Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Effects of rearing density and raceway conformation on growth, food conversion, and survival of juvenile spring chinook salmon, 2000, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 3
- Growth and survival of lake sturgeon larvae fed formulated diets, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 4
- Effects of immobilization by electricity and MS-222 on brown trout broodstock and their progeny, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 1
- Evaluation of several chemical disinfectants for removing zebra mussels from unionid mussels, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 4
- Renewal of voluntary feeding of wild-caught Atlantic sturgeon juveniles captivity, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 4
- Acute toxicity of ammonia and nitrite to shortnose sturgeon fingerlings, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 4
- Control of furunculosis and enteric redmouth disease in sea-run Atlantic salmon broodstock in the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 2
- Effects of routine handling and tagging procedures on physiological stress responses in juvenile chinook salmon, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 2
- A comparison of triploid induction validation techniques, 1998, Progressive Fish-Culturist (60) - 3
- Evaluation of an electronic fry counter with striped bass embryos and larvae, 1997, Progressive Fish-Culturist (59) - 1
- Manipulations of the reproductive system of fishes by means of exogenous chemicals, 1997, Progressive Fish-Culturist (59) - 2
- Evaluation of an electronic fry counter with striped bass, 1997, Progressive Fish-Culturist (59) -
- Effect of species, life stage, and water temperature on the toxicity of hydrogen peroxide to fish, 1997, Progressive Fish-Culturist (59) - 1
- Importance of analytically verifying chemical treatments, 1997, Progressive Fish-Culturist (59) - 3
- Prevention of zebra mussel infestation and dispersal during aquaculture operations, 1996, Progressive Fish-Culturist (58) - 2
- An evaluation of fluorescent elastomer for marking bluegills in experimental studies, 1996, Progressive Fish-Culturist (58) - 3
- Feeding trials with juvenile Atlantic sturgeons propagated from wild broodstock, 1996, Progressive Fish-Culturist (58) - 3
- Monitoring for early detection of Aeromonas salmonicida to enhance antibiotic therapy and control furunculosis in Atlantic salmon, 1996, Progressive Fish-Culturist (58) -
- A semiclosed recirculating water system for high-density culture of rainbow trout, 1996, Progressive Fish-Culturist (58) -
- Flowing-recirculated water system for inducing spawning phase sea lampreys to spawn in the laboratory, 1995, Progressive Fish-Culturist
- Apparent digestibility coefficients of carbohydrates for white sturgeon, 1995, Progressive Fish-Culturist (57) - 2
- Efficacy and toxicity of formalin solutions containing paraformaldehyde for fish and egg treatments, 1995, Progressive Fish-Culturist (57) - 2
- Flowing recirculated-water system for inducing laboratory spawning of sea lampreys, 1995, Progressive Fish-Culturist (57) - 4
- Prerelease disease treatment with potassium permanganate for Fall Chinook salmon smolts, 1995, Progressive Fish-Culturist (57) - 2
- Evaluation of the effects of an oxygen injection system on the growth, hematology, and immunity of lake trout, 1994, Progressive Fish-Culturist (56) - 3
- Duration of protection against Aeromonas salmonicida brook trout immunostimulated with glucan or chitosan by injection or immersion, 1994, Progressive Fish-Culturist (56) - 4
- History of early diet development in fish culture, 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1955, 1994, Progressive Fish-Culturist (56) - 1
- Hatchery performance of six Atlantic salmon stocks from fry to smolt, 1994, Progressive Fish-Culturist (56) - 2
- Use of electronarcosis to immobilize juvenile and adult northern pike, 1994, Progressive Fish-Culturist (56) - 4
- Short-term cold storage of Atlantic sturgeon sperm, 1994, Progressive Fish-Culturist (56) -
- Single-feeding response of chinook salmon fry to potential feed intake modifiers, 1993, Progressive Fish-Culturist (55) - 1
- Eye abnormalities of lake trout exposed to gas supersaturation, 1993, Progressive Fish-Culturist (55) - 3
- Evaluation of the anesthetic metomidate for the handling and transport of juvenile American shad, 1993, Progressive Fish-Culturist (55) - 4
- Growth, survival and food conversion of Atlantic salmon reared at four different densities with common water quality, 1993, Progressive Fish-Culturist (55) - 1
- Effects of one-year exposure to gas supersaturation on lake trout, 1993, Progressive Fish-Culturist (55) - 3
- Effects of day length and cleaning regiment on the growth of yearling parr Atlantic salmon, 1992, Progressive Fish-Culturist (54) - 1
- Tricaine used to separate phase-I striped bass, 1992, Progressive Fish-Culturist (54) - 2
- Retention of visible implant tags in lake trout and Atlantic salmon, 1992, Progressive Fish-Culturist (54) - 3
- System for maintaining sediment suspensions during larval fish studies, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 1
- Influence of feeding rate on performance of Atlantic salmon fry in an ozonated water reuse system, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 2
- Response of first-feeding spring chinook salmon to four potential chemical modifiers of feed intake, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 1
- Choline requirement of swim-up rainbow trout fry, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 4
- Effects of dietary aluminum on growth and composition of young Atlantic salmon, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 1
- Response of Atlantic salmon fry to feed-grade lecithin and choline, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 4
- Benzocaine as an anesthetic for striped bass, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 2
- Effects of orally administered steroids on lake trout and Atlantic salmon, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 3
- Rapid classification of nuclear cataracts lake trout, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 2
- Apparatus for precise regulation and chilling of water temperatures in laboratory studies, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 4
- Benzocaine as an anesthetic for striped bass, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 2
- The effects of ionic strength on un-ionized ammonia concentration, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 2
- Towable cage for studies of smoltification in Atlantic salmon, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 2
- Response of rainbow trout to soy lecithin, choline and autoclaved isolated soy protein, 1991, Progressive Fish-Culturist (53) - 2
- Benzocaine as a fish anesthetic: efficacy and safety for spawning-phase salmon, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 3
- Use of a fish health condition profile in assessing the health and condition of juvenile Chinook salmon, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 3
- Effects of ozonated-water reuse on salinity tolerance of Atlantic salmon, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 1
- Removal of benzocaine from water by filtration with activated carbon, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 1
- Effect of body size on growth, survival and chemical composition of Atlantic salmon fed soy lecithin and choline, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 4
- Induced Spawning of spotted seatrout with selected hormone preparations, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 3
- Comparison of three techniques for the capture and transport of impounded subyearling American shad, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 4
- Performance of rainbow trout fry fed supplemental soy lecithin and choline, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) - 4
- Effect of feeding rate and gas supersaturation on survival and growth of lake trout, 1990, Progressive Fish-Culturist (52) -
- Construction and emplacement of a large enclosure for rearing fish off-station, 1989, Progressive Fish-Culturist (51) - 1
- Effect of dietary moisture level on response to diet by Atlantic salmon, 1989, Progressive Fish-Culturist (51) - 1
- Effect of rearing density on poststocking survival of lake trout in Lake Ontario, 1989, Progressive Fish-Culturist (51) - 4
- Chemical composition of maturing and Spawning Atlantic salmon from different locations, 1989, Progressive Fish-Culturist (51) -
- Comparison of pond-culture characteristics between Atlantic and Gulf Coast red drum fingerlings, 1989, Progressive Fish-Culturist (51) -
- Prototype water reuse system, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 1
- Water reuse systems: A review of the principal components, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 1
- Residues of benzocaine in rainbow trout, largemouth bass, and fish meal, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 1
- Optimum protease exposure time for removing adhesiveness of walleye eggs, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 2
- Daily variation in feed consumption by channel catfish, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 2
- Lack of dietary effects on the timing of smoltification in Atlantic salmon, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) -
- Control of nuisance populations of crayfish with traps and toxicants, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 2
- Effect of dietary propylene glycol on growth, survival, histology, and carcass composition of Atlantic salmon, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 1
- Integrated aeration systems, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 1
- High calcium concentration in water increases mortality of salmon and trout eggs, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) -
- Interrelations of oxygen concentrations, fish density, and performance of Atlantic salmon in an ozonated water reuse system, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 2
- Motor-operated valve for fish culturists, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) -
- Effects of cage encrustation by the bryozoan Plumatella casmiana on production of channel catfish, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 1
- Treatment of fish eggs by infection of chemicals into the incubator water supply, 1988, Progressive Fish-Culturist (50) - 2
- Safe pre-release disease treatment with formalin for fall chinook salmon smolts, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) - 2
- Growth and survival of fingerling lake trout reared at four densities, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) -
- Effects of rearing density on growth, survival, and fin condition of Atlantic salmon, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) -
- Acceptability of fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus seali) as a diet for larval fish, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) -
- Methods of controlling growth of steelhead, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) - 4
- Feed conversion indices: controversy or convention?, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) - 3
- Support rack for portable water chillers, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) -
- Minimum size of channel catfish retained by 2.5 x 1.3 cm plastic-coated wire mesh, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) - 1
- Studies on vertical transmission of Aeromonas salmonicida, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) -
- Winter feeding of channel catfish based on maximum air temperature, 1987, Progressive Fish-Culturist (49) -
- Design and application of vacuum degassers, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) -
- Computer program calculation of gas supersaturation in water, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 2
- Effects of rearing density on growth and survival of lake trout, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 1
- Status of fishery chemicals in 1985, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 1
- Growth of tiger muskellunge fed different amounts of protein at three water temperatures, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 2
- An integrated system for treating nitrogen supersaturated water, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 4
- Effects of supplemental feeding on growth, production, and feeding habits of striped bass in ponds, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 1
- Increased walleye egg hatch and larval survival after protease treatment of eggs, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 2
- Diet related anemia in channel catfish: case history and laboratory induction, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 1
- Review of the intensive culture of walleye fry, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 2
- Potential for nitrosamine formation in seven fishery chemicals, 1986, Progressive Fish-Culturist (48) - 4
- Allowable ammonia for fish culture, 1985, Progressive Fish-Culturist (47) - 3
- Movement of underyearling walleyes in response to odor and visual cues, 1985, Progressive Fish-Culturist (47) - 1
- Succession patterns of zooplankton in fertilized culture ponds without fish, 1985, Progressive Fish-Culturist (47) - 3
- Nutritional eye diseases in salmonids: a review, 1985, Progressive Fish-Culturist (47) - 2
- [Book review] The freshwater aquaculture book, by W. O. McLarney, 1985, Progressive Fish-Culturist (47) - 2
- Survey of striped bass hatchery management in the southeastern United States, 1985, Progressive Fish-Culturist (47) - 1
- Feeding habits of larval and fingerling striped bass and zooplankton dynamics in fertilized rearing ponds, 1985, Progressive Fish-Culturist (47) - 4
- Improved above-substrate sampler for macrophytes and phytomacrofauna, 1984, Progressive Fish-Culturist (46) - 2
- Portable zooplankton sampling apparatus for hatchery ponds, 1984, Progressive Fish-Culturist (46) - 3
- Evaluation of ryegrass cover crops in rearing ponds for Florida largemouth bass, 1984, Progressive Fish-Culturist (46) - 1
- Determining fat digestibility in trout using a metabolic chamber, 1984, Progressive Fish-Culturist (46) - 2
- Physiological effects of handling and hauling stress on smallmouth bass, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 2
- Design of small, low-cost rearing unit, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 3
- Furunculosis: results of field trials for therapy with Ro5-0037, a potentiated sulfonamide, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 1
- Incubator-aquarium for small-scale egg incubation and rearing of fry and fingerlings, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 4
- Versatile bucket for sieving benthos samples, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 4
- Effect of population density of lake trout in cylindrical jars on growth and oxygen consumption, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 1
- Evaluation of a heat pump for an aquacultural application, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 2
- Growth and survival of Atlantic salmon fed semi-moist or dry starter diets, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 2
- Methionine and cystine requirements of rainbow trout, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 3
- Screening fungicides for use in fish culture: Evaluation of the agar plug transfer, cellophane transfer, and agar dilution methods, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 1
- Decline of mercury in young fishes from western Lake Erie between 1970-71 and 1974, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 4
- Survey of stocking policies for tailwater trout fisheries in the southern United States, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 2
- Use of surface water for rearing channel catfish in ponds, 1983, Progressive Fish-Culturist (45) - 3
- Use of ozone in a water reuse system for salmonids, 1982, Progressive Fish-Culturist (44) - 2
- Plasma corticosteroids and chlorides in striped bass exposed to tricaine methanesulfonate, quinaldine, etomidate, and salt, 1982, Progressive Fish-Culturist (44) - 4
- Simple, versatile microscope stage for the identification of pinned adult insects, 1982, Progressive Fish-Culturist (44) - 2
- Immersion and injection vaccination of salmonids against furunculosis with an avirulent strain of Aeromonas salmonicida, 1982, Progressive Fish-Culturist (44) - 4
- Comparative hatching success of lake trout eggs in Lake Michigan water and well water, 1982, Progressive Fish-Culturist (44) - 1
- Furunculosis in brook trout: infection by contact exposure, 1982, Progressive Fish-Culturist (44) - 1
- Toxicity of rotenone to selected aquatic invertebrates and frog larvae, 1982, Progressive Fish-Culturist (44) - 2
- Depletion sampling in stream ecosystems: assumptions and techniques, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 3
- Culture, feeding, and growth of alewives hatched in the laboratory, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 1
- Dairy-processing wastes as a replacement protein source in diets of rainbow trout, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 2
- Cement kiln dust as an additive in the diets of rainbow trout, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 2
- Boat attachments for ichthyoplankton studies in small impoundments, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 1
- Riboflavin requirement of fingerling rainbow trout, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 4
- Culture of the glass shrimp, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 1
- Growth and survival of Atlantic salmon fed various starter diets, 1981, Progressive Fish-Culturist (43) - 4
- Modified fyke net for the capture and retention of salmon smolts in large rivers, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 4
- Electroshocking in tropical insular streams, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 1
- Inhibition of nitrite-induced toxicity in channel catfish by calcium chloride and sodium chloride, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 3
- External standpipe drain system for fish tanks, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 1
- Handling as a factor in mortality of trout with or without furunculosis, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 3
- Development and survival of embryos of lake herring at different constant oxygen concentrations and temperatures, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 1
- Effect of leaching on apparent digestion coefficients of feedstuffs for salmonids, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 4
- Effects of diet on survival and growth of the Atlantic silverside, 1980, Progressive Fish-Culturist (42) - 3
- Survival of one- and two-year-old monosex grass carp in small ponds, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 1
- Toxicity of fishery chemicals to the asiatic clam, Corbicula manilensis, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 3
- Annoucement of compounds registered for fishery uses, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 1
- Residues of formaldehyde undetected in fish exposed to formalin, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 2
- Multiple daily feedings with automatic feeders improve growth and feed conversion rates of channel catfish, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 3
- PCBs and DDE in commercial fish feeds, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 4
- Harvesting monosex grass carp, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 1
- Atlantic salmon embryos and fry: effects of various incubation and rearing methods on hatchery survival and growth, 1979, Progressive Fish-Culturist (41) - 1
- Effects of dietary addition of vitamins C and D3 on growth and calcium and phosphorus content of pond-cultured channel catfish, 1978, Progressive Fish-Culturist (40) - 1
- Discharge of solids from fish ponds, 1978, Progressive Fish-Culturist (40) - 4
- Nutritional requirements and feeding of selected coolwater fishes: a review, 1978, Progressive Fish-Culturist (40) - 4
- Chemical composition of blood and bile of the shovelnose sturgeon, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 2
- Survival of monosex grass carp in small ponds, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 4
- Relative yield of two transferrin phenotypes in coho salmon, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 4
- Rotational line crossing: an approach to the reduction of inbreeding accumulation in trout brood stocks, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 4
- Spawning of channel catfish in tanks, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 1
- Translations of early Polish language reports on bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 2
- Effects of residues of polychlorinated biphenyl (Aroclor< 1254) on sensitivity of rainbow-trout to selected environmental contaminants, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 3
- Cones for sampling accumulated solids in ponds, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 2
- Abnormal tooth development in a sea lamprey, 1977, Progressive Fish-Culturist (39) - 3
- Rearing capacity of circular containers of different sizes for fry and fingerling rainbow trout, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 1
- Effects of flow rate and aeration on survival and growth of channel catfish in circular tanks, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 4
- Modified Carlin-type tag for identifying experimental fish, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 2
- Egg-processing wastes as a replacement protein source in salmonid diets, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 1
- Rearing system for small groups of experimental fish, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 1
- Use of the Asiatic clam, Corbicula leana Prime, in toxicity tests, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 1
- Polyculture of channel catfish, tilapia, and hybrid buffalo in divided raceways, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 4
- Changes in blood-chemistry of coho salmon exposed to malachite green, 1976, Progressive Fish-Culturist (38) - 4
- Gynogenesis as a possible method for producing monosex grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 1
- Improved growth and survival of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) hatched in drums packed with a labyrinthine plastic substrate, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 3
- A blood meal-rumen contents blend as a partial or complete substitute for fish meal in channel catfish diets, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 1
- Observations on electrically shocked channel catfish, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 3
- Electrotaxic and narcotic responses of channel catfish to various electrical pulse rates and voltage amplitudes, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 3
- Practical diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry and fingerlings, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- Influence of dietary protein and energy on swimming stamina, growth, and body composition of brown trout, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- Mineral upplementation of diets containing soybean meal as a source of protein for rainbow trout, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 1
- Migration of chinook salmon fry from simulated incubation channels in relation to water temperature, flow, and turbidity, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- Aeromonas salmonicida: detection of asymptomatically infected trout, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- Ovary maturation in channel catfish, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- A portable high-pressure cleaner for tanks and raceways, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- Marking channel catfish with silver nitrate, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- Effect of egg development at planting on chinook salmon survival, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 4
- Excess nitrogen gas in water not a cause of coagulated yolk disease in chinook salmon, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 2
- Controlling grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) with antimycin, rotenone, and thanite and by electrofishing, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 2
- A solenoid-actuated chemical-metering apparatus for use in flow-through toxicity tests, 1975, Progressive Fish-Culturist (37) - 2
- Urinary excretion of quinaldine by channel catfish, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 3
- Predation by rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) on young-of-the-year alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) in the Great Lakes, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 4
- A culture method for sea lamprey larvae, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 3
- Removal and deactivation of antimycin using carbon and chlorine, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 1
- Notes on the culture of striped bass in tanks and small raceways, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 1
- Observations on the jumping and escapement of white amur, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 1
- Anchor tag loss in channel catfish, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 3
- A diversion screen for grading pond-raised channel catfish, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 2
- Trapping pond-raised channel catfish, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 2
- Fish age as related to susceptibility to Myxosoma cerebralis, cause of whirling disease, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 3
- Yield of channel catfish and composition of effluents from shallow-water raceways, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 1
- Effect of nitrogen supersaturated water on coho and chinook salmon, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 3
- Lactobacillus—a new fish pathogen?, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist
- Effect of Temperature on survival of Aeromonas liquefaciens, Aeromonas salmonicida, Chondrococcus columnaris, and Pseudomonas fluorescens, 1974, Progressive Fish-Culturist (36) - 1
- Comparison of production and survival of channel catfish stocked alone and in combination with blue and white catfish, 1973, Progressive Fish-Culturist (35) - 4
- Branchiomycosis: a new fungal disease of North American fishes, 1973, Progressive Fish-Culturist (35) - 2
- Phase feeding for catfish, 1973, Progressive Fish-Culturist (35) - 4
- Effect of method of introducing well water on the growth, body chemistry, and incidence of eye abnormalities of juvenile brown and rainbow trout, 1973, Progressive Fish-Culturist (35) - 4
- Effect of overhead cover on growth and survival of channel catfish in circular tanks, 1973, Progressive Fish-Culturist (35) - 4
- The effects of methyltestosterone on sex reversal in bluegill, 1973, Progressive Fish-Culturist (35) - 1
- Anthelminthic treatment of channel catfish for tapeworm infections, 1973, Progressive Fish-Culturist (35) - 4
- Alginates as binders for crustacean rations, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 1
- Feeding behavior of lake whitefish and lake herring in Torch Lake, Michigan, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 3
- Survey for infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN) virus in Washington salmon, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 3
- The effects of exposure to Thanite on the blood chemistry of carp, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 2
- Mechanized net storage reel, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 2
- Mixtures of malachite green and formalin for controlling Icthyophthirius and other protozoan parasites of fish, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 1
- Operating and design criteria of an adjustable horizontal bar grader for sorting channel catfish, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 4
- Effects of sperm storage and dilution on fertilization of brook trout eggs, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 3
- Monitoring channel catfish use of a demand feeder, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 4
- In vitro studies with Nifurpirinol (P-7138) and bacterial fish pathogens, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 1
- Comparative study of hagerman redmouth disease oral bacterins, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 4
- Development and operation efficiency of a catfish grader, 1972, Progressive Fish-Culturist (34) - 2
- Effect of freezing and aging on the spores of Myxosoma cerebralis, the causative agent of salmonid whirling disease, 1971, Progressive Fish-Culturist (33) - 2
- A procedure for testing the antigenicity of vaccines for immunization of fish against Furunculosis, 1971, Progressive Fish-Culturist
- Retention of mercury by salmon, 1970, Progressive Fish-Culturist (32) - 4
- Control of pH in MS-222 anesthetic solutions, 1970, Progressive Fish-Culturist (32) - 2
- Quinaldine and MS-222 as spawning aids for northern pike, muskellunge, and walleyes, 1970, Progressive Fish-Culturist (32) - 4
- An obscure disease of rainbow trout, 1970, Progressive Fish-Culturist (32) - 1
- Experimental control of Columnaris sisease with a new Nitrofuran drug, P-7138, 1970, Progressive Fish-Culturist (32) - 1
- Absorption and retention of organic mercurials by rainbow trout and Chinook and sockeye salmon, 1969, Progressive Fish-Culturist (31) - 4
- Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the young of Lake Michigan coho salmon, 1969, Progressive Fish-Culturist (31) - 4
- Studies of certain sulfonamide drugs for use in juvenile chinook salmon, 1969, Progressive Fish-Culturist (31) - 4
- Inorganic composition of gallbladder bile from fasted rainbow trout, 1969, Progressive Fish-Culturist (31) - 4
- Host susceptibility and the effect of aging, freezing, heat, and chemicals on spores of Myxosoma cerebralis, 1969, Progressive Fish-Culturist (31) - 1
- Interaction of antimycin A and rotenone in fish bioassays, 1969, Progressive Fish-Culturist (31) - 1
- The administration of sulfonamide drugs to adult salmon, 1968, Progressive Fish-Culturist (30) - 3
- The bacteriology of brook trout with tail rot, 1968, Progressive Fish-Culturist (30) - 1
- A surface tow net for collection of parasitic-phase sea lampreys, 1968, Progressive Fish-Culturist (30) - 3
- An improved girthometer for studies of gill net selectivity, 1968, Progressive Fish-Culturist (30) - 1
- Observations on handling and maintenance of bioassay fish, 1968, Progressive Fish-Culturist (30) - 3
- A closed recirculated sea-water system, 1967, Progressive Fish-Culturist (29) - 3
- Comparison of three methods of sampling trout blood for measurements of hematocrit, 1967, Progressive Fish-Culturist (29) - 2
- An all-season trap for downstream-migrating fish and other aquatic organisms, 1967, Progressive Fish-Culturist (29) - 2
- Effects of diquat on bluegills and their food organisms, 1967, Progressive Fish-Culturist (29) - 2
- A powered spreader for antimycin, 1967, Progressive Fish-Culturist (29) - 2
- Clearance and registration of chemical tools for fisheries, 1967, Progressive Fish-Culturist (29) - 4
- Selected strains of fish as bioassay animals, 1967, Progressive Fish-Culturist (29) - 3
- Earliest susceptible age of rainbow trout to whirling disease, 1966, Progressive Fish-Culturist (28) - 2
- Preparation of dart tags for use in the field, 1966, Progressive Fish-Culturist (28) - 4
- Effects of whirling disease, 1966, Progressive Fish-Culturist (28) - 3
- Infectious pancreatic necrosis: its detection and identification, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 2
- A review of advances in the study of diseases of fish: 1954-1964, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 1
- Survey, reporting, and certification of diseases in fish production, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 3
- Simple enrichment of commercial media for growth of Hemophilus piscium, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 3
- Automatic feeder for small fish held in tanks, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 3
- Chlorella parasitic in bluegills, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 3
- Use of microhematocrit values to sex largemouth bass, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 2
- Some recent developments and applications of fish cell and tissue culture, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 2
- Lake trout fin-clipping rates at two national fish hatcheries, 1965, Progressive Fish-Culturist (27) - 3
- Comparison of various methods of hemoglobin determination on catfish blood, 1964, Progressive Fish-Culturist (26) - 1
- Intracellular hemoglobin crystallization in two centrarchids, the largemouth bass and the bluegill, 1964, Progressive Fish-Culturist (26) - 3
- Crystal formation in furunculosis agar, 1964, Progressive Fish-Culturist (26) - 1
- The Hexamita(= Octomitus) problem: A preliminary report, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 3
- Formalin in the Hatchery, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 4
- A plane-type soil sampler, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 1
- Physiological salines for freshwater teleosts, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 3
- Toxicity tests of erythromycin thiocyanate in rainbow trout, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 2
- An aid in the preparation of blood samples from fish, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 4
- Two foreign papers and an evaluation of the use of antibiotics to control infectious dropsy, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 1
- Diffusion of herbicides through plastic film, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 4
- Kidney disease of salmonid fishes and the analysis of hatchery waters, 1963, Progressive Fish-Culturist (25) - 3
- Studies of transmission of mycobacterial infections in Chinook salmon, 1962, Progressive Fish-Culturist (24) - 4
- An interim report on Sacramento River Chinook disease: A virus-like disease of Chinook salmon, 1962, Progressive Fish-Culturist (24) - 2
- The cultivation and drug sensitivity of myxobacteria isolated from diseased fish, 1962, Progressive Fish-Culturist (24) - 3
- A new medium for isolation and presumptive identification of Aeromonas salmonicida, 1962, Progressive Fish-Culturist (24) - 4
- Three portable feeders for metering chemical into streams for control of sea lamprey, 1962, Progressive Fish-Culturist (24) - 4
- Evaluation of some heparinized capillaries for microhematocrit determinations of warm-water fishes, 1962, Progressive Fish-Culturist (24) - 4
- Disease-protective symbiosis among fishes and other aquatic animals, 1962, Progressive Fish-Culturist (24) - 2
- Trout hepatoma--a preliminary report, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 1
- The use of merthiolate on green eggs of the Chinook salmon, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 3
- A back-pack shocker for collecting lamprey ammocoetes, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 2
- Microhematocrit values in rainbow trout, brown trout and brook trout, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 3
- Infectious pancreatic necrosis of trout II: experimental infections with brook trout, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 2
- Comparison of various methods of determination of homoglobin in trout blood, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 1
- A schematic outline for the presumptive identification of bacterial diseases of fish, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 4
- Toxicity of an epoxy cement to fishes, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 4
- A fly-rod electrode system for electrofishing, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 2
- Formation of an accessory annulus on the scales of starved whitefish, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (23) - 3
- Standards for reporting fish toxicity tests, 1961, Progressive Fish-Culturist (61) - 4
- Ovarian fluid: Its role in fertilization, 1960, Progressive Fish-Culturist (22) - 2
- Algal parasite in fish, 1960, Progressive Fish-Culturist (22) - 4
- An outbreak of columnaris disease in stonerollers, 1960, Progressive Fish-Culturist (22) - 3
- Collection and preservation of fish and other materials exposed to pesticides, 1960, Progressive Fish-Culturist (22) - 3
- Infectious pancreatic necrosis of trout I : a tissue-culture study, 1960, Progressive Fish-Culturist (22) - 2
- Neutralizing chlorine in city water for use in fish distribution tanks, 1960, Progressive Fish-Culturist (22) - 1
- Dry diets for Chinook salmon, 1959, Progressive Fish-Culturist (21) - 2
- Vibrio infections among marine and fresh-water fish, 1959, Progressive Fish-Culturist (21) - 1
- White-spot disease of salmon fry, 1959, Progressive Fish-Culturist (21) - 4
- Cost of disease treatment, 1959, Progressive Fish-Culturist (21) - 3
- Rapid measurement of fish, 1959, Progressive Fish-Culturist (21) - 4
- Resistance to ulcer disease and furunculosis in Eastern brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, 1959, Progressive Fish-Culturist (21) - 3
- Survival and retention of tags, and growth of tagged lake trout in a rearing pond, 1959, Progressive Fish-Culturist (21) - 1
- A possible cause of sunburn in fish, 1958, Progressive Fish-Culturist (20) - 3
- Natural resistance and susceptibility to infections, 1958, Progressive Fish-Culturist (20) - 3
- An explanation of the principles and methods of tissue culture, 1958, Progressive Fish-Culturist (20) - 1
- Teratological hermaphroditism in the chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), 1957, Progressive Fish-Culturist (20) - 4
- Acute sulfamethazine toxicity in young salmon, 1957, Progressive Fish-Culturist (19) - 2
- Histopathology of fish. V. Gill disease, 1957, Progressive Fish-Culturist (19) - 1
- Blue-sac disease investigations: microbiology and laboratory induction, 1957, Progressive Fish-Culturist (19) - 1
- Use of antibiotics in the diet of salmonid fishes, 1957, Progressive Fish-Culturist (19) - 2
- Determination of the susceptibility of Aeromonas salmonicida to sulfonamides and antibiotics, with summary report on the treatment and prevention of furunculosis, 1957, Progressive Fish-Culturist (19) - 3
- Lignasan for bacterial gill disease, 1956, Progressive Fish-Culturist (18) - 2
- Histopathology of fish. III. Peduncle ("cold-water") disease, 1956, Progressive Fish-Culturist (18) - 2
- Histopathology of fish. II. The salmon-poisoning fluk, 1956, Progressive Fish-Culturist (18) - 1
- Histopathology of fish. IV. A granuloma of brook trout, 1956, Progressive Fish-Culturist (18) - 3
- Histopathology of fish: I. Techniques and principles, 1955, Progressive Fish-Culturist (17) - 4
- Kidney disease in brook trout and its treatment, 1955, Progressive Fish-Culturist (17) - 1
- The walleye problem in Green Bay, 1955, Progressive Fish-Culturist (17) - 1
- Fish furunculosis, 1954, Progressive Fish-Culturist (16) - 3
- Method of producing plastic impressions of fish scales without using heat, 1954, Progressive Fish-Culturist (16) - 2
- Synthetic binding of trout diets, 1954, Progressive Fish-Culturist (16) - 1
- Observations on gas-bubble disease of fish, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) - 1
- An epizootic among rainbow trout, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) - 4
- Virus diseases in fishes: outlook for their treatment and prevention, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) - 2
- A modification in the technique of computing average lengths from the scales of fishes, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) - 2
- A century of American fish culture, 1853 - 1953, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) -
- The effect of ether anesthesia on fin-clipping rate, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) - 2
- Perch studies in Green Bay, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) - 3
- The disinfection of eyed trout eggs, 1953, Progressive Fish-Culturist (15) - 1
- An interim report on gill disease, 1952, Progressive Fish-Culturist (14) - 1
- A rapid presemptive test for furunculosis in fish, 1952, Progressive Fish-Culturist (14) - 2
- Ulcer disease in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis): Its economic importance, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, 1952, Progressive Fish-Culturist (14) - 2
- Effect of bactericides on steelhead trout fry, 1951, Progressive Fish-Culturist (13) - 1
- Sulfadiazine for kidney disease, 1951, Progressive Fish-Culturist (13) - 3
- The toxicity of pyridylmercuric acetate technical (PMA) to rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii), 1951, Progressive Fish-Culturist (13) - 2
- Fact and fiction in spawntaking: Addenda, 1949, Progressive Fish-Culturist (11) - 1
- Manganese for increased production of water-bloom algae in ponds, 1949, Progressive Fish-Culturist (11) - 3
- Pyridylmercuric acetate technical: its use in control in gill disease and some external parasitic infestations, 1949, Progressive Fish-Culturist (11) - 3
- Effects of an aerial application of DDT on fish and fish-food organisms in two Pennsylvania watersheds, 1949, Progressive Fish-Culturist (11) - 4
- Prophylaxis of furunculosis in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) by oral immunization and sulfamerazine, 1949, Progressive Fish-Culturist (11) - 3
- New compounds for the control of bacterial gill disease, 1948, Progressive Fish-Culturist (10) - 1
- Removal of excess nitrogen in a hatchery water supply, 1948, Progressive Fish-Culturist (10) - 3
- Disinfection of rainbow trout eggs with sulfo-merthiolate -- experiment with sodium p-ethyl mercuri thiophenylsulfonate, Lilly, 1948, Progressive Fish-Culturist (10) - 3
- Brook and rainbow trout treated with sulfamerzine and calomel or sulfamerazine and carbarsone, 1948, Progressive Fish-Culturist (10) - 3
- Experimental fish troughs, 1948, Progressive Fish-Culturist (11) - 1
- Increasing production of bluegill sunfish for farm pond stocking, 1948, Progressive Fish-Culturist (10) - 4
- Fertilization of a recreational lake to control submerged plants, 1948, Progressive Fish-Culturist (10) - 2
- Furunculosis and its treatment, 1947, Progressive Fish-Culturist (9) - 1
- Formalin treatments pass new tests. Additional notes on the control of ecto-parasitic protozoa, 1940, Progressive Fish-Culturist (7) - 49
- Calomel versus carbarsone, 1940, Progressive Fish-Culturist (7) - 51
- Formalin for external protozoan parasites: A report on the prevention and control of Costia necatrix, 1940, Progressive Fish-Culturist (7) - 48
- Notes on the effect of low temperature upon eyed eggs, 1939, Progressive Fish-Culturist (6) - 45
- Disease prevention in the trout hatchery, 1939, Progressive Fish-Culturist (6) - 43
- Treat - think - and be wary, for tomorrow they may die, 1938, Progressive Fish-Culturist (5) - 39
- The Artificial propagation of the commercial species of fish of the Great Lakes, 1937, Progressive Fish-Culturist (2) -
- The increase in the abundance of the yellow pike perch, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), in Lakes Huron and Michigan, in relation to the artificial propagation of the species, 1937, Progressive Fish-Culturist (66) -
- The North Central States Wildlife Conference, 1937, Progressive Fish-Culturist (4) - 26
- Founders of fish culture - European origins, 1936, Progressive Fish-Culturist (16) -
- Age determination of fish from scales; method and application to fish cultural problems, 1936, Progressive Fish-Culturist (3) - 23
- The microscope in the hatchery, 1935, Progressive Fish-Culturist (2) - 3
- The bacterial diseases of fish, 1935, Progressive Fish-Culturist (2) - 5
- The protozoan diseases of hatchery fish, 1935, Progressive Fish-Culturist (2) - 6
- The Bureau of Fisheries disease service, 1935, Progressive Fish-Culturist (2) - 8