1. Geologic and tectonic index map of Northern Cascadia
2. Gravity and magnetic maps of Washington State
3. Magnetotelluric models for profiles AA', BB', and CC'
4. Earthquakes with magnitudes greater than M4.0 in northern Cascadia
5. Grid used for western Washington tomographic velocity model
6. Grid outlines for regional Washington velocity model and detailed Mt. Rainier model
7. Vertical cross-sections of P-wave velocities along east-west transects
8. Vertical cross-sections of P-wave velocities along north-south transects
9. Isosurface of P-wave velocities for value of 7.5 km/s
10. Overhead view of 7.5 kn/s isosurface
11. Isosurface of P-wave velocities from regional model at 7.0 km/s
12. Multiple vertical-slice plot for western Washington with basins and SWCC
13. Map of elevations of base of Quaternary in Seattle Basin
14. Row 14 model velocity section
15. Detailed view of pluton near Mt. Rainier from velocity model
16-30. Row 16-34 velocity model sections
31-42 Column 10-42 velocity sections
43. Vp/Vs results from tomographic P and S-wave velocity models
44a. Interpretive geological cross-sections
44b. Interpretive geological cross-sections
45. Selected focal mechanisms from Cascadia
46. Summary of all recorded earthquakes in Washington, 1970-1997
47. Earthquakes at depths of 0-10 km
48. Earthquakes at depths of 10-20 km
49. Earthquakes at depths of 20-30 km
50. Earthquakes at depths of 30-60 km
51. East-west seismicity cross-section
52. North-south seismicity cross-sections
53. Stress and deformation indicators
54. Finite-element grid used in anelastic models for Cascadia
55. Heat flow values for Cascadia
56. Maximum horizontal stress vectors from best-fitting Cascadia model
57. Stress vectors for low subduction thrust tractions
58. Plate interactions in western North America
59. Pn anisotropy results for Cascadia
60. Finite-element stress model of western U.S.
61. Surface velocities for best-fitting Cascadia model
62. Fault slip rates for best-fitting Cascadia model
63. Earthquakes at depths of 15-30 km in relation to key Crescent Formation block
64. Radiocarbon date evidence for 1100 yr B.P. earthquake in Puget Sound region
A1-Resolution tests for P-wave velocity model