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USGS OFR 2005-1250, Processes influencing the transport and fate of contaminated sediments in the coastal ocean - Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay Skip navigational side bar

Table of Contents

Title Page

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Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction, Geologic Setting, and Program Overview
by Michael H. Bothner and Bradford Butman

Section 2: High-Resolution Geologic Maps of the Sea Floor
by Bradford Butman and Page C. Valentine

Section 3: Long-Term Oceanographic Observations in Massachusetts Bay: Field Program
by Bradford Butman, Michael H. Bothner, Marinna A. Martini, Jonathan Borden, Richard R. Rendigs, and Dann Blackwood

Section 4: Oceanographic Setting
by Bradford Butman, Richard P. Signell, John C. Warner, and P. Soupy Alexander

Section 5: Effluent Dilution Simulations in Massachusetts Bay: Assessment of Relocating Greater Boston's Sewage Outfall
by Richard P. Signell

Section 6: Predicting the Transport and Fate of Sediments Caused by Northeast Storms
by Bradford Butman, John C. Warner, Michael H. Bothner, and P. Soupy Alexander

Section 7: Contaminated Sediments used to Monitor Environmental Change in Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor
by Michael H. Bothner, Michael A. Casso, Paul J. Lamothe, Sandra M. Milbert, and Richard R. Rendigs

Section 8: Sediment Oxygen Profiles and Fluxes As a Constraint on the Delivery of Organic Matter to the Sediments
by Frederick L. Sayles and Joanne Goudreau

Section 9: The Effects of Bioturbation on Sedimentary Contaminants Inferred from Modeling Radionuclide Profiles in Sediment Cores from Massachusetts Bay
by John Crusius and Michael H. Bothner

Section 10: Cycling of Ag, Cu, and Pb in the Coastal Sediments of Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay
by William R. Martin and Linda H. Kalnejais

Section 11: Summary of Important Findings
by Michael H. Bothner and contributing authors



Appendix I: Bibliography

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