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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-040
Version 1.0

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Figure 1.  Generalized stratigraphy in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA) showing stratigraphic positions of study interval, known oil source rocks, and Alpine and Fiord oil pools.

Figure 2.  Map of the NPRA showing generalized total thickness of Kingak Shale (derived from depth-converted seismic data), wells that penetrate Kingak Shale with symbols indicating age of uppermost strata and core control, names of selected wells, and approximate truncation edges of chronostratigraphic intervals. 

Figure 3.  Schematic summary of inferred depositional sequence sets in Beaufortian strata of NPRA. 

Figure 4.  A.  Map of the NPRA showing generalized thickness (in feet) of Beaufortian sequence set K1, public domain seismic grid used to map sequence sets, well penetrations of K1, and wells with public domain cores in K1.    B.  Schematic illustration of an idealized depositional sequence within K1 and wireline logs from wells inferred to penetrate various locations within K1 sequence set. 

Figure 5.  A.  Map of the NPRA showing generalized thickness (in feet) of Beaufortian sequence set K2, public domain seismic grid used to map sequence sets, well penetrations of K2, and wells with public domain cores in K2.  B.  Schematic illustration of an idealized depositional sequence within K2 and wireline logs from wells inferred to penetrate various locations within K2 sequence set. 

Figure 6.  A.  Map of the NPRA showing generalized thickness (in feet) of Beaufortian sequence set K3, public domain seismic grid used to map sequence sets, well penetrations of K3, and wells with public domain cores in K3. B.  Schematic illustration of an idealized depositional sequence within K3 and wireline logs from wells inferred to penetrate various locations within K3 sequence set. 

Figure 7.  A.  Map of the NPRA showing generalized thickness (in feet) of Beaufortian sequence set K4, public domain seismic grid used to map sequence sets, well penetrations of K4, and wells with public domain cores in K4.  B.  Schematic illustration of an idealized depositional sequence within K4 and wireline log from Tunalik well. 

Figure 8.  Proximal (~north) to distal (~south) cross section schematically illustrating stratigraphic relationships among four Beaufortian depositional sequence sets, showing general stratigraphic definition of Beaufortian plays. 

Figure 9.  Map of Beaufortian Cretaceous Topset North Play and Beaufortian Cretaceous Topset South Play. 

Figure 10.  Schematic south-north cross section in eastern NPRA showing stratigraphic positions of major source rocks, generalized geometry of Brookian and Beaufortian strata, and inferred scenarios for migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks to stratigraphic traps in the Beaufortian Cretaceous Topset plays. 

Figure 11.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Cretaceous Topset North Play. 

Figure 12.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Cretaceous Topset South Play. 

Figure 13.  Wireline log cross section through Alpine oil field. 

Figure 14.  Map of Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Northeast Play, Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Southeast Play, Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Northwest Play, and Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Southwest Play. 

Figure 15.  Schematic south-north cross section in eastern NPRA showing stratigraphic positions of major source rocks, generalized geometry of Brookian and Beaufortian strata, and inferred scenarios for migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks to stratigraphic traps in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset plays. 

Figure 16.  Incision model for deposition of shoreface sand within transgressive systems tract in sequence set K2:  A | B | C

Figure 17.  Embayment model for deposition of shoreface sand within transgressive systems tract in sequence set K2:  A | B | C

Figure 18.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Northeast Play. 

Figure 19.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Southeast Play. 

Figure 20.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Northwest Play. 

Figure 21.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Southwest Play. 

Figure 22.  Map of Beaufortian Lower Jurassic Topset Play. 

Figure 23.  Schematic south-north cross section in eastern NPRA showing stratigraphic positions of major source rocks, generalized geometry of Brookian and Beaufortian strata, and inferred scenarios for migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks to stratigraphic traps in the Beaufortian Lower Jurassic Topset Play. 

Figure 24.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Lower Jurassic Topset Play. 

Figure 25.  Seismic expression of Beaufortian clinoform lowstand wedge (highlighted in blue), which pinches out via updip onlap to north and thins gradually downdip to south. 

Figure 26.  Map of Beaufortian Clinoform Play. 

Figure 27.  Schematic south-north cross section in eastern NPRA showing stratigraphic positions of major source rocks, generalized geometry of Brookian and Beaufortian strata, and inferred scenarios for migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks to stratigraphic traps in the Beaufortian Clinoform Play. 

Figure 28.  Histograms of oil and nonassociated natural gas estimated to occur in accumulations of various sizes in the Beaufortian Clinoform Play. 

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