Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Methane emissions associated with bald cypress knees across the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, 2024, Wetlands (44) -
- Fish invasion of prairie pothole wetlands reduces amphipod abundance, a key vertebrate forage, 2024, Wetlands (44) -
- Importance of a lake-wetland complex for a resilient Walleye fishery, 2024, Wetlands (44) -
- What waterfowl hunters want: Exploring heterogeneity in hunting trip preferences, 2024, Wetlands (44) -
- Inundation tolerance, rather than drought tolerance, predicts riparian plant distributions along a local hydrologic gradient, 2023, Wetlands (44) - 6
- On the relationship between aquatic CO2 concentration and ecosystem fluxes in some of the world’s key wetland types, 2023, Wetlands (44) - 1
- Practical guide to measuring wetland carbon pools and fluxes, 2023, Wetlands (43) -
- Predicting inundation dynamics and hydroperiods of small, isolated wetlands using a machine learning approach, 2023, Wetlands (43) -
- Spatial variability in vertical accretion and carbon sequestration in salt marsh soils of an urban estuary, 2023, Wetlands (43) - 5
- Migrating ducks and submersed aquatic vegetation respond positively after invasive common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exclusion from a freshwater coastal marsh, 2023, Wetlands (43) -
- The potential of Prairie Pothole wetlands as an agricultural conservation practice: A synthesis of empirical data, 2023, Wetlands (43) -
- Water-quality improvement of an agricultural watershed marsh after macrophyte establishment and point-source reduction, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- Drones and bathymetry show the importance of optimal water depth for nest placement within breeding colonies of Western and Clark’s grebes, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- Hydrologic restoration decreases greenhouse gas emissions from shrub bog peatlands in southeastern US, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- CO2 uptake offsets other greenhouse gas emissions from salt marshes with chronic nitrogen loading, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- Surface elevation change dynamics in coastal marshes along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico: Anticipating effects of rising sea-level and intensifying hurricanes, 2022, Wetlands (42) - 5
- Extent of sedge-grass meadow in a Lake Michigan drowned river mouth wetland dictated by topography and lake level, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- Long-term hydrologic sustainability of calcareous fens along the Glacial Lake Agassiz beach ridges, northwestern Minnesota, USA, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- Estimating detection and occupancy of secretive marsh bird species in low and high saline marshes in southwestern Louisiana using automated recording units, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- Invasion of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) along the South Platte River: The roles of seed source, human influence, and river geomorphology, 2022, Wetlands (42) -
- Wetland selection by female Ring-Necked Ducks (Aythya collaris) in the Southern Atlantic Flyway, 2021, Wetlands (41) -
- Wetland selection by female Ring-Necked Ducks (Aythya collaris) in the Southern Atlantic Flyway, 2021, Wetlands (41) -
- Increasing hydroperiod in a karst-depression wetland based on 165 years of simulated daily water levels, 2021, Wetlands (41) -
- Chemical connectivity and multi-element composition of groundwater in depressional wetlands, 2021, Wetlands (41) -
- Understanding constraints on submersed vegetation distribution in a large, floodplain river: The role of water level fluctuations, water clarity and river geomorphology, 2021, Wetlands (41) -
- Wetland conservation: Challenges related to water law and farm policy, 2021, Wetlands (41) -
- Ecological interfaces between land and flowing water: Themes and trends in riparian research and management, 2020, Wetlands (40) - 6
- Tidal wetland resilience to increased rates of sea level rise in the Chesapeake Bay: Introduction to the special feature, 2020, Wetlands (40) - 6
- Riparian plant communities remain stable in response to a second cycle of Tamarix biocontrol defoliation, 2020, Wetlands (40) - 6
- Predicting bird guilds using vegetation composition and structure on a wild and scenic river in Arizona, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Broadcasting regional call dialects has little influence on the effectiveness of call-broadcast surveys for marsh birds, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Legacy effects of hydrologic alteration in playa wetland responses to droughts, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Salinity, water level, and forest structure contribute to baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) rhizosphere and endosphere community structure, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Living on the edge: Multi-scale analyses of bird habitat use in coastal marshes of Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Structural impacts, carbon losses, and regeneration in mangrove wetlands after two hurricanes on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- A tropical cyclone-induced ecological regime shift: Mangrove forest conversion to mudflat in Everglades National Park (Florida, USA), 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Modeling the supporting ecosystem services of depressional wetlands, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Spatiotemporal patterns of mineral and organic matter deposition across two San Francisco Bay-Delta tidal marshes, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Herpetofauna occupancy and community composition along a tidal swamp salinity gradient, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Soil shear strength losses in two fresh marshes with variable increases in N and P loading, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Coastal marsh bird habitat selection and responses to Hurricane Sandy, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Plant community establishment in a coastal marsh restored using sediment additions, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- Using full and partial unmixing algorithms to estimate the inundation extent of small, isolated stock ponds in an arid landscape, 2020, Wetlands (40) -
- A 3-year in-situ measurement of CO2 efflux in coastal wetlands: Understanding carbon loss through ecosystem respiration and its partitioning, 2019, Wetlands
- Perspective: Developing flow policies to balance the water needs of humans and wetlands requires a landscape scale approach inclusive of future scenarios and multiple timescales, 2019, Wetlands
- Typha (cattail) invasion in North American wetlands: Biology, regional problems, impacts, ecosystem services, and management, 2019, Wetlands
- Effect of hydrologic, geomorphic, and vegetative conditions on avian communities in the Middle Rio Grande of New Mexico, 2019, Wetlands (39) -
- Can multi-element fingerprinting of soils inform assessments of chemical connectivity between depressional wetlands?, 2019, Wetlands (39) -
- Toward a resilience-based conservation strategy for wetlands in Puerto Rico: Meeting challenges posed by environmental change, 2019, Wetlands (39) -
- Moving from generalisations to specificity about mangrove-saltmarsh dynamics, 2019, Wetlands (39) -
- Are waterfowl food resources limited during spring migration? A bioenergetic assessment of playas in Nebraska's rainwater basin, 2019, Wetlands (39) - 1
- Modeling the relationship between water level, wild rice abundance, and waterfowl abundance at a central North American wetland, 2019, Wetlands (39) - 1
- Rising tides: Assessing habitat vulnerability for an endangered salt marsh-dependent species with sea-level rise, 2018, Wetlands (39) -
- Does proximity to wetlands matter? A landscape-level analysis of the influence of local wetlands on the public’s concern for ecosystem services and conservation involvement, 2018, Wetlands (39) -
- Evaluation of vegetation-fire dynamics in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia, USA, with a Bayesian belief network, 2018, Wetlands (38) -
- Diurnal patterns of methane flux from a seasonal wetland: mechanisms and methodology, 2018, Wetlands (45) - 10
- Using turbidity measurements to estimate total phosphorus and sediment flux in a Great Lakes coastal wetland, 2018, Wetlands (5) - 38
- Wetlands in a changing climate: Science, policy and management, 2018, Wetlands (38) - 2
- Effects of sediment application on Nyssa aquatica and Taxodium distichum saplings, 2018, Wetlands (38) - 4
- A floodplain continuum for Atlantic coast rivers of the Southeastern US: Predictable changes in floodplain biota along a river's length, 2018, Wetlands (38) - 1
- Accommodating state shifts within the conceptual framework of the wetland continuum, 2018, Wetlands (38) - 3
- Occupancy modeling of autonomously recorded vocalizations to predict distribution of rallids in tidal wetlands, 2018, Wetlands (38) - 3
- Groundwater connectivity of upland-embedded wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2018, Wetlands (38) - 1
- Hydrological responses to channelization and the formation of valley plugs and shoals, 2017, Wetlands (37) - 3
- Relationships between salinity and short-term soil carbon accumulation rates form marsh types across a landscape in the Mississippi River Delta, 2017, Wetlands (37) - 2
- Changes in community-level riparian plant traits over inundation gradients, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, 2017, Wetlands (37) - 4
- Identifying small depressional wetlands and using a topographic position index to infer hydroperiod regimes for pond-breeding amphibians, 2017, Wetlands (37) - 2
- The significant surface-water connectivity of "geographically isolated wetlands", 2017, Wetlands (37) - 4
- Impacts of mangrove density on surface sediment accretion, belowground biomass and biogeochemistry in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka, 2017, Wetlands (37) - 3
- Changes in pond water levels and surface extent due to climate variability alter solute sources to closed-basin Prairie-Pothole wetland ponds, 1979 to 2012, 2016, Wetlands (36) - Supplement 2
- Controls on the geochemical evolution of Prairie Pothole Region lakes and wetlands over decadal time scales, 2016, Wetlands (36) - Supplement 2
- Hydrology of prairie wetlands: Understanding the integrated surface-water and groundwater processes, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Clinal patterns in genetic variation for northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens): Conservation status and population histories, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Intermittent surface water connectivity: Fill and spill vs. fill and merge dynamics, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Interannual water-level fluctuations and the vegetation of prairie potholes: Potential impacts of climate change, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 2
- Midcontinent Prairie-Pothole wetlands and climate change: An Introduction to the Supplemental Issue, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Aquatic-macroinvertebrate communities of Prairie-Pothole wetlands and lakes under a changed climate, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Temperature and hydrology affect methane emissions from Prairie Pothole Wetlands, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Three responses of wetland conditions to climatic extremes in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Prerequisites for understanding climate-change impacts on northern prairie wetlands, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Greenhouse gas emissions from a created brackish marsh in eastern North Carolina, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 6
- Implications of climate change for wetland-dependent birds in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Greenhouse gas fluxes of a shallow lake in south-central North Dakota, USA, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 4
- Number of genera as a potential screening tool for assessing quality of bryophyte communities in Ohio wetlands, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 4
- Ecosystem level methane fluxes from tidal freshwater and brackish marshes of the Mississippi River Delta: Implications for coastal wetland carbon projects, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 3
- From "Duck Factory" to "Fish Factory": Climate induced changes in vertebrate communities of prairie pothole wetlands and small lakes, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Enriched groundwater seeps in two Vermont headwater catchments are hotspots of nitrate turnover, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 2
- Sediment accumulation in prairie wetlands under a changing climate: The relative roles of landscape and precipitation, 2016, Wetlands (36) - s2
- Spatial configuration trends in coastal Louisiana from 1985 to 2010, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 2
- Restored agricultural wetlands in Central Iowa: habitat quality and amphibian response, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 1
- Growth of common brackish marsh macrophytes under altered hydrology and salinity regimes, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 1
- Response of Schoenoplectus acutus and Schoenoplectus californicus at different life-history stages to hydrologic regime, 2016, Wetlands (36) - 1
- Range-wide wetland associations of the King Rail: A multi-scale approach, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 3
- Effects of flooding on ion exchange rates in an Upper Mississippi River floodplain forest impacted by herbivory, invasion, and restoration, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 5
- Dry years decrease abundance of American alligators in the Florida Everglades, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 5
- Annual growth patterns of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) along salinity gradients, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 4
- Geologic and geomorphic controls on the occurrence of fens in the Oregon Cascades and implications for vulnerability and conservation, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 4
- Site-scale disturbance and habitat development best predict an index of amphibian biotic integrity in Ohio shrub and forested wetlands, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 3
- Aquatic invertebrate food base for waterbirds at Wetland Reserve Program easements in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 1
- Geographically isolated wetlands: Rethinking a misnomer, 2015, Wetlands (35) - 3
- Evaluating effects of Everglades restoration on American crocodile populations in south Florida using a spatially-explicit, stage-based population model, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 1
- Evaluating abiotic influences on soil salinity of inland managed wetlands and agricultural croplands in a semi-arid environment, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 6
- Evaluating the effects of land use on headwater wetland amphibian assemblages in coastal Alabama, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 5
- Generating nested wetland catchments with readily-available digital elevation data may improve evaluations of land-use change on wetlands, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 6
- Influence of item distribution pattern and abundance on efficiency of benthic core sampling, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 6
- Thresholds in the response of free-floating plant abundance to variation in hydraulic connectivity, nutrients, and macrophyte abundance in a large floodplain river, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 3
- Foreword: function, classification and management of Asian wetlands, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 2
- Wetland Reserve Program enhances site occupancy and species richness in assemblages of anuran amphibians in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 1
- Relative significance of microtopography and vegetation as controls on surface water flow on a low-gradient floodplain, 2014, Wetlands (34) - 1
- Rates and probable causes of freshwater tidal marsh failure, Potomac River Estuary, Northern Virginia, USA, 2013, Wetlands (33) -
- Candidate soil indicators for monitoring the progress of constructed wetlands toward a natural state: a statistical approach, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 6
- Reconstructing vegetation response to altered hydrology and its use for restoration, Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 6
- Foraging habitat for shorebirds in southeastern Missouri and its predicted future availability, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 4
- A long-term comparison of carbon sequestration rates in impounded and naturally tidal freshwater marshes along the lower Waccamaw River, South Carolina, 2013, Wetlands
- Multi-species call-broadcast improved detection of endangered Yuma clapper rail compared to single-species call-broadcast, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 4
- Do hummocks provide a physiological advantage to even the most flood tolerant of tidal freshwater trees?, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 3
- Estimating floodplain sedimentation in the Laguna de Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 1
- Phragmites australis expansion in a restored brackish marsh: documentation at different time scales, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 2
- Influence of drought on salamander occupancy of isolated wetlands on the southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 2
- Effects of hydrologic connectivity and environmental nariables on nekton assemblage in a coastal marsh system, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 2
- Exotic plant colonization and occupancy within riparian areas of the Interior Columbia River and Upper Missouri River basins, USA, 2013, Wetlands (33) - 3
- Impacts of mute swans (Cygnus olor) on submerged aquatic vegetation in Illinois River Valley backwaters, 2012, Wetlands (32) -
- Estimating occupancy in large landscapes: evaluation of amphibian monitoring in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 2
- Evaluation of listener-based anuran surveys with automated audio recording devices, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 4
- Local and landscape associations between wintering dabbling ducks and wetland complexes in Mississippi, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 5
- Fire reinforces structure of pondcypress (Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium) domes in a wetland landscape, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 3
- Soil greenhouse gas fluxes during wetland forest retreat along the Lower Savannah River, Georgia (USA), 2012, Wetlands (32) - 1
- Control of reed canarygrass promotes wetland herb and tree seedling establishment in an upper Mississippi River Floodplain forest, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 3
- Incorporating incorporating economic models into seasonal pool conservation planning, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 3
- Do interactions of land use and climate affect productivity of waterbirds and prairie-pothole wetlands?, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 1
- Influence of conservation programs on amphibians using seasonal wetlands in the Prairie Pothole region, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 2
- Changes in diameter growth of Taxodium distichum in response to flow alterations in the Savannah River, 2012, Wetlands (32) - 1
- Soil characteristics of sediment-amended baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) swamps of coastal Louisiana, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 4
- Variability of albedo and utility of the MODIS albedo product in forested wetlands, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 2
- A multi-year comparison of IPCI scores for prairie pothole wetlands: implications of temporal and spatial variation, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 4
- Carbon gas fluxes in re-established wetlands on organic soils differ relative to plant community and hydrology, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 6
- Book review: World atlas of mangroves, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 5
- Cumuilative Effects of Impoundments on the Hydrology of Riparian Wetlands along the Marmaton River, west-central Missouri, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 1
- Distribution and habitat associations of breeding secretive marsh birds in Louisiana's Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 1
- Does prescribed fire benefit wetland vegetation?, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 1
- Managed flood effects on beaver pond habitat in a desert riverine ecosystem, bill williams river, Arizona USA, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 2
- Classifying the hydrologic function of prairie potholes with remote sensing and GIS, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 2
- Summary of intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting detection probability of marsh birds, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 2
- Estimating trends in alligator populations from nightlight survey data, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 1
- Development of soil properties and nitrogen cycling in created wetlands, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 4
- Estimating trends in alligator populations from nightlight survey data, 2011, Wetlands (31) - 1
- Georeferencing the Large-Scale Aerial Photographs of a Great Lakes Coastal Wetland: A Modified Photogrammetric Method, 2010, Wetlands (30) - 2
- Changes in the status of harvested rice fields in the Sacramento Valley, California: Implications for wintering waterfowl., 2010, Wetlands (30) - 5
- Tree growth and mortality during 20 years of managing a Green-Tree Reservoir in Arkansas, USA, 2010, Wetlands (30) -
- A comparison of methods for estimating open-water evaporation in small wetlands, 2010, Wetlands (30) - 3
- Measuring bulrush culm relationships to estimate plant biomass within a southern California treatment wetland, 2010, Wetlands (30) - 2
- Measurement-derived heat-budget approaches for simulating coastal wetland temperature with a hydrodynamic model, 2010, Wetlands (30) - 3
- Diurnal variation in invertebrate catch rates by sticky traps: Potential for biased indices of piping plover forage, 2010, Wetlands (30) - 4
- Controls of suspended sediment concentration, nutrient content, and transport in a subtropical wetland, 2010, Wetlands (30) - 1
- Conceptual hierarchical modeling to describe wetland plant community organization, 2010, Wetlands (30) - 1
- Identifying baldcypress-water tupelo regeneration classes in forested wetlands of the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 3
- Emergent insect production in post-harvest flooded agricultural fields used by waterbirds, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 3
- Simple methods for evaluating accommodation space formation in coastal wetlands, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 3
- Foreword: Hurricanes and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, 2009, Wetlands (29) -
- The legacy of wetland drainage on the remaining peat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- The ecology, restoration, and management of southeastern floodplain ecosystems: A synthesis, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Satellite optical and radar data used to track wetland forest impact and short-term recovery from Hurricane Katrina, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Estimating transition probabilities among everglades wetland communities using multistate models, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 4
- Floodplain geomorphic processes and environmental impacts of human alteration along coastal plain rivers, USA, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Site condition, structure, and growth of baldcypress along tidal/non-tidal salinity gradients, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Wildlife use of back channels associated with islands on the Ohio River, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Spatiotemporal patterns of wetland occurrence in the prairie pothole region of eastern South Dakota, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Cumulative impacts of hurricanes on Florida mangrove ecosystems: Sediment deposition, storm surges and vegetation, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Water level observations in mangrove swamps during two hurricanes in Florida, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Short-term effects of hurricane disturbance on food availability for migrant songbirds during autumn stopover, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Phosphorus and nitrogen legacy in a restoration wetland, upper Klamath lake, Oregon, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Hurricane Wilma's impact on overall soil elevation and zones within the soil profile in a mangrove forest, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Wetland use and feeding by lesser scaup during spring migration across the upper Midwest, USA, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Hurricane frequency and landfall distribution for coastal wetlands of the Gulf coast, USA, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Regeneration of coastal marsh vegetation impacted by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Landscape analysis and pattern of hurricane impact and circulation on mangrove forests of the Everglades, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Avian assemblages in the lower Missouri river floodplain, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Nutrient dynamics in the lower Mississippi river floodplain: Comparing present and historic hydrologic conditions, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Impact of municipal wastewater effluent on seed bank response and soils excavated from a wetland impoundment, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Adaptation of farming practices could buffer effects of climate change on northern prairie wetlands, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 2
- Delayed tree mortality in the Atchafalaya Basin of Southern Louisiana following Hurricane Andrew, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the forest structure of taxodium distichum swamps of the Gulf Coast, USA, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Hurricane Katrina sediment slowed elevation loss in subsiding brackish marshes of the Mississippi River delta, 2009, Wetlands (29) - 1
- Methods for estimating the amount of vernal pool habitat in the northeastern United States, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 3
- Effect of climate fluctuations on long-term vegetation dynamics in Carolina bay wetlands, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 1
- Effects of landscape gradients on wetland vegetation communities: information for large-scale restoration, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 4
- Primary production and carrying capacity of former salt ponds after reconnection to San Francisco Bay, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 3
- Recent sedimentation patterns within the central Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 1
- The effects of water-level fluctuations on vegetation in a Lake Huron wetland, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 2
- Simulated natural hydrologic regime of an intermountain playa conservation site, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 2
- Reducing sedimentation of depressional wetlands in agricultural landscapes, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 3
- Education and training of future wetland scientists and managers, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 3
- Do beavers promote the invasion of non-native Tamarix in the Grand Canyon riparian zone, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 3
- Opposing environmental gradients govern vegetation zonation in an intermountain playa, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 4
- The importance of hydrology in restoration of bottomland hardwood wetland functions, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 3
- Sensitivity of wetland saturated hydraulic heads and water budgets to evapotranspiration, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 4
- Amphipod densities and indices of wetland quality across the upper-Midwest, USA, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 1
- Dry down impacts on apple snail (Pomacea paludosa) demography: Implications for wetland water management, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 1
- Application of a geomorphic and temporal perspective to wetland management in North America, 2008, Wetlands (28) - 3
- A multivariate assessment of changes in wetland habitat for waterbirds at Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Maine, USA, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 1
- Effects of habitat management treatments on plant community composition and biomass in a Montane wetland, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 3
- Characterization of microtopography and its influence on vegetation patterns in created wetlands, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 4
- The importance of subsurface geology for water source and vegetation communities in Cherokee Marsh, Wisconsin, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 1
- The effects of flooding and sedimentation on seed germination of two bottomland hardwood tree species, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 3
- Effects of capillarity and microtopography on wetland specific yield, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 3
- Breeding bird territory placement in riparian wet meadows in relation to invasive reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 3
- Status and habitat use of the California black rail in the Southwestern USA, 2007, Wetlands (27) - 4
- Seed germination of cirsium arvense and Lepidium latifolium: Implications for management of montane wetlands, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 1
- Response of fishes to floodplain connectivity during and following a 500-year flood event in the unimpounded upper Mississippi River, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 1
- Association between wetland disturbance and biological attributes in floodplain wetlands, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 2
- Alternate corrections for estimating actual wetland evapotranspiration from potential evapotranspiration, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 2
- The carbon balance of North American wetlands, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 4
- Wetlands in a dry landscape: [book review of] McKinstry, M.C., M.C. Hubert, and S.H. Anderson, (eds.). 2004. Wetland and riparian areas of the intermountain west: ecology and management. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, USA. 335 pp., US$39.95 (hardback), ISBN: 0-292-70248-5, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 1
- The effects of wetland habitat structure on Florida apple snail density, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 4
- Factors influencing soil invertebrate communities in riparian grasslands of the central platte river floodplain, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 2
- Aspects of the biology of Salicornia bigelovii torr. In relation to a proposed restoration of a wind-tidal flat system on the South Texas, USA Coast, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 3
- Evaluation of non-destructive methods for estimating biomass in marshes of the upper Texas, USA coast, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 1
- Habitat associations of chorusing anurans in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial valley, 2006, Wetlands (26) - 3
- New England salt marsh pools: A quantitative analysis of geomorphic and geographic features, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 2
- Seed dispersal into wetlands: Techniques and results for a restored tidal freshwater marsh, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 2
- Correlates of vernal pool occurrence in the Massachusetts USA, landscape, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 2
- The role of pH in structuring communities of Maine wetland macrophytes and chironomid larvae (Diptera), 2005, Wetlands (25) - 2
- Effects of managed impoundments and herbivory on wetland plant production and stand structure, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 1
- Southern marl prairies conceptual ecological model, 2005, Wetlands (25) -
- Forms and accumulation of soil P in natural and recently restored peatlands - Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 3
- Albino mutation rates in red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle L.) as a bioassay of contamination history in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 2
- Biotic interactions as determinants of ecosystem structure in prairie wetlands: An example using fish, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 3
- Amphibian occurrence and aquatic invaders in a changing landscape: Implications for wetland mitigation in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 1
- Use of individualistic streamflow-vegetation relations along the Fremont River, Utah, USA to assess impacts of flow alteration on wetland and riparian area, 2005, Wetlands (25) - 1
- Changes in lagoonal marsh morphology at selected northeastern Atlantic coast sites of significance to migratory waterbirds, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 4
- Influence of weather extremes on the water levels of glaciated prairie wetlands, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 2
- Characterization of the habitat of Lythrum salicaria L. in floodplain forests in western Turkey—Effects on stem height and seed production, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 3
- Estimates of fetch-induced errors in Bowen-ratio energy-budget measurements of evapotranspiration from a prairie wetland, Cottonwood Lake Area, North Dakota, USA, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 3
- Linking surface- and ground-water levels to riparian grassland species along the Platte River in central Nebraska, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 3
- Invertebrate egg banks of restored, natural, and drained wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 3
- Occurrence of riverine wetlands on floodplains along a climatic gradient, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 1
- Comparison of 13 equations for determining evapotranspiration from a prairie wetland, Cottonwood Lake Area, North Dakota, USA, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 3
- The wetland continuum: A conceptual framework for interpreting biological studies, 2004, Wetlands (24) - 2
- Differences in distribution of modified basins and ducks relative to roadside transects, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 1
- Facilitation of survival and growth of Baccharis halimifolia L. by Spartina alterniflora Loisel. In a created Louisiana salt marsh, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 2
- Hydrologic considerations in defining isolated wetlands, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 3
- Effects of structural marsh management and salinity on invertebrate prey of waterbirds in marsh ponds during winter on the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 4
- Dynamics of peat accumulation and marl flat formation in a calcareous fen, midwestern United States, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 4
- Vegetation, soil, and flooding relationships in a blackwater floodplain forest, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 4
- Biology, ecology and management of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. (Russian olive) in western North America, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 4
- Mycorrhizal colonization across hydrologic gradients in restored and reference freshwater wetlands, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 4
- Invertebrate response to snow goose herbivory on moist-soil vegetation, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 2
- The effects of bird use on nutrient removal in a constructed wastewater-treatment wetland, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 2
- Flood flows, leaf breakdown, and plant-available nitrogen on a dryland river floodplain, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 1
- Historical wetlands in Oregon's Willamette Valley: Implications for restoration of winter waterbird habitat, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 1
- Comparison of wetland structural characteristics between created and natural salt marshes in southwest Louisiana, USA, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 2
- Community metabolism during early development of a restored wetland, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 1
- Temporal connectivity in a prairie pothole complex, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 1
- Effects of sediment load on emergence of aquatic invertebrates and plants from wetland soil egg and seed banks, 2003, Wetlands (23) - 1
- Assessing avian richness in remnant wetlands: Towards an improved methodology, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 1
- Pathways of nutrient loading and impacts on plant diversity in a New York peatland, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 2
- Temperate zone fens of the glaciated Midwestern USA, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 2
- Influence of an extreme high water event on survival, reproduction, and distribution of snail kites in Florida, USA, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 2
- Effects of canopy gaps and flooding on homopterans in a bottomland hardwood forest, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 3
- Can nutrients alone shift a sedge meadow towards dominance by the invasive Typha × glauca, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 3
- How sedge meadow soils, microtopography, and vegetation respond to sedimentation, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 3
- Seasonal patterns in the soil water balance of a Spartina marsh site at North Inlet, South Carolina, USA, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 3
- Movements of Florida apple snails in relation to water levels and drying events, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 3
- Patterns of food abundance for breeding waterbirds in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 3
- Floristic quality assessment of one natural and three restored wetland complexes in North Dakota, USA, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 1
- Hydrologic variability and the application of Index of Biotic Integrity metrics to wetlands: a Great Lakes evaluation, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 3
- Using aquatic invertebrates to delineate seasonal and temporary wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America, 2002, Wetlands (22) - 2
- Estimating evapotranspiration in natural and constructed wetlands, 2001, Wetlands (21) - 4
- Seasonal habitat-use patterns of nekton in a tide-restricted and unrestricted New England salt marsh, 2001, Wetlands (21) - 4
- Canopy disturbance patterns in a bottomland hardwood forest in northeast Arkansas, USA, 2001, Wetlands (21) - 4
- Water source to four U.S. wetlands: Implications for wetland management, 2001, Wetlands (21) - 4
- Use of macroinvertebrates to identify cultivated wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2001, Wetlands (21) - 2
- Sediment loads and accumulation in a small riparian wetland system in northern Missouri, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 2
- Patterns of change in tree islands in Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge from 1950 to 1991, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 1
- Sources and yields of dissolved carbon in northern Wisconsin stream catchments with differing amounts of Peatland, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 1
- A surface-associated activity trap for capturing water surface and aquatic invertebrates in wetlands, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 1
- Effects of roadside transect width on waterfowl and wetland estimates, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 4
- Invertebrate assemblages and trace element bioaccumulation associated with constructed wetlands, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 2
- Investigation of denitrification rates in an ammonia-dominated constructed wastewater treatment wetland, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 4
- Downed wood in Micronesian mangrove forests, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 1
- Distribution and relative abundance of the crayfishes Procambarus alleni (Faxon) and P. fallax (Hagen) in southern Florida, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 1
- A surface-associated activity trap for capturing water-surface and aquatic invertebrates in wetlands, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 1
- Quantifying time-varying ground-water discharge and recharge in wetlands of the northern Florida Everglades, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 3
- Development of a grid-cell topographic surface for Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 3
- The effects of soil flooding on the establishment of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), a nonindigenous invader of the southeastern United States, 2000, Wetlands (20) - 2
- Characterizing hydrology and the importance of ground-water discharge in natural and constructed wetlands, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 2
- Fifty-eighth Christmas Bird Count. 166. Ocean City, Md, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 4
- Fifty-eighth Christmas Bird Count. 166. Ocean City, Md, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 4
- Passing of northern pike and common carp through experimental barriers designed for use in wetland restoration, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 4
- Hydrogeomorphic factors and ecosystem responses in coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 4
- Impact of urban development on the chemical composition of ground water in a fen-wetland complex, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 1
- Use of historical and geospatial data to guide the restoration of a Lake Erie coastal marsh, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 4
- Modeling the effects of nutria (Myocastor coypus) on wetland loss, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 1
- Techniques for restoration of disturbed coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 4
- Natural regeneration and growth of Taxodium distichum (L.) rich. In Lake Chicot, Louisiana after 44 years of flooding, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 1
- Influence of agriculture on aquatic invertebrate communities of temporary wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 3
- Effects of winter burning and structural marsh management on vegetation and winter bird abundance in the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain, USA, 1999, Wetlands (19) - 3
- Processes of fluvial island formation, with examples from plum creek, Colorado and Snake River, Idaho, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 4
- Downstream effects of dams on channel geometry and bottomland vegetation: Regional patterns in the Great Plains, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 4
- Fluvial disturbance patches and cottonwood recruitment along the Upper Missouri River, Montana, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 4
- Regional and local hydrogeology of calcareous fens in the Minnesota river basin, USA, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 2
- Foreword, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 4
- Waterfowl management on grass-sage stock ponds, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 1
- The interactive effects of fire and herbivory on a coastal marsh in Louisiana, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 1
- Evaporation from a small prairie wetland in the Cottonwood Lake Area, North Dakota - An energy-budget study, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 2
- Water relations of riparian plants from warm desert regions, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 4
- Long-term hydrologic effects on marsh plant community structure in the southern Everglades, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 2
- Survival of plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera) and saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) seedlings in response to flooding, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 4
- Establishment of woody riparian vegetation in relation to annual patterns of streamflow, Bill Williams River, Arizona, 1998, Wetlands (18) - 4
- Effects of salinity on baldcypress seedlings: Physiological responses and their relation to salinity tolerance, 1997, Wetlands (17) - 2
- Factors influencing wetland use by Canada geese, 1997, Wetlands (17) - 4
- Long-term growth trends of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) rich.) at Caddo Lake, Texas, 1997, Wetlands (17) - 4
- Constraints on establishment of plains cottonwood in an urban riparian preserve, 1997, Wetlands (17) - 1
- Hydrologic indices for nontidal wetlands, 1997, Wetlands (17) - 1
- A rop net and removable walkway used to quantitatively sample fishes over wetland surfaces in the dwarf mangrove of the Southern Everglades, 1997, Wetlands (17) -
- Relationship between waterfowl nutrition and condition on agricultural drainwater ponds in the Tulare Basin, California: waterfowl body composition, 1997, Wetlands (17) - 1
- Aquatic invertebrate ecology during a simulated botulism epizootic in a Sacramento Valley wetland, 1997, Wetlands (17) - 1
- Plant succession and greentree reservoir management: Implications for management and restoration of bottomland hardwood wetlands, 1996, Wetlands (16) - 4
- Denitrification in bottomland hardwood wetland soils of the Cache River, 1996, Wetlands (16) - 3
- Ground-water-flow conditions within a bottomland hardwood wetland, Eastern Arkansas, 1996, Wetlands (16) - 3
- Water-level fluctuation in wetlands as a function of landscape condition in the prairie pothole region, 1996, Wetlands (16) - 4
- Environmental gradients and identification of wetlands in north-central Florida, 1996, Wetlands (16) - 4
- Sediment retention in a bottomland hardwood wetland in Eastern Arkansas, 1996, Wetlands (16) - 3
- Effects of a legal drain clean-out on wetlands and waterbirds: a recent case history, 1996, Wetlands (16) - 2
- The effects of vertebrate herbivory on plant community structure in the coastal marshes of the Pearl River, Louisiana, USA, 1995, Wetlands (15) - 1
- Effect of increased water depth on growth of a common perennial freshwater-intermediate marsh species in Coastal Louisiana, 1995, Wetlands (15) - 1
- The interaction of groundwater with prairie pothole wetlands in the Cottonwood Lake area, east-central North Dakota 1979-90, 1995, Wetlands (15) - 3
- Research access to privately owned wetland basins in the prairie pothole region of the United States, 1995, Wetlands (15) - 4
- The interactive effects of herbivory and fire on an oligohaline marsh, Little Lake, Louisiana, USA, 1994, Wetlands (14) - 2
- Winter biomass and nutrient values of three seagrass species as potential foods for redheads (Aythya americana eyton) in Chandeleur Sound, Louisiana, 1994, Wetlands (14) - 4
- Distribution and status of submerged vegetation in estuaries of the upper Texas coast, 1994, Wetlands (14) - 2
- Aquatic invertebrate production in southeastern USA wetlands during winter and spring, 1994, Wetlands (14) - 2
- Avian communities in riparian forests of different widths in Maryland and Delaware, 1993, Wetlands (13) - 2
- Nesting habitat of Belding’s Savannah sparrows in coastal salt marshes, 1993, Wetlands (13) - 3
- Implications for faunal habitat related to altered macrophyte structure in regulated lakes in northern Minnesota, 1992, Wetlands (12) - 3
- Classification of a wetland area along the upper Mississippi River with aerial videography, 1992, Wetlands (12) - 3
- Effects of irrigation on seed production and vegetative characteristics of four moist-soil plants on impounded wetlands in California, 1992, Wetlands (12) - 3
- Evaluation of wetland development and waterbird response at Elk Creek Wildlife management area, Lake Mills, Iowa, 1961 to 1990, 1991, Wetlands (11) - 2
- Open marsh water management in the mid-Atlantic region: Aerial surveys of waterbird use, 1991, Wetlands (11) - 2
- Standing crops and ecology of aquatic invertebrates in agricultural drainwater ponds in California, 1991, Wetlands (11) - 2
- Hydrologic and water-quality characteristics of a Wetland receiving wastewater effluent in St. Joseph, Minnesota, 1989, Wetlands (9) - 2
- Correspondence between vegetation and soils in wetlands and nearby uplands, 1989, Wetlands (9) - 1
- Plant water status relationships among major floodplain sites of the Flathead River, Montana, 1985, Wetlands (5) - 1
- Disturbance in a cypress-tupelo wetland: an interaction between thermal loading and hydrology, 1985, Wetlands (5) - 1
- Effects of an urban wetland on sediment and nutrient loads in runoff, 1984, Wetlands (4) - 1