USGS Open-File Report 03-474, G1-03-GM, Gas Hydrates Cruise Report, R/V Gyre, 1-14 May 2003, Northern Gulf of Mexico | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Title Page ABSTRACT Introduction Acknowledgments Geologic Settings Cruise Objectives Cruise Strategy Instrumentation Data Processing Data Handling Marine Mammal Mitigation Operational Summary Success in Meeting Objectives Summary References Appendices 1. Multichannel Line Statistics 2. Summary of Digital Data 3. Marine Mammal Documents 4. Science Roster 5. Ship Roster & Specifications 6. Photo Gallery |
Cruise StrategyThe two study areas posed different imaging challenges. Keathley Canyon 195 had evidence for a low-amplitude BSR in proprietary industry data, and therefore offered the opportunity to identify a mappable horizon and relate it to the surrounding geology. Atwater Valley 14, again from proprietary industry data, contained three possible mound/vent sites that were targets for potential hydrate formation, but no obvious BSR. Therefore, the strategy for mapping each survey area was different: for Keathley Canyon, the objective was to acquire a grid of data and define the regional extent of a possible BSR. Additional detailed (100 m spacing) lines were added to look at specifics of the BSR and at a possible mound/vent within the study area. For the Atwater Valley study area, the objective was multiple crossings over the three mound/vent sites from different azimuths and with close (100 m) line spacings. The chronology of the cruise, showing the time spent in each survey area and doing the ties to other well and seismic information are given in Table 1.
1 G1-03-GM lasted for 14 days from 1-14 May, 2003. Julian Day 121 corresponds to 1 May. Because of the large number of short lines anticipated on the cruise, a naming convention was used in which the line number always incremented by one, but the alpha-numeric leader would change depending on the region being surveyed (KC = Keathley Canyon, GB = Garden Banks, AV = Atwater Valley, MC = Mississippi Canyon). Hence line KC60 (for Keathley Canyon 60) was followed sequentially by line GB61 (for Garden Banks 61). The test lines at the start of the cruise were an exception. For the test multichannel water gun line, the multichannel data were labeled Test2. The test GI gun line was initially called test4, but renamed to KC1 when it was decided to use the GI gun as the primary source for the survey. The Knudsen bathymetry files for KC1 were labeled L1. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||