SI to Inch/Pound
Multiply |
By |
To obtain |
Length |
centimeter (cm) |
0.3937 |
inch (in.) |
millimeter (mm) |
0.03937 |
inch (in.) |
meter (m) |
3.281 |
foot (ft) |
kilometer (km) |
0.6214 |
mile (mi) |
kilometer (km) |
0.5400 |
mile, nautical (nmi) |
meter (m) |
1.094 |
yard (yd) |
Area |
square kilometer (km²) |
0.3861 |
square mile (mi²) |
Phi-notation (Krumbein, 1934) as used in this report is defined as: Φ = -log 2 (d), where d is the grain diameter in mm. Phi-class intervals in millimeters are given in the data dictionary of the Sediments section.
The frequencies of sidescan sonar and multibeam bathymetry are measured in kilohertz (kHz), one thousand periods per second.
The vertical datum for tidal-zone measurements is mean lower low water.