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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2015–1057

Field Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates

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Data Catalog

All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST), the local time of the experiment.

ATRIS Pressure/Water Level Data

Provided below is a link to the pressure data collected by the ATRIS system, along with the water depth from sensor (mounted at 1-m above the seafloor) to sea surface and total water depth from seafloor to sea surface. The raw pressure data were converted to NetCDF format ( and pressure was converted to water depth as described in Data Processing.

ATRIS Raw Images

Provided below are links to the raw image files collected by the ATRIS camera system. Zip files contain all photos for each individual deployment. For each photo (in .jpg format), there is a corresponding text file (.bin) containing the time the image was taken.

Deployment Description aSOAs Zip file
1 Round aSOAs of sizes 1–4 4R1, 3R1, 2R1, 1R1 (120 MB)
2 Ellipsoid aSOAs of sizes 1–5 5E1, 4E1, 3E1, 2E1, 1E1 (120 MB)
3 Ellipsoid aSOAs of sizes 1–4 4E1, 3E1, 2E1, 1E1 (170 MB)
4 aSOAs of size 1 1R1, 1R2, 1R3, 1E1, 1E2, 1E3 (135 MB)
5 aSOAs of size 2 2R1, 2R3, 2R4, 2E1, 2E2, 2E3 (129 MB)
6 aSOAs of size 3 3R2, 3R3, 3E1, 3E3 (124 MB)
7 aSOAs of size 4 4R1, 4E1 (116 MB)

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Deployments in 1.5-meter Water Depth

Provided below are links to movies created from images and pressure data collected by the ATRIS camera system. The movies contain processed image files, in which several images have been averaged to remove noise and the color range of the images expanded to increase contrast and improve the visibility of the aSOAs. Also shown is the time-series of water level attained from the pressure data, with a red dot indicating the time of the image currently displayed. The processing steps used to create these movies may be found on the Data Processing page.

Deployment Description aSOAs AVI file
1 Round aSOAs of sizes 1–4 4R1, 3R1, 2R1, 1R1 ATRIS_Ex1.avi (5.3 MB)
2 Ellipsoid aSOAs of sizes 1–5 5E1, 4E1, 3E1, 2E1, 1E1 ATRIS_Ex2.avi (5.3 MB)
3 Ellipsoid aSOAs of sizes 1–4 4E1, 3E1, 2E1, 1E1 ATRIS_Ex3.avi(5.3 MB)
4 aSOAs of size 1 1R1, 1R2, 1R3, 1E1, 1E2, 1E3 ATRIS_Ex4.avi(5.2 MB)
5 aSOAs of size 2 2R1, 2R3, 2R4, 2E1, 2E2, 2E3 ATRIS_Ex5.avi(5.2 MB)
6 aSOAs of size 3 3R2, 3R3, 3E1, 3E3 ATRIS_Ex6.avi(5.3 MB)
7 aSOAs of size 4 4R1, 4E1 ATRIS_Ex7.avi(5.2 MB)

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Deployments in 0.5-meter Water Depth

Provided below are links to movies created from video collected by the stadia rod mounted GoPro camera and pressure data collected by the ATRIS system. The movies contain processed image files, in which the color range of the images is expanded to increase contrast and improve the visibility of the aSOAs. Also shown is the time-series of water level variation attained from the pressure data, with a red dot indicating the time of the image currently displayed. The processing steps used to create these movies may be found on the Data Processing page. In these videos, the x-axis at the start of the video is in the cross-shore direction, although the camera was occasionally rotated slightly to keep the aSOAs in the field of view. Water level is derived from the pressure gauge at the ATRIS in 1.5-m of water, offshore of the 0.5-m site of the video, so increases in water level variation due to waves will have a lag in time before impacts would be observed in the video. The aSOA location was occasionally adjusted during the 1–2 minute deployments to position them more in the field of view. The 10-cm-scale bar displayed is approximate, because the camera was filming at an angle to the seafloor and has a fish-eye lens distorting the edges of the images.

Deployment Description aSOAs AVI file
Sh1 Sizes 1–4, Round 1R1, 2R1, 3R1, 4R1 GoPro2_ExSh1.avi (5.4 MB)
Sh2 Sizes 1–4, Round 1R1, 2R1, 3R1, 4R1 GoPro2_ExSh2.avi (5.3 MB)
Sh3 Sizes 1–5, Ellipse 1E1, 2E1, 3E1, 4E1, 5E1 GoPro2_ExSh3.avi (5.4 MB)
Sh4 Sizes 1–5, Ellipse 1E1, 2E1, 3E1, 4E1, 5E1 GoPro2_ExSh4.avi (5.4 MB)
Sh5 Size 1, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 1R1, 1R2, 1R3, 1E1, 1E2, 1E3 GoPro2_ExSh5.avi (5.4 MB)
Sh6 Size 1, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 1R1, 1R2, 1R3, 1E1, 1E2, 1E3 GoPro2_ExSh6.avi (5.3 MB)
Sh7 Size 2, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 2R1, 2R3, 2R4, 2E1, 2E2, 2E3 GoPro2_ExSh7.avi (5.3 MB)
Sh8 Size 2, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 2R1, 2R3, 2R4, 2E1, 2E2, 2E3 GoPro2_ExSh8.avi (5.3 MB)
Sh9 Size 3, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 3R1, 3R2, 3R3, 3E1, 3E2, 3E3 GoPro2_ExSh9.avi (5.3 MB)
Sh10 Size 3, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 3R1, 3R2, 3R3, 3E1, 3E2, 3E3 GoPro2_ExSh10.avi (5.3 MB)
Sh11 Size 4, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 4R1, 4R2, 4R3, 4E1, 4E2, 4E3 GoPro2_ExSh11.avi (5.3 MB)
Sh12 Size 4, 3 Round, 3 Ellipse 4R1, 4R2, 4R3, 4E1, 4E2, 4E3 GoPro2_ExSh12.avi (5.3 MB)

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Deployments in the Swash Zone

Provided below are links to two videos collected by the stadia rod mounted and handheld GoPro camera. These videos have undergone minimal processing as described on the Data Processing page. The deployment shown includes round and ellipsoidal aSOAs of size classes 3 and 4.

Viewing Angle Description aSOAs AVI file
Sw1A Sizes 3–4, Round and Ellipse, Cross-shore View 3R1, 3R2, 3R3, 3E1, 3E2, 3E3, 4R1, 4R2, 4R3, 4E1, 4E2, 4E3, 5E1 GoProA_ExSw1.avi (5.3 MB)
Sw1B Sizes 3–4, Round and Ellipse, Alongshore View 3R1, 3R2, 3R3, 3E1, 3E2, 3E3, 4R1, 4R2, 4R3, 4E1, 4E2, 4E3, 5E1 GoProB_ExSw1.avi (5.2 MB)

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