Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VI
A Compilation of Spatial Datasets to Support a
Preliminary Assessment of Pesticides and Pesticide Use on Tribal Lands in
By Shana L. Mashburn and Kimberly T. Winton
Data Series-480
U.S. Department of the Interior
KEN SALAZAR, Secretary
U.S. Geological Survey
Suzette M. Kimball, Acting Director
Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
U.S. Department of the Interior
Geological Survey
Compilation of Spatial Datasets to Support a Preliminary Assessment of
Pesticides and Pesticide Use on Tribal Lands in Oklahoma
By Shana L. Mashburn and Kimberly T. Winton
This CD-ROM contains spatial datasets that
describe natural and anthropogenic features and county-level estimates of
agricultural pesticide use and pesticide data for surface-water, groundwater,
and biological specimens in the state of Oklahoma. County-level estimates of
pesticide use were compiled from the Pesticide National Synthesis Project of
the U.S. Geological Survey, National Water-Quality Assessment Program.
Pesticide data for surface water, groundwater, and biological specimens were
compiled from U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System
database. These spatial datasets that describe natural and manmade features
were compiled from several agencies and contain information collected by the
U.S. Geological Survey. The U.S. Geological Survey datasets were not collected
specifically for this compilation, but were previously collected for projects
with various objectives.
The spatial datasets were created by
different agencies from sources with varied quality. As a result, features
common to multiple layers may not overlay exactly. Users should check the
metadata to determine proper use of these spatial datasets. These data were not
checked for accuracy or completeness. If a question of accuracy or completeness
arise, the user should contact the originator cited in the metadata.
Spatial datasets that describe natural and
anthropogenic features and county-level estimates of agricultural pesticide use,
and pesticide data for surface-water, groundwater, and biological specimens in
the state of Oklahoma were compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey, in
cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to provide
information that can be used for planning future detailed pesticide assessments
for the tribes in Oklahoma. There are 25 spatial datasets that can be used along
with selected criteria to determine tribal areas at risk for potential exposure
to pesticides. For example, datasets on the CD-ROM can be superimposed and areas
of coincidence that exhibit an overlap of factors that can result in a high (or
low) risk potential for pesticide exposure can be highlighted, such as, areas
having high tribal population density with high pesticide use. See Table 1 for
a summary of area, population, American Indian population, total applied
pesticides, and top five applied pesticides for each Oklahoma Tribal
Statistical Area.
County-level estimates of pesticide use were
compiled from the Pesticide National Synthesis Project of the U.S. Geological
Survey, National Water-Quality Assessment Program. County-level pesticide use
was estimated by combining state-level information on pesticide use rates
available from the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, and
county-level information on harvested crop acreage from the Census of Agriculture
(Thelin and Gianessi, 2000). Pesticide data for surface water, groundwater, and
biological specimens were compiled from U.S. Geological Survey, National Water
Information System database ( These
spatial datasets that describe natural and manmade features were compiled from
several agencies and contain information collected by the U.S. Geological
Survey. The U.S. Geological Survey datasets were not collected specifically for
this compilation, but were previously collected for projects with various
This CD-ROM contains about 0.5 gigabyte of
data. These spatial datasets can be displayed on personal computers with Arc/Info
geographic information system software. Spatial data are provided in ArcGIS shapefile
format, imagery data are provided in raster format, and tabular data are
provided as Microsoft Dbase (.dbf) files. Metadata, or documentation files, are
provided as extensible markup language (.xml) files in the datasets (.zip) and also as
hypertext markup language (.html) files, which are hyperlinked from Table 2.
Quality Statement
The spatial datasets were created by
different agencies from sources with varied quality. As a result, features
common to multiple layers may not overlay exactly. Users should check the
metadata to determine proper use of these data. These data were not checked for
accuracy or completeness. If a question of accuracy or completeness arise, the
user should contact the originator cited in the metadata.
Data Organization
Table 2.
List of datasets, file types, and descriptions with hyperlinks to zipped
datasets and metadata in html format.
U.S. Geological Survey, MS, Microsoft]
Dataset Title |
File Type |
Description and Data Source |
Link to Metadata |
shapefile |
American Indian population; Census
Bureau |
ds480_counties |
shapefile |
boundaries; Geo Information Systems (University of Oklahoma) |
ds480_cropacres_county |
shapefile |
crop acres from the 2002 Census of Agriculture; U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_elev |
raster |
of digital elevation model; U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_fed_species |
shapefile |
species occurrence with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service threatened and
endangered species ranking; Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory |
ds480_geology |
shapefile |
geologic units; U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_lakes |
shapefile |
and reservoirs; Oklahoma Water Resources Board |
ds480_landuse |
raster |
use and land cover dataset; U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_maj_aquifers |
shapefile |
reference to the extent of major aquifer boundaries; Oklahoma Water Resources
Board |
ds480_pesticideuse_county |
shapefile |
agricultural pesticide-use estimates for 2002 in average annual pounds
applied; U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_pesticideuse_tribalareas |
shapefile |
pesticide-use estimates for 2002 for each Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area
and Reservation in average annual pounds applied; U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_ppt |
raster |
annual precipitation in inches for the climatological period 1971-2000; PRISM
Group at Oregon State University |
ds480_rivers |
shapefile |
rivers; Oklahoma Water Resources Board |
directory1 |
and MS Access database |
spatial data and associated tabular data in Access database; U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service |
ds480_state_species |
shapefile |
species occurrence with Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
threatened and endangered species ranking; Oklahoma Natural Heritage
Inventory |
ds480_tribal_areas |
shapefile |
for Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas and Reservations; Census Bureau |
ds480_tribal_headqrtrs |
shapefile |
locations of tribal headquarters for Federally recognized tribes; U.S.
Geological Survey |
ds480_USGSbiosites |
shapefile |
data for biological specimens sampled by the U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_USGSgwsites |
shapefile |
data for groundwater sites sampled by the U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_USGSlakesites |
shapefile |
data for lake sites sampled by the U.S. Geological Survey |
ds480_USGSswsites |
shapefile |
data for surface-water sites sampled by the U.S. Geological Survey |
1ds480_soils directory contains:
DrainageClass shapefile -
gsmsoilmu_a_ok shapefile -
HydrologicSoilGroup shapefile -
SurfaceTexture shapefile
68 various text files |
The Albers Equal-Area Conic map projection
(Snyder, 1987) is used as the base projection for most spatial datasets
included in this report, except for ds480_soils that is in Geographic
Coordinate System North American Datum of 1983. The Albers Equal-Area Conic
projection is used frequently for spatial-map datasets in the conterminous
United States because of the minimal distortion between two standard parallels
that provides equal-area characteristics. This projection slightly distorts
shapes and distances (scale) to maintain equal-area properties. Scale is true
along the standard parallels (29.5 and 45.5 degrees North), which are to the
north and south of Oklahoma. Scale distortion in Oklahoma reaches a maximum of
slightly less than 1 percent at the northern border of the State (Snyder,
Federal Geographic Data Committee,
1998, Content standard for digital geospatial metadata (revised June 1998): Washington,
D.C., FGDC-STD-001-1998, 78 p.
J.P., 1987, Map projections—A working manual: U.S. Geological Survey
Professional Paper 1395, 383 p.
G.P., and Gianessi, L.P., 2000, Method for estimating pesticide use for county areas
of the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
00-250, 62 p.