Water resources of the Upper Colorado River Basin - basic data

Professional Paper 442
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This is the basic data section of a report by the U.S. Geological Survey on the water resources of the Upper Colorado River Basin. This section contains tables of duration of water discharge at 176 stream-gaging sites, monthly and annual summaries of chemical quality and sediment data at sites of continuous record, results of chemical quality and sediment analyses at miscellaneous-sampling sites, data on the chemical quality and other characteristics of ground water, and isohyetal maps of normal seasonal and annual precipitation. Also included is an inventory of surface-water records of streamflow, chemical quality, and suspended sediment. Location of gaging stations, chemical-quality and sediment-sampling sites, and wells and springs, are shown on a map of the Upper Colorado River Basin.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Water resources of the Upper Colorado River Basin - basic data
Series title Professional Paper
Series number 442
DOI 10.3133/pp442
Year Published 1964
Language English
Publisher U.S. Government Printing Office
Publisher location Washington, D.C.
Contributing office(s) Utah Water Science Center
Description Report: viii, 1036 p.; 4 Plates (in 12 Sheets): 48.15 x 39.20 inches or smaller
Country United States
State Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Other Geospatial Upper Colorado River Basin
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