profile locations Line 26 - 1992 Line 25 - 1992 Line 24 - 1992 Line 27 - 1992 Line 11 - 1995 Line 10 - 1995 Line 9 - 1995 Line 8 - 1995 Line 7 - 1995 click on tracklines to bring up images Skip past header U.S.G.S. logo with link to Home Page

Deep-Towed Chirp Profiles of the Blake Ridge Collapse Structure: USGS OFR 01-123

3. Trackline map with links to Profile Images and Data

Click on the desired tracklines to see images of the profiles and to access the data.

Solid lines (NE-SW) indicate data collected on cruise 92023 in 1992.
Dashed lines (E-W) indicate data collected on cruise 95023 in 1995.

Map with tracklines of data collected on cruise  92023 in 1992 (NE-SW) and cruise 95023 in 1995 (E-W).

Skip past index and footer information Document Homepage -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Cruise Reports -- 3. Track Map -- 4. Data Files and Descriptions -- 5. References -- 6. Metadata files -- 7. Help

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