USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2017-1165

The Sedimentological Characteristics and Geochronology of the Marshes of Dauphin Island, Alabama

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Abbreviation Definition
°C degrees Celsius
θ water content
φ porosity
Φ Krumbein phi scale
An specific activity
I0 inventory
L depth to which 210Pb is in excess of parent 226Ra
mn mass depth
bulk density dry bulk density
rho subscript s sediment density
ν linear sedimentation rates
ω mass accumulation rates
zn linear depth
± plus or minus
greater than
210Pb lead-210
209Po polonium-209
210Po polonium-210
222Rn radon-222
226Ra radium-226
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BIER Barrier Island Evolution Research
BIM barrier island migration
CFCS constant flux, constant sedimentation
cm centimeter
cm3 cubic centimeter
cm/y centimeters per year
CRS constant rate of supply
CSV comma separated values
DGPS differential global positioning system
dpm/cm2 decays per minute per square centimeter
dpm/g decays per minute per gram
dpm/mL decays per minute per milliliter
FAN field activity number
FL Florida
g grams
g/cm2 grams per square centimeter
g/cm3 grams per cubic centimeter
g/cm2/y grams per square centimeter per year
GPS global positioning system
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
ID identification
JPEG joint photograph expert group
km2 square kilometers
LOI loss on ignition
LSR linear sedimentation rate
m2 square meters
MARs mass accumulation rates
mL milliliter
μL microliter
mm millimeter
μm micrometer
NFWF National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
OM organic matter
PDF portable document format
SPCMSC St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USGS U.S. Geological Survey

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