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References Cited

Butman, B., Danforth, W.W., Schwab, W.C., ten Brink, M.B., 1998, Multibeam Bathymetric and Backscatter Maps of the Upper Hudson Shelf Valley and Adjacent Shelf, Offshore of New York, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 98-616, 4 sheets.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1996, New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program, Final Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP). 280 p.

Hughes Clarke, J.E., Danforth, B.W., and Valentine, P.C., 1997, Areal seabed classification using backscatter angular response at 95 kHz. Paper presented at High Frequency Acoustics in Shallow Water, NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre.

Luettich, R.A., Jr. and Westerink, J.J. , 1995, Continental Shelf Scale Convergence Studies with a Barotropic Tidal Model, Quantitative Skill Assessment for Coastal Ocean Models, D. Lynch and A. Davies [eds.], Coastal and Estuarine Studies series, vol. 48, p. 349-371, American Geophysical Union press, Washington, D.C

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Poppe, L.J., Eliason, A.H., Fredricks, J.J., 1985, APSAS - An Automated Particle Size Analysis System: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 963, 77 p.

Poppe, L.J. and Polloni, C.F. (eds.), 2000, USGS East Coast sediment analysis: proceedures, database, and georeferenced displays. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-358. 1 CD-ROM.

SAIC, 1998, New York Disposal Surveillance System: Prototype Description. Report 72 of the New York Mud Dump Site Studies. USACE-WES, Contract DACW39-94-C-0117, SAIC Report No. 421.

Schwab, W.C., Allison, M.A., Corso, W., Lotto, L.L., Butman, B., Buchholtz ten Brink, M., Denny, J., Danforth, W.W., and Foster, D.S., 1997, Initial results of high-resolution sea-floor mapping offshore of the New York - New Jersey metropolitan area using sidescan sonar: Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences, v. 19 (4), p. 243-262.

Schwab, W.C, Denny, J.F., Butman, B., Danforth, W.W., Foster, D.S., Swift B.A., Lotto, L.L., Allison, M.A., Thieler, E.R., 2000, Sea floor characterization offshore of the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area using sidescan-sonar, U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-295, 3 sheets.

Westerink, J.J., R.A. Luettich, Jr. and J. Muccino, 1994, "Modeling Tides in the Western North Atlantic Using Unstructured Graded Grids", Tellus, 46a(2):178-199.

Williams, S. Jeffress, 1979, Geologic Effects of ocean dumping on the New York Bight inner shelf, in Palmer, H.S., and Gross, M.G. (eds.), Ocean dumping and marine pollution, Dowden Hutchinson and Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, PA., p. 51-72.

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