Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Examining current bias and future projection consistency of globally downscaled climate projections commonly used in climate impact studies, 2023, Climatic Change (176) -
- You vs. us: Framing adaptation behavior in terms of private or social benefits, 2022, Climatic Change (174) -
- Climate change alters aging patterns of reservoir aquatic habitats, 2022, Climatic Change (174) -
- Developing a set of indicators to identify, monitor, and track impacts and change in forests of the United States, 2021, Climatic Change (165) -
- Divergent, plausible, and relevant climate futures for near- and long-term resource planning, 2021, Climatic Change (167) -
- Climate change impacts and strategies for adaptation for water resource management in Indiana, 2021, Climatic Change (163) -
- Can we advance individual-level heat-health research through the application of stochastic weather generators?, 2021, Climatic Change (164) -
- Seasonality of biological and physical systems as indicators of climatic variation and change, 2020, Climatic Change (163) -
- Identifying credible and diverse GCMs for regional climate change studies—case study: Northeastern United States, 2019, Climatic Change (154) -
- Dynamic modeling of barrier island response to hurricane storm surge under future sea level rise, 2018, Climatic Change (149) - 3-4
- How will East African maize yields respond to climate change and can agricultural development mitigate this response?, 2018, Climatic Change (147) -
- Downscaling future climate change projections over Puerto Rico using a non-hydrostatic atmospheric model, 2018, Climatic Change (147) - 1-2
- Evidence for a climate-induced ecohydrological state shift in wetland ecosystems of the southern Prairie Pothole Region, 2017, Climatic Change (145) - 3-4
- Projected warming portends seasonal shifts of stream temperatures in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, USA and Canada, 2017, Climatic Change (144) - 4
- Climate impacts on agricultural land use in the USA: the role of socio-economic scenarios, 2017, Climatic Change (144) - 2
- How can climate change and engineered water conveyance affect sediment dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system?, 2017, Climatic Change (142) -
- Drought, multi-seasonal climate, and wildfire in northern New Mexico, 2017, Climatic Change (142) - 3
- A climate trend analysis of Ethiopia: Examining subseasonal climate impacts on crops and pasture conditions, 2017, Climatic Change (142) -
- Climate change influences on pollinator, forest, and farm interactions across a climate gradient, 2017, Climatic Change (141) - 1
- Sensitivity of the projected hydroclimatic environment of the Delaware River basin to formulation of potential evapotranspiration, 2016, Climatic Change (139) - 2
- Climate change impacts on ecosystems and ecosystem services in the United States: Process and prospects for sustained assessment, 2016, Climatic Change (135) - 1
- Regional modeling of large wildfires under current and potential future climates in Colorado and Wyoming, USA, 2016, Climatic Change (134) - 4
- Non-linear responses of glaciated prairie wetlands to climate warming, 2016, Climatic Change (134) - 1
- Engagement with indigenous peoples and honoring traditional knowledge systems, 2016, Climatic Change (135) - 1
- Projected changes in diverse ecosystems from climate warming and biophysical drivers in northwest Alaska, 2015, Climatic Change (130) -
- Increasing Northern Hemisphere water deficit, 2015, Climatic Change (132) - 2
- Projected changes in wildlife habitats in Arctic natural areas of northwest Alaska, 2015, Climatic Change (130) - 2
- Rising air and stream-water temperatures in Chesapeake Bay region, USA, 2015, Climatic Change (128) - 1-2
- Optimal water depth management on river-fed National Wildlife Refuges in a changing climate, 2014, Climatic Change (124) - 1
- Assessing climate-change risks to cultural and natural resources in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA, 2014, Climatic Change (124) - 1-2
- Identifying stakeholder-relevant climate change impacts: a case study in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA, 2014, Climatic Change (124) - 1-2
- Assessing streamflow sensitivity to variations in glacier mass balance, 2014, Climatic Change (123) - 2
- Modeling effects of climate change on Yakima River salmonid habitats, 2014, Climatic Change (124) - 1-2
- A stakeholder project to model water temperature under future climate scenarios in the Satus and Toppenish watersheds of the Yakima River Basinin Washington, USA, 2014, Climatic Change (124) - 1-2
- The importance of record length in estimating the magnitude of climatic changes: an example using 175 years of lake ice-out dates in New England, 2013, Climatic Change (119) -
- Temporal and spatial variability of global water balance, 2013, Climatic Change (120) - 1-2
- Projections and downscaling of 21st century temperatures, precipitation, radiative fluxes and winds for the southwestern US, with focus on the Lake Tahoe basin, 2013, Climatic Change (116) - 1
- Modeling transport of nutrients & sediment loads into Lake Tahoe under climate change, 2013, Climatic Change (116) - 1
- Expert assessment of vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate change, 2013, Climatic Change (119) - 2
- Modeling sediment accumulation in North American playa wetlands in response to climate change, 1940-2100, 2013, Climatic Change (117) - 1-2
- The response of Lake Tahoe to climate change, 2013, Climatic Change (116) - 1
- Extreme events, trends, and variability in Northern Hemisphere lake-ice phenology (1855-2005), 2012, Climatic Change (112) - 2
- Gender and occupational perspectives on adaptation to climate extremes in the Afram Plains of Ghana, 2012, Climatic Change (110) - 1-2
- Hydrological effects of the increased CO2 and climate change in the Upper Mississippi River Basin using a modified SWAT, 2012, Climatic Change (110) - 3-4
- The present and future role of coastal wetland vegetation in protecting shorelines: Answering recent challenges to the paradigm, 2011, Climatic Change (106) - 1
- Structured decision making as a proactive approach to dealing with sea level rise in Florida, 2011, Climatic Change (107) - 1
- Climate change links fate of glaciers and an endemic alpine invertebrate, 2011, Climatic Change (106) - 2
- Second California Assessment: Integrated climate change impacts assessment of natural and managed systems. Guest editorial, 2011, Climatic Change (109) - SUPPL. 1
- Potential increase in floods in California's Sierra Nevada under future climate projections, 2011, Climatic Change (109) - SUPPL. 1
- Impacts of past climate and sea level change on Everglades wetlands: placing a century of anthropogenic change into a late-Holocene context, 2011, Climatic Change (107) - 1
- Modeling regional coral reef responses to global warming and changes in ocean chemistry: Caribbean case study, 2011, Climatic Change (109) - 3-4
- Long-term variability in Northern Hemisphere snow cover and associations with warmer winters, 2010, Climatic Change (99) - 1-2
- Modeling to evaluate the response of savanna-derived cropland to warming–drying stress and nitrogen fertilizers, 2010, Climatic Change (100) - 3-4
- Long-term variability in Northern Hemisphere snow cover and associations with warmer winters, 2010, Climatic Change (99) - 1
- A century of climate and ecosystem change in Western Montana: What do temperature trends portend?, 2010, Climatic Change (98) - 1-2
- Climate trends of the North American prairie pothole region 1906-2000, 2009, Climatic Change (93) - 1-2
- Spatial and temporal variation in climate change: A bird’s eye view, 2009, Climatic Change (97) -
- Significance of model credibility in estimating climate projection distributions for regional hydroclimatological risk assessments, 2008, Climatic Change (89) - 3-4
- Restoring coastal ecosystems and abrupt climate change, 2006, Climatic Change (74) -
- A component-resampling approach for estimating probability distributions from small forecast ensembles, 2006, Climatic Change (76) - 1-2
- Changes in the number and timing of days of ice-affected flow on northern New England rivers, 1930-2000, 2005, Climatic Change (71) - 3
- Evidence and implications of recent climate change in Northern Alaska and other Arctic regions, 2005, Climatic Change (72) - 3
- Is climate change affecting wolf populations in the high arctic?, 2004, Climatic Change (67) - 1
- Simulated hydrologic responses to climate variations and change in the Merced, Carson, and American River basins, Sierra Nevada, California, 1900-2099 , 2004, Climatic Change (62) - 1-3
- Changes in snowmelt runoff timing in western North America under a 'business as usual' climate change scenario, 2004, Climatic Change (62) - 1-3
- Elevational dependence of projected hydrologic changes in the San Francisco Estuary and watershed, 2004, Climatic Change (62) - 1-3
- Is climate change affecting wolf populations in the high Arctic?, 2004, Climatic Change (67) - 1
- Climate variability and change in high elevation regions: Past, present & future, 2003, Climatic Change (59) - 1
- Understanding climatic impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation in the United States: Building a capacity for assessment, 2003, Climatic Change (57) - 1-2
- Southeastern U.S. vegetation response to ENSO Events (1989–1999), 2003, Climatic Change (60) - 1
- Historical trend in river ice thickness and coherence in hydroclimatological trends in Maine, 2003, Climatic Change (61) - 1-2
- Taking the pulse of mountains: Ecosystem responses to climatic variability, 2003, Climatic Change (59) - 1-2
- Impacts of climate change on the global forest sector, 2002, Climatic Change (54) - 4
- Monitoring and verifying changes of organic carbon in soil, 2001, Climatic Change (51) - 1
- Vulnerability of island tropical montane cloud forests to climate change, with special reference to East Maui, Hawaii, 1998, Climatic Change (39) - 2
- Hydrology of prairie pothole wetlands during drought and deluge: A 17-year study of the Cottonwood Lake wetland complex in North Dakota in the perspective of longer term measured and proxy hydrological records, 1998, Climatic Change (40) - 2
- Scale and modeling issues in water resources planning, 1997, Climatic Change (37) - 1
- Interannual and interdecadal variability in United States surface-air temperatures, 1910-87, 1995, Climatic Change (31) - 1
- Effects of climate on numbers of northern prairie wetlands, 1995, Climatic Change (30) - 2
- Hydrologic and atmospheric models: The (continuing) problem of discordant scales - An Editorial Comment, 1994, Climatic Change (27) - 4
- Modeling the effects of climate change on water resources - a review, 1994, Climatic Change (28) - 1-2
- Lake ice records used to detect historical and future climatic changes, 1992, Climatic Change (21) - 4
- Effects of climatic change and climatic variability on the Thornthwaite moisture index in the Delaware River basin, 1992, Climatic Change (20) - 2
- Historic variation of warm-season rainfall, Southern Colorado Plateau, Southwestern U.S.A., 1992, Climatic Change (22) - 3
- A method of evaluating effects of antecedent precipitation on duststorms and its application to Yuma, Arizona, 1981-1988, 1990, Climatic Change (17) - 2-3
- An investigation of spectral change as influenced by irrigation and evapotranspiration volume estimation in western Nebraska, 1990, Climatic Change (17) - 2-3
- Use of dust storm observations on satellite images to identify areas vulnerable to severe wind erosion, 1986, Climatic Change (9) - 1-2