Organization, equipment and operation of the structural-materials testing laboratories at St. Louis, Missouri
Richard Lewis Humphrey, J.A. Holmes
1908, Bulletin 329
Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lead and Zinc
C.E. Siebenthal
1908, Bulletin 340-C
The purchase of coal under Government and commercial specifications on the basis of its heating value, with analyses of coal delivered under Government contracts
Dwight T. Randall
1908, Bulletin 339
Water resources of Beaver Valley, Utah
Willis Thomas Lee
1908, Water Supply Paper 217
Location and extent of area examined. Beaver Valley is located in Beaver County, in southwestern Utah, about 175 miles south of Salt Lake. It lies between the Tushar Mountains on the east and the Beaver Mountains on the west. The principal town of the valley is Beaver, which is most...
Franklin Furnace folio, New Jersey
Arthur Coe Spencer, H.B. Kuemmel, J.E. Wolff, R.D. Salisbury, Charles Palache
1908, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 161
Comparative tests of run-of-mine and briquetted coal on locomotives including torpedo boat tests and some foreign specifications for briquetted fuel
W.F.M. Goss
1908, Bulletin 363
Results of spirit leveling in California, 1896 to 1907, inclusive
Samuel Stinson Gannett, David Henry Baldwin
1908, Bulletin 342
Preliminary report on the Coalinga oil district, Fresno and Kings counties, California
Ralph Arnold, Robert Anderson
1908, Bulletin 357
The interpretation of topographic maps
Rollin D. Salisbury, Wallace Walter Atwood
1908, Professional Paper 60
Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Copper
Waldemar Lindgren
1908, Bulletin 340-B
The Guadalupian Fauna
George H. Girty
1908, Professional Paper 58
The first descriptions of the Guadalupian fauna were published nearly fifty years ago. This early account of Shumard's was meager enough, but gave promise of a facies interesting and novel among the known Carboniferous faunas of North America. The following pages add largely to our knowledge of Guadalupian life, and...
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Investigations of the mineral deposits of Seward Peninsula
P. S. Smith, Adolph Knopf, F.F. Henshaw
1908, Bulletin 345-E
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Occurrence of gold in the Yukon-Tanana region
L. M. Prindle, C. C. Covert
1908, Bulletin 345-D
The geology and ore deposits of the Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho
F. L. Ransome, Frank Cathcart Calkins
1908, Professional Paper 62
The area commonly known as the Coeur d'Alene district (although for purposes of record and administration it has been divided into a number of local mining districts) is situated, so far as its productive...
The Fairbanks and Rampart quadrangles, Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska
Louis Marcus Prindle, F. L. Hess, C. C. Covert
1908, Bulletin 337
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of the United States, 1907: Part I - Metallic products
U.S. Geological Survey
1908, Report
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of the United States, 1907: Part II - Nonmetallic products
U.S. Geological Survey
1908, Report
No abstract available....
Twenty-ninth annual report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey
George Otis Smith
1908, Annual Report 29
The appropriations for the work of the United States Geological Survey for the fiscal year 1907-8 comprised items amounting to $1,661,420. The plan of operations was approved by the Secretary of the Interior and a detailed statement of the work of the various branches and divisions of the Survey is...
Water-supply paper
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1908, Report
No abstract available....
Fifteenth annual report of the committee on atomic weights. Determinations published during 1907
F. W. Clarke
1908, Journal of the American Chemical Society (30) 309-318
[No abstract available]...
Age of a cooling globe in which the initial temperature increases directly as the distance from the surface
G. F. Becker
1908, Science (27) 227-233
No abstract available....
The influence of fine grinding on the water and ferrous-iron content of minerals and rocks
W. F. Hillebrand
1908, Journal of the American Chemical Society (30) 1120-1131
No abstract available....
The estimation of small amounts of fluorine
G. Steiger
1908, Journal of the American Chemical Society (30) 219-225
[No abstract available]...
A new form of colorimeter
G. Steiger
1908, Journal of the American Chemical Society (30) 215-219
[No abstract available]...
The nature of the volatile matter of coal as evolved under different conditions
H. C. Porter
1908, Journal of the American Chemical Society (30) 1486-1507
No abstract available....