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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2015–1057

Field Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates

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List of Figures

Click on figures for larger images.
Thumbnail image for Figure 1. Surface residual balls. Figure 1. Sand and oil agglomerates, also known as surface residual balls, recovered in November 2011 along the Mississippi coast.
Thumbnail image for Figure 2. Map. Figure 2. A, Map showing the Gulf of Mexico with B, the location of the artificial sand and oil agglomerate field deployment indicated.
Thumbnail image for Figure 3. Water bath for artificial sand and oil agglomerate creation. Figure 3. Hot water bath used for artificial sand and oil agglomerate creation.
Thumbnail image for Figure 4. Creation of artificial sand and oil agglomerates. Figure 4. Manual shaping of artificial sand and oil agglomerates.
Thumbnail image for Figure 5. Determination of artificial sand and oil agglomerate density using Archimedes principal. Figure 5. Determination of artificial sand and oil agglomerate density.
Thumbnail image for Figure 6. Size classification of round and ellipsoidal artificial sand and oil agglomerates. Figure 6. Size classification of artificial sand and oil agglomerates.
Thumbnail image for Figure 7. Tripod configuration showing the ATRIS system, pressure gauge, and GoPro cameras. Figure 7. Instrumented tripod deployed in approximately 1.5-meter water depth.
Thumbnail image for Figure 8. Shallow water deployment of artificial sand and oil agglomerates. Figure 8. Shallow water deployment of artificial sand and oil agglomerates.
Thumbnail image for Figure 9. Swash zone deployment of artificial sand and oil agglomerates. Figure 9. Swash zone deployment of artificial sand and oil agglomerates.
Thumbnail image for Figure 10, image of artificial sand and oil agglomerates before and after image processing. Figure 10. A, raw image taken with the Along-Track Reef Imaging System camera of one ellipsoid artificial sand and oil agglomerate of each of the five size classes; B, the same image, processed to increase the contrast and visibility by expanding over the range of intensities in the image.

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