Cruise Data
GIS Data Catalog
3D Visualization
This DVD-ROM contains
copies of the field swath bathymetric sonar, CTD/XBT and GPS
navigation data collected aboard the NOAA ship Ron Brown during USGS
Cruise 03008 (NOAA Cruise RB0303) from February 18 to March 7,
2003. This cruise is part of an on-going field program
involving the USGS Woods Hole Science Center and the NOAA
Office of Ocean Exploration to map and describe the geologic
features and extent of the Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest part of
the Atlantic Ocean.
The final multibeam
map grid is provided on this DVD-ROM and can be viewed with the
shareware software IVIEW3D from IVS. The field data and
background data for the region is configured with ESRI Arcview GIS
software and is available in shapefile format and Arcview file
structures. An ESRI Arcview project file is included for the
Directory Structure
The contents of this DVD-ROM are as follows:
Top level Directory:
- index.htm
- This file is intended to be the starting point for DVD-ROM
access. It is written in the Hypertext Markup Language utilized
by the World Wide Web (WWW) project and must be opened
with a WWW browser. Once opened, the user may browse
the DVD-ROM's contents as they would browse pages
from the WWW.
- geoproj1.apr - This file
is an Arcview 3.x project file that when opened with Arcview
will display the GIS data.
- ofr2004_1400_metadata
- This file is an FGDC compatible metadata file describing this
- readme.txt - ASCII text file
containing a description of this DVD-ROM. This file
may be viewed or printed with any system program capable of opening
an ASCII text file.
- data - contains the cruise data files and directories
- bathymetry
- bathy_1000m - 1000 meter isobaths from the NOAA/NGDC ETOPO2 grid
- bathy_500m - 500 meter isobaths from the NOAA/NGDC ETOPO2 grid
- bathy_100m - 100 meter isobaths from the NOAA/NGDC ETOPO2 grid
- prtbckgnd - Caribbean Region Background Imagery for Puerto Rico - boundaries
- pr_eez_region - United States Exclusive Economic Zone for Puerto
- caribis - Carribean Island country boundaries from ESRI data files - oceanography
- ctd - Conductivity, Temperature, Density cast station location
- xbt - expendable bathythermograph cast station locations - ivs
- contains the 3D scene and
scientific data files viewable with iView3D. See Getting
Started with 3D views. - Multibeam
- gtsurfmod - grey toned surface model of 150 meter
grid mosaic
- sunillum - sun illuminated image of 150 meter grid colorized by depth - Navigation
- nav2002 - navigation tracklines from cruise RB02051
- nav2003 - navigation tracklines from cruise RB03008
- posters
- contains the map sheet: Bathymetry (gray-toned surface model image and sun-illuminated image colorized by depth) in PDF, AI, and JPG format. These files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, or a browser, respectively, and printed.
- svp
- contains a Microsoft Excel file listing all sound velocity profiles
- htmldocs - contains all HTML pages accessed within this report.
- images - contains the image files utilized within HTML pages
Getting Started with 3D views and ESRI GIS
3D Views
Interactive Visualization Systems
(IVS) Fledermaus software suite was used to drape the sidescan-sonar
data on the bathymetric surface. By adding height information
(depth) to the backscatter data, the imagery can be viewed in three
dimensions; greatly improving data interpretation. The Fledermaus
software suite also enables the user to 'fly through' the study
area, presenting unique perspectives, and again, improving data
interpretation. IVS produces a
free viewer, iView3D, that will read files generated
by the Fledermaus software suite. Two Fledermaus scientific
data (sd) files and one scene file have been
included on this DVD-ROM. These data can be viewed through the IVS
free program, iView3D. The user is encouraged to download iView3D
in order to view the geophysical data acquired in the Puerto Rico
Trench, in a three-dimensional perspective.
Download Information:
- Go to the IVS
- Go to Products
- Click on iView3D
This will take the User to the iView3D Home Page.
The User will find a program description and detailed downloading
instructions. It is highly recommended that the User download
iView3D in order to view the sidescan-sonar and
bathymetric data in three dimensions and 'fly-through' the study
area. The HELP within iView3D gives detailed
operating instructions.
Fledermaus SD and Scene Files:
The following files are stored within the ivs
directory and can be viewed within iView3D. See iView3D
HELP for detailed instructions on loading and
manipulating data files. The files may be downloaded by
copying the files from the data\ivs directory or by downloading
the iview3d_data.zip
file which contains the three files in *.zip format . The
User will need the WinZip
program or a compatible program in order to extract the files
from the WinZip archive.
- final.scene - colorized bathymetry image, no vertical
- pr2003ss_utm_v6.sd - sidescan sonar image, vertical
exaggeration of 6.
- pr2003_utm_v6.sd - colorized bathymetry, vertical
exaggeration of 6.
An Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
ArcView 3.x Geographic Information System (GIS) project
file, geoproj1.apr, resides in the arcview directory.
All associated GIS files are also contained within this
directory structure. The user must have a copy of ESRI
ArcView 3.x in order to use the project file. Visit the ESRI
Website (http://www.esri.com) for
information concerning this, and other software, such as ArcExplorer,
a free GIS data viewer available for download.
To Load geoproj1.apr:
- geoproj1.apr contains links to all shape files
referenced in this report
Projected Views:
The Puerto Rico Trench imagery was processed in the following coordinate system: UTM,
WGS84 datum, Zone 19, meters. All raster images and
grids are available in both geographic (un-projected) and projected
UTM, Zone 19.
All point and vector data are stored in decimal degrees.
System Requirements
This DVD-ROM can be successfully accessed on systems utilizing the
following operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and UNIX.
However, the ESRI
ArcView project file, geoproj1.apr, works best on Microsoft Windows
operating systems using Arcview or ArcExplorer. The IVS
free viewer, iView3D, will run on Macintosh and
Microsoft Windows systems if loaded properly.
This (DVD-ROM)
publication was prepared by an agency of the United States Government.
Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor
any of their employees, make any warranty, expressed or implied,
or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product,
or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use
would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to
any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute
or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United
States Government or any agency thereof. Any views and opinions
of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect
those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Although
all data published on this DVD-ROM have been used by the USGS,
no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS
as to the accuracy of the data and related materials and/or the
functioning of the software. The act of distribution shall not constitute
any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS
in the use of this data, software, or related materials.
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