivers, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (111) - 1-4
- An operational GLS model for hydrologic regression, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (111) - 1-4
- An analysis of trichloroethylene movement in groundwater at castle Air Force Base, California, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (110) - 1-2
- Reconnaissance estimates of natural recharge to desert basins in Nevada, U.S.A., by using chloride-balance calculations, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (106) - 1-2
- Chemical hydrogeology in natural and contaminated environments, 1989, Journal of Hydrology (106) - 1-2
- Groundwater flow and transport modeling, 1988, Journal of Hydrology (100) - 1-3
- Lognormal kriging for the assessment of reliability in groundwater quality control observation networks, 1988, Journal of Hydrology (103) - 1-2
- Fate of acetone in an outdoor model stream in southern Mississippi, U.S.A., 1988, Journal of Hydrology (104) - 1-4
- Experimental studies in stream-aquifer interaction along the Arkansas River in Central Kansas - Field testing and analysis, 1988, Journal of Hydrology (98) - 3-4
- Pumping tests in nonuniform aquifers - The radially symmetric case, 1988, Journal of Hydrology (101) - 1-4
- A comparison of the largest rainfall-runoff floods in the United States with those of the People's Republic of China and the world, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Errors in slope-area computations of peak discharges in mountain streams, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Probability plotting position formulas for flood records with historical information, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Use of historical information in a maximum-likelihood framework, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Analysis of saltwater upconing beneath a pumping well, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (89) - 3-4
- Solute transport with equilibrium aqueous complexation and either sorption or ion exchange: Simulation methodology and applications, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (90) - 1-2
- Analysis of extraordinary flood events. U.S.-China bilateral symposium, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Hydraulics and basin morphometry of the largest flash floods in the conterminous United States, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (93) - 3-4
- Microclimate and actual evapotranspiration in a humid coastal-plain environment, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (93) - 3-4
- Origins of seawater intrusion in a coastal aquifer - A case study of the Pajaro Valley, California, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (92) - 3-4
- Analysis of an anisotropic coastal aquifer system using variable-density flow and solute transport simulation, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (92) - 1-2
- The local effects of groundwater pumpage within a fault-influenced groundwater basin, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, U.S.A., 1987, Journal of Hydrology (91) - 3-4
- Linear error analysis of slope-area discharge determinations, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Regional regression of flood characteristics employing historical information, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Quantifying peak discharges for historical floods, 1987, Journal of Hydrology (96) - 1-4
- Determination of the components of stormflow using water chemistry and environmental isotopes, Mattole River basin, California, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (84) - 1-2
- Groundwater model of the Blue River basin, Nebraska-Twenty years later, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (85) - 3-4
- Groundwater flow into Lake Michigan from Wisconsin, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (84) - 3-4
- A comparison of the coupled fresh water-salt water flow and the Ghyben-Herzberg sharp interface approaches to modeling of transient behavior in coastal aquifer systems, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (86) - 1-2
- River meanders and channel size, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (88) - 1-2
- On the nature of persistence in dendrochronologic records with implications for hydrology, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (86) - 3-4
- Recalibration and predictive reliability of a solute-transport model of an irrigated stream-aquifer system, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (87) - 1-2
- Limnological characteristics of selected lakes in the Nebraska sandhills, U.S.A., and their relation to chemical characteristics of adjacent ground water, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (86) - 3-4
- Determination of the components of stormflow using water chemistry and environmental isotopes, Mattole River basin, California, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (84) - 1-2
- Use of the chloride ion in determining hydrologic-basin water budgets - A 3-year case study in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, U.S.A., 1986, Journal of Hydrology (85) - 1-2
- Effect of ground-water recharge on configuration of the water table beneath sand dunes and on seepage in lakes in the sandhills of Nebraska, U.S.A., 1986, Journal of Hydrology (86) - 3-4
- A boundary element-Random walk model of mass transport in groundwater, 1986, Journal of Hydrology (85) - 3-4
- Experimental studies in natural groundwater-recharge dynamics: The analysis of observed recharge events, 1985, Journal of Hydrology (81) - 3-4
- Salt-water-freshwater transient upconing - An implicit boundary-element solution, 1985, Journal of Hydrology (78) - 1-2
- Quantitative analysis of saltwater-freshwater relationships in groundwater systems-A historical perspective, 1985, Journal of Hydrology (80) - 1-2
- Hydraulic gradient control for groundwater contaminant removal, 1985, Journal of Hydrology (76) - 1-2
- Evaluating the hydraulic effects of changes in aquifer elevation using curvilinear coordinates, 1985, Journal of Hydrology (81) - 3-4
- Analysis and modeling of Palmer's drought index series-Comment, 1985, Journal of Hydrology (80) - 1-2
- Transport and concentration controls for chloride, strontium, potassium and lead in Uvas Creek, a small cobble-bed stream in Santa Clara County, California, U.S.A.: 1. Conceptual model, 1984, Journal of Hydrology (75) - 1-4
- Effect of anisotropy and groundwater system geometry on seepage through lakebeds. 2. Numerical simulation analysis, 1984, Journal of Hydrology (75) - 1-4
- Transport and concentration controls for chloride, strontium, potassium and lead in Uvas Creek, a small cobble-bed stream in Santa Clara County, California, U.S.A. 2. Mathematical modeling, 1984, Journal of Hydrology (75) - 1-4
- Effect of anisotropy and groundwater system geometry on seepage through lakebeds. 1. Analog and dimensional analysis, 1984, Journal of Hydrology (75) - 1-4
- Transport and concentration controls for chloride, strontium, potassium and lead in Uvas Creek, a small cobble-bed stream in Santa Clara County, California, U.S.A. 1. Conceptual model, 1984, Journal of Hydrology (75) - 1-4
- Use of a digital model to evaluate hydrogeologic controls on groundwater flow in a fractured rock aquifer at Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A., 1984, Journal of Hydrology (75) - 1-4
- Groundwater-flow parameter estimation and quality modeling of the Equus Beds aquifer in Kansas, U.S.A., 1984, Journal of Hydrology (69) - 1-4
- Experimental studies in natural groundwater recharge dynamics: Assessment of recent advances in instrumentation, 1984, Journal of Hydrology (70) - 1-4
- Evaluation of the efficiency of streamflow data collection strategies for alluvial rivers, 1984, Journal of Hydrology (72) - 1-2
- The saltwater-freshwater interface in the Tertiary limestone aquifer, southeast Atlantic outer-continental shelf of the U.S.A., 1983, Journal of Hydrology (61) - 1-3
- Hydrostratigraphic subdivisions and fault barriers of the Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas, U.S.A., 1983, Journal of Hydrology (61) - 1-3
- Effective record length for the T-year event, 1983, Journal of Hydrology (64) - 1-4
- An enriched finite element for simulation of groundwater flow to a well or drain - Comment, 1983, Journal of Hydrology (60) - 1-4
- Groundwater observation network design for the Kansas groundwater management districts, U.S.A., 1983, Journal of Hydrology (61) - 4
- Relation of concealed faults to water quality and the formation of solution features in the Floridan aquifer, northeastern Florida, U.S.A., 1983, Journal of Hydrology (61) - 1-3
- Natural groundwater recharge in an upland area of central North Dakota, U.S.A., 1982, Journal of Hydrology (59) - 3-4
- Patterns of groundwater salinity changes in a deep continental-oceanic transect off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the U.S.A., 1981, Journal of Hydrology (54) - 1-3
- Dissolution of salt on the east flank of the Permian Basin in the southwestern U.S.A., 1981, Journal of Hydrology (54) - 1-3
- Impacts and management of steepland erosion: A review, 1981, Journal of Hydrology (20) - 1
- Chemical constraints of groundwater management in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, 1981, Journal of Hydrology (51) - 1-4
- Geological considerations in hazardouswaste disposal, 1981, Journal of Hydrology (54) - 1-3
- Effective and bankfull discharges of streams in the Yampa River basin, Colorado and Wyoming, 1980, Journal of Hydrology (46) - 3-4
- Mixing models and ionic geothermometers applied to warm (up to 60°C) springs: Jordan Rift Valley, Israel, 1980, Journal of Hydrology (45) - 1-2
- Effects of karst and geologic structure on the circulation of water and permeability in carbonate aquifers, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- Measurement of fluid velocity using temperature profiles: Experimental verification, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- Modern marine sediments as a natural analog to the chemically stressed environment of a landfill, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- Simulated changes in potentiometric levels resulting from groundwater development for phosphate mines, west-central Florida, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- The flow mechanism in the Chalk based on radio-isotope analyses of groundwater in the London Basin, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (40) - 1-2
- Major geochemical processes in the evolution of carbonate-Aquifer systems, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- Contribution of groundwater modeling to planning, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- Hydrogeology of glacial-terrain lakes, with management and planning applications, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- Hydraulic potential in Lake Michigan bottom sediments, 1979, Journal of Hydrology (43) - 1-4
- A field evaluation of subsurface and surface runoff. II. Runoff processes, 1978, Journal of Hydrology (38) - 3-4
- Uranium-isotope variations in groundwaters of the Floridan aquifer and Boulder Zone of south Florida, 1978, Journal of Hydrology (36) - 1-2
- The age of groundwater in the Lincolnshire Limestone, England and its relevance to the flow mechanism, 1977, Journal of Hydrology (33) - 3-4
- Solution of three-dimensional groundwater flow equations using the strongly implicit procedure, 1977, Journal of Hydrology (35) - 1-2
- Bicarbonate content of groundwater in carbonate rock in eastern North America, 1976, Journal of Hydrology (31) - 1-2
- Application of multi-regional planning models to the scheduling of large-scale water resource systems development, 1976, Journal of Hydrology (28) - 2-4
- Water quality effects of seepage from earthen dams, 1974, Journal of Hydrology (21) - 1
- Karst hydrology: A review, 1973, Journal of Hydrology (20) - 2
- Effects of karst features on circulation of water in carbonate rocks in coastal areas, 1971, Journal of Hydrology (14) - 2
- Comparison of chemical hydrogeology of the carbonate peninsulas of Florida and Yucatan, 1970, Journal of Hydrology (10) - 4
- Relation of sea water to fresh water in carbonate rocks in coastal areas, with special reference to Florida, U.S.A., and Cephalonia (Kephallinia), Greece, 1969, Journal of Hydrology (9) - 4
- Hydrology of carbonate rock terranes — A review: With special reference to the United States, 1969, Journal of Hydrology (8) - 3
- Natural recharge and localization of fresh ground water in Kuwait, 1965, Journal of Hydrology (2) - 3
- Applications of geohydrologic concepts in geology, 1963, Journal of Hydrology (1) - 1