Environmental Geochemistry and Sediment Quality in Lake Pontchartrain

II.  Sediment Database Structure and Development (con't)

B. Data Dictionary

The complete data dictionary (list of parameters and definitions) for the sediment database is provided in Appendix A in "vertical" format. A sample, given below in Table 4, is a special version of a master data dictionary maintained at the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Center in Woods Hole, MA (; Tel. 508-457-2289). Three alternative field names are provided, serving specific software or GIS requirements. The short field names from this data dictionary are the headings in eight separate tables in the full sediment database (Appendix D). These tables can be linked through the unique sample ID:

1. Station data
2. Inorganic chemical data (including metals)
3. General organic data (including "total" PCB and PAH)
4. Specific organic data: PCBs and pesticides congeners
5. Specific organic data: PAH congeners
6. Specific organic data: aliphatic hydrocarbons (USEPA)
7. Miscellaneous organic compounds
8. Grain size (texture)

Example of Data Dictionary
5 ST_PLANE_E State Plane E
6 ST_PLANE_N State Plane N
7 LATITUDE Latitude (Decimal)

Table 4. Click for expanded example.

Example of Station Data Table
6 Schurtz, 1984 30.027280
516 LDEQ, 1989 30.02333

Table 5. Click for expanded example.

Example of Inorganic Table
6 0.157 12.6
7 0.206 30.7

Table 6. Click for expanded example.


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Sediment Database and Preliminary Interpretations



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