Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype Other Report
- The Interagency Coordinating Committee on the validation of alternative methods (ICCVAM), 2024,
- Glaciers and ice caps outside Greenland, 2024, (105) - 8
- Space-based Earth observation and ecosystem extent: Exploring opportunities, 2023,
- Status and trends of the Lake Huron prey fish community, 1976-2020, 2022,
- Final report: Understanding historical and predicting future lake temperatures in North and South Dakota, 2022,
- Guiding the Arctic Rivers Project Climate Model Development: Results from the Climate Information Survey, 2021,
- Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group monitoring and adaptive management strategy (LA TIG MAM Strategy), 2021,
- Monitoring native, resident nonsalmonids for the incidence of gas bubble trauma downstream of Snake and Columbia River Dams, 2021, 2021,
- National seed strategy progress report, 2015-2020, 2021, Progress Report
- Alaska Landbird Conservation Plan, 2021,
- Toward improved decision-support tools for Delta Smelt management actions, 2021, White Paper
- Appendix E. Water quality and hydrology of Green Lake, Wisconsin, and the response in its near-surface water-quality and metalimnetic dissolved oxygen minima to changes in phosphorus loading, 2021,
- Afghanistan artisanal and small-scale mining sector, 2021,
- Mass eruption rate, column height, and duration dataset for volcanic eruptions, 2021, GNS Science Report
- West-wide drought analysis, 2021,
- A reassessment of Chao2 estimates for population monitoring of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2021,
- Status of Cisco in Lake Superior in 2017, 2021,
- State of Lake Superior ecosystem in 2017, 2021,
- Energy and minerals division tight oil and gas committee: Activities and commodity report for 2019-2020, 2020, Activities and Commodities Report
- Landslide guide for residents of Puerto Rico, 2020,
- Mississippi Alluvial Valley Forest-breeding landbird population & quantitative habitat objectives, 2020,
- How and why is the timing and occurrence of seasonal migrants in the Gulf of Maine changing due to climate?, 2020, Final Report
- EMD Gas Hydrates Committee annual report, 2020,
- Examining the mechanisms of species responses to climate change: Are there biological thresholds?, 2020,
- NGWA Groundwater Modeling Advisory Panel Survey on the Use of Uncertainty Analysis in Groundwater Modeling, 2020,
- 2019 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group Report, 2020,
- Pacific Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment (PaCSEA): Characterization of Seasonal Water Masses within the Northern California Current System Using Airborne Remote Sensing off Northern California, Oregon, and Washington, 2011–2012, 2020,
- Nuisance Neonatives Guidelines for Assessing Range-Shifting Species, 2020,
- Final Report for Phase 1 - USGS-NE CSC and USFS-NRS Cooperative Research on Climate-Vulnerable Habitats and Species in the Northeast, 2019,
- Three new species of small-eared shrews, genus Cryptotis, from El Salvador and Guatemala (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla: Soricidae), 2019,
- Preliminary status of Lake Ontario Alewife based on the 2019 spring trawl survey, 2019, Lake Ontario Prey Fish Working Group to the Lake Ontario Committee
- Targeting wildlife crime interventions through geographic profiling, 2019,
- Semantically supported linked data mapping, 2019,
- Climate change adaptation for coastal national wildlife refuges, 2019, Final Project Memorandum
- Hawai‘i Groundwater Recharge Tool, 2019,
- Recreational impacts to wildlife: Managing visitors and resources to protect wildlife, 2019,
- Economical environmental sampler designs for detecting airborn spread of fungi responsible for rapid `Ōhi` death, 2019, Hawai`i Cooperative Studies Unit Technical Report HCSU-TR087
- Elk research efforts, 2018,
- Habitat Needs Assessment‐II for the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program: Linking science to management perspectives, 2018,
- Describing the distribution and productivity of biota along a nearshore to offshore gradient, 2018,
- A regional analysis of long-term gray and harbor seal stranding events, 2018,
- A review of literature for gray and harbor seals, 2018,
- 2017-2018 Palila abundance estimates and trend, 2018, Technical Report HCSU-086
- Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Risk Map, 2018,
- Climate Change in Port Heiden, Alaska - Strategies for Community Health, 2018,
- Estimating the risk of elk-to-livestock brucellosis transmission in Montana, 2018,
- Environmental factors influencing entry of fishes into a Great Lakes tributary during spring and summer, 2018,
- Study 11. Effects of Nanophyetus on the swimming performance and survival of steelhead smolts AND studies to understand and manage the Nanophyetus cercaria, 2018,
- A test of sex specific genetic markers in the Hawaiian hoary bat and relevance to population studies, 2018, Technical Report HCSU-085
- Barred owl research needs and prioritization in California, 2018,
- Development of the Wildlife Adaptation Menu for Resource Managers, 2018, Final Report
- A statement of common ground regarding the role of wildfire in forested landscapes of the western United States, 2018, Final Report
- National Park Service and the USA National Phenology Network, 2018,
- USA National Phenology Network supports decision making, 2018,
- Phenology forecasts predict pest seasonal activity to support decision making, 2018, USA-NPN Information Sheet
- Final report for climate effects on the culture and ecology of sugar maple, 2018,
- Sediment supply to San Francisco Bay, water years 1995 through 2016: Data, trends, and monitoring recommendations to support decisions about water quality, tidal wetlands, and resilience to sea level rise, 2018,
- World distribution of uranium deposits, 2018,
- Ecological resilience indicators for salt marsh ecosystems, 2018,
- Adaptive harvest management for the Svalbard population of pink-footed geese: 2018 progress summary, 2018,
- Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership 2017 Annual Report, 2018,
- Taiga bean goose: Harvest assessment for the Central Management Unit: 2018, 2018,
- Smallmouth bass predation on subyearling fall Chinook salmon in Lower Granite Reservoir, 2016–2017, 2018,
- Wind River Subbasin Restoration, Annual report of U.S. Geological Survey activities, January 2016 through December 2016, 2018,
- A global audit of the status and trends of Arctic and Northern Hemisphere goose populations, 2018,
- Herring Disease Program – Herring Disease Program II, 2018,
- A simulation method for combining hydrodynamic data and acoustic tag tracks to predict the entrainment of juvenile salmonids onto the Yolo Bypass under future engineering scenarios, 2017,
- The role of sand lance in the Northwest Atlantic ecosystem, 2017,
- Developing enterprise tools and capacities for large-scale natural resource monitoring: A visioning workshop, 2017,
- Monitoring Hawaiian biodiversity: Pilot study to assess changes to forest birds and their habitat, 2017, Technical Report HCSU-TR083
- Program MAMO: Models for avian management optimization-user guide, 2017, Technical Report TR-HCSU-077
- US Fish and Wildlife Service and the USA National Phenology Network, 2017,
- The Conservation Efforts Database: Improving our knowledge of landscape conservation actions, 2017,
- A transect through Vermont’s most famous volcano – Mount Ascutney: GSNH Summer 2017 Field Trip, 2017,
- Nearshore fish community, 2017,
- Hawai`i forest bird monitoring database: Database dictionary, 2017, Technical Report HCSU-039
- Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, habitat suitability index model, 2017,
- Climate scenarios for the Truckee-Carson River system, 2017,
- Vegetation map for the Hakalau Forest Unit of the Big Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex on the island of Hawai‘i, 2017, Technical Report HCSU-TR042
- Potential impacts of sea level rise on native plant communities and associated cultural sites in coastal areas of the main Hawaiian Islands, 2017,
- An assessment of food habits, prey availability, and nesting success of golden eagles within the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan Area, 2017,
- Final Report fr critical thresholds and ecosystem services for coastal ecological and human climate adaptation, 2017,
- Efforts to eradicate yellow crazy ants on Johnston Atoll: Results from crazy ant strike teams X, XI and XII (June 2015–December 2016), 2017, Technical Report HCSU-TR081
- Why does bee health matter? The science surrounding honey bee health concerns and what we can do about it, 2017,
- A rapid diagnostic test and mobile "lab in a suitcase" platform for detecting Ceratocystis spp. responsible for Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death, 2017, Technical Report HCSU-TR082
- The Partners in Flight handbook on species assessment Version 2017, 2017,
- Groundwater flow model for the Little Plover River basin in Wisconsin’s Central Sands, 2017, Bulletin 111
- Extent and persistence of secondary water quality impacts after enhanced reductive bioremediation, 2017, Technical Report ER-2131
- 2010-2015 Juvenile fish ecology in the Nisqually River Delta and Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve, 2017, Salmon Recovery Program Technical Report 2016-1
- Developing multi-model ensemble projections of ecologically relevant climate variables for Puerto Rico and the US Caribbean, 2017, Final Project Memorandum 557-271
- Five-year external reviews of the eight department of interior climate science centers, 2017, Review Report
- The Chief Joseph Hatchery Program 2014 Annual Report, 2017,
- Validation of NEXRAD data and models of bird migration stopover sites in the Northeast U.S., 2017,
- A report on genetic affinities and relatedness of Agassiz’s desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) at opposite ends of the Coachella Valley in California, 2017,
- Climate change and collapsing thermal niches of Mexican endemic reptiles, 2017,
- Adaptive harvest management for the Svalbard population of pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus), 2017, EGMP Technical Report 5
- Preliminary viability assessment of Lake Mendocino forecast informed reservoir operations, 2017,
- Nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macrobenthos, 2017, Special Publication 2017-02
- Effect of N fertilization and tillage on nitrous oxide (N2O) loss from soil under wheat production, 2017,
- Ecosystem extent and fragmentation, 2017,
- Phosphorus (P) and HABs: Sources of P discharged from the Maumee River into Lake Erie, 2017,
- Arctic Research Plan: FY2017-2021, 2016,
- Buildings (EERI Earthquake Reconnaissance Team Report: M7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake on April 25, 2015 and its Aftershocks), 2016,
- Ciscoes (Coregonus, subgenus Leucichthys) of the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon, 2016,
- Summary of SPT based field case history data of CETIN (2016) database, 2016, METU / GTENG 08/16-01
- Shifting currents: Progress, setbacks, and shifts in policy and practice, 2016,
- Considerations for building climate-based species distribution models, 2016,
- Northwest Boreal Landscape Conservation Cooperative strategic plan 2015 - 2025, 2016,
- Efficacy of spray –Dried Pseudomonas fluorescens, strain CL145A (Zequanox®), for controlling Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) within Lake Minnetonka, MN enclosures, 2016,
- Development of targeted delivery techniques for Zequanox®, 2016,
- Environmental DNA mapping of Zebra Mussel populations, 2016,
- Effects of spray-dried Pseudomonas fluorescens, strain CL145A (Zequanox®) on reproduction and early development of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)., 2016,
- An overview of the geotechnical damage brought by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan, 2016, (10) -
- Developing fish trophic interaction indicators of climate change for the Great Lakes, 2016,
- The Chief Joseph Hatchery Program 2013 Annual Report, 2016,
- Changes in the prevalence of avian disease and mosquito vectors at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge: a 14-year perspective and assessment of future risk, 2016, Technical Report HCSU-073
- Abundance, distribution, and removals of feral pigs at Big Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex 2010–2015, 2016, Technical Report HCSU-075
- Genetic diversity of Wolbachia endosymbionts in Culex quinquefasciatus from Hawai`i, Midway Atoll, and Samoa, 2016, Technical Report HCSU-074
- Winter distribution and use of high elevation caves as foraging sites by the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat, Lasiurus cinereus semotus, 2016, Technical Report HCSU-068
- Effects of Climate and land use on diversity, prevalence, and seasonal transmission of avian hematozoa in American Samoa, 2016, Technical Report HCSU-072
- Evaluating detection and monitoring tools for incipient and relictual non-native ungulate populations, 2016, Technical Report HCSU-069 (69) -
- Management-driven science synthesis: An evaluation of Everglades restoration trajectories, 2016,
- Status of pelagic prey fishes in Lake Michigan, 2015, 2016,
- Status and trends of the Lake Huron offshore demersal fish community, 1976-2015, 2016,
- 2015-2016 Palila abundance estimates, 2016, Technical Report HCSU-TR076
- Status and trends in the Lake Superior fish community, 2015, 2016,
- San Pedro River Aquifer Binational Report, 2016,
- Primary production in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: A science strategy to quantify change and identify future potential, 2016,
- Dissolved oxygen: Chapter 6, 2016,
- Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme coastal biodiversity monitoring background paper, 2016,
- Water data to answer urgent water policy questions: Monitoring design, available data, and filling data gaps for determining whether shale gas development activities contaminate surface water or groundwater in the Susquehanna River Basin, 2016,
- Groundwater science relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A status report, 2016,
- Management of aspen in a changing environment, 2015,
- In-situ arsenic removal during groundwater recharge through unsaturated alluvium, 2015, (4299) -
- Spatial and temporal variation in marine birds in the north Gulf of Alaska: The value of marine bird monitoring within Gulf Watch Alaska, 2015,
- Point-source stochastic-method simulations of ground motions for the PEER NGA-East Project, 2015,
- Avian disease and mosquito vectors in the Kahuku unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park and Ka`u Forest Reserve, 2015, Technical Report HCSU-070
- Surficial geology and shaded seafloor relief of Georges Bank, Fundian Channel and Northeast Channel, Gulf of Maine, 2015,
- Variability within nearshore ecosystems of the Gulf of Alaska, 2015,
- Aerial-broadcast application of diphacinone bait for rodent control in Hawai`i: Efficacy and non-target species risk assessment, 2015, Technical Report HCSU-071
- Pacific blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus) abundance in the Gulf of Alaska: Synthesis of Gulf Watch data (2006-2013) and a consideration of major recruitment events (1989-2013), 2015,
- Efforts to eradicate yellow crazy ants on Johnston Atoll: Results from Crazy Ant Strike Team IX, December 2014-June 2015, 2015, Technical Report HCSU-067
- Richness, diversity, and similarity of arthropod prey consumed by a community of Hawaiian forest birds., 2015, Technical Report HCSU-066
- Water data to answer urgent water policy questions: Monitoring design, available data and filling data gaps for determining the effectiveness of agricultural management practices for reducing tributary nutrient loads to Lake Erie -- Addendum describing new, expanded, and planned monitoring sites, 2015,
- Curiosity’s robotic arm-mounted Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI): Characterization and calibration status, 2015, MSL MAHLI Technical Report 0001
- Behavior of the Hawaiian Hawaiian Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) at wind turbines and its distribution across the North Ko'olau Mountains, O'ahu, 2015, Technical Report HCSU-064
- Climate trends and projections for Guam, 2015,
- California’s water: The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 2015,
- Adaptive harvest management for the Svalbard population of Pink-Footed Geese: 2014 progress summary, 2015,
- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Project final report: Monitoring for evaluation of recovery and restoration of injured nearshore resources, 2015,
- Vegetation and non-native ungulate monitoring at the Big Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex 2010–2014., 2015, Technical Report HCSU-062 (62) -
- Farallon de Medinilla seabird and Tinian moorhen analyses, 2015, Technical Report HCSU-060
- Wintering movements and habitat use of Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata) in the mid-Atlantic U.S., 2015,
- Ants of the national park of American Samoa, 2015, Technical Report HCSU-061
- Incorporating temporal variation in seabird telemetry data: time variant kernel density models, 2015,
- Climate change in the Northeast and Midwest United States, 2015,
- 2014-2015 Partnership accomplishments report on joint activities: National Gap Analysis Program and LANDFIRE, 2015,
- An assessment of arthropod prey resources at Nakula Natural Area Reserve, a potential site of reintroduction for Kiwikiu (Pseudonestor xanthophrys) and Maui `Alauahio (Parareomyza montana), 2015, Technical Report HCSU-059 (59) -
- An updated conceptual model of Delta Smelt biology: Our evolving understanding of an estuarine fish, 2015, Technical Report 90
- From icefield to ocean - Explore the many ways that glaciers influence Alaska's Coastal Ecosystems., 2015,
- Palila Restoration Research, 1996−2012. Summary and management implications, 2015, Technical Report HCSU-046A
- Final Project Memorandum: Ecological implications of mangrove forest migration in the southeastern U.S., 2014,
- Making decisions in complex landscapes: Headwater stream management across multiple federal agencies, 2014,
- Geopressure gradient maps of Southern Louisiana, state, and vicinity, 2014,
- The future of nearshore processes research, 2014,
- Dynamics and ecological consequences of the 2013−2014 koa moth outbreak at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge., 2014, Technical Report HCSU-058
- Arthropods of Rose Atoll with special reference to ants and Pulvinaria Urbicola Scales (Hempitera Coccidae) on Pisonia Grandis trees, 2014, Technical Report HCSU-057
- Distribution and prevalence of knemidokoptic mange in Hawai`i `Amakihi on the island of Hawaii, 2014, Technical Report HCSU-055
- Productivity of forest birds at Hakalau Forest NWR, 2014, Technical Report HCSU-056
- Palila restoration research, 1996−2012, 2014, Technical Report HCSU-046 (46) -
- Changes in Mauna Kea Dry Forest Structure 2000-2014, 2014, Technical Report HCSU-054
- The offshore benthic fish community, 2014,
- Status and trends of Caribbean coral reefs: 1970-2012, 2014,
- Where the bison roam: public-private partnership supports potential restoration, 2014,
- Synthesis of nearshore recovery following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill: sea otter liver pathology and survival in Western Prince William Sound, 2001 – 2008, 2014,
- Identification of evolutionary hotspots based on genetic data from multiple terrestrial and aquatic taxa and gap analysis of hotspots in protected lands encompassed by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative., 2014,
- Vegetation classification and mapping Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi, 2014, 2013-710
- Fisheries research and monitoring activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2013, 2014,
- ARkStorm@Tahoe: Stakeholder perspectives on vulnerabilities and preparedness for an extreme storm event in the greater Lake Tahoe, Reno, and Carson City region, 2014,
- Strategic conservation planning for the Eastern North Carolina/Southeastern Virginia Strategic Habitat Conservation Team, 2014, Technical Bulletin 337
- Evaluation and prioritization of stream habitat monitoring in the Lower Columbia Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Domain as related to the habitat monitoring needs of ESA recovery plans, 2014, PNAMP Series 2014-003
- Palila abundance estimates and trends, 2014, Technical Report HCSU-053
- Evaluation of National Atmospheric Deposition Program measurements for co-located Sites CO89 and CO98 at Rocky Mountain National Park, 2012, 2013,
- Methods to assess geological CO2 storage capacity: Status and best practice, 2013,
- Catalogue of Life: 2013 Annual Checklist, 2013,
- Developing an outcome-based biodiversity metric in support of the field to market project: Final report, 2013, Technical Bulletin 334
- Pacific Island landbird monitoring annual report, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, tract group 1 and 2, 2010, 2013, Technical Report
- Population ecology of variegate darter (Etheostoma variatum) in Virginia, 2013, Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources & Environment Reports Series, Number 2
- Distribution of invasive ants and methods for their control in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, 2013, Technical Report HCSU-040
- Population genetic structure of rare and endangered plants using molecular markers, 2013, Technical Report HCSU-036
- Effects of acidic deposition and soil acidification on sugar maple trees in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, 2013, 13-04
- Management guidelines for enhancing Cerulean Warbler breeding habitat in Appalachian hardwood forests, 2013,
- WICCI Wildlife Working Group Report, 2013,
- Seasonal variation in age-specific movement patterns of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus inferred from conventional tagging and telemetry, 2013, SEDAR 18-RD54
- Appendix D: Use of wave scenarios to assess potential submerged oil mat (SOM) formation along the coast of Florida and Alabama, 2013, Operational Science Advisory Team Report III
- Report A: Fish distribution and population dynamics in Rock Creek, Klickitat County, Washington, 2013,
- Palila abundance estimates and trend, 2012, Technical Report HCSU-TR033
- Status and trends in the fish community of Lake Superior, 2012, 2012,
- Distribution of regional pressure in the onshore and offshore Gulf of Mexico basin, USA, 2012,
- Evaluating the negative effect of benthic egg predators on bloater recruitment in northern Lake Michigan, 2012,
- Developing accurate survey methods for estimating population sizes and trends of the critically endangered Nihoa Millerbird and Nihoa Finch., 2012, Technical Report HCSU-034
- Survey of roadside alien plants in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park and adjacent residential areas 2001-2005, 2012, Technical Report HCSU-032
- Economic analysis of the proposed rule to prevent arrival of new genetic strains of the rust fungus Puccinia psidii in Hawai'i., 2012, Technical Report 177
- Status and limiting factors of two rare plant species in dry montane communities of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park., 2012, Technical Report HCSU-030
- Statement of Dr. Craig D. Allen, U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate, 17 August 2012, 2012,
- Radar analysis of fall bird migration stopover sites in the Northeastern U.S., 2012,
- Progress report for project modeling Arctic barrier island-lagoon system response to projected Arctic warming, 2012,
- Status and trends of the land bird avifauna on Tinian and Aguiguan, Mariana Islands, 2012, Technical Report HCSU-029
- Population dynamics of introduced rodents in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park 1986-1990, 2012, Technical Report 183
- Primer for identifying cold-water refuges to protect and restore thermal diversity in riverine landscapes, 2012,
- Biological inventory of anchialine pools in the Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park and Pu'ukoholā Heiau National Historical Site, Hawaii Island, 2012, Technical Report 181
- Snakes in the wrong places: Gordon Rodda’s career in invasive species research, 2012,
- Where eagles nest, the wind also blows: consolidating habitat and energy needs, 2012,
- Investigating global change, environmental response, and adaptation: Jill Baron's 30 years as an ecosystem ecologist, 2012,
- Blackrock: biological hotspot and hotbed of collaboration, 2012,
- User Manual for SAHM package for VisTrails, 2012,
- Report on the reptiles of Upland Savai’i , 2012,
- Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force---Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Science Assessment and Needs, 2012,
- Ecosystem restoration: Chapter 4, 2012,
- Methane hydrates and the future of natural gas, 2011,
- Columbia River food webs: Developing a broader scientific foundation for river restoration, 2011, ISAB 2011-1
- Forest bird monitoring protocol for strategic habitat conservation and endangered species management on O'ahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Island of O'ahu, Hawai'i, 2011, Hawai'i Cooperative Studies Unit Technical Report HCSU-026
- Exploring life history characteristics of naturalized versus stocked chinook, 2011,
- Rare and endangered species of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park; endangered, threatened, and rare animal, plant, and community handbook, 2011, Technical Report HCSU-025
- Efficacy of fipronil for control of yellowjacket wasps in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 2011, Technical Report HCSU-028
- Effects of acid deposition on ecosystems: Advances in the state of the science, 2011,
- Survey of invasive ants at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, 2011, Technical Report HCSU-027
- The use of epifluorescent microscopy and quantitative polymerase chain reaction to determine the presence/absence and identification of microorganisms associated with domestic and foreign wallboard samples, 2011,
- Design of forest bird monitoring for strategic habitat conservation on Kaua'i Island, Hawai'i, 2011, Technical Report HCSU-022
- Acute Toxicity of Sodium Fluorescein to Ashy Pebblesnails Fluminicola fuscus, 2011,
- Pacific lamprey artificial propogation and rearing investigations: Rocky Reach Lamprey Management Plan, 2011, 36958
- The Haleakala Argentine ant project: A synthesis of past research and prospects for the future, 2011, Technical Report 173
- Seeing the forest and the trees: USGS scientist links local changes to global scale, 2011,
- About viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) virus. Potential threat of Great Lakes VHS virus in Western United States, 2011,
- Population estimates and monitoring guidelines for endangered Laysan Teal, Anas Laysanensis, at Midway Atoll: Pilot study results 2008-2010., 2011, Technical Report HCSU-021
- The effects of wetland restoration on mercury bioaccumulation in the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project: Using the biosentinel toolbox to monitor changes across multiple habitats and spatial scales, 2011,
- Modeling the fate and transport of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in the saturated zone, Grand Isle, Louisiana, 2011,
- High throughput computing: a solution for scientific analysis, 2011,
- Herding sparrows for science: they're not just "LBJs", 2011,
- Landsat imagery: a unique resource, 2011,
- Formal and informal trail monitoring protocols and baseline conditions: Great Falls Park and Potomac Gorge. Final research report, 2011,
- Inventory and suitability of facilities within the Mid-Columbia Basin for the artificial propagation of Pacific lampreys, 2011,
- Informal and formal trail monitoring protocols and baseline conditions: Acadia National Park, 2011,
- Disaster risk assessment case study: Recent drought on the Navajo Nation, USA, 2011,
- Recreation impacts to cliff resources in the Potomac Gorge: Final report, June 2011, 2011,
- Validation of a freshwater Otolith microstructure pattern for Nisqually Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), 2011, 2011-1
- Habits and Habitats of Fishes in the Upper Mississippi River, 2011,
- Deterring off-trail hiking in protected natural areas: Evaluating options with surveys and unobtrusive observation: Final report, 2010, Final Management Report
- Baseline survey for rare plant species and native plant communities within the Kamehameha Schools 'Lupea Safe Harbor Planning Project Area, North Kona District, Island of Hawai'i, 2010, Technical Report HCSU-020
- Efficacy of commercial canarypox vaccine for protecting Hawai'i 'Amakihi from field isolates of Avipoxvirus, 2010,
- Efficacy of a commercial canarypox vaccine for protecting Hawai'i 'Amakihi from field isolates of avipoxvirus, 2010, Technical Report HCSU-019
- Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon life history investigations annual report, 2009, 2010,
- Limiting factors of four rare plant species in `Ōla`A Forest of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, 2010, Technical Report HCSU-018
- Changes in prevalence of avian malaria on the Alakai`i Plateau, Kaua`i. Hawai`i, 2010, Technical Report HCSU-017
- Population assessment of the Mariana fruit bat (Pteropus mariannus mariannus) on Anatahan, Sraigan, Guguan, Alamagan, Pagan, Agrihan, Asuncion, and Maug; 15 June - 10 July 2010, 2010, Annual Report
- Limiting factors of five rare plant species in mesic forests of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, 2010, Technical Report HCSU-015
- Fate of estrogenic compounds during municipal sludge stabilization and dewatering, 2010,
- An Adaptive Management Approach for Summer Water Level Reductions on the Upper Mississippi River System, 2010,
- Vegetation classification and distribution mapping report: Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 2010, NPS/SCPN/NRTR—2010/306
- A Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Rocky Mountain National Park, 2010, NPS/NRPC/WRD/NRR—2010/228
- Status and trends of native birds in the Keauhou and Kilauea forest, Hawai`i Island, 2010, Technical Report HCSU-016
- Saving our shared birds: Partners in Flight tri-national vision for landbird conservation, 2010,
- Modern technologies for an ancient fish: tools to inform management of migratory sturgeon stocks. A report for the Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking (POST) Project, 2010,
- Minimizing effects of over-water docks on federally listed fish stocks in McNary Reservoir: A literature review for criteria, 2010,
- Columbia River Project water use plan: Mid Columbia River sturgeon incubation and rearing study (Year 1), 2010,
- How humans and nature have shaped the San Francisco Estuary since the Gold Rush, 2009, (583) -
- Advanced Tools for River Science: EAARL and MD_SWMS: Chapter 3, 2009,
- Assessment of fire behavior and management options in subalpine vegetation on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i, 2009, Technical Report
- Prevention, early detection and containment of invasive, nonnative plants in the Hawaiian Islands: current efforts and needs, 2009, Technical Report
- Conservation planning for the coastal prairie region of Louisiana, 2009,
- Behavior and passage of juvenile salmonids during the evaluation of a fish screen at Cowlitz Falls Dam, Washington, 2008, 2009,
- Passerine bird trends at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai‘i, 2009, Technical Report HCSU-011
- Population trends of native Hawaiian forest birds, 1976–2008: the data and statistical analyses, 2009, Technical Report HCSU-TR012
- NASA 2008 HyspIRI whitepaper and workshop report, 2009,
- Backcountry recreation site and trail conditions: Haleakala National Park final report, May 2009, 2009,
- The USGS Caribbean Seismic Network, 2008,
- Instream flow assessment of streams draining the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, 2008,
- The desperate dozen: Fishes on the brink, 2008,
- Behavior and movement of adult chum salmon in the lower Cowlitz River, 2007: Final Report of Research, 2008, 2008-01
- Ecosystem conceptual model- Mercury , 2008,
- Using climate information for fuels management, 2008, Climate Ecosystem Fire Applications CEFA Report 08-01
- Status of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Potomac River. Part 1: Field Studies, 2007,
- Retrospective analysis of AYK Chinook salmon growth, 2007,
- Analysis of otolith microstructure for Cedar River Chinook salmon, 2007,
- Projecting future sea level, 2006,
- Climate scenarios for California, 2006,
- Standard guide for conducting laboratory toxicity tests with freshwater mussels, 2006, Special Technical Report ASTM E2455-06 (11.05) -
- Efficacy of feral pig removals at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, 2006, Technical Report HCSU-004
- Potential risks of pesticide degradates to aquatic life, 2006,
- Conservation plan for the Marbled Godwit: Version 1.1, 2006,
- Tracermodel1- Excel workbook for calculation and presentation of environmental tracer data for simple groundwater mixtures: Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology - a guidebook; Section III.10.3, 2006,
- What is causing the phytoplankton increase in San Francisco Bay?, 2006,
- Frontcountry recreation site and trail conditions: Haleakala National Park: Research Report, 2006,
- Making connections for bird conservation: linking states, provinces & territories to important wintering and breeding grounds, 2006, Partners in Flight Technical Series 4
- Level 1 Baseline Water Qaulity Report for the Klmath Network: Lava Beds National Monument, Lassen Volcanic National Park and Oregon Caves National Monument - 2005, 2006,
- A model for autumn pelagic distribution of adult female polar bears in the Chukchi Seas, 1987-1994, 2006,
- Ornate box turtle (Terrapene ornata ornata): A technical conservation assessment. [Online], 2006,
- Genetic characterization of brown bears of the Kodiak Archipelago, 2006,
- Comparison of cytochrome P450 1A induction in blood and liver cells of sea otters, 2005,
- Central Alaska Network vital signs monitoring plan, 2005,
- Development of ecological indicator guilds for land management, 2005,
- Non-lethal estimation of body composition of Yukon River salmon, 2005, Final Report
- Assessment of the White Salmon watershed using the ecosystem diagnosis and treatment model , 2005,
- Comparative phytosociological investigation of subalpine alder thickets in southwestern Alaska and the North Pacific, 2005, (35) -
- Lake whitefish and Diporeia spp. in the Great lakes: an overview, 2005, Technical Report 66
- The five elements process: Designing optimal landscapes to meet bird conservation objectives, 2005, Partners in Flight Technical Series 1
- Recovery and decline of lake whitefish in U.S. waters of eastern Lake Ontario, 1980-2001, 2005, Technical Report 66
- Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem processes: Implications for ecosystem management, 2005, ESA Positions
- Bay sediment budget: Sediment accounting 101, 2005, Pulse of the Estuary 2005
- Assessment of White Salmon watershed using the ecosystem diagnosis and treatment methodology (EDT), 2005,
- Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, bioaccumulation and ecotoxicological risk to avian reproduction, 2005,
- High priority needs for range-wide monitoring of North American landbirds, 2005, Partners in Flight Technical Series 2
- Southwestern willow flycatcher breeding site and territory summary - 2004, 2005,
- Black Carp: Biological synopsis and risk assessment of an introduced fish, 2005, Special Publication 32
- Protocols for drawing blood from the brachial plexus of desert tortoises: Instructions for ordering equipment and culture media; summary of how to draw blood and information on how to contract for laboratory analysis and ship laboratory samples. Appendix on New Technique for Conducting Nasal Lavages by L. Wendland, 2005,
- Clinic and field training for desert tortoise health assessments at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California. May 22-28, 2004, 2005,
- Behavior, ecology, and detection surveys of mammalian carnivores in the Presidio, 2005,
- 2004 inventory of the distribution and abundance of non-indigenous plants and rare plants at two riverine national parks in the Great Lakes Network -- final report, 2005,
- Surveys for desert torotises in the Jawbone-Butterbredt Area of Critical Environmental Concern, Eastern Kern County, California, 2005,
- Coastal iron fluxes to surface waters of the NE Pacific: A driver of the marine ecosystem and carbon cycle, 2005, White Paper
- Alternative management practices of Cirsium arvense: final report, 2005,
- Role of soil transformation in invasion of mixed-grass prairie, 2005,
- Wetlands and use by breeding waterfowl in the National Grasslands: Grand River National Grasslands, South Dakota, and McKenzie District of the Little Missouri National Grasslands, North Dakota, 2005,
- The wood frog (Rana sylvatica): a technical conservation assessment, 2005,
- Southwestern willow flycatcher breeding site and territory summary - 2003, 2005,
- A synthesis of ecological and fish-community changes in Lake Ontario, 1970-2000, 2005, Technical Report 67
- Waterfowl distribution, movements, and habitat use relative to recent habitat changes in the Central Valley of California: A cooperative project to investigate impacts of the Central Valley Joint Venture and changing agricultural practices on the ecology of wintering waterfowl. Final Report, 2005,
- Post-Cedar Fire Arroyo Toad (Bufo californicus) Monitoring Surveys at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, 2004. Final Report, 2005,
- Population status of Kittlitz's Murrelet Brachyramphus brevirostris along the southern coast of the Alaska Peninsula, 2005,
- Work package 4 report: Broodfish testing for bacterial infections, 2005,
- The sterile-male-release technique in Great Lakes sea lamprey management, 2005,
- Testing archival tag technology in coho salmon, 2004,
- Seafloor habitat mapping and classification in Glacier Bay, Alaska: Phase 1 & 2 1996-2004, 2004,
- Status of the desert tortoise in the western part of Red Rock Canyon State Park, California, 2004,
- Family Rhabdoviridae, 2004,
- Identifying marine bird distribution and evaluating visitor impacts, 2004,
- Report of the technical review panel - compatibility of Coleman National Fish Hatchery operations and restoration of anadromous salmonids in Battle Creek, 2004,
- Migration behavior of juvenile salmonids and evaluation of a modified box entrance at Cowlitz Falls Dam, Washington, 2003, 2004,
- Olfactory sensitivity of Pacific lampreys to conspecific bile acids, 2004,
- Necropsies of six desert tortoises from California, 2004,
- Research and application highlight: Effectiveness of postfire seeding to reduce cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) growth and reproduction in recently burned sagebrush steppe, 2004,
- Sea otter studies in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, 2004, Annual Report
- Monitoring giant garter snakes in the Natomas Basin: 2003 results, 2004,
- Direct and Indirect Human Contributions to Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes: A Workshop Summary, 2004,
- Pilgrim Creek restoration project: bird community and vegetation structure. 2003 Annual Report, 2004,
- Assessing the Risk of Loveland Dam Operations to the Arroyo Toad (Bufo californicus) in the Sweetwater River Channel, San Diego County, California, 2004,
- Distribution and abundance of the southwestern willow flycatcher at selected southern California sites in 2001, 2004,
- Northern pintail habitat use and waterfowl abundance during spring migration in southern Oregon-Northeast California (SONEC). Final Report, 2004,
- Distribution and abundance of the southwestern willow flycatcher at selected southern California sites in 2001. Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Management Division, Sacramento, California, 2004,
- Results of 2004 monitoring for giant garter snakes (Thamnophis gigas) for the bank protection project on the left bank of the Colusa Basin Drainage Canal in Reclamation District 108, Sacramento River bank protection project, phase II, 2004,
- Ecology of common ravens at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California: Annual progress report covering research conducted between December 9, 2002 and December 13, 2003, United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Discipline, San Diego, California, 2004,
- 2000-2002 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Amphibian Survey, 2004,
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Off-highway Vehicle Use at the Dove Springs OHV Open Area, California. Report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, California State Office, Sacramento, California, 2004,
- Inventory of Terrestrial Vertebrates at John Muir National Historic Site and Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site, 2004,
- Bat inventory of the Descanso district of the Cleveland National Forest, San Diego County, California, 2004,
- Phase II Report, Vital Signs Monitoring Plan, Southwest Alaska Network, 2004,
- La prevention des risques et la lutte contre les incendies dans un paysage fortement marque par la presence humaine: les incendies de chaparral californien, 2004,
- Colorado bat conservation plan, 2004,
- Multiple stressor effects in relation to declining amphibian populations, 2003, Special Technical Report ASTM STP 1443
- Studies on the detection, transmission, and development of Renibacterium salmoninarum infections in Great Lakes salmonid fishes, 2003,
- Characterization of the humoral and cellular immune response of salmonids to Renibacterium salmoninarum, 2003,
- Preparing for climate change: The potential consequences of climate variability and change, 2003, Findings of the Gulf Coast Regional Assessment
- Population status of Kittlitz's and Marbled Murrelets and surveys for other marine bird and mammal species in the Kenai Fjords area, Alaska, 2003,
- A genetic study to aid in restoration of murres, guillemots and murrelets to the Gulf of Alaska, 2003,
- Population genetic structure of Santa Ynez rainbow trout – 2001 based on microsatellite and mtDNA analyses , 2003,
- Optimizing the quality of sediment samples collected for geochemical measurement in coastal marine environments, 2003,
- Sea otter studies in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve: annual report 2002, 2003, Annual Report, USGS Alaska Science Center, Alaska
- Effects of habitat management practices on plant cover types of uplands and wetlands at Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho, 1997-2000, 2003,
- Advice for the Secretary of Agriculture about Management of the Giant Sequoia National Monument, 2003,
- Evaluating options for revegetation following a catastrophic fire in a pinyon-juniper community at Grand Canyon/Parashant National Monument, Arizona, 2003,
- Southwestern willow flycatcher breeding site and territory summary - 2002, 2003,
- Neotropical migratory bird monitoring study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. 2002 Annual Report. Prepared for Assistant Chief of Staff, Environmental Security, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, 2003,
- Distribution, abundance, and breeding activities of the southwestern willow flycatcher at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. 2002 Annual Report, 2003,
- Riparian and upland bird communities at Lower Topanga Canyon, Topanga State Park, California, 2003,
- Patterns and processes of population change in selected nearshore vertebrate predators, 2003,
- Climate-change scenarios, 2003,
- A natural history survey of fens and palustrine wetlands in intermittent drainages of the Little Missouri Grassland, 2003,
- Evaluation of the impacts of irrigation ground-water withdrawal on a prairie wetland, 2003,
- Population and nesting ecology of sandhill cranes at Grays Lake, Idaho, 1997-2000, 2003,
- Sedimentation rates in the marshes of Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 2003,
- Fire history of Granite Mountain, Lower Buffalo Wilderness, Arkansas: a report for the National Park Service, Buffalo National River, 2003,
- Aquatic invertebrate and pondweed production in Unit 6 of the Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge, 2003,
- Cibola High Levee Pond Annual Report 2003. Interim Report, 2003,
- Sediment dynamics drive contaminant dynamics, 2003, Pulse of the Estuary 2003
- Lessons from monitoring water quality in San Francisco Bay, 2003,
- Determining temperature and thermal properties for heat-based studies of surface-water ground-water interactions: Appendix A of Heat as a tool for studying the movement of ground water near streams (Cir1260), 2003,
- Protocols for long-term monitoring of seabird ecology in the Gulf of Alaska, 2003,
- Migration behavior of juvenile salmonids and evaluation of a modified flume entrance at Cowitz Falls Dam, Washington, 2001, 2003,
- MCB Camp Pendleton Arroyo Toad Monitoring Protocol: 1. Summary of results from a workshop on August 27, 2002; 2. Monitoring protocol and targeted studies, 2003,
- Geologic map of the Callville Bay Quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada, and Mohave County, Arizona, 2003, 139
- Examples of recovery of vegetation following disturbance in the Jawbone-Butterbredt Area of Critical Environmental Concern, 2003,
- Monitoring in the nearshore: A process for making reasoned decisions, 2003,
- Update COSEWIC status report on the shortjaw cisco, Coregonus zenithicus, in Canada, 2003,
- Ecology of selected marine communities in Glacier Bay: Zooplankton, forage fish, seabirds and marine mammals, 2003,
- Status and distribution of the least Bell's vireo and southwestern willow flycatcher at the Cleveland National Forest in 2002, 2003,
- Bat inventory of the San Diego County Multiple Species Conservation Program Area, 2003,
- Bat inventory of the Point Loma Peninsula Including the Cabrillo National Monument, 2003,
- Mortality of adult Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia) due to small mammal herbivory at Joshua Tree National Park, California, 2003,
- Fire behavior during a prescribed experimental fire in desert tortoise habitat on the Parashant National Monument in Pakoon Basin, Arizona, 2003,
- Composition of Suspended Load as a Measure of Stream Health, 2003,
- California Red-legged Frog Surveys of Lower Redwood Creek, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 2003,
- Predator of nesting waterbirds in an urban environment. Final Report, 2003,
- Tracking spring migration of northern pintails with satellite telemetry, 2003,
- Variation in reproduction of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the Mojave Desert of southern Nevada in relation to body size, primary production and climate, 2003,
- Montioring Giant Garter Snakes at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge: 2002 Progress Report, 2003,
- Surveys for the Least Bell's Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher at the San Luis Rey River. 2002 Annual Summary, 2003,
- Research highlight: fire and invasive annual grasses in western ecosystems, 2003,
- Fuels and fire regimes in creosostebush, blackbrush, and interior chaparral shrublands, 2003,
- The revegetation of disturbed areas associated with roads at Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada, 2003,
- Sea otter (Enhydra lutris) perspective: Part B. Food limitation and the recovery of sea otters following the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 2002,
- Sea otter (Enhydra lutris) perspective: Part C. Trophic linkages among sea otters and bivalve prey in Prince William Sound, Alaska, in the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez oil spill: Implications for community models in sedimentary habitats, 2002,
- Harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) perspective: Harlequin duck population recovery following the Exxon Valdez oil spill: Progress, process, and constraints, 2002,
- Reducing predation by common ravens on desert tortoises in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts, 2002,
- Threats to desert tortoise populations: a critical review of the literature, 2002,
- Protocol for determining bull trout presence, 2002,
- Marine predator surveys in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, 2002, Annual Report to NPS, USGS Alaska Science Center, Anchorage
- Review of chronic wasting disease management policies and programs in Colorado, 2002,
- Tracking Spring Migration of Northern Pintails with Satellite Telemetry. Progress Report 2002, 2002,
- Protocols for Drawing Blood from the Brachial Plexus of Desert Tortoises: Instructions for ordering equipment and culture media; summary of how to draw blood and conduct nasal lavages; and information on how to contract for laboratory analysis and ship laboratory samples, 2002,
- Pilgrim Creek restoration project: bird community and vegetation structure. 2001 Annual Report, 2002,
- Monitoring reptiles and amphibians at long-term biodiversity monitoring stations: the Puente-Chino Hills, 2002,
- Ascorbic Acid Aquatic Organisms: Status and Perspectives, 2002, (2) -
- Distribution, abundance, and breeding activities of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. 2001 Annual Report, 2002,
- Neotropical migratory bird monitoring study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. 2001 Annual Report, 2002,
- Herpetofauna and Small Mammal Surveys on the Marine Corps Air Gound Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, CA. March 1999-October 2001, 2002,
- Monitoring giant garter snakes at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge: 2001 progress report, 2002,
- Investigations of Giant Garter Snakes in the Natomas Basin: 2002 Report, 2002,
- The Distribution of Giant Garter Snakes and Their Habitat in the Natomas Basin, 2002,
- Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), 2002,
- Pilgrim Creek restoration project: bird community and vegetation structure, 2002,
- Monitoring Riparian Ecosystems: A Second Inventory of Riparian Habitat Along Rincon Creek Near Tucson, Arizona, 2002,
- Evaluating options for revegetation following a catastrophic fire in a Pinyon-Juniper community at Grand Canyon/Parashaunt National Monument, Arizona. Report to USDI-Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District, St. George, Utah, 2002,
- Validation study, ERP sites 25, 37, 133, and corresponding reference sites. Biological impact of TCE and PCE on wild rodent and reptile populations, Edwards Air Force Base, California. Final report. Edwards Air Force Base, California, 2002,
- A critique of wildlife radio-tracking and its use in National Parks: a report to the National Park Service, 2002,
- Angeles and San Bernardino National Forest, Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana muscosa) Surveys, 2001, 2002,
- Metropolitan Water District Inland Feeder Project: Mountain Yellow-legged Frog (Rana muscosa) and California Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora) surveys, 2002,
- Southwestern willow flycatcher breeding site and territory summary - 2001, 2002,
- Survival potential of herring in Puget Sound, 2002,
- Sea otter studies in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, 2002, Annual Report
- Response of seabirds to fluctuations in forage fish density , 2002,
- Long-term ecosystem studies in Isle Royale, Olympic, and Rocky Mountain National Parks; Noatak National Preserve, and Fraser Experimental Forest; Noatak National Preserve, and Fraser Experimental Forest. Research Report no. 95, 2002,
- Sea otter (Enhydra lutris) perspective: Part A. Sea otter population status and the process of recovery from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, 2002,
- Characterization of the humoral and cellular immune response of salmonids to Renibacterium salmoninarum. Report for June-September 2002, 2002,
- Evaluation of management practices in wetland meadows at Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho, 1997-2000, 2002,
- Wetlands of the Little Missouri National Grassland: impacts of water development on aquatic plants, invertebrates, and amphibians in seasonal wetlands, 2002,
- The evolving benthic community, 2002,
- Success of the North Umpqua River relicensing negotiation: A completion report, 2002,
- Bat inventory of Descanso district of Cleveland National Forest, 2002,
- Inventory and Management Needs Study of Point Loma Herpetofauna (Reptiles and Amphibians) With Comments on Mammals and Invertebrates, 2001, 2002,
- Survey results for the Arroyo Toad (Bufo californicus) in the San Bernardino National Forest, 2001, 2002,
- No-take marine reserves in central California kelp forests: metrics of human take or the tip of the iceberg?, 2002,
- Report on field activities at Adak and the western Aleutians, 2002, 2002,
- Recovery Plan for the Pitcher's Thistle (Cirsium pitcheri), 2002,
- Terrestrial Vertebrate Inventory, Point Reyes National Seashore, 1998 - 2001, 2002,
- Red-legged Frog Surveys at Horseshoe Pond, Point Reyes National Seashore, 2002,
- Testing pop-up satellite tags as a tool for identifying critical habitat for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Gulf of Alaska, 2002,
- Sustainability of vegetation communities grazed by elk in Rocky Mountain National Park, 2002,
- Development of a reliable population index for Pacific Coast band-tailed pigeons. 2002 Progress Report, 2002,
- Studies on the detection, transmission, and development of Renibacterium salmoninarum infections in Great Lakes salmonid fishes. Report for June-September 2002., 2002,
- Pintail habitat use and abundance during spring migration in the Klamath Basin and other southern Oregon - northeastern California locations. Progress Report 2002, 2002,
- Relationships between boat harbors, fish processing, organic contamination, and Steller's eiders wintering in the Eastern Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula, 2002,
- The Status and Distribution of Unarmored Threespine Stickleback in the Angeles National Forest. 2001 Final Report, 2002,
- Parasite Analysis of Native and Non-native Fish in the Angeles National Forest, 2002,
- Studies on the detection, transmission, and development of Renibacterium salmoninarum infections in Great Lakes salmonid fishes. Report for October-December 2002, 2002,
- Mechanisms of impact and potential recovery of nearshore vertebrate predators following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, 2002, (1) -
- Fire History of Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico. Final Report for Carlsbad Caverns National Park, 2002,
- Population and habitat viability assessment for the Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri): Final workshop report, 2001,
- Investigation of eggshell thickness and biochemical indicators of contaminant exposure in Great Blue Herons(Ardea herodias) from Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge, 2001, CBFO-C01-02
- Effects of food stress on survival and reproductive performance of seabirds, 2001,
- A comprehensive review of observational and site evaluation data of migrant whooping cranes in the United States, 1943-1999, 2001,
- Long-term ecosystem studies in Isle Royale, Olympic and Rocky Mountain National Parks; Noatak National Preserve, and Fraser Experimental Forest, 2001,
- Least Bell's Vireo Surveys and Nest Monitoring at Anza Borrego Desert State Park in 2000, 2001,
- The effects of egg oiling on fish consumption by double-crested cormorants on Little Galloo Island, Lake Ontario in 2000, 2001, (15) -
- Vegetation monitoring program review for Channel Islands National Park, 2001,
- Plant community patterns in unburned and burned blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) shrublands in the Mojave Desert, 2001,
- Habitat measurement and modeling in the Green and Yampa Rivers: Project Report to Natural Resource Preservation Program December 2001, 2001,
- Diet composition and fish consumption of double-crested cormorants from the Pigeon and Snake Island colonies of eastern Lake Ontario in 2000, 2001, (16) -
- Diet composition and fish consumption of double-crested cormorants from the Little Galloo Island colony of eastern lake Ontario in 2000, 2001, (14) -
- Olfactory sensitivity of Pacific lampreys to petromyzonol sulfate. Annual report 2000, 2001,
- Colletotrichum as a model system for defining the genetic basis of fungal symbiotic lifestyles, 2001,
- Phase I Pre-scoping assessment OUs 1, 2, 3, and 6. Ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base, 2001,
- Stream macroinvertebrate biomonitoring for Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: 1989-1999, 2001,
- Stream macroinvertebrate biomonitoring for Pipestone National Monument 1989-1999: status report, 2001,
- Stream macroinvertebrate biomonitoring report for Homestead National Monument of America, 1989-1999: status report, 2001,
- Stream macroinvertebrate biomonitoring for Wilson's Creek National Battlefield 1989-1999: status report, 2001,
- Pilgrim Creek restoration project: bird community and vegetation structure. 2000 Annual report, 2001,
- Phase I Pre-scoping assessment OU4. Ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base, 2001,
- Sea otter studies in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve: Aerial surveys, foraging observations, and intertidal clam sampling, 2001, Annual Report
- Marine predator surveys in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, 2001, Annual Report
- Control/exclosure monitoring of tule elk effects on Tomales Point vegetation, Point Reyes National Seashore, 1998-1999, 2001,
- Neotropical Migratory Bird Monitoring Study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Case Springs Station, 1995-1999, 2001,
- Neotropical migratory bird monitoring study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Sixth Annual Progress Report, 2000, 2001,
- Herpetofaunal Monitoring in MSCP Region of San Diego, 2001,
- Restoring the estuary: implementation strategy of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture, 2001,
- Statement of Work/Study Plan. Potential impacts of organic contamiants on wildlife at Edwards Air Force Base, 2001,
- Evaluating options for revegetation following a catastrophic fire in a pinyon-juniper community at Grand Canyon / Parashant National Monument, on the Arizona Strip of Mohave County, Arizona, 2001,
- Final Report: Monitoring and surveys for bats at the benchmark 19 mine, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twenty-nine Palms, California, 2001,
- PINSAT 2001 Progress Report, 2001,
- Status of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo in California: 1999-2000, 2001,
- Herpetofaunal Inventory and Monitoring at Silverwood Lake State Recreation Area, 2001,
- Predation of nesting waterbirds in an urban environment, Annual Progress Report, 2001,
- Investigations of giant garter snakes in the Natomas Basin: 2001 field season, 2001,
- California Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora draytonii), Reconnaissance / Habitat Suitability Analysis in San Gabriel Canyon (West, North, and East Forks) Angeles National Forest, California: Year 2000, 2001,
- The influence of photoperiod and temperature on the Neosho Madtom (norturus placidus) reproductive cycle, 2001,
- Initial Report on the Monitoring of a California Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora draytonii) Population in San Francisquito Canyon. Angeles National Forest, California: Year 2000, 2001,
- At-sea distribution of seabirds and marine mammals in the Southern California Bight, 2001,
- Partners in flight bird conservation plan for the Upper Great Lakes Plain (Physiographic Area 16), 2001,
- Redwood Creek, California, USA in Source to Sink Sedimentary Cascades in Pacific Rim Geo-systems, 2001,
- An Analysis of Bank Erosion along the South Fork Eel River at Benbow Lake, California. A report to the California Department of Parks and Recreation. October, 2001. Arcata, CA, 2001,
- Addendum to Work Plan. Scoping ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base, 2001,
- Work Plan, Scoping ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base, 2001,
- Review and update of the 1995 Federal wildland fire management policy, 2001,
- Report on field activities at Adak and the western Aleutians, 2001, 2001,
- Disease mortality events involving Ross's Geese, 2001,
- Experimental assessment of the toxicity of the mosquito larvicide Golden Bear Oil (GB-1111): (1) Field evaluations on duckling, target, and non-target prey survival; (2) Laboratory evaluations on reared mallard and bobwhite eggs, and wild redwing blackbird eggs, 2001,
- Summary of Arroyo Toad Surveys in the Angeles and San Bernardino National Forests, 2001,
- Training and clinic for desert tortoise health assessments at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California: October 21-22, 2000, 2001,
- Protocol -- June 2001. Salvaging injured, recently dead, ill, and dying wild, free-roaming desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii), 2001,
- Angeles and San Bernardino National Forest mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) surveys, 2000, 2001,
- Work Plan. Phase I: Predictive assessment, ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base, 2001,
- Phase I Scoping. Ecological risk assessment, Ous 1, 2, and 6 Edwards Air Force Base, 2001,
- Development of mineral site counts to reliably index the Pacific Coast breeding population of band-tailed pigeons, 2001,
- Climate variations of the Ozark Highlands in the context of global change, 2001,
- Restoration of the White Abalone in Southern California: Population Assessment, Brood Stock Collection, and Development of Husbandry Technology. Final Report, 2001,
- Olfactory sensitivity of pacific lampreys to petromyzonol sulfate, 2001,
- Black-tailed prairie dog monitoring protocol for seven prairie parks, 2001,
- Time series of suspended-solids concentration, salinity, temperature, and total mercury concentration in San Francisco Bay during water year 1998, 2001,
- Strategic science plan Salton Sea restoration project, 2000,
- Macromoths of northwest forests and woodlands, 2000, FHTET-98-18
- Tumor Prevalence and Biomarkers of Exposure and Response in Brown Bullheads (Ameiurus nebulosus) from the Tidal Potomac River Watershed, 2000, CBFO-C99-04
- A comprehensive monitoring program for North American shorebirds, 2000,
- Ecology and demographics of Pacific sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus Pallas, in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska , 2000,
- Effects of selenium, mercury, and boron on waterbird egg hatchability at Stillwater, Malheur, Seedskadee, Ouray, and Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuges and surrounding vicinities, 2000, 5
- Survival of adult murres and kittiwakes in relation to forage fish abundance, 2000,
- Microsatellite analyses of San Franciscuito Creek rainbow trout, 2000,
- Predicting coastal evolution at societally-relevant time and space scales, 2000, 21
- Surf Scoters, 2000,
- Experimental assessment of the toxicity of mosquito larvicide golden bear oil (GB-1111): (1) Field evaluations on duckling, target, and non-target prey survival; (2) Laboratory evaluations on reared mallard and bobwhite eggs, and wild redwing blackbird eggs, 2000,
- Investigation of the biological impact of TCE and PCE on wild rodent and reptile populations, Edwards Air Force Base, CA. Field Activity at IRP Sites 25, 37, 133, and corresponding reference areas. 2000 Progress Report to Edwards Air Force Base, 2000,
- Patterns of water-quality variability in San Francisco Bay during the first six years of the regional monitoring program, 1993-1998, 2000,
- SNTEMP (In)frequently asked questions, 2000,
- Diet composition and fish consumption of double-crested cormorants from the Little Galloo Island colony of eastern lake Ontario in 1999, 2000, (3) -
- Diet composition and fish consumption of double-crested cormorants from the Pigeon and Snake Island Colonies of eastern Lake Ontario in 1999, 2000, (5) -
- Diet composition and fish consumption of double-crested cormorants from the Pigeon and Snake Island Colonies of eastern Lake Ontario in 1999, 2000, (16) -
- Diet composition and fish consumption of double-crested cormorants from the Little Galloo Island colony of eastern Lake Ontario in 1999, 2000, (14) -
- The effects of egg oiling on fish consumption by double-crested cormorants on Little Galloo Island, Lake Ontario, 2000, (4) -
- The effects of egg oiling on fish consumption by double-crested cormorants on Little Galloo Island, Lake Ontario, 2000, (15) -
- Human dimensions of natural resource management: emerging issues and practical applications, 2000,
- Grassland bird inventory for seven prairie parks, 2000,
- Ecological classification of riparian areas in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 2000,
- Avian inventory of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas 1998-1999, 2000,
- Weather monitoring protocol for two prairie parks, 2000,
- 1997-1998 butterfly monitoring at Homestead National Monument of America, 2000,
- Butterfly monitoring protocol for four prairie parks, 2000,
- Neotropical Migratory Bird Monitoring Study at Marine Corps Base Pendleton, California. Fifth Annual Progress Report, 1999, 2000,
- Sierra Nevada forest dynamics: pattern, pace, and mechanisms of change. Annual report for fiscal year 1999, 2000,
- Monitoring seabird populations in areas of oil and gas development on the Alaskan Continental Shelf: A computerized pelagic seabird atlas for Alaska, 2000,
- Experimental evaluation of the effect of mechanical wing decoys ('moto-duck') on hunting success and waterfowl response in California, 1999-2000, 2000,
- Arroyo Toad, Bufo californicus 2000 USGS/USFS Survey Data. Angeles, Cleveland, and San Bernardino National Forests, California: Year 2000, 2000,
- Reptile and Amphiban survey on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, 2000,
- Design and implementation of a wildlife monitoring program for the Tenaja Corridor, 2000,
- Final Report on Herpetofauna Monitoring in the Tijuana Estuary, 2000,
- Channel Islands National Park Landbird Monitoring Program Review, 2000,
- Monitoring Reptile and Amphibians at Long-Term Biodiversity Monitoring Stations: Nature Reserve of Orange County, 2000,
- Waterfowl Distribution, Movements and Habitat Use Relative to Recent Habitat Changes in the Central Valley of California: Progress Report - June 2000, 2000,
- Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Amphibian Survey, 2000,
- Documenting trans-Himalayan migration through satellite telemetry: A report on capture, deployment, and tracking of bar-headed goose (Anser indicus), 2000,
- Distribution, Abundance, and Breeding Activities of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California in 2000, 2000,
- PINSAT 2000 Progress Update Report, 2000,
- Inventory and Manage Point Loma Herpetofauna (Reptiles and Amphibians); and secondarily, Shrews, and Macroinvertebrates, 2000,
- Pilgrim Creek Restoration Project: Bird Community and Vegetation Structure, 2000,
- Development of Reliable population indices for Band-tailed pigeons, 2000,
- Investigations of Giant Garter Snakes in the Natomas Basin:1998-1999 - Project Summary, 2000,
- Investigations of giant garter snakes in the Natomas Basin: 2000 field season. December 21, 2000, Dixon Field Station, Dixon, CA, 2000,
- Monitoring giant garter snakes at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge: 2000 progress report, 2000,
- An evaluation of the distribution and abundance of common ravens in and around Joshua Tree National Park, 2000,
- Report on Pitfall Trapping of Ants at the Biospecies Sites in the Nature Reserve of Orange County, California, 2000,
- A study plan to inventory vascular plants and vertebrates: Sonoran Desert Network, National Park Service, 2000,
- Population dynamics of tule elk at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, 2000,
- Development and Implementation of an Alien Plant Control Strategy for Channel Islands National Park. Technical report, 2000,
- Preliminary Report on the Spring Survey of Desert Tortoises at the Goffs Permanent Study Plot and Special Project on Effects of Roads, 2000,
- Evaluation of strobe lights to improve fish collection efficiency at Cowlitz Falls Dam, Washington, Final report 1999, 2000,
- Technical assistance for Pacific lamprey studies: final report of research, 2000,
- The Northern Pintail, 2000,
- Technical Memorandum, Field activities at Moffett Federal Air Field storm water retention pond and eastern diked marsh, 2000,
- Microsatellite analyses of Alameda Creek Rainbow/Steelhead trout, 1999,
- Colonization and community development of salmonids and benthic macroinvertebrates in a new stream within Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska, 1999,
- Assessment of landscape correlates of Eastern hemlock decline due to hemlock woolly adelgid, 1999,
- A summary of environmentally friendly turbine design concepts, 1999,
- Fluctuating asymmetry and genetic diversity in sea otters (Enhydra lutris), 1999,
- Intertidal clam diversity, size, abundance, and biomass in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, 1999 Annual Report, 1999,
- Mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli), 1999,
- Macroinvertebrate biomonitoring protocol for four prairie streams, 1999,
- Habitat management plan for butterfly species at Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, 1999,
- Habitat management plan for butterfly species at Pipestone National Monument, 1999,
- Habitat management plan for butterfly species at Homestead National Monument, 1999,
- Habitat management plan for butterfly species at Effigy Mounds National Historical Site, 1999,
- Management of riparian habitat for mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Appendix C, 1999,
- Proceedings of the Southern Appalachian Biological Control Initiative Workshop, 1999,
- Diet composition and fish consumption of double-crested cormorants in eastern Lake Ontario, 1998, 1999,
- Special species addendum for the Marshalls Creek traffic relief study report on impacts to Notropis, eastern mudminnow, Umbra pygmaea (DeKay) and American brook lamprey, Lampetra appendix DeKay, 1999,
- Effect of altered salmonid stocking methods on cormorant predation in eastern Lake Ontario, 1999,
- Influence of eastern hemlock on aquatic biodiversity in Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, 1999,
- Double-crested cormorant predation on smallmouth bass and other fishes of the eastern basin of Lake Ontario: overview and summary, 1999,
- Tritium and 14C concentrations in unsaturated-zone gases at test hole UZB-2, Amargosa Desert Research Site, 1994-98: A section in U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program: Proceedings of the technical meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999: Volume 3 (Part C) (WRI 99-4018C)>, 1999,
- Soil respiration at the Amargosa Desert Research site: A section in U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program: Proceedings of the technical meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999: Volume 3 (Part C) (WRI 99-4018C), 1999,
- Isotopic composition of water in a deep unsaturated zone beside a radioactive-waste disposal area near Beatty, Nevada, 1999,
- Tritium in water vapor in the shallow unsaturated zone at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, 1999,
- Overview of research on water, gas, and radionuclide transport at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada: A section in U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program: Proceedings of the technical meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999: Volume 3 (Part C) (WRI 99-4018C), 1999,
- Ecology of banded rock rattlesnakes and Sonoran mountain kingsnakes at Coronado National Memorial, Arizona, 1999,
- At-sea distribution of seabirds and marine mammals in the Southern California Bight: 1999, 1999,
- Pilgrim Creek Restoration Project: Bird Community and Vegetation Structure, 1999,
- Status and breeding activities of the southwestern willow flycatcher at the Cleveland National Forest in 1999, 1999,
- Tree and Shrub Community Monitoring Protocol for Channel Islands National Park, 1999,
- Science support for restoration of the Salton Sea. Recommendations of the USGS Tiger Team to the Salton Sea Science Subcommittee, 1999,
- Angeles and San Bernardino National Forest mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) surveys, 1998, 1999,
- Impacts of recreation on the desert tortoise and other wildlife in the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve. Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1999,
- The riparian ranking (R3) System: A tool for setting priorities in a resource-limited world. Report to the U.S. Forest Service, Region 2, Albuquerque, NM, 1999,
- Challenges and Opportunities for Increasing Diversity in the Wildlife Profession and the Wildlife Society: Recommendations for TWS in the New Millennium. Report to the Wildlife Society, 1999,
- Pilgrim Creek restoration project: bird community and vegetation structure. 1998 annual report, 1999,
- Results of the 1998 survey for giant garter snakes in and around the Grasslands area of the San Joaquin Valley, 1999,
- Final Report: Habitat use and relative density of bats at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, 1999,
- Radio telemetry study of Bufo californicus, arroyo toad movement patterns and habitat preferences, 1999,
- Second year of surveying for fishes on the Santa Margarita River, San Diego and Riverside counties, California: September-December, 1998, 1999,
- Populations and productivity of seabirds at South Marble Island, Glacier Bay, Alaska, during May-July, 1999, 1999,
- Riparian ecosystem restoration in the Gila River Basin: opportunities and constraints. Issue Paper No. 21, 1999,
- Benthic foraminifers in the regional monitoring program’s San Francisco Estuary samples, 1999,
- Time series of suspended-solids concentration in Honker Bay during water year 1997, 1999, Annual Report
- Water-quality variability in San Francisco Bay: general patterns of change during 1997, 1999,
- Status and trends of the nation's biological resources, 1998,
- State of the River – A report on the condition of the Salt River watershed, Kentucky, and minor Ohio River tributaries in the area, November 1998, 1998,
- Release of metamorphosed juveniles by the green floater, Lasmigona subviridis, 1998, Triannual Unionid Report 16
- δ18O and δ15N determination in nitrate, 1998,
- Browse Evaluation by Analysis of Growth Form, 1998,
- Results from the hydrodynamic element of the 1994 entrapment zone study in Suisun Bay, 1998, 56
- 1997 summary of coyote research in Golden Gate NRA, 1998,
- Preliminary Survey of the Fish of the Santa Margarita River Watershed, San Diego and Riverside Counties, California, 1998,
- Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri) recovery plan, 1998,
- Monitoring protocol for east Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands National Park, 1998,
- Muir Woods inventory of sensitive species in old growth forest: mammalian inventory protocol, 1998,
- Population attributes and health of desert tortoises at the Alvord 6 study plot, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California: Spring 1997, 1998,
- The Inter-American Geospatial Data Network— developing a Western Hemisphere geospatial data clearinghouse, 1998,
- Population attributes and health of resident desert tortoises at the Tiefort Mountain Potential Relocation Plot in 1997, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California, 1998,
- Population attributes and health of desert tortoises at the Langford Impact Zone-Control study plot, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California: Spring 1997, 1998,
- The effects of microhabitat destruction on reptile abundance. Report to AGFD Heritage Fund Phoenix, 1998,
- Status of native and introduced species of aquatic herpetofauna at San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge (SBNWR). Report to AGFD Heritage Program, Phoenix, and USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, SBNWR, Douglas, Arizona, on the joint project "Bullfrog impacts on native wetland herpetofauna.", 1998,
- Ecology of Cowles fringe-toed lizard, 1998,
- Time series Of suspended-solids concentration, salinity, temperature, and total mercury concentration in San Francisco Bay during water year 1996, 1998, Annual Report
- Causes of disease in Pacific herring from Prince William Sound, Alaska, during fall 1996 and spring 1997, 1998,
- Investigations of disease factors affecting declines of Pacific herring populations in Prince William Sound: Project II. Controlled field and laboratory studies on VHS and Ichthyophonus in Pacific herring, 1998,
- Potential impacts of contaminants on wildlife resources at Edwards Air Force Base: recommendations for research, 1998,
- Efforts to monitor and protect tidewater gobies at Gaviota Creek during a stream bank stabilization project, 1998,
- Interpreting evidence of depredation of duck nests in the prairie pothole region, 1998,
- Vegetation Management for Lyon's Pentachaeta and Brauton's Milkvetch, 1998,
- Anurans as indicators of wetland condition in the North Dakota prairie pothole region, 1998,
- Presence and viability of a cladoceran egg bank as an indicator of wetland condition in the prairie pothole region, 1998,
- Decline in greater and lesser scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research directions. Summary report of the Scaup Workshop 9-10 September 1998, Jamestown, ND, 1998,
- Emerging diseases in southern sea otters, 1998, (2) -
- Duck plague: emergence of a new cause of waterfowl mortality, 1998, (2) -
- Report to the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture by the Working Group on Avian Botulism, 1998,
- Nesting success of songbirds in floodplain and upland forests of the upper Mississippi River basin (research summary), 1998,
- Ecology of the Island Night Lizard, Xantusia riversiana, on San Nicolas Island, California, 1998,
- Recovery plan for the least Bell's vireo and its riparian habitat. (Draft), 1998,
- Distribution and abundance of the least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) and the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) at selected southern California sites in 1997, 1998,
- Effects of Golden Bear Oil on non-target aquatic organisms inhabiting salt marshes. Mosquito Control Research Annual Report 1998, 1998,
- Angeles and San Bernardino National Forest mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) surveys, 1997, 1998,
- Ecology and distribution of Braunton's milkvetch (Astragalus brauntonii) and Lyon's pentachaeta (Pentachaeta lyonii), 1998,
- Neotropical migratory bird monitoring study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Fourth annual progress report, 1998, 1998,
- Assessment of air quality and air pollutant impacts in national parks of the Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains, 1998,
- Muir Woods inventory of sensitive species in old growth forest: mammalian inventory, summer 1997, winter 1998, 1998,
- Analysis of Band-tailed Pigeon Population Estimates - 1998 Progress Report, 1998,
- Bridge Creek stream channel monitoring progress report, 1998,
- Time series of trace element concentrations calculated from time series of suspended solids concentrations and RMP water samples: Summary and conclusions, 1997, Annual Report
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the fiscal year 1996, 1997, Technical Report USGS-TR-97-1
- Movement and behavior of radio-tagged juvenile spring and fall Chinook salmon in the Dalles and John Day dam forebays, 1995, 1997,
- USGS Wildland Fire Workshop, EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, July 9-10, 1997, 1997,
- Productivity of mourning doves in California, 1992-95, compared to previous years and spring weather conditions, 1997,
- Final report of the California spotted owl Federal Advisory Committee, 1997,
- Impact of Groundwater Drainage, 1997,
- 1996 progress report for the giant garter snake study, 1997,
- San Nicolas Restoration and Monitoring, Final report to Pt. Mugu Naval Air Weapons Station, 1997,
- Inventory and monitoring of unique sand dune ecosystems, Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range, Arizona: Reptile and Plant Monitoring Plan. Report to Legacy Resource Management Program, Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range, Phoenix, Arizona, Project #95-1009, 1997,
- Restoration and Conservation of the Channel Islands. A final project report to the US Navy, 1997,
- Pilot test of wetland condition indicators in the prairie pothole region of the United States, 1997,
- Inventory and monitoring of California Islands rare plant taxa. Technical Report to the Species at Risk Program, USGS-BRD, Channel Islands Field Station, 1997,
- Field season report: Nesting success of passerine birds in the upper Mississippi River basin, floodplain and upland forests, 1997,
- Torrey pines state reserve reptile and amphibian corridor and autecology study, 1997,
- Autecology of coastal sage scrub herpetofauna on reserve lands: Southwestern Riverside County, 1997,
- Survey of reptiles and amphibians at risk in southern California forests, 1997,
- Inventory and monitoring of unique sand dune ecosystems, Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range, Arizona: Reptile and Plant Inventory of the Mohawk Dunes. Report to Legacy Resource Management Program, Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range, Phoenix, Arizona, Project #95-1009, 1997,
- Forward, 1997,
- Report on the Conservation Value of the Vail Lake Region, 1997,
- Parasites of the sand crabs, Emerita analoga and Blepharipoda occidentalis and the risk of infection for foraging sea otters, Enhydra lutris, 1997,
- Monitoring handbook for plant communities of San Nicolas Island, California. A final project report to the US Navy, 1997,
- Pilgrim Creek habitat mitigation project: assessment of vegetation structure, 1997,
- Juvenile steelhead in Trout and Panther creeks of the Wind River basin sampled in August-September 1997, 1997,
- Loch Vale Watershed Study: 1997 Annual Report, 1997, Annual Report
- Upper Snake River white sturgeon biological risk assessment, 1997,
- Santa Cruz long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum) revised recovery plan, 1997,
- Monitoring avian populations on Naval Air Station Miramar. (Draft), 1997,
- Arroyo toad (Bufo microscaphus californicus) recovery plan, 1997,
- Saving the Salton Sea: A research needs assessment, 1997,
- Status of juvenile steelhead rearing in Trout and Panther creeks of the Wind River Basin, 1997,
- Neotropical migratory bird monitoring study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Third annual progress report, 1997, 1997,
- Vegetation change at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore caused by plant succession and fire regime: A section in Western Great Lakes biogeographic area summary report, 1997,
- Community assessment and ecological standards for candidate and proposed species of the northern Channel Islands. Interagency Conservation Agreement Team, Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, California, 1997,
- A research problem analysis in support of the Cooperative Forest Ecosystem Research (CFER) Program, 1997,
- Status, trends, and changes in freshwater inflows to bay systems in the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program study area, 1997, CCBNEP–17
- Water quality variability in San Francisco Bay, Some gGeneral lessons from 1996 sampling: 1996 annual report, San Francisco estuary regional monitoring program for trace substances, 1997,
- Central San Francisco Bay suspended-sediment transport processes and comparison of continuous and discrete measurements of suspended-solids concentrations, 1996, Annual Report
- Hematology and clinical chemistry of sea otters vaptured in Prince William Sound, Alaska following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, 1996,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the fiscal year 1995, 1996, Technical Report USGS-TR-96-1
- National Biological Service Research Supports Watershed Planning, 1996, EPA 840-N-96-001
- Hunting success in the Central Valley, California, during 1995-96 compared with previous years, 1996, Special Technical Report 1
- Detection and preliminary evaluation of natural enemies for possible biological control of the Northern Pacific seastar, Asterias amurensis, 1996, Technical Report 3
- Proposed environmental monitoring plan for the Bird Island Marine Reserve, Antigua. An Island Resources Foundation Report for the Organization of American States (Performance Contract No.WSC14721), 1996,
- Seasonal fluctuations of water quality in San Francisco Bay during the first three years of the regional monitoring program, 1993-1995, 1996,
- San Clemente Island Biological Assessment of Fire Impacts, 1996,
- Assessments and scientific basis for management options. Ecology and management of giant sequoia groves, 1996,
- Legal Status of Southern Maritime Chaparral, 1996,
- Raven abundance at anthropogenic resources in the western Mojave Desert, California, 1996,
- Summary of proposed endangered plant data collected on Santa Rosa Island by National Biological Survey staff and collaborators, 1994-1996, 1996,
- Control of the European Green Crab in California: Detection of Natural Enemies. Final Report to Saltonstall-Kennedy. Grant Number: NA46FDO493, 1996,
- The effects of off-road vehicles on animal populations and habitats: A review of the literature. For the U S Bureau of Land Management, Riverside, 1996,
- Technical Report for IUCN Parks Commission. Canada; IUCN Category VI Protected Areas in North, Central and South America. Guidelines for Category VI and IUCN Background document for Category VI Protected Areas in North America, 1996,
- Ecology and management of giant sequoia groves, 1996,
- Biological assessment of the commercial mussel resources in Kentucky and Barkley Lakes, Kentucky. Final Report to Kentucky Dept. Fish and Wildlife Resources. No. 1 Game Farm Road, 1996,
- Toxic phytoplankton in San Francisco Bay, 1996, Annual Report
- Nonindigenous aquatic and selected terrestrial species of Florida. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1996,
- Neotropical migratory bird monitoring study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Second annual progress report, 1996, 1996,
- Status of the least Bell's vireo and southwestern willow flycatcher at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, 1995, 1996,
- Breeding status of the least Bell's vireo in the Tijuana River Valley, California, 1996, 1996,
- Selected aspects of the ecology of the Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi willardi) and the banded rock rattlesnake (Crotalus lepidus klauberi) in Arizona. Report to AGFD Heritage Program, Phoenix, 1996,
- Ecology of the Mexican rosy boa and the Ajo Mountain whipsnake. Report to AGFD Heritage Program, Phoenix, 1996,
- Bullfrog impacts on sensitive wetland herpetofauna and Herpetology of San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, 1996,
- Final report on coastal sage scrub amphibian and reptile autecology study, 1996,
- Monitoring neotropical migrant birds on Naval Air Station Miramar. Preliminary Report, 1996,
- Risk assessment on black carp (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Inhouse Report to the Risk Assessment and Management Committee of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, 1996,
- Isotope hydrology studies in the Szigetköz region, northwest Hungary, 1996,
- Flight restraint, 1996,
- The Emperor Goose: An annotated bibliography, 1996,
- Long-term ecological research in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park. 1996 Annual Report to the National Park Service., 1996, Annual Report
- Water-vapor movement through unsaturated alluvium in Amargosa Desert near Beatty, Nevada - Current understanding and continuing studies: A section in Joint US Geological Survey, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission workshop on research related to low-level radioactive waste disposal, May 4-6, 1993, National Center, Reston, Virginia; Proceedings (WRI 95-4015), 1996,
- Topic III - Infiltration and Drainage: A section in Joint US Geological Survey, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission workshop on research related to low-level radioactive waste disposal, May 4-6, 1993, National Center, Reston, Virginia; Proceedings (WRI 95-4015), 1996,
- A comparison of selenium and mercury concentrations in transplanted and resident bivalves from North San Francisco Bay, 1996,
- Continental drilling for paleoclimatic records: Recommendations from an international workshop, 1995, 96-4
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the fiscal year 1994, 1995, Technical Report USGS-TR-95-1
- The biogeochemistry of wetlands in the San Luis Valley, Colorado: The effects of acid drainage from natural and mine sources, 1995,
- Genetic contribution of hatchery fish to walleye stocks in Saginaw Bay, Michigan, 1995, American Fisheries Society Symposium (15) -
- ENSO events in the northern Gulf of Alaska, and effects on selected marine fisheries, 1995, 36:78-96
- Breeding status of the least Bell's vireo in the Tijuana River Valley, California, 1995, 1995,
- Valley Habitats: A technical guidance series for private land managers in California's Central Valley, 1995, Valley Habitats
- Baseline risk assessment for aquatic life for the Buffalo River, New York, Area of Concern, 1995,
- Conservation landmarks: bureau of biological survey and national biological service, 1995,
- Fish communities, 1995,
- Digestive performance of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) fed native and non-native desert vegetation. Final Report to California Department of Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division, Sacramento, California, 1995,
- Invertebrate communities, 1995,
- Population status of the mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) in the Angeles National Forest. Final report prepared for the United States Department of Agriculture, Angeles National Forest, Arcadia, California, through Interagency Agreement (5-01-69-019), 1995,
- Bird communities, 1995,
- Santa Barbara County wetlands, 1995,
- A list of individuals with expertise in working with the amphibians and reptiles of California, 1995, (43) -
- Invasion of California estuaries by the nonindigenous green crab Carcinus maenas: assessment of impact and geographic spread, 1995,
- Comparison of 3-trifluoromenthyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) toxicities to sea lampreys, rainbow trout, and mayfly nymphs in continuous and interrupted 9-h exposures, 1995, (61) -
- Smallmouth bass in the Horseshoe Bend Reach of the San Joaquin River: Limiting factors and bioenergetic modeling, 1995,
- Final Report on Amphibians and Reptiles of the Natoma Unit, Folsom Lake State Recreational Area, 1995,
- Distribution and breeding status of the least Bell's vireo at the San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1994, 1995,
- Seed predation and diffuse competition along environmental gradients: Interactive constraints on the population dynamics of a threatened fugitive plant, 1995,
- Federal wildland fire management policy & program review, 1995,
- Neotropical migratory bird monitoring study at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. First progress report, 1995, 1995,
- Distribution and breeding activity of the least Bell's vireo at the San Diego River, 1994, 1995,
- Black-Footed Ferrets, 1995,
- Long-term ecological trend monitoring at Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton: Bird community study, 1994, 1995,
- Arizona's Hot Desert Scrublands, 1995,
- Loch Vale Watershed methods manual, 1995,
- Wildlife Resources of the Central Valley, California: The Northern Pintail, 1995, (13) -
- Effectiveness of Fences and Culverts for Protecting Desert Tortoises along California State Highway 58: 1991-1994, 1995,
- Emperor goose (Chen canagica), 1994, Birds of North America 97
- Central San Francisco Bay suspended-sediment transport processes study and comparison of continuous and discrete measurements of suspended-solids concentrations, 1994, Annual Report
- Oceanic, shelf and coastal seabird assemblages at the mouth of a tidally-mixed estuary (Cook Inlet, Alaska), 1994, MMS 93-0072
- Multipurpose Wetlands Phase II/III: final design and ongoing research investigations, 1994,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the fiscal year 1993, 1994, Technical Report USGS-TR-94-1
- Relations between habitat variability and population dynamics of bass in the Huron River, Michigan, 1994, Biological Report 21
- A survey protocol for the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), 1994, Technical Report NPS/NAUCPRS/NRTR-94/04
- Bison in the greater Yellowstone, 1994,
- Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of brown trout, 1994, Resource Publication 201
- Restoration planning for the rivers of the Mississippi River ecosystem, 1994, Biological Report 19
- Effects of Section 404 permits on wetlands in North Dakota, 1994, Resource Publication 200
- The Parker transects revisited: long-term herbaceous vegetation trends on Yellowstone's northern winter range, 1994, Technical Report NPS/NRYELL/NRTR-93/XX
- Elk carrying capacity on Yellowstone's Northern Elk Winter Range: preliminary modeling to integrate climate, landscape, and nutritional requirements, 1994, Technical Report NPS/NRYELL/NRTR-93/XX
- Research on North American tortoises: a critique with suggestions for the future, 1994, Technical Report 13
- Whitebark pine monitoring network, 1994,
- Effect of climate change on C:N pools in a boreal watershed ecosystem, 1994, Research Report #58
- Recent trends of desert tortoise populations in the Mojave Desert, 1994, Fish and Wildlife Research 13
- A rangewide conservation and research program for the desert tortoise in the desert southwest, 1994, 11(8-9)
- Livestock grazing and the desert tortoise in the Mojave Desert, 1994, Fish and Wildlife Research 13
- Economic analysis of critical habitat designation for the golden-cheeked warbler, 1994,
- Introduction, 1994, Technical Report 13
- Evaluating decision processes study: Eastman Falls project: Pemigewasset River, New Hampshire, 1994,
- Orange-crowned warbler (Vermivora celata), 1994, (101) -
- Bighorn sheep habitat assessment of the Greater Theodore Roosevelt National Park, 1994,
- An ecological basis for ecosystem management, 1994, General Technical Report RM-246
- Framework and status of the ASCE parks and recreation planning guide, 1994,
- Recovery of the black-footed ferret: looking back, looking forward, 1994,
- What we know and don't know about amphibian declines in the West, 1994, General Technical Report RM-247
- Modeling effects of flow alteration on riparian vegetation, 1994, Research Information Bulletin 65
- Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contributions to avian habitat, 1994,
- Range expansion and population size or reintroduced desert bighorns in Zion National Park, Utah, 1994,
- Economic impact of Forest Service planned reduction of old growth harvest versus northern spotted owl critical habitat designation, 1994, TB94-2
- Arizona Partners in Flight 1994 southwestern willow flycatcher survey, 1994, 69
- Wintering bald eagles in the Grand Canyon: 1993-1994, 1994,
- Distribution and status of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon: 1994, 1994,
- Assessment of an urban landfill on tributary water quality: Fort Darling unit of the Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia, 1994, Cooperative Agreement 0479-8-8001
- Methods for evaluating wetland functions, 1994, WRP Technical Notes WG-EV-2.2
- Gunnison River field measurements: 1994 data report, 1994,
- Improve analytical techniques for restoration and management of habitat in western gravel-bed rivers, 1994, Progress report FY94
- Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) benefits to wildlife: a national perspective, 1994,
- Status of aquatic amphibians in the Sheep Mountain Wilderness Area, Angeles National Forest. Final report prepared for the United States Department of Agriculture, Angeles National Forest, Arcadia, California, through Interagency Agreement (5-01-69-019), 1994,
- Proposed desert wildlife management areas for recovery of the Mojave population of the desert tortoise, 1994,
- Study of an off-highway vehicle race in Eldorado Valley "Twilight 200" March 27, 1993, 1994,
- Evaluation of Greater White-fronted Goose Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Model, 1994,
- Reproduction and early life history of northern squawfish Ptychocheilus oregonensis in the Columbia River, 1994,
- Environmental Assessment for Experimental Program to Shoot Ravens, 1994,
- Effectiveness of fences and culverts for protecting desert tortoises along California Highway 58:summary of 1993 field season, 1994,
- Waterfowl botulism--a brief summary, 1994,
- Locating, constructing, and managing islands for nesting waterfowl, 1994,
- Breeding status of the least Bell's vireo in the Tijuana River Valley, California, 1994, 1994,
- First year study plan for inventory of coastal ecological resources of the northern Channel Islands and Ventura/Los Angeles Counties. Report to the California Coastal Commission. September 1994, 1994,
- Distribution and breeding activity of the least Bell's vireo at the San Diego River, 1992-1993, 1994,
- Long-term ecological research in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park. Annual Report, 1994, 1994, Annual Report
- Social science research plan: Lake Mead National Recreation Area, 1994,
- A cottontail-habitat model for evaluating the Conservation Reserve Program, 1994,
- Monitoring the impacts and persistence of fine sediment in the Prairie Creek Watershed: Water Years 1991-1992, 1994,
- Feeding habits of cormorants in eastern Lake Ontario, 1994,
- 1993 Annual report on the radio telemetry of manatees in Puerto Rico, 1994,
- Movement and activity patterns of Boiga irregularis (COLUBRIDAE), introduced predator on the island of Guam, 1994,
- Coral reef monitoring manual for the Caribbean and Western Atlantic, 1994,
- 1994 Annual summary: ENTERGY Lake Dardanelle fish and zebra mussel study, 1994,
- The effects of an ATV/Motorcycle OHV race upon course widening. SNARE, Nelson Hills ATV/Motorcycle race, December 5, 1993, 1994,
- Seismic experiment ross ice shelf 1990/91: Characteristics of the seismic reflection data, 1993, Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Science Report
- Economic analysis of critical habitat designation for the desert tortoise (Mojave population), 1993,
- Flow recommendations for maintaining riparian vegetation along the Upper Missouri River, Montana, 1993,
- Monitoring and research at Walnut Creek National Wildlife Refuge, 1993,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the fiscal year 1992, 1993, Technical Report USGS TR-93-1
- Proceedings of the fourth conference on research in California's National Parks, 1993, National Park Service Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRUX/NRTP-93/9
- Wetland modeling and information needs at Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, 1993,
- Streamflow and sediment dynamics of the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, in the context of cottonwood recruitment, 1993,
- Fire history of southeastern Glacier National Park: Missouri River Drainage, 1993, Final Report PX 1430-2-0787
- ARC/INFO to grass conversion manual for the upper Mississippi River system project using the Sun Sparc Station 2 and Grass Version 4.0, 1993, Special Report 93-S001
- Environmental research in the Klamath Basin, Oregon: 1991 annual report, 1993, R-93-13
- A new radio-transmitter attachment for large ranid frogs: preliminary results, 1993, Research Information Bulletin 93-58
- Evaluating decision processes study: report of the FERC Relicensing Negotiation for the Oswegatchie Project, 1993,
- Tailoring research findings to meet user needs: lessons from a facilitated focus group, 1993, Report No. 1
- GRASS Aids wildlife studies in India, 1993, Technical Report NPS/NRGISD/NRTR-93/13
- Integrating geographic information systems for water resources research (stage I) in the National Parks, 1993, Technical Publication Series TPS-93-1
- Monitoring impacts on inland fisheries using hydroacoustics, 1993,
- Population models for elk, mule deer, and moose on Yellowstone's northern range, 1993, Scientific Monograph NPS/NRYELL/NRSM-93/22
- Natural resources inventory and monitoring bibliography, 1993, Cooperative Parks Studies Unit Technical Report NPS/WRUC/NTRT-9304
- Evaluating human effects on vegetation: an example from the Sierran foothills, 1993, Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRUC/NRTP-93/9
- Evaluating baseline biological databases in National Park Units in Arizona, 1993,
- Environmental research in the Klamath Basin, Oregon: 1992 annual report, 1993, R-93-16
- General transferability of habitat suitability criteria: an assessment, 1993,
- Upper Klamath Lake Wetlands Study, 1993, 1991 Annual Report R-93-13
- ARC/INFO to EPPL7: converting ARC/INFO version 5 data on a prime minicomputer to EPPL7 on a microcomputer, 1993, Special Report 93-S011
- Possible effects of a restored gray wolf population on grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Area, 1993, Scientific Monograph NPS/NRYELL/NRSM-93/22
- Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum), 1993,
- The effect of the Lawn Lake flood on the benthic macroinvertebrate community in Fall River, Rocky Mountain National Park, 1993, Scientific Monograph NPS/NRROMO/NRSM-93/21
- Potential ungulate prey for Gray Wolves, 1993, NPS Scientific Monograph 22
- Identification of sensitive species, 1993, General Technical Report RM-224
- Use of riparian revegetation sites by terrestrial vertebrates in the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, 1993,
- Regional and state perspectives on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contributions to wildlife habitat, 1993,
- Using Pop-II models to predict effects of wolf predation and hunter harvests on elk, mule deer, and moose on the northern range, 1993, Scientific Monograph NPS/NRYELL/NRSM-93/22
- Guidelines for the development of community level habitat evaluation models, 1993, Biological Report 8
- Revegetation of piñon-juniper woodlands with native grasses, 1993, General Technical Report RM-236
- Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of Smallmouth Bass, 1993,
- Distribution and breeding status of the least Bell's vireo at the San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1992-1993, 1993,
- Effectiveness of fences and culverts for protecting desert tortoises along California Highway 58:summary of 1992 field season, 1993,
- 1993 Annual summary: ENTERGY Lake Dardanelle fish and zebra mussel study, 1993,
- Atlantic coast manatee telemetry 1986-1993 Progress Report, Vols. I and II, 1993, (1) -
- Status and ecology of sensitive aquatic vertebrates in lower San Simeon and Pico Creeks, San Luis Obispo County, California. Final Report to California Department of Parks and Recreation, San Simeon, California, 1993,
- Gnatcatcher surveys in Goat Canyon, Smuggler's Gulch, and surrounding border highlands, 1993,
- Survival, habitat use, and movements of female northern pintails radio-marked in the Suisun Marsh, California, 1993,
- Breeding activities of the least Bell's vireo at the west San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1993,
- Status of aquatic amphibians in the San Gabriel Wilderness Area, Angeles National Forest. Final report prepared for the United States Department of Agriculture, Angeles National Forest, Arcadia, California, through Interagency Agreement (5-01-69-019), 1993,
- Desert bighorn movements and habitat use in relation to the proposed Black Canyon Bridge Project: Nevada. Final Report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Reg. Off. P.O. Box 427, Boulder City, NV, 1993,
- Breeding status of the least Bell's vireo in the Tijuana River Valley, California, 1993, 1993,
- Tag-recovery estimates of survival of striped bass released from eastern Long Island, New York during 1987-1991, 1993,
- The difficulties of interpreting region-specific rates of tag recovery, 1993,
- Estimation of tag reporting, exploitation, and fishing mortality Maryland's recreational fishery during fall 1992, 1993,
- Tracing the migrations of estuarine and coastal fishes using otolith microchemistry, 1993,
- Breeding plan to preserve the genetic variability of the Kootenai River white sturgeon, 1993,
- To risk or play it safe - what is best for smolt in survival to adult, 1993,
- Emergency striped bass research study report for 1991, 1993,
- Survival, habitat use, and movements of female northern pintails radio-marked in the Suisun Marsh, California. Final Report, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and California Waterfowl Association, 1993,
- Status and ecology of sensitive aquatic vertebrates in lower San Simeon and Pico Creeks, San Luis Obispo County, California, 1993,
- Survival, movements, and habitat use of juvenile and adult female northern pintails in the San Joaquin Valley. Progress Report, 1993,
- Effectiveness of Fences and Culverts for Protecting Desert Tortoises along California State Highway 58: Annual Report for USFWS Scientific Research Permit, 1993,
- Environmental Assessment for Experimental Program to Shoot Ravens. Bureau of Land Management. Riverside, CA, 1993,
- Long-term ecological research in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park. 1993 Annual report to National Park Service., 1993,
- Development of a model of phytoplankton blooms in Manukau Harbour, 1993,
- Alien plants of Anacapa, Santa Barbara, and San Miguel in Channel Islands National Park, California. Report to the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1993,
- Status and Assessment of Chesapeake Bay Wildlife Contamination, 1992, Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program CBP/TRS 80/92, 903-R-92-100
- Effects of aerial applications of esfenvalerate on small mammals and birds in Douglas-fir seed orchards, 1992, Forest Pest Management Report No. R6-91-05.
- Bristol Lake basin--a deep sedimentary basin along the Bristol-Danby trough, Mojave Desert, 1992, Special Publication 92-2
- Physical oceanographic investigation of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays, 1992,
- Remote sensing studies of the geomorphology of Surtsey, 1987-1991, 1992, Surtsey Research Progress Report (10) -
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the fiscal year 1991, 1992, Technical Report USGS-TR-92-01
- Evaluation of the commercial freshwater mussel fishery on Wheeler Reservoir, Alabama. Final report., 1992,
- Benthic macroinvertebrate microhabitat requirements and trophic structure in southeastern streams: a literature synthesis, 1992,
- Section 404 and wetland alterations in the platte river basin of Colorado, 1992, Resource Publication 178
- Assessment of habitat of wildlife communities on the Snake River, Jackson, Wyoming, 1992,
- Opportunities to protect instream flows and wetland uses of water in Nevada, 1992, Resource Publication 189
- Use of remote sensing, GIS, and GPS to assess aquatic habitat critical to flamingos in the Argentine Altiplano, 1992,
- Group decision-making techniques for natural resource management applications, 1992, Resource Publication 185
- A technique for estimating seed production of common moist soil plants, 1992, Fish and Wildlife Leaflet 13.4.5
- Streamflow and recreation, 1992, General Technical Report RM-209
- A physiological process model for aquatic plant growth: model development and growth chamber experimentation, 1992,
- Effects of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol on dissolved oxygen in aquatic systems, 1992, Technical Report 57
- Toxicity of 2',5-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to three genera of larval lampreys, 1992, Technical Report 57
- Effect of pH on the toxicity of TFM to sea lamprey larvae and nontarget species during a stream treatment, 1992, Technical Report 57
- Status and trends report on wildlife of the San Francisco Estuary, 1992,
- Summer food habits of desert tortoises at Ivanpah Valley, California, 1992,
- Status of the Belding's savannah sparrow at Border Field State Park, 1992,
- Survival, movements, and habitat use of juvenile and adult female northern pintails in the San Joaquin Valley. Progress Report, 1992,
- A Survey of the Fishes of Goleta Slough, 1992,
- Desert tortoise population trends in Nevada 1990-1992, 1992,
- Suisun Marsh pintail study, 1992, (1992) -
- Cirsium pitcheri monitoring handbook, 1992,
- Ecological Impact of Proposed Auburn Dam, 1992,
- Monitoring studies of least Bell's vireos in Goat Canyon and Smuggler's Gulch, 1992, 1992,
- Final report of preliminary studies on habitat requirements of the San Francisco garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) at Pescadero Marsh and Theodore J. Hoover Natural Preserves. Final report prepared for the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Central Coast Region, through Agreement (88-05-151), 1992,
- Breeding status of the least Bell's vireo at the Tijuana River, California, 1992, 1992,
- Status of the least Bell's vireo at the West San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1992, 1992,
- Distribution and breeding status of the least Bell's vireo at the San Diego River, San Diego County, California, 1990-1991, 1992,
- Least Bell's vireo studies at the Sweetwater, San Luis Rey and San Diego Rivers, San Diego county, California, 1991, 1992,
- Effectiveness of fences and culverts for protecting desert tortoises along California Highway 58:summary of initial field season, 1992,
- Restoration and revegetation of degraded habitat as a management tool in recovery of the threatened desert tortoise. Contract Report prepared for California Dept. Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Div, 1992,
- Preliminary analysis of impacts of agricultural drainage evaporation ponds on wintering waterfow, 1992,
- Executive Summary: comarisons between the inside and outside of Ivanpah Valley Exclosure. Report to USDI Bureau of Land Management, California Desert District Office, 1992,
- Interim report of the technical workshop on manatee population biology. Manatee Population Research Report No. 10, 1992,
- Protocols for maintenance of genetic diversity in Atlantic salmon, 1992, (92) -
- Emergency striped bass research study report for 1989, 1992,
- Composition of whitefish and cisco flesh captured in Otsego Lake in 1969 and 1992 and possible influence of the introduction of alewives on their forage, 1992,
- A comparison of aerial and boat-based surveys for marbled murrelets in southeast Alaska, July 23-28, 1991, 1991,
- Oil spills and living organisms, 1991,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the fiscal year 1990, 1991, Technical Report USGS TR-91-1
- Guidance for evaluating and recommending temperature regimes to protect fish, 1991, Biological Report 90(22)
- Sampling methods for amphibians in streams in the Pacific Northwest, 1991,
- Multipurpose wetlands phase 1: effectiveness of constructed wetlands as an integral part of total water resources management, 1991,
- Sensitivity of desert cryptograms to air pollutants: soil crusts and rock lichens, 1991, Technical Report NPS/NRAQD/NRTR-91/02
- Predicting the response of woody riparian vegetation to changes in instream flows through integrated monitoring of stream hydrology and riparian vegetation, 1991, Information Series No. 66
- Refuges have different roles in shorebird migrations, 1991, Research Information Bulletin 91-111
- PC ARC/INFO, 1991,
- Trophic status and assessment of non-point nutrient enrichment of Lake Crescent Olympic National Park, 1991, Service Technical Report NPS/PNRWR/NRTR-91/01
- Designing state-wide stream surveys for multiple benefits, 1991, General Technical Report RM-207
- Water quality work plan for pipestone national monument, 1991,
- Riparian vegetation of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, Colorado: composition and response to selected hydrologic regimes based on a direct gradient assessment model, 1991,
- Aquatic amphibian communities in Oregon and Washington, 1991, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-285
- Terrestrial amphibian communities in the Oregon Coast Range, 1991, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-285
- Habitat conservation functional unit analysis, 1991,
- Bison and brucellosis in Yellowstone, 1991, NPS/NRPO/NRR-91/03
- Flipper-tag radio transmitters for sea otters: an update, 1991, Research Information Bulletin 91-29
- Paleolimnological reconstructions of atmospheric deposition trends in the Rocky Mountain National Park, 1991,
- How has the National Park Service gained from acid rain research?, 1991,
- Status of natural resources databases in national parks: Western region, 1991, No. 44
- Section 404 alterations are significant in the Platte River Basin of Colorado, 1991, Research Information Bulletin 91-15
- Factors influencing precipitation chemistry for the arid west, 1991, NPS/NRAQD/NRTR-91/01
- Nutrition and foraging ecology of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): FY1990 annual report, 1991,
- The physiographic ecology of Long Island, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore: vegetation map and study design, 1991,
- Monitoring the impacts and persistence of fine sediment in the Prairie Creek watershed: A progress report for California Department of Transportation, 1990-1991, 1991,
- Analysis of bank erosion on the Merced River, Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, 1991,
- Wildlife and wildlife habitat values of Alcatraz Island, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco, California, 1991,
- Suisun Marsh pintail study, 1991, (1991) -
- Native Grassland Assessment, Mitigation and Restoration Plan for Ahmanson Ranch. Ahmanson Land Company, Agoura, CA, 1991,
- Terrestrial Invertebrate Monitoring Handbook, 1991,
- Lake trout epidermal hyperplasia, 1991,
- Status of the least Bell's vireo at the West San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1990, 1991,
- Tortoise Detailed Procedure, 1991, Detailed procedure AABAF.D.04.00 Rev. 1
- Distribution and breeding status of the least Bell's vireo at the San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1991, 1991,
- Habitat use and breeding status of the least Bell's vireo at the Tijuana River, California, 1991, 1991,
- Lizard Study Procedures, 1991, Detailed procedure AABAF.D.05.00 Rev. 1
- Distribution and breeding status of the least Bell's vireo at the San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1990, 1991,
- Monitoring the impacts and persistence of fine sediment in the Prairie Creek Watershed, 1989-1990: A progress report prepared for the California Department of Transportation, 1991,
- Effectiveness of fences and culverts for protecting desert tortoises along California Highway 58: final report on study design, 1991,
- Small Mammal Detailed Procedure, 1991, Detailed procedure AABAF.06.00 Rev. 1
- Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada: Appendix 2, Exotic Fishes, 1991, American Fisheries Society Special Publication 20
- Status of the least Bell's vireo at the West San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1991, 1991,
- Distribution and movement patterns of manatees (Trichechus manatus) in northwestern peninsular Florida, 1990, (48) -
- Reference manual for generation and analysis of Habitat Time Series: version II, 1990, Biological Report 90(16)
- Opportunities to protect instream flows and wetland uses of water in Florida, 1990, Biological Report 90(6)
- Tests of a habitat suitability model for black-capped chickadees, 1990, Biological Report 90(10)
- Soil-vegetation correlations in the Connecticut River floodplain of Western Massachusetts, 1990,
- Soil-vegetation correlations in selected wetlands and uplands of North-Central Florida, 1990,
- Proceedings of the First National U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Geographic Information Systems Workshop, June 4-7, 1990, 1990,
- Brown trout population and habitat changes associated with increased minimum low flows in Douglas Creek, Wyoming, 1990, Biological Report 90(11)
- Overthrust habitat management plan, 1990, WY-045-WHA-T2
- Brown trout respond to increased minimum flows, 1990,
- Options for reintroducing salmon and steelhead above mid-Snake River dams, 1990,
- Riparian areas: green ribbons of diversity, 1990,
- Compilation Report on the Effects of Reservoir Releases on Downstream Ecosystems, 1990, Technical Report REC-ERC-90-1
- The physical habitat versus sreamflow relationships for the Salmon River, Oswego County, New York, 1990,
- Wetland creation and restoration: description and summary of the literature, 1990, Biological Report 90(3)
- Ecology of wetlands in Big Meadows, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 1990,
- Pacific flying foxes surveyed, 1990,
- Synthesis of soil-plant correspondence data from twelve wetland studies throughout the United States, 1990, Biological Report 90(19)
- Microhistological aquatic plant identification techniques applied to manatee diet analysis, 1990,
- Taxa of North American Birds Described from 1957 to 1987, 1990,
- Desktop mapping for manatee conservation, 1990,
- Manatee grazing impacts on seagrasses in Hobe Sound and Jupiter Sound in Southeast Florida during the Winter of 1988-89, 1990,
- Recreational river space as related to discharge in the Salmon River, Oswego County, New York, 1990,
- Effects of changes in dissolved oxygen on the toxicity of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to sea lamprey and rainbow trout, 1990, Technical Report 56
- Resistance to 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) in sea lamprey, 1990, Technical Report 56
- Status of the least Bell's vireo at the Tijuana River, San Diego County, 1990, 1990,
- Status of the least Bell's vireo at the Sweetwater and San Diego Rivers, San Diego County, California, 1989, 1990,
- Least Bell's vireo studies at the Sweetwater, San Luis Rey, San Diego and Tijuana Rivers, San Diego County, California, 1990, 1990,
- Status of the Belding's savannah sparrow (Ammodramus sandwichensis beldingi) at the Tijuana Estuary, 1990, 1990,
- Dynamics of wintering waterfowl habitats in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin river delta, 1989-1990. Progress report, 1990,
- Establishment of red shiner, Notropis lutrensis, in the San Joaquin Valley, California, 1990, (76) -
- Influences of adjacent forest management activities on migratory elk of Mount Rainier National Park: Final report, 1990, OSU CPSU/OSU 90-3
- The sea otter (Enhydra lutris): behavior, ecology, and natural history, 1990, (90) -
- Final report of the status of the California red-legged frog (Rana aurora draytonii) in the Pescadero Marsh Natural Preserve, 1990,
- Nutrition and foraging ecology of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): FY1989 annual report, 1990,
- Status and life history of Pahranagat River Fishes, 1990,
- An evaluation of semi-intensive pond production for phase I striped bass at four National Fish Hatcheries, 1990,
- Task directive for restoration of razed home sites at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 1990,
- Assessment of smolt condition for travel time analysis, 1989, Annual Report
- Water resources of Vilas County, WI, 1989, Miscellaneous Public 89-1
- The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), in North America: impact on raw water users, 1989,
- Riparian ecosystem creation and restoration: a literature summary, 1989, Biological Report 89(20)
- Assessing the relationship between Section 404 and wetland losses: a feasibility study, 1989, Biological Report 89(21)
- Physical habitat simulation system reference manual: version II, 1989, (89) - 16
- Acid precipitation studies in Colorado and Wyoming: interim report of surveys of montane amphibians and water chemistry, 1989, Biological Report 80(40.26)
- Stream temperature investigations: field and analytic methods, 1989, Biological Report 89(17)
- A chaparral family shrub--A genealogy of chaparral ecologists, 1989, 34
- User's guide for the wetland values citation data base, 1989, NERC-89/06
- Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in the Fish and Wildlife Service: results of a workshop, 1989,
- A simulation model of water and salt balance at Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge, 1989, NERC-89/08
- Current issues in Fish and Wildlife hydropower activities: results of a workshop, 1989,
- Final task force report: endangered species/pesticide labeling workshop, 1989,
- Regional lists of plant species that occur in wetlands: data base user's guide, 1989, NERC-89/05
- Water temperature data analysis and simulation for the Salmon River, Oswego County, New York, Summer, 1986, 1989,
- Implementation of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act in the Fish and Wildlife Service, 1989, NERC-89/01
- The type specimens of Hekstra's owl, 1989,
- Black-footed ferret recovery, 1989, GTR-RM-171
- Annotated bibliography of economic literature on wetlands, 1989,
- An erroneous specimen record of the Bahama swallow from Florida, 1989,
- Evaluation of grizzly bear habitat using habitat type and cover type classifications, 1989, General Technical Report INT-257
- An evaluation of the suitability of riparian woodlands at the Fallbrook Annex Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach, as breeding habitat for the least Bell's vireo. Prepared for the Department of the Navy, Western Division, 1989,
- Distribution of radio-marked pintails in the Sacramento Valley during winter, 1989, (1989) -
- Geographic Information System plan for Point Reyes National Seashore and Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California, 1989,
- Dietary ecology and time activity budgets of waterfowl and shorebirds on evaporation ponds in the San Joaquin Valley. Report to California Department of Water Resources, 1989,
- Effects of fire in the Northern Great Plains, 1989,
- Emergency striped bass research study report for 1987, 1989,
- Dynamics and energetics of the Pacific greater white-fronted goose population wintering in California. Progress report, 1989,
- Status and management of the least Bell's vireo at the San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1988, 1989,
- Status of the least Bell's vireo at the San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1989, 1989,
- Status and management of the least Bell's vireo at the Sweetwater River, San Diego County, California, 1988, 1989,
- Adaptations for aquatic living in carnivores. Carnivore behavior ecology and evolution, 1989,
- Status of the least Bell's vireo at the West San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California, 1989, 1989,
- Status and management of the least Bell's vireo at the San Diego River, San Diego County, California, 1987-88, 1989,
- Prescribed burning guidelines in the Northern Great Plains, 1989,
- Nuclear cataract frequency in lake trout recovered from Lake Ontario 1988, 1989, Salmon Genetics Research Program Report Series, Technical Report 131
- Preliminary results of a study to monitor Cirsium pitcheri in Great Lakes National Lakeshores. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Technical Report, Porter, Indiana, 1989,
- Using role analysis for instream flow negotiations, 1989,
- Guidance for modeling causes and effects in environmental problem solving, 1988, (89) - 4
- User's guide to the wetland creation/restoration data base, 1988,
- Assessment of the role of bottomland hardwoods in sediment and erosion control, 1988, NERC-88/11
- The socially optimal and market utilization of ground-water resources, 1988, Technical Publication Series TPS-88-2
- Guidance on formulating and evaluating mitigation recommendations, 1988, NERC-88/28
- Western state instream flow programs: a comparative assessment, 1988, No. 18, Biological Report 89(2)
- 1986 wetland plant list: Hawaii, 1988, Biological Report 88(26.13)
- Workshop identifies needed research on the effects of low-altitude aircraft on wildlife, 1988, Research Information Bulletin 88-51
- Results of a survey of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species and Ecological Services Field Offices, Refuges, Hatcheries, and Research Centers, 1988, NERC-88/30
- Douglas-fir forests in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington: is the abundance of small mammals related to stand age and moisture?, 1988, General Technical Report RM-166
- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's mitigation evaluation project, 1988, Technical Report 3
- 1986 wetland plant list: Alaska region, 1988, Biol. Rpt. 88(26.11)
- 1986 wetland plant list: California region, 1988, Biol. Rpt. 88(26.10)
- Cattle grazing and small mammals on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, 1988, General Technical Report RM-166
- Integrated information technology for natural resource management, 1988,
- Refuge management analyses: objectives and management approaches at Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, 1988, NERC-88/20
- Designing cost-effective habitat management plans using optimization methods, 1988, REC-ERC-88-5
- 1986 wetland plant list: Northwest region, 1988, Biol. Rpt. 88(26.9
- 1986 wetland plant list: Southwest region, 1988, Biol. Rpt. 88(26.7
- Streamflow records indicate frequent failures in meeting minimum flow standards, 1988, Research Information Bulletin 88-50
- The use of risk analysis to establish error bounds for category I criteria, 1988, Biological Report 88(11)
- The importance of biological surveys in managing public lands in the western United States, 1988, General Technical Report RM-166
- Patterns of relative diversity within riparian small mammal communities, Platte River Watershed, Colorado, 1988, RM-166
- Distribution and mortality of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) in the southeastern United States: a compilation and review of recent information (2 volumes), 1988, PB 88-207 980/AS
- 1986 wetland plant list: Caribbean (Region C), 1988,
- Douglas-fir forests in the Oregon and Washington Cascades: relation of the herpetofauna to stand age and moisture, 1988, General Technical Report RM-166
- An annotated bibliography of avian cholera has been developed, 1988, Research Information Bulletin 88-61
- A research needs workshop, 1988, NERC-88/23
- Refuge management analyses: restoration of Thompson Lake as an alternative to further development at Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, 1988, NERC-88/12
- Small mammal response to the introduction of cattle into a cottonwood floodplain, 1988, RM-166
- An ecological problem-solving process for managing special-interest species, 1988, RM-166
- Habitat requirements of New Mexico’s endangered salamanders, 1988, RM-166
- Service examines mitigation banking in connection with Section 10/404 permit process, 1988, Research Information Bulletin 88-60
- Microhistological characteristics of selected aquatic plants of Florida, with techniques for the study of manatee food habits, 1988, (88) - 18
- Quantification of woodland caribou early winter habitat, Selkirk mountains, British Columbia, 1988, (Wildlife Technical Bulletin No. 8) -
- A literature synthesis, 1988, NERC-88/29
- Effects of aircraft noise and sonic booms on domestic animals and wildlife: bibliographic abstracts, 1988, NERC 88/32; AFESC TR 88-14
- Sterilizing effect of cesium-137 irradiation on male sea lampreys released in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, 1988, Technical Report 53
- Experimental planting of Stipa pulchra seedlings at Paramount Ranch valley oak restoration area, 1988,
- Polar Bear, 1988,
- Temperature and photoperiod induced maturation of southern flounder, 1988,
- Relation of pH to toxicity of lampricide TFM in the laboratory, 1988, Technical Report 53
- Guide for determining application rates of lampricides for control of sea lamprey ammocetes, 1988, Technical Report 52
- Morro Bay dredging project -- sea otter study, 1988,
- Classification and description of the montane and subalpine forest and woodland communities of Sequoia National Park. Final contract report to the Sequoia Natural History Association, 1988,
- Terrestrial Vertebrates Monitoring Handbook, 1988,
- A simulation model of coal mining effects on cottonwood tree Growth in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming, 1988,
- The status and management of the least Bell's vireo at the Sweetwater River, San Diego County, California, 1987, 1988,
- Effects of LHRHa and testosterone implants on the maturation of snook, 1988,
- The role of natural disturbance in structuring dune communities, 1988,
- Aquacultural genetics and breeding: national research priorities, 1988,
- Fall migration of Ross' Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) in Alaskan Chukchi and Beaufort seas: Final report, 1988,
- Soybeans and wheat flour by-products in trout feeds, 1988,
- Report of the EIFAC Technical Consultation on genetic broodstock management and breeding practices of finfish, 1988,
- Status and management of interior stocks of cutthroat trout, 1988,
- Valley oak long-term monitoring handbook. Report to the Superintendent, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, 1988,
- Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge land cover mapping project user's guide, 1987,
- Use of the bottomland hardwoods subset of the wetland values data base, 1987,
- Results of a workshop concerning ecological zonation in bottomland hardwoods, 1987, NEC-87/14
- Results of a workshop concerning impacts of various activities on the functions of bottomland hardwoods, 1987, NEC-87/15
- Results of a workshop concerning assessment of the functions of bottomland hardwoods, 1987, NEC-87/16
- Opportunities to protect instream flows in Colorado and Wyoming, 1987,
- Modeling potential impacts of the Garrison Diversion Unit project on Sand Lake and Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuges: a feasibility analysis, 1987, NEC-87/17
- Elimination of super(14)C-bisazir residues in adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), 1987, Technical Report
- Community models for wildlife impact assessment: a review of concepts and approaches, 1987, (87) - 2
- Methods for evaluating riparian habitats with applications to management, 1987,
- Field geology of Tertiary coals in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana , 1987,
- Synopsis of wetland functions and values: bottomland hardwoods with special emphasis on eastern Texas and Oklahoma, 1987, (87) - 12
- Evaluation of ground failure susceptibility, opportunity, and potential in the urban area of Anchorage, Alaska : final technical report, 1987,
- Mitigation evaluation data base draft user's guide, 1987, NERC-88/01
- Grants, awards and prizes in ornithology, 1987,
- Refuge management analyses: water management alternatives at Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, 1987, NEC-87/13
- Instream water use in the United States: water laws and methods for determining flow requirements, 1987, Water-Supply Paper 2350
- Current issues in Fish and Wildlife Service Section 404 regulatory activities: results of a workshop, 1987, NERC-88/03
- A comparison of two methods for the simultaneous determination of TFM and Bayer 73 concentrations, 1987, Technical Report 50
- Emergency striped bass research study report of 1986, 1987,
- Gravel bar mussel communities: a community model, 1987, Technical Report EL-87-13
- Management of archaeological sites on San Miguel Island, including a proposal for further testing of dune stabilization techniques. Report to the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1987,
- Vegetation Monitoring Handbook for Channel Islands National Park. Report to the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1987,
- Natural Science Research Plan, Santa Rosa Unit, Channel Islands National Park, California. Report to the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1987,
- Research and Management of island oaks of Santa Rosa Island, 1987,
- Design and construction of a tethered, floating radio-tag assembly for manatees, 1987,
- Food habits of feral burros in Death Valley, California, 1987,
- Design and construction of a tethered, floating radio-tag assembly for dugongs, 1987,
- Foraging behavior of the least Bell's vireo: use of riparian and non-riparian habitats. Preliminary study, 1987,
- Annotated check list of the amphibians and reptiles of California, 1987,
- The Role of the National Park Service in Protecting Biological Diversity. Results of the Director's [scientific] Task Force on the NPS Role in Protecting Biological Diversity, Sept. 1986, Report to the Director, 1987,
- Recommendations concerning the striped bass restoration program for the Atlantic Coast with emphasis on Chesapeake Bay, 1987,
- Planting grasslands for wildlife habitat, 1987,
- Morphology and age of fault scarps in the Rio Grande Rift, south-central Colorado, 1986, Special Publication 28 (28) -
- Development and evaluation of habitat suitability criteria for use in the instream flow incremental methodology, 1986, FWS/OBS-86/7
- Introduction to stream network habitat analysis, 1986, Biological Report 86(8)
- Geology of the Aban Al Ahmar quadrangle, sheet 25F, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1986, OF-04-9
- Geophysical and geochemical investigations of aerial radiometric anomalies in the Tabuk formation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1986, OF-05-10, Interagency report 719
- Preparing a FWS cumulative impacts program: January 1985 workshop proceedings, 1986, (85) - 11.2
- 1986 wetland plant list: Delaware, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Alabama, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Connecticut, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Colorado, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: California, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Arkansas, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Arizona, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Southeast region, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: West Virginia, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: South Carolina, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Michigan, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Vermont, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Utah, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: North Dakota, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: New Jersey, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Hawaii region, 1986,
- 1986 national plant list: regional indicator compilation, 1986,
- Mitigation evaluation: results of a user needs survey, 1986, NEC-87/01
- User's handbook for the wetland values data base, 1986, NEC-86/19
- Refuge management analyses: management enhancements at Desoto National Wildlife Refuge, 1986, NEC-87/03
- 1986 wetland plant list: New Mexico, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Texas, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Mississippi, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Tennessee, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Missouri, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: South Dakota, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Montana, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Nebraska, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Nevada, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Washington, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: New Hampshire, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Virginia, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: New York, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: North Carolina, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Intermountain region, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: South plains region, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Central plains region, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Oregon, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Georgia, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Pennsylvania, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: North plains region, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Maine, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Rhode Island, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: North central region, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Oklahoma, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Northeast region, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Ohio, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Wisconsin, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Minnesota, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Puerto Rico and other Caribbean, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Wyoming, 1986,
- Development and use of Suitability Index (SI) curves for use in instream flow studies: a guide to the narration and slides of an 18.5-minute slide-tape on the development and use of SI curves for use in instream flow studies, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Maryland, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Indiana, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Illinois, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Idaho, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Kansas, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Kentucky, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Louisiana, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Iowa, 1986,
- Obtaining biological information from grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) hair, 1986,
- 1986 wetland plant list: Florida, 1986,
- Effects of flood control alternatives on the hydrology, vegetation, and wildlife resources of the Malheur-Harney lakes basin, 1986, NEC-86/20
- User's handbook for the wetland values data base: 1986 update, 1986, NEC-86/19
- 1986 wetland plant list: Alaska, 1986, Biological Report 88(26.11)
- An evaluation of land use, hydrology, and sediment yield in the Mill Creek watershed, 1986, Technical Report 17
- Recent channel adjustments in Redwood Creek, California, 1986, Technical Report 18
- A population study of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) at the Sheep Mountain study plot of Nevada, 1986,
- Workbook style report on the biology of Dudleya traskiae, 1986,
- Recovery plan for the Puerto Rico population of the West Indian (Antillean) manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus L.), 1986,
- Long-term Monitoring of Valley Oak Habitats in the Santa Monica Mountains. Report to the Superintendent, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, 1986,
- Demography of intertidal mussel populations in Prince William Sound, Alaska: effects of sea otters as mussel predators. Final Report, Grant 2883-84, 1986,
- Beatty, Nevada: A section in U.S. Geological Survey research in radioactive waste disposal - Fiscal years 1983, 1984, and 1985 (WRI 87-4009), 1986,
- The distribution of manatees and sea turtles in Puerto Rico, with emphasis on Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, 1986,
- A field guide to valuable underwater aquatic plants of the Great Lakes, 1986,
- An ecological study of a slender salamander (Batrachoceps cf. aridus) population at the Guadalupe Creek study site, Santa Rosa Mountains, Riverside County, California, 1986,
- Feral Pig Management Plan, Southern Marin County, California, 1986,
- A preliminary investigation of the population dynamics and ecology of the desert tortoise (Xerobates agassizii) at the Coyote Springs permanent study plot of Lincoln County, Nevada, 1986,
- Life history and status of the endangered cui-ui of Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 1986,
- Bioaccumulation of PCBs and mercury from Toronto and Toledo Harbor sediments, 1986,
- 1986 Rare Plant Study Findings. A Report to the California State Dept. of Fish and Game, Endangered Plant Species Program and the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1986,
- Prescribed fire plan guide, 1986,
- Metallic-mineral assessment of the Jabal Habashi quadrangle, sheet 26F, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1985,
- Mountain pine beetle damage and contagion modeling: some concepts and approaches, 1985, Report No. 85-6
- Geographic map of the Al Muwayh quadrangle, sheet 22E, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1985, GM-88B, GM-105B
- Problem analysis and planning for the FWS cumulative impacts program: August 1984 workshop proceedings, 1985, (85) - 11.1
- Guidelines for implementing natural resource information systems: the river reach fisheries information system, 1985,
- Effects of flood control alternatives on fish and wildlife resources of the Malheur-Harney lakes basin, 1985, WELUT-85/W06
- Effects of flow alterations on trout, angling, and recreation in the Chattahoochee River between Buford Dam and Peachtree Creek, 1985,
- Fish and wildlife mitigation options for port development in Tampa Bay: results of a workshop, 1985, NCET Open File Report 85-2
- Environmental systems and management activities on the Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Florida: results of a modeling workshop, 1985, WELUT-85/W05
- Summaries of selected mitigation evaluation studies, 1985, WELUT-86/W03
- Fire-caused mortality in chamise chaparral, 1985, Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-182
- Selecting study reaches for the instream flow incremental methodology, 1985,
- Refuge management analyses: water management alternatives at Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge, 1985, WELUT-85/W12
- Bibliography and selected characteristics of mitigation evaluation studies, 1985, WELUT-86/W02
- Supplemental report for the wildlife impact assessment, Palisades Project, Idaho, 1985,
- Management goals and habitat structure, 1985, General Technical Report RM-120
- A strategic plan for evaluating FWS mitigation activities, 1985, WELUT-86/W01
- Response of spawning-phase sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to a lighted trap, 1985, Technical Report 42
- Solid bars of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol: a simplified method of applying lampricide to small streams, 1985, Technical Report 47
- Comparative toxicity of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol to ammocetes of three species of lampreys, 1985, Technical Report 47
- Interim Report on Dune Stabilization on San Miguel Island, 1985,
- Bald eagle mortality from lead poisoning and other causes 1963-1984, 1985,
- Fish recruitment and movement in a flood control reservoir and tailwater, 1985,
- Replacement for xylene in histological techniques, 1985,
- Vitamin requirements of finfishes: a review, 1985,
- Santa Barbara Island Badlands: Characterization, Assessment, and Recommendations. Report to the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1985,
- Exotic Fireweed, Erectites arguta. A Report to the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1985,
- Prescribed fire smoke management guide, 1985,
- 1985 Rare Plant Study Findings. A Report to the California State Dept. of Fish and Game, Endangered Plant Species Program and the Superintendent, Channel Islands National Park, 1985,
- Water Resources Management Plan for Redwood National Park. Arcata, California, 1985,
- The spotted turtles of Cedar Bog: a population in decline, 1985,
- Antelope Coal Company vegetation monitoring program: control area studies, 1985,
- Topsoil stockpile fertility and plant growth study, 1985,
- Climate, snow accumulation, and melt in Sequoia National Park, California. Final contract report to the Sequoia Natural History Association, 1985,
- Contaminant trends in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) of the upper Great Lakes, 1985,
- The tadpoles of five species of New Mexican leopard frogs, 1985, (3) -
- Pinnacles National Monument Vegetation Study, 1985,
- Gully Erosion near Range Station on San Miguel Island, 1985,
- Erosion Surfaces on Santa Barbara and Anacapa Islands, 1985,
- Interim Report on Vernal Wetlands, 1985,
- Grassland Dynamics, Some Current Thoughts on Manipulation, 1985,
- Seagrasses of Channel Islands National Park, the need for study, 1985,
- Elevated numbers of PAS-positive granulocytes in peripheral blood signify presence of disease in certain fish species, 1985, Tech Notes PB85-925503
- Toxicity of the lampricides 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and 2',5-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to eggs and nymphs of the mayfly (Hexagenia sp.), 1985, Technical Report 47
- Addresses, topics of interest, and geographic distribution of professors working on landslides in the United States, 1984, (8) -
- The Geology of the Terrestrial Planets, 1984, NASA SP-469
- Canyon-filling lavas and lava dams on the Boise River, Idaho, and their significance for evaluating downcutting during the last 2 million years, 1984, 26
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the first year of the seventh extension of the USGS-MPMR work agreement : fiscal year 1403/04, 1 Rajab 1403 - 30 Jumad Thani 1404 (14 April 1983 - 1 April 1984), 1984, USGS-TR-04-20
- A workshop model simulating fate and effect of drilling muds and cuttings on benthic communities, 1984, WELUT-85/W02
- Geology of the Precambrian rocks and rocks of the northern Harrat Hutaymah volcanic field, Baq'a quadrangle, sheet 27F, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1984, OF-04-14, Interagency report 637
- Refuge management analyses: levee alternatives at Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge, 1984, W/AEAG-84/W06
- Ecology and conservation of North American tortoises (genus Gopherus): I. Population status and ecology of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassize) in Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico, 1984,
- Selected bibliography of Wyoming amphibians and reptiles, 1984,
- 1982 National Fisheries Survey: Volume I Technical Report: Initial Findings, 1984, FWS/OBS-84/06
- Final report. Habitat management evaluation model project. Phase 1: feasibility, 1984, WELUT Report 85/W01
- The biology of the resident ducks of the Marismas Nacionales, Mexico, and adjacent areas, and recommendations for their management, 1984,
- Refuge management analyses: research needs for Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, 1984, W/AEAG-84/W05
- Redwood Creek channel maps, 1984, Technical Report 13
- Red fox predation on breeding ducks in midcontinent North America, 1984, Wildlife Monograph 89
- Channel changes at cross sections in Redwood Creek, California, 1984, Technical Report 12
- Strategies for rehabilitation of lake trout in the Great Lakes: Proceedings of conference on lake trout research, August 1983, 1984, Technical Report 40
- Wildlife and feral livestock census and distribution following the Saline Fire, Death Valley, 1984,
- Antelope Coal Company vegetation monitoring program: reclaimed area studies, 1984,
- Antelope Coal Company vegetation monitoring program: control area studies, 1984,
- Natural Resources Management Program, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 1984,
- The status of the spotted turtle at Cedar Bog, 1984,
- Pima County water hyacinth pilot treatment plant; a preliminary assessment for Pima County Wastewater Management Department. Task 1 Report, 1984,
- Potential uses of water hyacinths in the Tucson area--an addendum for the Pima County Wastewater Management Department, 1984,
- Atlantic salmon stocks, 1984,
- Effects of fishing on the reproductive capacity of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, 1984,
- Land use of the Redwood Creek basin, 1984, Redwood National Park 9
- Unsaturated-zone instrumentation in coarse alluvial deposits of the Amargosa Desert near Beatty, Nevada, 1984, CONF-8409115
- Bioaccumulation of toxic substances associated with dredging and dredged material disposal: a literature review, 1984,
- Sample size estimates: A preliminary analysis of sample sizes required for mark-recovery and mark-resighting studies of manatees (Trichechus manatus) in Florida, 1983, Manatee Population Research Report No. 4 and Technical Report No. 8.
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the second year of the sixth extension of the USGS-MPMR work agreement : fiscal year 1402/03, 1 Rajab 1402-30 Jumad Thani 1403 (24 April 1982-13 April 1983), 1983, USGS-TR-03-3
- An interpretation of gravity and aeromagnetic surveys of the Greater Jiddah area, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1983,
- Results of an adaptive environmental assessment modeling workshop concerning potential impacts of drilling muds and cuttings on the marine environment, 1983, NTIS PB-83-114165
- Jiddah and vicinity, ... Saudi Arabia : 1:25,000-scale topographic maps, 1983,
- Platte River Forum for the Future: workshop model documentation, 1983,
- Evaluating environmental and economic consequences of alternative pest management strategies: results of modeling workshops, 1983,
- Wildlife guilds in Arizona desert habitats, 1983,
- Manual of procedures for the salvage and necropsy of carcasses of the West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus), 1983, PB83-255273
- Preliminary report on exclusion fencing used in combination with lethal control for managing upland waterfowl nesting habitat, 1983,
- Ecology and social structure of the rufous elephant-shrew (Elephantulus rufescens), 1983, (15) -
- Use of Kings Bay, Crystal River, Florida by the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), 1983, (3) -
- Antelope Mine annual report: vegetation monitoring, 1983,
- Trout strain registry, 1983,
- Paleomagnetic investigations of Upper Proterozoic rocks in the eastern Arabian Shield, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1982,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the first year of the sixth extension of the USGS-MPMR work agreement : fiscal year 1401/02, 1 Rajab 1401-30 Jumad Thani 1402 (5 May 1981-23 April 1982), 1982, USGS-TR-02-3
- Susitna Hydroelectric Project: terrestrial environmental workshop and preliminary simulation model, 1982,
- Fish culture: an annotated bibliography of publications of the National Fisheries Center, Leetown, 1972-1980, 1982,
- Capture-recapture and removal methods for sampling closed populations, 1982,
- Reconnaissance Geology of the Jabal as Sukkah Quadrangle, Sheet 21/43 B, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1982,
- Reconnaissance geology of the Jabal al Ilman quadrangle, sheet 18/44 A, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1982,
- The importance of streamflow forecasting to water management with instream flow considerations, 1982,
- Use of northern prairie and wetland habitats by breeding birds, 1982,
- Reconnaissance geology of the Jabal Jasl' quadrangle, sheet 20/44, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1982,
- SPLASH: simulation program for low-flow analysis of small-scale hydropower projects, 1982,
- Impacts of acid precipitation on watershed ecosystems: an application of the Adaptive Environmental Assessment process, 1982,
- SAGIS utilities user's manual, 1982,
- Results of a modeling workshop concerning economic and environmental trends and concomitant resource management issues in the Mobile Bay area, 1982,
- The effect of exploitation on annual survival of mallard ducks: an ultrastructural model, 1982,
- Bay Area Eucalyptus fire hazard, 1982,
- Natural Resources Management Plan, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco, CA, 1982,
- Prescribed fire monitoring and evaluation guide, 1982,
- A user's guide for the stock-recruitment model validation program, 1982,
- The impact of entrainment and impingement on fish populations in the Hudson River estuary, 1982,
- Penguin Swimming Research, 1982,
- Aquaculture audio-visual films catalogue, 1982,
- Antelope Mine carbonaceous overburden and plant growth study, 1982,
- Bighorn sheep in Lava Beds National Monument: Future Reintroduction potential, 1982, Admin 4
- Beatty, Nevada: A section in U.S. Geological Survey research in radioactive waste disposal - Fiscal year 1979 (Circular 847), 1982,
- Jim Bridger Mine annual report: vegetation monitoring, 1982,
- The impact of entrainment and impingement on fish populations in the Hudson River estuary : Volume III : An analysis of the validity of the utilities' stock recruitment curve-fitting exercise and "prior estimation of beta" technique, 1982,
- The impact of entrainment and impingement on fish populations in the Hudson River estuary: Volume II: Impingement impact analyses, evaluations of alternative screening devices, and critiques of utility testimony relating to density-dependent growth, the age-composition of the striped bass Spawning stock, and the LMS Real-Time Life Cycle Model, 1982,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the third year of the fifth extension of the USGS-MPMR work agreement : fiscal year 1400/01, 1 Rajab 1400-30 Jumad Thani 1401 (15 May 1980-4 May 1981), 1981, USGS-TR-01-6
- Gossan evaluation manual for use in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1981,
- Potential source for crushed granite aggregate in Heard County, Georgia, 1981, Geologic Report Number 3
- Results of a modeling workshop concerning development of the Beluga coal resource in Alaska, 1981,
- The Saudi Arabian Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources Remote Sensing Center : services and applications of Landsat Data, 1981,
- Limnology of the Upper North Platte Reservoir System, Wyoming, 1981, REC-ERC-81-10
- Proposed change for chlorophyll computation and resulting correlation with carbon fixation rate at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1981, ASRM-81-2-15
- Analysis of costs for implementation of the reach file national survey, 1981,
- Land use and big game population trends in Wyoming, 1981, W/CRAM-81/W22
- Results of a modeling workshop concerning resource development and management in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 1981,
- Results of a modeling workshop concerning preservation and protection of wetlands in North Dakota, 1981,
- Results of a modeling workshop concerning acid precipitation, 1981,
- Planning for induced impacts on fish and wildlife, 1981,
- Annual HEP training report: FY 81, 1981,
- Geology of the Jabal Al Qarah Quadrangle, Sheet 20/43 C, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1981,
- Evaluation of the stream evaluation maps: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1981,
- Phased assessment and winter navigation on the Great Lakes, 1981,
- Sediment sources and sediment transport in the Redwood Creek basin: A Progress Report, 1981, Technical Report 3
- A survey for wintering and migrating bald eagles and critical habitat in the Lower Missouri Region, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming, 1981,
- The Platte River Ecology Study: special research report, 1981,
- A long-term resource monitoring plan for the Upper Mississippi River System, 1981,
- Biological activity and chemical characteristics of dredge material from ten sites on the upper Mississippi River, 1981,
- Dave Johnston Mine reclamation report, 1981,
- Antelope Creek alluvial valley floor assessment, 1981,
- Survey of Yucca Mountain, Forty-Mile Canyon, and Jackass Flats in Nye County, Nevada, for desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, 1981,
- Environmental Assessment: Activities Proposed by the San Francisco Clean Water Program at Ocean Beach, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 1981,
- A comparison of populations of desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii in grazed and ungrazed areas in Ivanpah Valley, California, 1981,
- Ecology of the golden-rumped elephant-shrew (Rhynchocyon chrysopygus) of Kenya, 1981, (12) -
- Landsat image map of the Arabian Peninsula, 1980,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the second year of the fifth extension of the USGS-MPMR work agreement : fiscal year 1399/1400 : 1 Rajab 1399-29 Jumad Thani 1400 (27 May 1979-14 May 1980), 1980, Interagency report, 293
- Report of the committee: an evaluation of the wildlife portion of the California Desert Conservation Area Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, 1980,
- Application of the adaptive environmental assessment methodology to the Truckee-Carson River quality assessment, 1980,
- Status of fisheries and aquatic habitat: River reach file phase I, 1980,
- Lake Creek inflow to Twin Lakes algal growth potential tests, 1980, ASRM 81-2-3
- Stipulation of instream flow regime in Section 404 permit conditions, 1980,
- Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado: 1979 Report of Findings, 1980, Tech Rep. REC-ERC-80-7
- An evaluation of 1978 rehabilitation sites and erosion control techniques in Redwood National Park, 1980, Technical Report 1
- A comparison of populations of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in grazed and ungrazed areas in Ivanpah Valley, California, 1980,
- Enumeration of prairie wetlands with Landsat and aircraft data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1980, (46) -
- Rearing Pacific salmon in saltwater ponds fertilized with domestic wastewater; data report -- June 1979-May 1980, 1980,
- Selected vertebrate endangered species of the sea coast of the United States - southern sea otter, 1980,
- The effect of past management actions on the composition and structure of vegetation in the Grant Tree portion of Grant Grove, Kings Canyon National Park, California, 1980,
- The Klamath Mountains and Coast Ranges in northern California and southern Oregon: Chapter II-B, 1979,
- Annual report of the USGS Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : for the first year of the fifth extension of the USGS-MPMR Work Agreement, fiscal year 1398 : 1 Rajab 1398-30 Jumad thani 1399 (6 June 1978-26 May 1979), 1979,
- Myths concerning instream flows: a background to understanding instream uses, 1979, FWS/OBS-79/03
- The analysis of lands unsuitable for mining, 1979, W/CRAM-79/W36
- Development of techniques and procedures for monitoring the effectiveness of fish and wildlife measures associated with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water resource development projects, 1979,
- User's manual for program TRANSECT, 1979,
- Opportunities for designing and managing wildlife habitats, 1979,
- Evaluation of impacts on fish and wildlife habitat and development of mitigation measures, 1979, General Technical Report RM-65
- Wetlands and wildlife values: a practical field approach to quantifying habitat values, 1979,
- Deer in Arizona and New Mexico: their ecology and a theory explaining recent population decreases, 1979, General Technical Report RM-70
- Effects of granular 2',5-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) on benthic macroinvertebrates in a lake environment, 1979, Technical Report 34
- Efficacy of antimycin for control of larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in lentic habitats, 1979, Technical Report 34
- Rhynchocyon chrysopygus, 1979, (117) -
- Threatened and endangered species program 1979-1980, 1979,
- Black-footed Ferret Survey, a preliminary report, 1979,
- Preliminary Report on World Catches of Marine Mammals, 1966-1975, 1979,
- Peregrine falcon survey on Bureau of Reclamation lands, Lower Missouri Region, 1979,
- Prescribed fire job qualification guide, 1979,
- Passerine survey Wind Energy Project, Wyoming, 1979,
- Net firing gun for capturing breeding waterfowl, 1979,
- Texas colonial waterbird census, 1973-1976, 1978, FA report series no. 15 and PWD report 7000-29.
- Studies of trace metals in the waters and sediments of Badfish Creek and Lake Wingra, near Madison, Wisconsin : Technical completion report, 1978, Technical Report 78-07
- Apollo over the Moon: A view from orbit, 1978, NASA SP-362
- Results of testing four methods of habitat evaluation, 1978,
- Toward a riparian classification for the National Wetlands Inventory: a working paper, 1978,
- Wildlife values: phase I report, 1978, Contract #14-16-0009-0003
- Users Manual for Program CAPTURE, 1978,
- Landsat digital data classification for land use and wildlife habitat inventory, 1978,
- Outline for the characterization of and impact assessment for the aquatic systems of the Wyoming-Montana coal test area, 1978,
- Riparian vegetation and wildlife: a bibliography, 1978,
- An approach to developing surface cover type classifications for the regional HEP handbooks, 1978,
- A Fourier Series estimator of population density for line transect sampling, 1978,
- The habitat evaluation procedures, 1978, FWS/OBS-78/76
- The status of the flat-tailed horned lizard, (Phrynosoma mcallii), at nine sites in Imperial and Riverside counties, California, 1978,
- Biology of larval and metamorphosing sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, of the 1960 year class in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, Part II, 1966-72, 1978, Technical Report 30
- Proceedings of a workshop on techniques of rehabilitation and erosion control in recently roaded and logged watersheds, with emphasis to north coastal California. March 13-14, 1978, 1978,
- Albumin polymorphism in the feral asses of Death Valley National Monument, California, 1978, (9) -
- Use of Landsat data to assess waterfowl habitat quality, 1978,
- Use of Landsat data to assess waterfowl habitat quality, 1978,
- Alternative sources of vitamin C for channel catfish, 1978,
- Impact of strip-mine reclamation practices: a simulation study, 1977, Contract #14-16-0008-2107
- Final report on a wildlife impact information system (WIIS), 1977,
- Winter bird populations in pine and pine-hardwood forest stands in East Texas, 1977,
- Effects of coal strip mining on habitat use, activities, and movements of pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana), 1977,
- Wildlife and western mining: where do our priorities lie, 1977,
- A selected bibliography: Remote sensing techniques applied to the collection and analysis of soils information, 1977,
- BIOSIS development of a selective dissemination system to inform WELUT, OBS of relevant bibliographical information in the field of fish and wildlife ecology and management, 1977, Contract No. 14-16-008-2088
- Classification of grassland communities in the Northern Great Plains and assessment of their value as habitats for breeding birds, 1977,
- Annual report: mitigation goal alternatives for oil shale development, 1977,
- Managing water resources: a summary on bureaucratic decisionmaking, 1977,
- The utilization of coal mine and mine-mouth conversion plant waste waters for fish and wildlife habitat enhancement. Task 5: aquatic habitat enhancement/development scenarios, 1977, Contract NO. 14-16-0009-77-042
- Identification and critical assessment of water-related habitat and population improvement measures accompanying water resource development projects, 1977,
- Ecological interactions involving the sea otter, 1977,
- Population estimates and feeding behavior of sea otters, 1977,
- Western Energy and Land Use Team preliminary FY 76 project list and status report: May 20, 1976, 1976,
- A mathematical model for predicting river temperatures - application to the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam, 1976, REC-ERC-76-7
- Effects of coal extraction on habitat use, activities, and population trends of sharp-tailed grouse, 1976,
- Task 3: analysis of case study findings, identification of problems, and recommendation of remedies, 1976, Contract No. 14-16-0008-956
- Effects of coal development on the ecology of birds of prey in northern Wyoming, 1976,
- Effects of coal strip mining on habitat use and activity patterns of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), 1976,
- The fish and wildlife impact of energy development in the Four Corners region, 1976,
- Ecological interactions in arid lands: Fort Collins, Colorado, 28 October 1976, 1976,
- Succession on irrigated lands reverted to a non-irrigated status, 1976, 14-16-0008-1197
- Atlas of Rhode Island Salt Marshes, 1976, Marine Memorandum 44
- Collection and maintenance of fishing bait from streams and ponds, 1976,
- Faunal remains from archaeological sites excavated by the Central strategies in a biological and cultural transition zone: The Central Ariz. Ecotone Project, an interim report, 1976, (6) -
- Wintering Areas of Bird Species Hazardous to USAF Aircraft, 1975, AFWL-TR-74-217
- The determination, assessment, and design of "in-stream value" studies for the northern Great Plains region, 1975,
- Saline Salt Marshes of Rhode Island, 1975,
- A collection of reptiles and amphibians from the Chaco of Paraguay, 1975, (2) -
- Utilization of algae by fish: Final report to Hercules Incorporated, Wilmington, Delaware, 1975,
- Preliminary analyses of soils and vegetation in the vicinity of the Mohave Generating Station in southern Nevada, 1975, UCLA Report 12-990
- Desert Tortoise Relocation Project: Status Report for 1973, 1974,
- A review of the literature on the use of calcium hypochlorite in fisheries: Final report, 1974,
- A review of the literature on the use of Masoten in fisheries, 1974, FWS/LR-74/13
- Desert Tortoise Relocation Project: Status Report for 1972, 1974,
- Potential enviornmental impact of proposed water supply systems in Furnace Creek and Cow Creek, Death Valley National Monument, 1974,
- Age, growth, sexual maturity, and food of channel catfish in central Lake Oahe, 1968-69, 1974, Technical Paper 81
- Utilization of ERTS-1 for appraising changes in continental migratory bird habitat, 1974,
- Relationships between chemical structure and rat repellency. II. Compounds screened between 1950 and 1960, 1974,
- Mathematical simulation of temperatures in deep impoundments: verification tests of the Water Resources Engineers, Inc. model - Horsetooth and Flaming Gorge Reservoirs, 1973, REC-ERCC-73-20
- Scope of Corps of Engineers cooperative research aquatic plant control program: white amur studies: Appendix B, 1973,
- Hair microanatomy of southwestern mammals, 1973, (6) -
- Preliminary studies on the effects of off-road vehicles on the northwestern Mojave Desert: a collection of papers, 1973,
- Second report to the fish farmers : the status of warmwater fish farming and progress in fish farming research, 1973,
- Research on the sea otter at Amchitka Island, 1973,
- Topographic map of the Arabian Peninsula, 1972,
- Wetlands and waterfowl relationships, 1972,
- Action report: conservation and enhancement of fish and wildlife in the National Water Resources Program. State fish and game departments, national conservation organizations, and Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, 1971,
- Review of: Fish, amphibian and reptile remains from archaeological sites, Part 1: Southeastern and southwestern United States, 1971, (56) -
- The effects of highways on wildlife, Part II. Terrestrial vertebrates,, 1971,
- Lizard sampling techniques, 1971, (1) -
- Testing of selected pharmacological agents for capturing waterfowl [Annual Progress Report], 1970,
- Ecology of prairie duck nesting, 1970,
- The ecology and management of the walleye in western Lake Erie, 1969, Technical Report 15
- Safety operation and maintenance of the hurricane aircat boat with particular reference to night capture of birds, 1969,
- Environmental impact of the Big Cypress Swamp jetport, 1969,
- Environmental impact of oil development in northern Alaska, 1969,
- Geology and hydrology of a proposed site for burial of solid radioactive waste southeast of Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, 1968, WASH-1143
- Development of terminal buds in pinyon pine and Douglas-fir trees, 1967,
- Natural hybridization of the bisexual teiid lizard Cnemidophorus inornatus and the unisexual Cnemidophorus perplexus in southern New Mexico, 1966, (22) -
- Lamprey control and research in the United States, 1966,
- Lamprey control and research in the United States, 1964,
- Synergism of 5,2'dichloro-4'-nitro-salicylanilide and 3-trifluormethyl-4-nitrophenol in a selective lamprey larvicide, 1964, Technical Report 8
- The value of soil bank lands to breeding prairie grouse, 1964,
- Quality of water, Upper Colorado River Basin: Progress report, 1963,
- Lamprey control and research in the United States, 1962,
- The hydrography of Saginaw Bay, 1961, 7
- Ground-water levels in observation wells in Furness, L.W., 1960, Kansas streamflow characteristics, part 2, Low-flow frequency, 1960, Technical Report (2) - 2
- Kansas stream-flow characteristics, part 3, Flood frequency, 1960, Technical Report (3) -
- Kansas streamflow characteristics, part 2, Low-flow frequency, 1960, Technical Report (2) - 2
- Kansas streamflow characteristics, part 1, Flow duration, 1959, Technical Report (1) -
- Drug resistance and the treatment of fish furunculosis with sulfonamides and antibiotics (Mimeograph), 1956,
- The early life history of the lake trout in Lake Superior, 1956, Miscellaneous Public 10
- Survey on the occurrence of fish diseases, kidney disease in particular, in federal and some state trout and salmon hatcheries in the northeastern part of the United States (Mimeograph), 1956,
- Report on the problem of diseases in warm-water fish ponds, minnow hatcheries in particular (Mimeograph), 1956,
- The movement and recovery of tagged walleyes in Michigan, 1929-1953, 1955, Miscellaneous Public 8
- Progress report on the nature, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of fishes (Mimeograph), 1955,
- Advances in the studies on infectious fish diseases (Mimeograph), 1954,
- Simplified methods of preparation of photostatic copies and graphs (Mimeograph), 1952,
- Silicone water-repellents (Mimeograph), 1952,
- Chemical composition of Arkansas surface waters, 1949, 1951,
- Treatment with antibiotics of ulcer disease and furunculosis in trout (Mimeograph), 1951,
- How to tell the ulcer disease from furunculosis in trout and methods of treatment of these diseases (Mimeograph), 1950,
- Supplemental report of the United States members of the International Board of Inquiry for the Great Lakes fisheries, 1943,
- Report of the International Board of Inquiry for the Great Lakes Fisheries, 1943,
- Ground water in the southern High Plains, 1935,
- Progress of fishery biology on the Great Lakes, 1930, Bureau of Fisheries Document
- A New Myxosporidian Parasite, the Cause of "Wormy" Halibut, 1924, Bureau of Fisheries Document 957