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Cruise Report for G1-03-GM, USGS Gas Hydrates Cruise, R/V Gyre, 1-14 May 2003, Northern Gulf of Mexico

USGS Open-File Report 03-474 (On-line at:


Deborah R. Hutchinson, USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd., Woods Hole, MA 02543 and

Patrick E. Hart, USGS, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025


This report gives a summary of the field program and instrumentation used on the R/V Gyre in the Gulf of Mexico in May, 2003, to collect multichannel seismic data in support of USGS and Department of Energy gas hydrate studies. Tabulated statistics, metadata, figures and maps are included to show the breadth of data collected and preliminary interpretations made during the field program. Geophysical data collected during this cruise will be released in a separate report.

Research Vessel Gyre.
    Research Vessel Gyre.

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Citation: Hutchinson, D.R., and Hart, P.E., 2004, Cruise report for G1-03-GM USGS gas hydrates cruise, R/V Gyre, 1-14 May, 2003, Northern Gulf of Mexico: US Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 03-474, 103 p., on line version:

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