Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Floral Composition of Pollen Collected from a Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis, Cresson) Nest in Southeastern Minnesota, 2024, Prairie Naturalist (56) -
- Ring-necked Pheasant brood habitat selection and movements in an intensive agricultural landscape, 2023, Prairie Naturalist (55) -
- Women in wildlife science: Building equity, diversity, and inclusion, 2023, Prairie Naturalist (55) -
- Effects of megafire on woody wpecies in the mixed-grass prairie, 2022, Prairie Naturalist (54) -
- Conclusion to the special issue on Pollinators of the Great Plains, 2022, Prairie Naturalist
- Introduction to the special issue on pollinators of the Great Plains, 2022, Prairie Naturalist
- Comparing native bee communities on reconstructed and remnant prairie in Missouri, 2020, Prairie Naturalist (52) - 2
- Carnivores of the World 2nd edition: Book review, 2019, Prairie Naturalist (51) - 1
- Review of Gulls simplified: A comparative approach to identification by Pete Dunne and Kevin T. Karlson, 2019, Prairie Naturalist (51) - 1
- Spatiotemporal distribution of waterfowl disease outbreaks in Kansas, 2019, Prairie Naturalist (50) -
- Severe Drought Impacts Female Pheasant Physiology in Southwest Nebraska, 2017, Prairie Naturalist (49) -
- Long-term changes in Canade Goose nest success and nest densities at an Iowa wetland complex, 2017, Prairie Naturalist (49) -
- Book review: Ducks, geese, and swans of North America, 2016, Prairie Naturalist (47) - 1
- Book review: Field guide to the common grasses of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, 2015, Prairie Naturalist (47) - 1
- Book review: Conservation by proxy: Indicator, umbrella, keystone, flagship, and other surrogate species, 2014, Prairie Naturalist (46) - 2
- Observations of sicklefin chub diets in the Missouri River, 2014, Prairie Naturalist (46) - 2
- A simple device for measuring the minimum current velocity to maintain semi-buoyant fish eggs in suspension, 2013, Prairie Naturalist (45) -
- Five new records of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for Nebraska, 2012, Prairie Naturalist (44) - 1
- Notes on the distribution of eastern woodrats and hispid cotton rats in south-central Nebraska, 2011, Prairie Naturalist (43) - 3/4
- Book review: Birds of Wyoming, 2011, Prairie Naturalist (43) - 1/2
- Book review: The Tallgrass Prairie Center guide to seed and seedling identification in the Upper Midwest, 2011, Prairie Naturalist (43) - 1/2
- Assessing the role of conspecific attraction in habitat restoration for Henslow's sparrows in Iowa, 2011, Prairie Naturalist (43) - 1/2
- First Record of Corisella inscripta (Uhler) (Heteroptera: Corixidae) from North Dakota, 2007, Prairie Naturalist (39) - 2
- Evaluating genetic viability of pronghorn in Wind Cave National Park, 2006, Prairie Naturalist (38) - 3
- [Book review] The quintessential companion for North American birders, by Christopher W. Leahy, 2005, Prairie Naturalist (37) - 1
- The flora of the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota, 2004, Prairie Naturalist (36) -
- First record of Graphoderus liberus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in North Dakota, 2004, Prairie Naturalist (36) -
- Guidelines for finding nests of passerine birds in tallgrass prairie, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) - 3
- Historical and recent records and first nest records of Henslow's sparrow in North Dakota, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) - 2
- Purple martins, then and now, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) - 1
- Brown-headed cowbirds in grasslands: Their habitats, hosts, and response to management, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) - 3
- American avocet nesting on constructed islands in North Dakota, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) - 2
- [Book review] Pheasants of the World . . . Again, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) - 2
- New nesting dates for some breeding birds in North Dakota, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) -
- [Book review] Nebraska birds in recorded history, 2003, Prairie Naturalist (35) - 2
- Selection of nesting habitat by sharp-tailed grouse in the Nebraska sandhills, 2002, Prairie Naturalist (34) - 3/4
- First record of loosely coiled valve snail in North Dakota, 2002, Prairie Naturalist (34) - 1/2
- On the rarity of observations of food provisioning by male dickcissels, 2001, Prairie Naturalist (33) - 2
- Range expansion of pileated woodpecker in North Dakota, 2001, Prairie Naturalist (33) - 3
- Distributions of roosting sandhill cranes as identified by aerial thermography, 2001, Prairie Naturalist (33) - 2
- Evidence of American woodcock nesting in Southeastern North Dakota, 2001, Prairie Naturalist (33) - 1
- Surveys of calling amphibians in North Dakota, 2001, Prairie Naturalist (33) - 4
- American bittern depredates sora, 2000, Prairie Naturalist (32) - 1
- A fascination with birds, 2000, Prairie Naturalist (31) - 3
- Fish assemblages and habitat relationships in a small northern Great Plains stream, 1999, Prairie Naturalist (31) - 1
- The wood warblers: book review, 1999, Prairie Naturalist (31) - 2
- The mathematics of movement, 1999, Prairie Naturalist (31) - 2
- [Book review] Range Plant Identification, by United States Forest Service, 1999, Prairie Naturalist (31) -
- [Book review] Stokes field guide to birds, by Donald Stokes and Lillian Stokes, 1998, Prairie Naturalist (29) - 1
- [Book review] Metapopulations and the real world, 1997, Prairie Naturalist (29) - 1
- Western meadowlark impaled on barbed-wire fence, 1996, Prairie Naturalist (28) - 1
- Second record of white ibis in North Dakota, 1996, Prairie Naturalist (28) - 3
- [Book review] Ecological Genetics, edited by L. A. Real, 1995, Prairie Naturalist (21) - 1
- Book review: Birds of the Platte, 1995, Prairie Naturalist (27) -
- A noteworthy record and the breeding distribution of the blue grosbeak in North Dakota, 1995, Prairie Naturalist (27) - 4
- [Book review] Conservation and Management of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds in the Northern Rockies and Great Plains, by David S. Dobkin, R. Gerald Wright, and Stephen C. Bunting, 1995, Prairie Naturalist (27) - 4
- Overwater foraging by a badger?, 1994, Prairie Naturalist (26) - 2
- Early history of the North Dakota Natural Science Society, 1994, Prairie Naturalist (26) - 2
- [Book review] For everything there is a season: the sequence of natural events in the Grand Teton-Yellowstone area, by F. C. Craighead, Jr., 1994, Prairie Naturalist (26) - 4
- [Book Review] Chance, Chaos, and More, by David Ruelle, 1993, Prairie Naturalist (25) - 4
- Observations of aggression in piping plover adults in Nebraska, 1993, Prairie Naturalist (25) - 1
- Remains of ducks and other prey found near fox and mink dens on an Iowa Wildlife Refuge, 1993, Prairie Naturalist (25) - 1
- Observations of aggression in piping plover adults in Nebraska, 1993, Prairie Naturalist (25) - 1
- Summer bird use of Kansas windbreaks, 1992, Prairie Naturalist (24) - 3
- Seabird guide goes paperback. [Book review] Seabirds: an identification guide, by Peter Harrison, 1992, Prairie Naturalist (24) - 1
- First flowering dates and flowering periods of prairie plants at Woodworth, North Dakota, 1992, Prairie Naturalist (24) - 2
- [Book review] Climate change for the next generation: Global Warming, by Jenny Tesar, 1992, Prairie Naturalist (24) - 2
- Diurnal flight time of wintering Canada geese: consideration of refuges and flight energetics, 1992, Prairie Naturalist (24) - 1
- Nest and nest site characteristics of some ground-nesting, non-passerine birds of northern grasslands, 1992, Prairie Naturalist (24) - 2
- Late gray partridge nest, 1992, Prairie Naturalist (24) - 1
- Incubation rhythm components for three Cinnamon Teal nesting in California, 1991, Prairie Naturalist (23) - 4
- Two Incubating mallards move eggs to drier nest sites, 1991, Prairie Naturalist (23) - 1
- Two incubating mallards move eggs to drier nest sites, 1991, Prairie Naturalist (23) - 1
- Habitat use, survival, and causes of mortality among mallard broods hatched near the James River in North Dakota, 1991, Prairie Naturalist (23) - 4
- Habitat use and movements of canvasback broods in southwestern Manitoba, 1991, Prairie Naturalist (23) - 4
- Brood habitat use of Rio Grande wild turkeys, 1990, Prairie Naturalist (22) - 3
- Diet of canvasbacks during breeding, 1990, Prairie Naturalist (22) - 3
- [Book review] A new text on birds: Ornithology, by Frank B. Gill, 1990, Prairie Naturalist (22) - 4
- Peregrines revisited. [Book review] Peregrine Falcon Populations: Their Management and Recovery, T. J. Cade, et al., editors, 1989, Prairie Naturalist (21) - 4
- Winter raptor use of the Platte and North Platte River Valleys in south central Nebraska, 1989, Prairie Naturalist (21) - 1
- Coleoptera species inhabiting prairie wetlands of the Cottonwood Lake Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota, 1989, Prairie Naturalist (21) - 1
- Breeding canvasbacks: a test of a habitat model, 1989, Prairie Naturalist (21) - 4
- Acute aspergillosis in mallards at Oahe seep near Pierre, South Dakota, 1988, Prairie Naturalist (20) - 3
- [Book Review] Building Models for Conservation and Wildlife Management, by A. M. Starfield and A. L. Bleloch, 1988, Prairie Naturalist (20) - 3
- [Book review] Harrier, hawk of the marshes: the hawk that is ruled by a mouse, by Frances Hamerstrom, 1987, Prairie Naturalist (19) - 4
- Composition and stability of coyote families and territories in North Dakota, 1987, Prairie Naturalist (19) -
- Breeding birds and vegetation structure in western North Dakota wooded draws, 1987, Prairie Naturalist (19) - 4
- Commercial sunflowers: food for red foxes in North Dakota, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 2
- Patterns and causes of change in a cliff swallow colony during a 17-year period, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 2
- Waterfowl nesting on an earth-filled cement culvert, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 2
- Commercial sunflowers: food for red foxes in North Dakota, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 2
- Comparison of wetland drainage during and after protection by 20-year easements, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (12) - 3/4
- Nest sites of ducks in grazed mixed-grass prairie in North Dakota, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 2
- [Book review] The encyclopedia of birds, by Christopher M. Perrins and Alex L. A. Middleton, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) -
- Western Stump Lake, a major canvasback staging area in eastern North Dakota, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 4
- A comparison of burn season effects on nesting birds in North Dakota mixed-grass prairie, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 4
- Winter ecology of bald eagles in southcentral Nebraska, 1986, Prairie Naturalist (18) - 2
- Classification of native vegetation at the Woodworth Station, North Dakota, 1985, Prairie Naturalist (17) - 3
- American coot habitat in North Dakota, 1985, Prairie Naturalist (17) - 1
- Mortality of raccoons in North Dakota, 1984, Prairie Naturalist (16) - 1
- Observations on the nesting ecology of burrowing owls in central North Dakota, 1984, Prairie Naturalist (16) - 3
- Use of raptor nests by nesting ducks, 1984, Prairie Naturalist (16) -
- Breeding bird community colonization of sown stands of native grasses in North Dakota, 1984, Prairie Naturalist (16) - 4
- Lead poisoning of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis), 1984, Prairie Naturalist (16) - 1
- Notes on mortality of American white pelicans at Chase Lake, North Dakota, 1984, Prairie Naturalist (16) - 3
- [Book review] The youngest science: notes of a medicine-watcher, by Lewis Thomas, 1984, Prairie Naturalist (16) -
- Canvasback introduction in west-central Minnesota, 1983, Prairie Naturalist (15) - 1
- Nesting ecology of red-tailed hawks and great horned owls in central North Dakota and their interactions with other large raptors, 1983, Prairie Naturalist (15) - 3
- Breeding birds of wooded draws in western North Dakota, 1983, Prairie Naturalist (15) - 4
- Aspects of the nesting ecology of least terns and piping plovers in central Nebraska, 1983, Prairie Naturalist (15) - 4
- Determining sex of plains pocket gophers by incisor width, 1982, Prairie Naturalist (14) - 4
- Mosquitoes (Diptera:Culicidae) consumed by breeding Anatinae in south central North Dakota, 1982, Prairie Naturalist (14) - 1
- Successful establishment of stands of cool-season native grasses (North Dakota), 1982, Prairie Naturalist (1) - 2
- Revised checklist of North Dakota birds, 1982, Prairie Naturalist (14) - 3
- [Book review] The wooing of earth, by Rene Dubos, 1982, Prairie Naturalist (14) - 3
- Eustrongylides and pesticide levels in a great blue heron shot in Wisconsin, 1981, Prairie Naturalist (13) - 2
- Status of American woodcock in Nebraska with notes on a recent breeding record, 1981, Prairie Naturalist (13) - 2
- Breeding birds on waterfowl production areas in northeastern North Dakota, 1981, Prairie Naturalist (13) - 1
- Observations of several arctic gulls in North Dakota, 1980, Prairie Naturalist (12) - 2
- [Book review] Wildflowers across the prairies, by F. R. Vance, J. R. Jowsey and J. S. McLean, 1980, Prairie Naturalist (12) -
- [Book review] Birds of the Great Plains: breeding species and their distribution, by Paul A. Johnsgard, 1980, Prairie Naturalist (12) - 3/4
- The status of herons, egrets and ibises in North Dakota, 1979, Prairie Naturalist (11) - 4
- [Book review] Role of the wolf in a deer decline in the Superior National Forest, by L. David Mech and Patrick D. Karns, 1979, Prairie Naturalist (11) - 2
- Some ecological aspects of marbled godwits and willets in North Dakota, 1979, Prairie Naturalist (11) - 4
- Canvasback duck recovers from compound luxation to wing, 1979, Prairie Naturalist (11) - 3
- Effects of a summer storm on bird populations, 1979, Prairie Naturalist (11) - 3
- Second North Dakota record of Louisiana waterthrush, 1979, Prairie Naturalist (11) - 3
- Avian mortality from a severe hail storm, 1979, Prairie Naturalist (11) - 3
- Avian mortality caused by a September wind and hail storm, 1978, Prairie Naturalist (10) - 2
- Upland nesting of American bitterns, marsh hawks, and short-eared owls, 1977, Prairie Naturalist (9) - 3&4
- Nesting by ferruginous hawks and other raptors on high voltage powerline towers, 1977, Prairie Naturalist (9) - 1
- In search of eagles, 1977, Prairie Naturalist (9) - 1
- Yellow-crowned night herons sighted in North Dakota, 1977, Prairie Naturalist (9) - 2
- Book Review: Minnesota's birds: where, when and how many by Janet C. Green and Robert B. Janssen, 1976, Prairie Naturalist (8) - 1/2
- Spring mortality of insectivorous birds in southern Manitoba, 1976, Prairie Naturalist (8) - 3/4
- Unusual mortality of a saw-whet owl, 1976, Prairie Naturalist (8) - 3/4
- Cardinal and mockingbird in Jamestown, North Dakota, 1976, Prairie Naturalist (8) - 3-4
- A large raccoon litter, 1975, Prairie Naturalist (7) - 4
- Migration of birds in North Dakota during fall 1974, 1975, Prairie Naturalist (7) - 1
- Reproduction and development of four mallard lines, 1975, Prairie Naturalist (7) - 1
- Swans resting on the surface of a dry lake, 1974, Prairie Naturalist (6) -
- Use of small fences to protect ground bird nests from mammalian predators, 1974, Prairie Naturalist (6) - 3/4
- Swans resting on the surface of a dry lake, 1974, Prairie Naturalist
- Wood ducks in North Dakota, 1974, Prairie Naturalist (6) - 2
- Avian mortality from collisions with overhead wires in North Dakota, 1974, Prairie Naturalist (6) - 1
- A biological survey of Kraft Slough, 1974, Prairie Naturalist (6) - 3/4
- Some aspects of mink-waterfowl relationships on prairie wetlands, 1973, Prairie Naturalist (5) - 2
- The age distribution of environmental periodicals, 1973, Prairie Naturalist (5) - 4
- Preliminary list of natural areas in North Dakota, 1973, Prairie Naturalist (5) - 3
- Population irruption of the least weasel (Mustela nivalis) in east central North Dakota, 1972, Prairie Naturalist (4) - 3/4
- The sandhill crane with emphasis on aspects related to North Dakota, 1972, Prairie Naturalist (4) - 3&4
- Bird mortality at four towers in eastern North Dakota--fall 1972, 1972, Prairie Naturalist (4) - 3/4
- Migration of birds in North Dakota during fall 1971, 1972, Prairie Naturalist (4) - 2
- Surf scoter in North Dakota, 1971, Prairie Naturalist (3) - 3/4
- Birds observed in North Dakota during the winter of 1970-71, 1971, Prairie Naturalist (3) - 2
- Duck mortality caused by wind, 1971, Prairie Naturalist (3) - 1
- Cowbird parasitism of an upland plover nest, 1971, Prairie Naturalist (3) - 3-4
- The population paradox, 1970, Prairie Naturalist (2) - 1
- The environmental crisis--a call to action, 1970, Prairie Naturalist (2) - 1
- Rapid method for filtration of marsh waters, 1969, Prairie Naturalist (1) - 2
- Nesting of the upland plover on the Missouri Coteau, 1969, Prairie Naturalist (1) - 3
- Specimen records of greater scaup, 1968, Prairie Naturalist (1) - 1
- Trumpeter swan in Kidder County, North Dakota, 1968, Prairie Naturalist (1) - 1
- White-faced ibis in McIntosh County, North Dakota, 1968, Prairie Naturalist (1) - 1