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USGS: science for a changing world -
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-001
Surficial Sediment Data from the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, and Vicinity: A GIS Compilation


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Geologists have been collecting sediment samples from the sea floor for many years. Grab samplers and dredges are used to retrieve surficial sediments, corers can collect samples from deeper beneath the sea floor, and sediment traps and bed load samplers collect suspended sediment during transport. The primary goal in sampling is to collect undisturbed sediments that have retained their natural characteristics. Because sea-floor conditions and character vary substantially, a number of devices have been developed to meet specific needs. Images of the most common samplers have been compiled in the gallery below.

Alpine Vibracorer Smith-McIntyre grab sampler on the fan tail of the RV EXPLORER.
Cambell Grab sampler Diagram of Clam Shell Grab sampler.
Diagram of Cylindrical Sediment Trap. Diagram of Electric Vibracore.
Diagram of Gravity Corer. Hydraulically-Dampened Corer
Diagram of Helley-Smith Bedload Sampler Diagram of Lamont Box Corer
Modified Van Veen Grab sampler Diagram of Orange Peel Grab sampler.
Diagram of Peterson Grab sampler. Diagram of Phipps Grab sampler.
Diagram of Phleger Corer. Pipe Dredge
Diagram of Piston Corer. Rock dredge
USGS SEABOSS Grab System Shipek Grab
Smith-McIntyre Grab being deployed. Diagram of Smith-McIntyre Grab sampler.
Diagram of Spade Box Corer. Schematic of Time-Series Sediment Trap.
Diagram of USGS Bedload sampler Diagram of Van Veen Grab sampler.

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