U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1146
Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of the Northern Gulf of Mexico to Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Change
Updated CVI: calculated using geomorphology, shoreline change rate (Miller and others, 2004; Martinez and others, 2006) and land loss (Barras and others, 2008), coastal slope, vertical movement rate (Ivins and others, 2007), mean significant wave height, and tidal range. This table contains the principal component analysis summary for Northern Gulf of Mexico CVI, including eigenvalues and percent of variance explained.
A.) The first four principal components (1-4) cumulatively account for more than 99 percent of the variance within the CVI. B.) Biplot of principal components 1 and 2. Note the short vectors corresponding to tidal range, geomorphology, slope, and sea-level rise rate. This plot suggests that only shoreline change and wave height are significant in the first 2 principal components (78.5 percent of the total variance). |
Bar plots of loadings within each principal component (PC) 1-6; percent of variance explained by each component is shown in the plot title with each principal component. |
Spatial distribution of the first four principal components, showing where the maximum score (or loading) occurs. This map indicates where each principal component is most influential in determining the CVI.