USGS Open-File Report 03-474, G1-03-GM, Gas Hydrates Cruise Report, R/V Gyre, 1-14 May 2003, Northern Gulf of Mexico | |
Title Page ABSTRACT Introduction Acknowledgments Geologic Settings Cruise Objectives Cruise Strategy Instrumentation Data Processing DATA HANDLING Marine Mammal Mitigation Operational Summary Success in Meeting Objectives Summary References Appendices 1. Multichannel Line Statistics 2. Summary of Digital Data 3. Marine Mammal Documents 4. Science Roster 5. Ship Roster & Specifications 6. Photo Gallery |
Data Handling and ArchiveData from this cruise consist of both field and processed records: field data for the navigation, multichannel seismics, and Knudsen bathymetry; processed data for the multichannel raw shot records, CDP sorted data, and stacked sections. The only data recorded directly to tapes during acquisition were the multichannel field records. All other data were recorded directly onto disk and later written to either CD or DVD for archive. Tables of the tapes, CD's and DVD's created during this cruise are given in Appendix 2. |