Open-File Report 2015–1057
Field Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates
Title Page | List of Figures | List of Tables | Conversion Factors | Abbreviations | Abstract | Introduction | Methods | Data Processing | Data Catalog | Acknowledgments | References Cited | Index
Figure 8. Shallow water deployment of artificial sand and oil agglomerates (aSOAs). A GoPro camera mounted to a stadia rod at a height just below the water's surface captured video, in addition to two handheld GoPro cameras capturing video and (or) pictures (the third GoPro camera took the image shown). In the background, the tripod is visible, where the pressure gauge (part of the Along-Track Reef Imaging System (ATRIS) package) continued to record. In the foreground a field of three red and three green aSOAs is visible on the seafloor. |