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  Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS)
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These metadata represent seven different data sets contained in this open-file report. Some of the metadata files may represent more than one data file. Please click on the title to open an html format of the metadata file for that data set. See also the metadata for OF 00-503 in the USGS Geologic Division Node of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse.

Seafloor topography and backscatter intensity of the Historic Area Remediation Site offshore of New York

Boundaries of the Historic Area Remediation Site offshore of New York

Boundary of the Cellar Dirt Disposal Site offshore of New York

National Geophysical Data Center Coastal Relief Model

NOAA Medium Resolution Coastline

Locations of dredged material placed in the Historic Area Remediation Site offshore of New York, 1996 - 2000

Sediment texture samples taken in the Historic Area Remediation Site in 1996 and 1998

Skip Table of Contents Title Page  |  Introduction |  Disposal |  Data Collection |  Maps |  Results |  Summary |  Acknowledgments | 
References |  Poster Format |  Figures/Tables |  GIS Data |  Metadata |  Text in PDF Format |