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Flow Velocity, Water Temperature, and Conductivity at Selected Locations in Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida; July 1999 - July 2003

Data Format

Brief descriptions of the format and content of the data files available in this report are presented below. Data are organized by type in the Data Access section or by station name (SH1, GS-203, GS-33, NP202, GS-36) in the Study Area and Station Description section.

Velocity Files

Quality-checked and edited velocity data are available as comma-separated values in ASCII text files (.adv) for each deployment. The following parameters are included in each file:

Station Description


Note: Files from the 1999-2000 wet season include additional parameters of standard deviations for the east and north velocity components, as indicated in the column headings.

Conductivity and Temperature Files

Quality-checked and edited conductivity and temperature data are available as comma-separated values in ASCII text files (.ctd) for each deployment. The following parameters are included in each file:

Station Description


Note: Measured conductance was converted to salinity by methods documented in Sea-Bird Electronics Inc. (1999).

Temperature-Profile Files

Quality-checked and edited temperature-profile data and additional site-specific information are available in Microsoft® Excel (.xls) spreadsheet format for each station.

The following worksheets are included in each temperature-profile data file:

Water-Depth Files

Approximate water depths at the flow-monitoring stations are available in Microsoft® Excel (.xls) spreadsheet format. Each file contains the following parameters:

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: Raymond W. Schaffranek