Figure 1. Cut-away view showing an Anderson-type cone-shaped sediment trap, including the location of the Intervalometer, its attachment to the cross bar below the baffle, and the discharge of the partitions (discs) from the Intervalometer onto the surface of the sediment (Roger Anderson, University of New Mexico, written communication, 2008). The baffle at the top of the trap is installed to reduce turbulence at the opening and to reduce the volume of mega fauna entering the trap and possibly bioturbating the sediments in the collection tube. |
Figure 2. Photograph showing the deployment of Anderson-type sediment traps attached to a mooring wire during a Massachusetts Bay field experiment. The tube trap taped onto the wire was used for comparison purposes. |
Figure 3. Diagram showing results of a sediment-trap experiment in Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho, in which sediments were separated by layers of Teflon granules dispensed by an early version of the Intervalometer. Some intervals within the sediments of the collection tube were not clearly separated by the granules because of low sedimentation rates. The scale is in centimeters. |
Figure 4. Exterior view of Intervalometer. The disc shown is approximately 1 ¼ inches in diameter, and the instrument is approximately 3 9/16 inches in diameter by 12 inches in length. |
Figure 5. Photograph showing the lower section of the collection tube recovered from the Hueneme Canyon sediment trap, which was placed 30 m above the sea floor (30 mab). The edges of the discs deposited at 10-day intervals in the sediment column appear as horizontal white lines throughout the tube. Scale is in centimeters. |
Figure 6. Photograph showing the internal electronic components of the Intervalometer and the positions of the timer and motor confined in the pressure case. |
Figure 7. A bottom view illustrating the capture of a disc by the rotor mechanism and movement to the drop hole of the end cap. The rotor then travels to the drop hole of the end cap and the disc is released by gravity. |
Figure 8. Photograph showing the configuration of the timer and the 9-volt battery pack held within a frame designed by USGS technicians. The frame is constructed of fiberglass and aluminum and is secured to the bottom of the pressure case by the two vertical aluminum standoffs. |
Figure 9. Photograph showing the timer board with the two block switches (mouse and time) used to program the Intervalometer. The current setting shown is for the 10-minute test mode. Switch 1 on the mouse block is in the on (upwards) position, and the remaining switches on the mouse and time blocks are in the off position. |
Figure 10. Cut away diagram showing the concave-upwards stacking arrangement of the discs in the manifold chamber of the Intervalometer. This stacking arrangement reduces cohesion between the discs and facilitates their release from the manifold and subsequent capture by the rotor. Scale refers to the discs. |
Figure 11. Location map of the two moorings at the heads of Hueneme (838) and Mugu (839) Canyons off the coast of Southern California. Bathymetric contour intervals are 100 m. |
Figure 12. Subsurface mooring diagram for the Hueneme Canyon site (mooring 838). The mooring was deployed at approximately 190-m water depth and is approximately 122 m in length. The two sediment traps are at 30 mab and 60 mab. The drawing is not to scale. Abbreviations on the diagram signify additional oceanographic instrumentation attached to the mooring line: ADCP-acoustic Doppler current profiler; Mc-Microcat conductivity/temperature recorder, Br-Brancker multichannel data recorder, Tr-transmissometer/turbidity sensor, Trap-Anderson sediment trap. |
Figure 13. Mugu Canyon subsurface mooring diagram (mooring 839) illustrating the locations of the three sediment traps at 30, 60, and approximately 100 above the sea floor. The drawing is not to scale. Oceanographic instrumentation attached to the 122-m long mooring line (similar to the Hueneme Canyon mooring) was selected for the collection and recording of pressure, temperature, and turbidity measurements in the water column: ADCP-acoustic Doppler current profiler; Mc-Microcat conductivity/temperature recorder, Br-Brancker multichannel data recorder, Tr-transmissometer/turbidity sensor, Trap-Anderson sediment trap. |
Figure 14. Distribution of discs accumulated in the collection tubes of the two sediment traps (at 30 mab and 60 mab) recovered from the Hueneme Canyon mooring site. The intervals are measured in centimeters; Disc = sequentially numbered discs deposited at ten-day intervals from the Intervalometer; Day = the number of days of sediment accumulated in the tube at the time each disc was deposited. |
Figure 15. Distribution of discs deposited by the Intervalometer into the collection tubes of the two sediment traps (at 30 mab and 60 mab) recovered from the Mugu Canyon subsurface mooring site. The intervals of the tubes are measured in centimeters; Disc = sequentially numbered discs deposited at ten-day intervals from the Intervalometer; Day = the number of days of sediment accumulated in the tube at the time each disc was deposited. Disc #1 is missing from the 60-mab tube. s/s = stainless steel washers. |