Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- True metabolizable energy of foods consumed by lesser scaup (Aythya affinis), 2024, Wildlife Society Bulletin (48) - 4
- Abundance estimates of Gunnison’s prairie dogs compared to the number of active burrows, 2024, Wildlife Society Bulletin (48) - 1
- Developing a photography-based harvest survey to estimate age and subspecies composition of midcontinent sandhill cranes, 2024, Wildlife Society Bulletin (48) - 1
- Duck hunters and difficulty complying with harvest regulations, 2024, Wildlife Society Bulletin (48) - 1
- Evaluation of fall-seeded cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota, 2024, Wildlife Society Bulletin
- Comparing methods to estimate feral burro abundance, 2023, Wildlife Society Bulletin (47) - 4
- Assessment of lesser prairie-chicken translocation through survival and lek surveys, 2023, Wildlife Society Bulletin (47) - 4
- Evaluation of replicate sampling using hierarchical spatial modeling of population surveys accounting for imperfect detectability, 2023, Wildlife Society Bulletin (47) - 3
- Policy comparison of lead hunting ammunition bans and voluntary nonlead programs for California condors, 2023, Wildlife Society Bulletin (47) - 2
- Efficacy of bear spray as a deterrent against polar bears, 2023, Wildlife Society Bulletin (47) - 1
- Optimizing surveys of fall-staging geese using aerial imagery and automated counting, 2023, Wildlife Society Bulletin (47) - 1
- Adult white-tailed deer survival in hunted populations on public and private lands, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (47) - 1
- Interaction between transect design and animal distribution in distance sampling of deer, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 5
- Availability of lesser prairie-chicken nesting habitat impairs restoration success, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 5
- Application of tail transmitters for tracking feral horses as an alternative to radio collars, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 4
- A menu of climate change adaptation actions for terrestrial wildlife management, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 4
- Evaluating the efficacy of aerial infrared surveys to detect artificial polar bear dens, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 3
- Prairie grouse and wind energy: The state of the science and implications for risk assessment, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 3
- Effects of prescribed fire on prenesting movements of wild turkeys in Arkansas, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 2
- Whooping and sandhill cranes visit upland ponds proportional to migration phenology on the Texas coast, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 3
- Minimizing extinction risk in the face of uncertainty: Developing conservation strategies for 2 rapidly declining forest bird species on Kaua‘i Island, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 1
- Evaluating the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to bats in the context of wildlife research, rehabilitation, and control, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin (46) - 3
- White-nose Syndrome and environmental correlates to landscape-scale bat presence, 2021, Wildlife Society Bulletin (45) - 3
- Field methods for translocating female greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) with their broods, 2021, Wildlife Society Bulletin (45) - 3
- Rapid assessment indicates context-dependent mitigation for amphibian disease risk, 2021, Wildlife Society Bulletin (45) - 23-24
- Enumerating white-tailed deer using unmanned aerial vehicles, 2021, Wildlife Society Bulletin (45) - 1
- Occupancy and detectability of northern long-eared bats in the Lake States Region, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 4
- Reliability of external characteristics to age Barrow’s goldeneye, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 4
- Testing a new passive acoustic recording unit to monitor wolves, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 3
- Validating deployment of aerially delivered toxic bait cartridges for control of invasive brown treesnakes, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 3
- Gambel’s quail survey variability and implications for survey design in the Mohave Desert, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 3
- Using a bayesian multistate occupancy model to assess seabird and shorebird status in Glacier Bay, Alaska, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 3
- Understanding sportsperson retention and reactivation through license purchasing behavior, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 2
- Using ultrasonic acoustics to detect cryptic flying squirrels: Effects of season and habitat suitability, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 2
- Gene transcript profiling in desert bighorn sheep, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 2
- Noose carpets: A novel method to capture rails, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 1
- Ratcheting up rigor in wildlife management decision making, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 1
- Mule deer habitat selection following vegetation thinning treatments in New Mexico, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (44) - 1
- Applying spatially explicit capture–recapture models to estimate black bear density in South Carolina, 2020, Wildlife Society Bulletin (43) - 3
- Using morphological measurements to predict subspecies of Midcontinent sandhill cranes, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (4) - 43
- Informing sea turtle outreach efforts to maximize effectiveness, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (43) - 3
- Clarifying how hunt-specific experiences affect satisfaction among more avid and less avid waterfowl hunters, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (43) - 3
- Estimating density and detection of bobcats in fragmented Midwestern landscapes using spatial capture-recapture data from camera traps, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (43) - 2
- Quantifying thermal-imager effectiveness for detecting bird nests on farms, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (43) - 2
- Communication strategies for reducing lead poisoning in wildlife and human health risks, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (43) - 1
- Deer harvest variation in small and large management units in Pennsylvania, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (43) - 1
- Pitfall traps: A review of methods for estimating arthropod abundance, 2019, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 4
- Raptor selection of captive reared and released Galliform birds, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 4
- Testing infrared camera surveys and distance analyses to estimate feral horse abundance in a known population, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 3
- Evaluating airsoft electric guns for control of invasive brown treesnakes, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 3
- Nest tree use by Southern flying squirrels in fragmented midwestern landscapes, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 3
- Evaluating indices of lipid and protein content in lesser snow and Ross's geese during spring migration, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 2
- Critically assessing the utility of portable lead analyzers for wildlife conservation, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 2
- Density and success of upland duck nests in native‐ and tame‐seeded conservation fields, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 2
- Design considerations for estimating survival rates with standing age structures, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 1
- Evaluating autonomous acoustic surveying techniques for rails in tidal marshes, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 1
- Distinguishing values from science in decision making: Setting harvest quotas for mountain lions in Montana, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 1
- An historical overview and update of wolf-moose interactions in northeastern Minnesota, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 1
- River otter distribution in Nebraska, 2018, Wildlife Society Bulletin (42) - 1
- Attaching transmitters to waterbirds using one versus two subcutaneous anchors: Retention and survival trade-offs, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 4
- Wildlife governance in the 21st century—Will sustainable use endure?, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 4
- Polar bear attacks on humans: Implications of a changing climate, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 3
- Smartphone technologies and Bayesian networks to assess shorebird habitat selection, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 4
- Effects of surgically implanted transmitters on reproduction and survival in mallards, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 3
- Comparison of acoustic recorders and field observers for monitoring tundra bird communities, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 3
- Sparrow nest survival in relation to prescribed fire and woody plant invasion in a northern mixed-grass prairie, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 3
- Influence of trap modifications and environmental predictors on capture success of southern flying squirrels, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 2
- Species distributions models in wildlife planning: agricultural policy and wildlife management in the great plains, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 2
- Efficacy of SpayVac® as a contraceptive in feral horses, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 1
- Guidelines for evaluation and treatment of lead poisoning of wild raptors, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 2
- Assessment of frequency and duration of point counts when surveying for golden eagle presence, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 2
- Variable terrestrial GPS telemetry detection rates: Addressing the probability of successful acquisitions, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 2
- Long-term spatial heterogeneity in mallard distribution in the Prairie pothole region, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 1
- Assessment of a strain 19 brucellosis vaccination program in elk, 2017, Wildlife Society Bulletin (41) - 1
- Concordance in diagnostic testing for respiratory pathogens of bighorn sheep, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (101) - C11
- Potential trophic cascades triggered by the barred owl range expansion, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 4
- Comparison of survey techniques on detection of northern flying squirrels, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 4
- Application of activity sensors for estimating behavioral patterns, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 4
- Canada goose nest survival at rural wetlands in north-central Iowa, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 4
- Light Goose Conservation Order effects on nontarget waterfowl behavior and energy expenditure, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 4
- Estimating denning date of wolves with daily movement and GPS location fix failure, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 4
- Learning and adaptation in waterfowl conservation: By chance or by design?, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 3
- Foraging at the wildland–urban interface decouples weather as a driver of recruitment for desert bighorn sheep, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 3
- A strategy for recovering continuous behavioral telemetry data from Pacific walruses, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 3
- A long-term evaluation of biopsy darts and DNA to estimate cougar density, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 3
- Evaluating a strategy to deliver vaccine to white-tailed deer at a landscape level, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 2
- A comparison of acoustic montoring methods for common anurans of the northeastern United States, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 1
- Understanding landowner intentions to create early successional forest habitat in the northeastern United States, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 1
- Age-specific survival of reintroduced swift fox in Badlands National Park and surrounding lands, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 2
- The North American model and captive cervid facilities—What is the threat?, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 1
- Techniques for monitoring Brachyramphus murrelets: A comparison of radar, autonomous acoustic recording and audio‐visual surveys, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin
- Evaluating a portable cylindrical bait trap to capture diamondback terrapins in salt marsh, 2016, Wildlife Society Bulletin (40) - 1
- Evaluation of a waistband for attaching external radiotransmitters to anurans, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 3
- Large-scale control site selection for population monitoring: an example assessing Sage-grouse trends, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 4
- Causes of mortality and temporal patterns in breeding season survival of lesser prairie-chickens in shinnery oak prairies, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 3
- Testing methods for using high-resolution satellite imagery to monitor polar bear abundance and distribution, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 4
- Monitoring landscape-level distribution and migration Phenology of Raptors using a volunteer camera-trap network, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 3
- Developing nondestructive techniques for managing conflicts between fisheries and double-crested cormorant colonies, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 4
- Grasshopper sparrow reproductive success and habitat use on reclaimed surface mines varies by age of reclamation, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 3
- Value of information and natural resources decision-making, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 3
- Evaluation of autonomous recording units for detecting 3 species of secretive marsh birds, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 3
- Habitat quality from individual- and population-level perspectives and implications for management, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 2
- Using occupancy models to accommodate uncertainty in the interpretation of aerial photograph data: status of beaver in Central Oregon, USA, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (2) - 39
- Small mammal use of native warm-season and non-native cool-season grass forage fields, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 1
- Lapland longspur mortality at an oil well drilling rig site, Laramie County, Wyoming, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 1
- Growth rates and variances of unexploited wolf populations in dynamic equilibria, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 1
- Multilevel learning in the adaptive management of waterfowl harvests: 20 years and counting, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 1
- Timing of spring surveys for midcontinent sandhill cranes, 2015, Wildlife Society Bulletin (39) - 1
- Estimating ages of white-tailed deer: Age and sex patterns of error using tooth wear-and-replacement and consistency of cementum annuli, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 4
- Effects of satellite transmitters on captive and wild mallards, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 3
- A versatile technique for capturing urban gulls during winter, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 3
- Migratory bird hunter opinions regarding potential management strategies for controlling light goose populations, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 4
- Raptor abundance and northern bobwhite survival and habitat use, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 4
- Temporal and spatial changes in golden eagle reproduction in relation to increased off highway vehicle activity, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 4
- Using sightability-adjusted brood-pair ratios to estimate waterfowl productivity, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 3
- Use of isotopic sulfur to determine whitebark pine consumption by Yellowstone bears: a reassessment, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 3
- How hot is too hot? Live-trapped gray wolf rectal temperatures and 1-year survival, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 4
- Utilizing hunter harvest effort to survey for wildlife disease: a case study of West Nile virus in greater sage-grouse, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 4
- Causes of mortality in eagles submitted to the National Wildlife Health Center 1975-2013, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 4
- Use of DNA from bite marks can determine species and individual animals that attack humans, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 2
- Accuracy of aging ducks in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Waterfowl Parts Collection Survey, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 1
- Modeling marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) habitat using LiDAR-derived canopy data, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 2
- Influence of landscape characteristics on retention of expandable radiocollars on young ungulates, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 1
- Methods to estimate distribution and range extent of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 1
- Assessing risks to humans from invasive Burmese pythons in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin
- Do digestive contents confound body mass as a measure of relative condition in nestling songbirds?, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 2
- Techniques for capturing bighorn sheep lambs, 2014, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 1
- Avian response to conservation buffers in agricultural landscapes during winter, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 2
- Do singing-ground surveys reflect american woodcock abundance in the western Great Lakes region?, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 3
- Black bear density in Glacier National Park, Montana, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (38) - 1
- Detecting short-term responses to weekend recreation activity: desert bighorn sheep avoidance of hiking trails, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 4
- A meta-analysis of lesser prairie-chicken nesting and brood-rearing habitats: implications for habitat management, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 4
- Northern bobwhite response to habitat restoration in eastern oklahoma, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 4
- Abundance and density of lesser prairie-chickens and leks in Texas, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 4
- Winter habitat use and survival of lesser prairie-chickens in West Texas, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 4
- Status of exotic grasses and grass-like vegetation and potential impacts on wildlife in New England, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 3
- Terrestrial salamander abundance on reclaimed mountaintop removal mines, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 4
- Using structured decision making to manage disease risk for Montana wildlife, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 1
- Anthropogenic impacts to the recovery of the Mexican gray wolf with a focus on trapping-related incidents, 2013, Wildlife Society Bulletin (37) - 2
- Aerial surveys adjusted by ground surveys to estimate area occupied by black-tailed prairie dog colonies, 2012, Wildlife Society Bulletin (36) - 2
- Spot-mapping underestimates song-territory size and use of mature forest by breeding golden-winged warblers in Minnesota, USA, 2012, Wildlife Society Bulletin (36) - 1
- Shifting foundations and metrics for golden-cheeked warbler recovery, 2012, Wildlife Society Bulletin (36) - 3
- A modified night-netting technique for recapturing quail, 2012, Wildlife Society Bulletin (36) - 3
- Archive eggs: a research and management tool for avian conservation breeding, 2012, Wildlife Society Bulletin (36) - 2
- Raptor community composition in the Texas Southern High Plains lesser prairie-chicken range, 2012, Wildlife Society Bulletin (36) - 2
- Population size of island loggerhead shrikes on Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands, 2012, Wildlife Society Bulletin (36) - 1
- An automated device for provoking and capturing wildlife calls, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 4
- Envisioning the future of wildlife in a changing climate: Collaborative learning for adaptation planning, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 4
- Survival and harvest-related mortality of white-tailed deer in Massachusetts, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 3
- White-tailed deer age ratios as herd management and predator impact measures in Pennsylvania, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 4
- Foaling rates in feral horses treated with the immunocontraceptive porcine zona pellucida, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 4
- Hunter perceptions and acceptance of alternative deer management regulations, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 3
- Evaluating cost-efficiency and accuracy of hunter harvest survey designs, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 4
- Rapid assessment of rice seed availability for wildlife in harvested fields, 2011, Wildlife Society Bulletin (35) - 4
- Comparing protein and energy status of winter-fed white-tailed deer, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- The need for coherence between waterfowl harvest and habitat management, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 4
- The role of the Wetland Reserve Program in conservation efforts in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 4
- A new device to estimate abundance of moist-soil plant seeds, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 1
- Using role analysis to plan for stakeholder involvement: a Wyoming case study, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 5
- Long-term population monitoring: Lessons learned from an endangered passerine in Hawai‘i, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 4
- Use of buccal swabs for sampling DNA from nestling and adult birds, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 4
- Estimating snow leopard population abundance using photography and capture-recapture techniques, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- Comparison of the effects and performance of four types of radiotransmitters for use with scoters, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- Application of airborne thermal imagery to surveys of Pacific walrus, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 1
- White-tailed deer harvest from the chronic wasting disease eradication zone in south-central Wisconsin, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- Prediction failure of a wolf landscape model, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- Can hunting of translocated nuisance Canada geese reduce local conflicts?, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- Effects of radiomarking on prairie falcons: Attachment failures provide insights about survival, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 1
- Evaluation of aerial survey methods for Dall's sheep, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- Effects of radio marking on prairie falcons: Attachment failures provide insights about survival, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 1
- Are subcutaneous transmitters better than intracoelomic? The relevance of reporting methodology to interpreting results, 2006, Wildlife Society Bulletin (34) - 3
- Home range and survival of breeding painted buntings on Sapelo Island, Georgia, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 4
- Agronomie implications of waterfowl management in Mississippi ricefields, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- From the Field: Carbofuran detected on weathered raptor carcass feet, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- Attitudes of Vermont dairy farmers regarding adoption of management practices for grassland songbirds, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 2
- Incisor wear and age in Yellowstone bison, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 2
- Cerulean warbler use of regenerated clearcut and two-age harvests, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- Ranking the risk of wildlife species hazardous to military aircraft, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 1
- Burrowing owl nesting productivity: A comparison between artificial and natural burrows on and off golf courses, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 2
- Post-precipitation bias in band-tailed pigeon surveys conducted at mineral sites, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- Factors affecting settling, survival, and viability of black bears reintroduced to Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 4
- Causes of wolf depredation increase in Minnesota from 1979-1998, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) -
- Evaluation of wolf density estimation from radiotelemetry data, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 4
- Dynamics of a recolonizing population of black bears in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 4
- Effects of trapping with bait on bait-station indices to black bear abundance, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 4
- Precipitation, density, and population dynamics of desert bighorn sheep on San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- From the Field: Capturing beavers in box traps, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- Evaluation of current population indices for band-tailed pigeons, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 2
- Scat removal: A source of bias in feces-related studies, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 1
- Mule deer and pronghorn migration in western Wyoming, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 4
- Experimental evaluation of population trend and harvest composition in a Wyoming cougar population, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 1
- Verification of sex from harvested sea otters using DNA testing, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- Brown bear habituation to people - Safety, risks, and benefits, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 1
- Estimation of density and population size and recommendations for monitoring trends of Bahama parrots on Great Abaco and Great Inagua, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 3
- Software Review: A program for testing capture-recapture data for closure, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 2
- From the field: Brown bear habituation to people — Safety, risks, and benefits, 2005, Wildlife Society Bulletin (33) - 1
- Dynamic use of wetlands by black ducks and mallards: Evidence against competitive exclusion, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 2
- Effects of radiotransmitters on the reproductive performance of Cassin's auklets, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 4
- Survival rates, mortality causes, and habitats of Pennsylvania white-tailed deer fawns, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 2
- Commentary: A cautionary tale regarding use of the National Land Cover Dataset 1992, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 3
- A comparison of three methods for assessing raptor diet during the breeding season, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 2
- Great Plains ecosystems: Past, present, and future, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 1
- Using satellite radiotelemetry data to delineate and manage wildlife populations, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 3
- Density estimation in wildlife surveys, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 4
- Less waste corn, more land in soybeans, and the switch to genetically modified crops: Trends with important implications to wildlife management, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 1
- Diet composition of common ravens across the urban-wildland interface of the West Mojave Desert, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 1
- Could blackbird mortality from avicide DRC-1339 contribute to avian botulism outbreaks in North Dakota?, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 3
- Less waste corn, more land in soybeans, and the switch to genetically modified crops: Trends with important implications for wildlife management, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 1
- From the field: Efficacy of detecting Chronic Wasting Disease via sampling hunter-killed white-tailed deer, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 1
- American black bear denning behavior: Observations and applications using remote photography, 2004, Wildlife Society Bulletin (32) - 1
- Management implications of the ecology of free-roaming horses in semiarid ecosystems of the western United States, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 3
- Large carnivores response to recreational big game hunting along the Yellowstone National Park and Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness boundary, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 4
- Guidelines for long-term monitoring protocols, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 4
- Planning for population viability on Northern Great Plains national grasslands, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 4
- Effects of backpack radiotags on female northern pintails wintering in California, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 1
- Assessing recovery feasibility for piping plovers using optimization and simulation, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 4
- The usefulness of GPS telemetry to study wolf circadian and social activity, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 4
- The usefulness of GPS telemetry to study wolf circadian and social activity, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) -
- Nest-site selection and success of mottled ducks on agricultural lands in southwest Louisiana, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 2
- Estimating black bear population density and genetic diversity at Tensas River, Louisiana using microsatellite DNA markers, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 1
- Food habits of pumas in northwestern Sonora, Mexico, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 2
- Selection of flooded agricultural fields and other landscapes by female northern pintails wintering in Tulare Basin, California, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 3
- Evaluation of an expandable, breakaway radiocollar for white-tailed deer fawns, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 3
- Tag loss can bias Jolly-Seber capture-recapture estimates, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 3
- Effects of CRP field age and cover type on ring-necked pheasants in eastern South Dakota, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 3
- Vulnerability of nontarget goose species to hunting with electronic snow goose calls, 2003, Wildlife Society Bulletin (31) - 4
- An appeal to undergraduate wildlife programs: send scientists to learn statistics, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 2
- Leaf litter bags as an index to populations of northern two-lined salamanders (Eurycea bislineata), 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 1
- Conditions and limitations on learning in the adaptive management of mallard harvests, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 1
- Effectiveness of rodent control and monitoring techniques for a montane rainforest, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 1
- Effects of open-entry spike-bull, limited-entry branched-bull harvesting on elk composition in Washington, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 4
- Invertebrate biomass: associations with lesser prairie-chicken habitat use and sand sagebrush density in southwestern Kansas, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) -
- Using an electronic compass to determine telemetry azimuths, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 4
- Computer simulation of wolf-removal strategies for animal-damage control, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 3
- Monitoring black-tailed prairie dog colonies with high-resolution satellite imagery, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 2
- A review of the literature on the worldwide distribution, spread of, and efforts to eradicate the coypu (Myocastor coypus), 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 1
- Spent shot availability and ingestion on areas managed for mourning doves, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 1
- Estimates of carrying capacity for sea otters in Washington state, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 4
- Increasing diversity in our profession, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 2
- Correlates of success for on-site releases of nuisance black bears Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 1
- Evaluation of 2-soft-release techniques to reintroduce black bears, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 4
- Visitor reponse to demonstration fees at National Wildlife Refuges, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 4
- Mosquito larvicide effects on mallard ducklings and prey, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) -
- True metabolizable energy of moist-soil seeds, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 4
- Dynamics of the double-crested cormorant population on Lake Ontario, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 2
- Effects of subcutaneous transmitters on reproduction, incubation behavior, and annual return rates of female wood ducks, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 4
- Test of a habitat suitability index for black bears in the southern Appalachians, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 3
- Effects of mosquito larvicide on mallard ducklings and prey, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 3
- Educational background and professional participation by federal wildlife biologists: Implications for science, management, and The Wildlife Society, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 2
- Effects of bull elk demographics on age categories of harem bulls, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 1
- Invertebrate biomass: Associations with lesser prairie-chicken habitat use and sand sagebrush density in southwestern Kansas, 2002, Wildlife Society Bulletin (30) - 2
- Survival and immobilizing moose with carfentanil and xylazine, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 4
- Control of ungulate numbers in a protected area, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 4
- Importance of early successional habitat to ruffed grouse and American woodcock, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 2
- Artificial cavities enhance breeding bird densities in managed cottonwood forests, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 2
- Description and evaluation of a remote camera and triggering system to monitor carnivores, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 4
- Managing exotic grasses and conserving declining species, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 2
- Agricultural producers' perceptions of sandhill cranes in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 2
- Predation on waterfowl in arctic tundra and prairie breeding areas: A review, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 1
- Raptor electrocution on power lines: Current issues and outlook, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 3
- Translocation of California red-legged frogs (Rana aurora draytonii), 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 4
- Bat use of a high-plains urban wildlife refuge, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 3
- Kullback-Leibler information in resolving natural resource conflicts when definitive data exist, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 4
- Statistics for wildlifers: how much and what kind?, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 4
- Integrating SAS and GIS software to improve habitat-use estimates from radiotelemetry data, 2001, Wildlife Society Bulletin (29) - 3
- Elk, beaver, and the persistence of willows in national parks: comment on Singer et al. (1998)., 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 2
- The northeastern states' waterfowl breeding population survey, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 3
- Using a metal detector to determine lead sinker abundance in waterbird habitat, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 4
- The Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit and wildlife education: Historic development, future challenges, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 3
- Using supplemental food and its influence on survival of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 4
- Professional development of undergraduates in wildlife ecology and management, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 1
- Harvest and reporting rates of game-farm ring-necked pheasants, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 4
- Declines of greater and lesser scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research needs, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) -
- Waterfowl research priorities in the northern Great Plains, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 3
- Assessing factors that may predispose Minnesota farms to wolf predation on cattle, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 3
- Mapping forest canopy gaps using air-photo interpretation and ground surveys, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 4
- Declining scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research needs, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 1
- Using presence of sign to measure habitats used by Roosevelt elk, 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 1
- Elk, beaver, and the persistence of willows in national parks: Response to Keigley (1999), 2000, Wildlife Society Bulletin (28) - 2
- Waterfowl density on agricultural fields managed to retain water in winter, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 4
- Predicting mountain lion activity using radiocollars equipped with mercury tip-sensors, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 1
- Drowning is not euthanasia, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 3
- Avian cholera mortality in lesser snow geese nesting on Banks Island, Northwest Territories, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 3
- Beaded-chain collars: a new method to radiotag kangaroo rats for short-term studies, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) -
- Foods and foraging of prairie striped skunks during the avian nesting season, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 3
- Response of bighorn sheep to clear-cut logging and prescribed burning, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 3
- Beaded-chain collars: A new method to radiotag kangaroo rats for short-term studies, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 2
- Testing releasable GPS radiocollars on wolves and white-tailed deer, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 4
- A comparison of sampling techniques to estimate number of wetlands, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 1
- Do mini-refuges supply wintering northern pintails with important diurnal roost sites?: Response to Rave, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 4
- Famous North American wolves and the credibility of early wildlife literature, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 4
- The northern pintail in North America: status and conservation needs of a struggling population, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 3
- Manatee response to boating activity in a thermal refuge, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 2
- An evaluation of parturition indices in fishers, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 1
- Obtaining environmental measures to facilitate vertebrate habitat modeling, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 2
- Predicting mountalion activity using radiocollars equipped with mercury tip-sensors, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 1
- Goose hunter opinions concerning proposed management actions to reduce the mid-continent population of lesser snow geese, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 1
- Public acceptance of wildlife trapping in Colorado, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 2
- A historical perspective and critique of the declining amphibian crisis, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 4
- A geographic analysis of the status of mountain lions in Oklahoma, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 1
- Estimated costs of maintaining a recovered wolf population in agricultural regions of Minnesota, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 4
- Potential energetic effects of mountain climbers on foraging grizzly bears, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (27) - 1
- International trends in university education for wildlife conservation and management, 1999, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 4
- Use of a helicopter to capture flighted cranes, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 1
- Suggestions for new and aspiring graduate students in wildlife science, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 1
- An evaluation of strip transect aerial survey methods for monitoring manatee populations in Florida, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 3
- A passive integrated transponder system for tracking animal movements, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) -
- An expandable radiocollar for elk calves, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 1
- Attraction of brown bears to red pepper spray deterrent: Caveats for use, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 1
- Thunder on the Yellowstone revisited: An assessment of management of native ungulates by natural regulation, 1968-1993, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 3
- Effects of food supplementation on depredation of duck nests in prairies by striped skunks, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 2
- Black bear depredation on agricultural commodities in Massachusetts, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 2
- Range expansion by wild hogs across the central United States, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 2
- A review of the relationships between visitors and ungulates in national parks, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 3
- Use of mini-refuges by female northern pintails wintering in southwestern Louisiana, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 1
- KERNELHR: A program for estimating animal home ranges, 1998, Wildlife Society Bulletin (26) - 1
- Bottomland hardwood reforestation for neotropical migratory birds: Are we missing the forest for the trees?, 1997, Wildlife Society Bulletin (25) - 3
- Conservation of Mexican wetlands: role of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, 1997, Wildlife Society Bulletin (25) - 1
- An adaptive management approach to controlling suburban deer, 1997, Wildlife Society Bulletin (25) - 2
- Tests of wildlife habitat models to evaluate oak-mast production, 1997, Wildlife Society Bulletin (25) - 3
- Why do international research and management?, 1997, Wildlife Society Bulletin (25) - 1
- [Obituary] William H. Stickel, 1912-1996, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 2
- Seed deterioration in flooded agricultural fields during winter, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 1
- Evaluation of 3 radio transmitters and collar designs for Amazona, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 1
- A new era for carnivore conservation, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 3
- ARM! For the future: adaptive resource management in the wildlife profession, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 3
- Detecting trends in raptor counts: power and type I error rates of various statistical tests, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 3
- Avian behavior and mortality at power lines in coastal South Carolina, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 4
- Canvasback mortality from illegal hunting on the upper Mississippi River, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 1
- Effects of cavity-entrance restrictors on red-cockaded woodpeckers, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 4
- Mass and body-dimension relationships of polar bears in northern Alaska, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 3
- Predators and ecosystem management, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) -
- Evaluation of a flipper-mounted transmitter on sea otters, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 3
- An image-processing program for automated counting, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 2
- Improved access to software published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 2
- Surveying woodland hawks with broadcasts of great horned owl vocalization, 1996, Wildlife Society Bulletin (24) - 3
- Seasonal ingestion of toxic and nontoxic shot by Canada geese, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 3
- Assessing animal condition, nutrition, and stress from urine in snow: A critical view and response, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 4
- Partnerships: Innovative strategies for wildlife conservation, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 1
- Assessing ground-based counts of nestling bald eagles in northeastern Minnesota, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 2
- Conservation partnerships in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 4
- Suggested aviary design and procedures to reduce mortality of captive warblers, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 4
- Appraising status of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population by counting females with cubs-of-the-year, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 2
- Automated counting of waterfowl with image processing, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) -
- Locating waterfowl observations on aerial surveys, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 2
- GIS for mapping waterfowl density and distribution from aerial surveys, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) -
- Estimating populations of nesting brant using aerial videography, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 1
- How much habitat management is needed to meet mallard production objectives?, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 1
- Seasonal predator removal relative to hatch rate of duck nests in waterfowl production areas, 1995, Wildlife Society Bulletin (23) - 3
- Population trends of woodland birds from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 2
- In my experience: Improved capture techniques for psittacines, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 3
- Bird use of agricultural fields under reduced and conventional tillage in the Texas Panhandle, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 1
- [Obituary] Robert Earl Stewart, Sr., 1913-1993, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 3
- Carbofuran affects wildlife on Virginia corn fields, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 4
- A demographic comparison of two black bear populations in the Interior Highlands of Arkansas, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) -
- Crop damage by deer at Gettysburg Park, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 1
- Producing northern bobwhite food on sandy soils in semiarid mixed prairies, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) -
- Evaluation of Canada goose sterilization for population control, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 2
- Comparison of age determination techniques for female northern pintails and American wigeon in spring, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 2
- A walk-in trap for nesting ducks, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) -
- Probable causes of nesting failures in Oregon's bald eagle population, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 4
- Effects of predator exclosure design on duck brood movements, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) -
- Navigating aerial transects with a laptop computer, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 4
- Response of staging brant to disturbance at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 1994, Wildlife Society Bulletin (22) - 2
- Omnidirectional aircraft antennas for aerial telemetry, 1993, Wildlife Society Bulletin (21) - 4
- Managing biological diversity, 1993, Wildlife Society Bulletin (21) - 4
- An assessment of predator barriers and predator control to enhance duck nest success on peninsulas, 1993, Wildlife Society Bulletin (21) -
- In my experience: Mitochondrial DNA in wildlife taxonomy and conservation biology: Cautionary notes, 1993, Wildlife Society Bulletin (21) - 3
- Seasonal use of conservation reserve program lands by white-tailed deer in east-central South Dakota , 1993, Wildlife Society Bulletin (21) - 3
- [Obituary] James Osborn Stevenson, 1908-1991, 1992, Wildlife Society Bulletin (20) - 2
- Field testing the Wildlink Capture Collar on wolves, 1992, Wildlife Society Bulletin (20) - 2
- Water depth predicts redhead distribution in the lower Laguna Madre, Texas, 1992, Wildlife Society Bulletin (20) - 4
- Wildlife species richness in shelterbelts: test of a habitat model, 1992, Wildlife Society Bulletin (20) - 3
- Nesting waterfowl and water birds on natural islands in the Dakotas and Montana, 1992, Wildlife Society Bulletin (20) -
- The role of avian carcasses in botulism epizootics, 1992, Wildlife Society Bulletin (20) - 2
- Lead exposure in Canada geese of the eastern prairie population, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) - 1
- Indicators of severe undernutrition in urine of free-ranging elk during winter, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) - 1
- Ethyl parathion in wetlands following aerial application to sunflowers in North Dakota, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) - 4
- [Obituary] Francis Morley Uhler, 1902-1990, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) - 3
- Accommodating outliers in wildlife surveys, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) - 3
- Mitochondrial DNA in wildlife forensic science: Species identification of tissues, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) - 1
- An evaluation of aerial survey replicate count methodology to determine trends in manatee abundance, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) -
- Arctic fox control improves nest success of black brant, 1991, Wildlife Society Bulletin (19) -
- Evaluation of three miniature radio transmitter attachment methods for small passerines, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) - 1
- Effects of implanted transmitters on captive Florida sandhill cranes, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) - 4
- An evaluation of the Christmas Bird Count for monitoring population trends of selected species, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) - 2
- Visual counts as an index of White-Tailed Prairie Dog density, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) - 3
- A roof rat bait station that excludes deer mice, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) -
- Wildlife software: procedures for publication of computer software, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) - 3
- Protecting duck nests from mammalian predators with fences, traps, and a toxicant, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) -
- Computer-aided procedure for counting waterfowl on aerial photographs, 1990, Wildlife Society Bulletin (18) - 2
- Interactions of wolves and dogs in Minnesota, 1989, Wildlife Society Bulletin (17) - 2
- Testing for differences among survival or recovery rates using program CONTRAST, 1989, Wildlife Society Bulletin (17) - 4
- Population ecology and harvest of the American black duck: a review, 1989, Wildlife Society Bulletin (17) - 4
- Impact of fenthion on nontarget birds during quelea control in Kenya, 1989, Wildlife Society Bulletin (17) - 2
- Relationship of roof rat population indices with damage to sugarcane, 1989, Wildlife Society Bulletin (17) - 1
- Evaluation of boundary control techniques for bison in Yellowstone National Park, 1989, Wildlife Society Bulletin (17) - 1
- How sensitive are bats to insecticides?, 1988, Wildlife Society Bulletin (16) - 4
- Relationship between winter severity and wolf depredations on domestic animals in Minnesota, 1988, Wildlife Society Bulletin (16) - 3
- Wolf distribution and road density in Minnesota, 1988, Wildlife Society Bulletin (16) - 1
- Chemical analyses of deer bladder urine and urine collected from snow, 1988, Wildlife Society Bulletin (16) - 3
- Mortality patterns and population sinks for Yellowstone grizzly bears, 1973-1985, 1988, Wildlife Society Bulletin (16) - 2
- Goose counts from aerial photographs using an optical digitizer, 1988, Wildlife Society Bulletin (16) -
- Cave gate designs for use in protecting endangered bats, 1987, Wildlife Society Bulletin (15) - 3
- The need for experiments to understand population dynamics of American black ducks, 1987, Wildlife Society Bulletin (15) - 2
- Attraction of Hawaiian seabirds to lights: conservation efforts and effects of moon phase, 1987, Wildlife Society Bulletin (15) - 3
- An inexpensive device for recording animal behavior, 1987, Wildlife Society Bulletin (15) - 2
- Are mallards declining in North America?, 1987, Wildlife Society Bulletin (15) -
- Response: Evidence for selection of old trees by red-cockaded woodpeckers, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 3
- Bird poisoning from misuse of the carbamate Furadan in a Texas rice field, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 1
- Radiotelemetry locates wintering grounds of DDE-contaminated black-crowned night-herons, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 3
- Portable microcomputers for field collection of animal behavior data, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 2
- Effects of liberalized harvest regulations on wood ducks in the Atlantic Flyway, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 4
- Incorrect inferences regarding the effects of hunting on survival rates of American black ducks, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 3
- Changing landscapes and the cosmopolitism of the eastern Colorado avifauna, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 2
- Past and present status of polar bears in Alaska, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 3
- Incidence of gunshot deaths in desert tortoises in California, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) -
- Influence of striped skunk removal on upland duck nest success in North Dakota, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 1
- Further evaluation of duck nesting on small man-made islands in North Dakota, 1986, Wildlife Society Bulletin (14) - 2
- Can relocated wolves survive?, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 4
- On condition bias and band-recovery data from large-scale waterfowl banding programs, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 3
- Age of cavity trees and colony stands selected by red-cockaded woodpeckers, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 1
- [Obituary] Lillian Hildebrandt Rummel, 1933-1984, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 2
- Limitations of the marrow-fat technique as an indicator of body condition, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 2
- Immunizing Canada geese against avian cholera, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 4
- Quick estimates of success rates of duck nests, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 1
- Disturbance of diving ducks by boaters on a migrational staging area, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 3
- Assessment of nasal marker materials and designs used on dabbling ducks, 1985, Wildlife Society Bulletin (13) - 1
- Radio-triggered anesthetic-dart collar for recapturing large mammals, 1984, Wildlife Society Bulletin (12) - 1
- Decline in use of Avitrol R to reduce blackbird damage to field corn, 1984, Wildlife Society Bulletin (12) - 3
- Value of prairie wetlands to duck broods, 1984, Wildlife Society Bulletin (12) - 1
- Public lands management workshop, 1984, Wildlife Society Bulletin (12) - 4
- Use of seeded native grasses as nesting cover by ducks, 1984, Wildlife Society Bulletin (12) - 2
- Lead shot incidence in sediments and waterfowl gizzards from Merrymeeting Bay, Maine, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) - 1
- Shotshell and shooter effectiveness: Lead vs. steel shot for duck hunting, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) - 2
- Use and interpretation of statistics in wildlife journals, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) - 4
- Some conceptual and semantic problems in wetland classification and inventory, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) - 1
- History and status of translocated sea otter populations in North America, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) -
- Nesting of waterfowl on islands in Lake Audubon, North Dakota, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) - 3
- Electric fences to reduce mammalian predation on waterfowl nests, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) - 4
- Chlamydiosis in 2 biologists investigating disease occurrences in wild waterfowl, 1982, Wildlife Society Bulletin (10) - 2
- Sampling strategies for radio-tracking coyotes, 1981, Wildlife Society Bulletin (9) - 2
- Avian surveys of large geographical areas: A systematic approach, 1981, Wildlife Society Bulletin (9) - 3
- Transport case for incubated eggs, 1981, Wildlife Society Bulletin (9) - 1
- Road casualties of prairie nesting ducks, 1981, Wildlife Society Bulletin (9) - 1
- Characteristics of central North Dakota wetlands determined from sample aerial photographs and ground study, 1981, Wildlife Society Bulletin (9) - 4
- Recuperation from crippling in ducks, 1981, Wildlife Society Bulletin (9) - 2
- Secondary poisoning of owls by anticoagulant rodenticides, 1980, Wildlife Society Bulletin (8) - 4
- Waterfowl production estimates on forested wetlands from pair and brood counts, 1980, Wildlife Society Bulletin (8) - 4
- Human disturbance at water sources of desert bighorn sheep, 1980, Wildlife Society Bulletin (8) - 4
- Reliability of determining sex and age of band-tailed pigeons by plumage characters, 1979, Wildlife Society Bulletin (7) - 2
- Marsh nesting by mallards, 1979, Wildlife Society Bulletin (7) - 2
- A core sampler for lead/steel shot investigations, 1978, Wildlife Society Bulletin (6) - 3
- Great blue herons respond to nesting habitat loss, 1978, Wildlife Society Bulletin (6) - 1
- Volunteer participation in California condor surveys, 1978, Wildlife Society Bulletin (6) - 3
- Waterfowl nesting on small man-made islands in prairie wetlands, 1978, Wildlife Society Bulletin (6) - 4
- Band recovery distribution of eastern Maine woodcock, 1977, Wildlife Society Bulletin (5) - 3
- Unretrieved shooting loss of mourning doves in north-central South Carolina, 1977, Wildlife Society Bulletin (5) - 3
- Woodcock use of clearcut aspen areas in Wisconsin, 1976, Wildlife Society Bulletin (4) - 3
- Upland sandpiper nesting and management in North Dakota, 1976, Wildlife Society Bulletin (4) - 1
- Influence of night-lighting and banding on woodcock movements, 1975, Wildlife Society Bulletin (3) - 2
- A rural mail-carrier index of North Dakota red foxes, 1975, Wildlife Society Bulletin (3) - 2
- Use of elevated nest baskets by ducks, 1975, Wildlife Society Bulletin (3) - 2
- Shorebird and game bird nests in North Dakota croplands, 1975, Wildlife Society Bulletin (3) - 4
- Habitat management considerations for prairie chickens, 1974, Wildlife Society Bulletin (2) -
- Ice on waterfowl markers, 1974, Wildlife Society Bulletin (2) - 3
- 1970 test of the point system for regulating duck harvests, 1973, Wildlife Society Bulletin (1) - 1
- A method to determine waterfowl shooting distances, 1973, Wildlife Society Bulletin (1) - 2