Click on figures for larger images |
Figure 18. Photograph from station 995-2 showing a flat to undulating, sandy sea floor composed of relatively undisturbed modern marine sediments. |
Figure 19. Photograph from station 995-16 showing a gravelly sea floor typical of areas where winnowed glacial drift is exposed. |
Figure 20. Map showing locations of bottom photographs taken during U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2011-006-FA aboard the research vessel Rafael. |
Sea-floor photography from the study area includes 3 to 7 still photographs and several minutes of video at each of the 27 stations (fig. 20). A total of 122 photographs were taken of the sea floor and are included in the photo gallery below, which provides descriptions of both the photographs and video collected at each station. The field of view for each photograph is approximately 50 cm.
The photographs and video are used to observe floral and faunal populations and sea-floor environments. Bottom photographs show a flat to undulating to rippled, sandy sea floor at about half the stations and gravel and boulders typically encrusted with hydrozoans and anemone at the other stations (fig. 19). The sea floor generally has burrows and starfish present, and, in sandy areas, worm tubes (fig. 18). Where the sea floor is rippled, shells tend to collect in ripple troughs.
Low-resolution images (150 x 113 pixels) of the photographs may be viewed by browsing the thumbnails in the photo gallery below. These thumbnails are linked to medium-resolution images (600 x 450 pixels) for more detailed viewing. A WinZip file with all the medium-resolution images may be accessed by clicking here. The WinZip file contains metadata about the photographs and their acquisition. Alternatively, the WinZip file containing the full-resolution images (2560 x 1920 pixels) may be accessed by clicking here. The images can be identified by using the .jpg image names in the galleries below. Individuals interested in obtaining video photography collected in this area may do so at the Data Library of the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, Mass.
Photo Gallery
Station / Lithologic Description
995-1 / Sand with low, broad ripples and scattered shells and shell hash in troughs. Burrows, worm tubes, sponges, anemones, fish, shrimp, and starfish present. |

995_1a |

995_1b |

995_1c |

995_1d |

995_1e |

995-2 / Undulating sand with burrows and worm tubes, scattered shells and shell hash, starfish, and cancer crabs present. |

995_2a |

995_2b |

995_2d |
995-3 / Low, broadly rippled sand with shells and shell hash in troughs. Skate and starfish present. |

995_3a |

995_3b |

995_3c |

995_3d |

995_3e |

| |
995-4 / Undulating sand with burrows, worm tubes, and some shell debris. |

995_4a |

995_4b |

995-5 / Cobbles, pebbles, and scattered boulders encrusted with hydrozoans and anemones. Crabs, starfish, fish, lobster burrows, and scattered shells and shell debris present. |

995_5a |

995_5b |

995_5c |

995_5d |

995_5e |


995_5g | |
995-6 / Cobbles with scattered boulders and intervening pebble gravel. Anemones, hydrozoans, starfish, and scattered shells and shell debris present. |

995_6a |

995_6b |

995_6c |

995_6d |

995_6e |

| |
995-7 / Sand with low, broad ripples and shell hash in ripple troughs. Worm and amphipod tubes, small burrows, hydrozoans, and starfish present. |

995_7a |

995_7b |

995_7c |

995_7d |

| |
995-8 / Sand with low, broad ripples and shell hash in ripple troughs. Worm tubes, starfish, and moon snail casings present. |

995_8a |

995_8b |


995-9 / Sand with low, broad ripples and megaripples. Worm tubes, starfish, scallops, moon snails, and flounder present. |

995_9a |

995_9b |

| |
995-10 / Sand with low, broad megaripples. Worm tubes, burrows, tracks, starfish, and shrimp present. |

995_10a |

995_10b |

995-11 / Sand with scattered boulders and some muddy patches. Large and small burrows, worm and amphipod tubes, hydrozoans, and starfish present. |

995_11a |

995_11b |

995_11c |

995-12 / Gravel, scattered boulders, and megaripples, with sand on the crests and shell hash and gravel in ripple troughs; skate also present. |

995_12a |

995_12b |

995_12c |

995_12d |

| |
995-13 / Undulating sand with large and small burrows, worm tubes, and starfish present. |

995_13a |

995_13b |

995-14 / Boulders with cobble and pebble gravel and patches of pea gravel. Scattered shells, moon snail case, hydrozoans, anemones, lobster, and starfish present. |

995_14a |

995_14b |

995_14c |

995_14d |

| |
995-15 / Megarippled pea gravel with scattered hydrozoan-encrusted boulders and patches of pebbles and scattered shells in the ripple troughs. |

995_15a |

995_15b |

995_15c |

995-16 / Encrusted boulders with cobble and pebble gravel covered in a thin veneer of silt. Anemones, hydrozoans, finfish, and starfish present. |

995_16a |

995_16b |

995_16c |

995_16d |

995_16e |

| |
995-17 / Rippled sand and a thin veneer of sand over gravel. Patches of hydrozoan-encrusted boulders, cobbles, and pebble gravel. Skates, sponges, and anemones present. |

995_17a |

995_17b |

995_17c |

995_17d |

995_17e |

| |
995-18 / Undulating, sandy sea floor with a rust-colored organic film. Amphipods, worm tubes, burrows, and a trace of shell debris present. |

995_18a |

995_18b |

995-19 / Encrusted boulders with intervening cobbles and pebbles and a few small patches of sand. Anemones, hydrozoans, and starfish present. |

995_19a |

995_19b |

995_19c |

995_19d |

995_19e |

| |
995-20 / Sand and gravel with scattered cobbles covered with a thin veneer of sand. Small and large burrows, scattered shells and shell hash, and anemones present. |

995_20a |

995_20b |

995_20c |

995-21 / Hydrozoan-encrusted boulders with cobbles, gravel, and sand patches. Anemones, starfish, scattered shell debris, and burrows present. |

995_21a |

995_21b |

995_21c |

995-22 / Encrusted boulders and cobbles with intervening pebble gravel. Hydrozoans, anemones, starfish, and finfish present. |

995_22a |

995_22b |

995_22c |

995_22d |

995_22e |

| |
995-23 / Undulating silty sand with small and large burrows, tracks, worm tubes, amphipods, and finfish present. |

995_23a |

995_23b |

995-24 / Sand with broad, low ripples, burrows, and a trace of shell debris. |

995_24a |

995_24b |

995-25 / Encrusted boulders and cobbles with pebble gravel and a few patches of sand. Hydrozoans, sponges, small anemones, fish, and scattered shells and shell debris present. |

995_25a |

995_25b |

995_25c |

995_25d |

995_25e |

| |
995-26 / Encrusted boulders with intervening cobbles and pebbles. Anemones, starfish, hydrozoans, and a lobster present. |

995_26a |

995_26b |

995_26c |

995-27 / Sand with low, broad ripples or megaripples, scattered shell hash, worm tubes, skate, finfish, and starfish present. |

995_27a |

995_27b |
